nwo 0 ... ::T - a, - · 3c .,,. 0 ~ Cl) :z, fl ... 3 • ::T0 ..- · D>:E - · Cl) - ti~0 .. "" RACEWALKER N ,. s VOLUME XL. NUMBER 5 COLUMBUS. OHIO JULY 200-' Seaman. Vaill Lead Olympic Trials Sacramento. Cal., July 17-18--Tim Seaman. John Nunn. and Kevin Eastlt:r will represent the U.S. in the 20 Km racewalk at the Athens Olympics m August. Teresa Vaill will apparently be the lone U.S. women m the 20 at Athens. With 26 of the nation's finest walkers competing over two days. those four separatt.'dthem selves. The Trials aren't the cut and dried affair they once were-finish in the top three and your on the team-now they arc co,nplicated by "A" and "8" standards. To send three athletes. they must all meet the A standard. A single athlete can go if they have met the slower "B" standard. The men's race on Saturday saw three men with the J\ 5tandard going into the rece. When they finished one-two-lluec. the team was set. In the women's race. only Joanne Dowhad the A standard. but she needed to win to insure hc1 place on the team When T.::rcsaVaill. who had a 13 standard going in. upset her on Sunday. Vaill made the learn-a Trial win trumps an A ~1andard. provided the winner has the R. lf you don't follow all that.jus t accept the fact th11tVaill is our rep1esentaiJve. (Although, at this writing. the USOC web site. lists Dowand not Vail!. That has 1101been explained. but is apparent:y in error. I lowcver, Vaill could lose her ~pot if someone else were to make the A standard in the next weeks. Two /1.s trump a Trials win.) The vetenm Vaill. at age 41. had a ve1y determined effort in the Sacrn nenl0 heat 10 score a well-deserved\\, ill . As expected. the race quickly bec&mea three-women affair betw:!en Vaill. Dow. and three-time Olympian Michelle Rohl. Rohl was setting the early pace, leading lhe first 2 1-l,1lnp . Vaill then took over the lead. but the three stayed together. /I.I S Km. Vailland Rol,1were at 23: 13 with Dow at 23 : 14. Susan Armenta waa a distant fourth in 24:-'3. 9 seconds ahead of l:3obbiJo Chapn111nand Julene Moore. who had another 4 sec-Ondson Sam Cohen. The relentless Vaill. slowing only slighlly in the hot conditions. pushed to a 9 second lead ove.-Rohl at 10 Km (46:45 ). with Dow. h11vingtr ouble with her breathing. nearly a minute bnek in 47:36. Chapman was now fourth at .:19:24.42 seconds ahend of Armenta. who was holding her lead on Cohen and Moore. Over the nex1S. Vaill was able to accelerate slightly. and at IS km was 2 1 seconds ahead of Rohl at I: 11:O S. Dow was now out of it at I: I 2:51 and Chapman had nearly a minute on her two pursuers. By the time they had gone another lap ( 16 km), Vaill's lead was up to 41 seconds and Rohl had a second red card. Vaill slowed only slightly 011 the final lap and continued 10 pull away. When Rohl got her third red and disqualification before they finished the penultimate lap. Teresa's spot was secure Dow came in second. nearly 3 minutes behind. A great rnce for Vaill. unfortunate for Dow. as both were ~king to cap great careers \\1th their first Olympic team. At ages 4 1 and 40. we would not expect them to huvc a shot in 2008. but who's to say. Likewise. the youngster Rohl at 38. Vaill had foiled three times in the Olympic Trials. failing to finish in 1992 And2000 and tinishing sixth in 1996. 13ut.that ,,a s about all that was lacking in her career This meet \\a s also the National Championship~ and marked her 20th national title. bcgin111ng in 1984. She has been PAG33 JULY 2004 PAGE2 JULY2004 Joanne Dow: "I felt great coming in. l was rested and ready. l felt good through 6 km and then I began having trouble with my breathing. l slowed down and never regained my energy. Two The ~hio Racewalker is published monthly in Columbus. Ohio. Subscription rate is $ I 2 OO months ago. doctors discovered a fibroid on my uterus, which is going to cause me to have to have a p~r )ear ($15.00 outside the U.S.) Editor and Publisher: John E. (Jack) Mortland Addr~ss hysterectomy. That condition kept me from breathing properly. I was disappointed. but l have a ; ~;:espon _d;nce ~egardingboth editorial and subscription matters to: Ohio Race~valker · great life." 1 -~mmit L ~olumbus. O_H43202. E-mail address:jmortlan @columbus.rr.com. · App~oxunatedeadline for subn11ss1onof material is the 20th of the month. but it is is usual! Bobbi Jo Chapman: "It was great. I started si11.1hand moved to fifth before ending in third place. It the _5th or later before we go to the printer. so material received by then may gel in. y was hotter than I wanted it to be, but I have no control ofer that. I finished 14th at the last Trials. so 1 don't have words for this. 1 had only prayed that I would do this well." 1. Teresa Vaill, Walk USA I :35:57 (23: 13, 46:45, \ :11 : OS) 2. Joanne Dow, adidas 1:38 :42 (23: 14, onteams five. World Cup teams . two w orId Cl1amp1ons . 11 tp. teams, and two World Indoor Championship 47:36, l : 12:SI) 3. Bobbi Jo Chapman, un. I :39:01 (24:52, 49:24, I: 14:09) 4. Susan Armenta, un. Bobbi Jo Chapman had a solid r · th1· d ft11 . 1. I :42:07 (24:43, 50:06, l :16:08) 5. Sam Cohen, Parkside AC I :42:44 (24:56, SO: 19, I: 16:08) 6. t~~::~ith a strong finish. There were 1::~~ers ~ith ;~1:~ff:1~i: 1:::~~;::1;; :~~~i:/1~:;i;im ing Jolene Moore, Parkside AC I :44: 15 (24:52, SO:16 , l : 17:10) 7. Margaret Ditchburn , un. 1:47 ::04 (26: 16. 52:40. 1: 19:37) 8. Anne Favolise. Parkside AC l :49:31 (27:03, 54: 19, I :21 :51) 9 . Carolyn Kealty, un. l :51:23 (27:03, 55:01, 1:23:21) 10 Pamela Murkowski. Parkside AC I :52:50 (27:38. Nunn, ac::~1;:~·;;~~ ;~~d at a l~isurely pace with the three favorites, Seaman. Eastler. and 55: 17. I :23:30) 11. Ali Bahr, Parkside AC l :53:37 (27:38, 55:28. I :24:?) DQ--Michelle Rohl. close behind them. Seaman dl~~:d t~rt C!a~s.~n.hthrough a 22:33 first? km. Benjamin Storey was Moving Comfort (23 : 13, 46:54, I:1 1 :36, DQ at about 18 km); Deborah Huberty. New Balance • Th ma e I an onest race al that pomt doing a 20· 5 5 r, th (24:49 ..48:55 , DQ at about 14 km); Amber Antonia, NY AC (24:49, 48:55, DQ at about 14 km) ::~:1:ds be~::)e~~~::;:~g; ~PSt:~::~::~: :: ~~:i~~ -;hseconds back at j 0. with Ntinn a~:th:r IO 1 1 Al th 5 · '>0 57 b e pace. I . Tim Seaman. NY AC I :25:40 (22:33, 43:28, I :04:25) 2. John Nunn. US Anny I :26:23 (22:33, iod erfNm - : Y Seaman sealed the issue as he went through 15 km in 1· 04·'>5 '>7 Secon d s ah ea o unn. Eastler not h · 11· be · d . · ·- ' - 43:43, I :04:52) 3. Kevin Eastler, US Air Force I :28:49 (22:33, 43:28 , l :05:50) 4. Curt Clausen. seconds on Storev for the fourth' t avmg is st ay. was I :25 behmd Ill third. Clausen had 30 , spo . NYAC 1:30:26 (22:33, 44:14. 1:07:01) 5. Benjamin Storey, UW_Parkside 1:31:58 (22 :36, 44:44. I :07:3 I) 6. Matt Boyles, un. I :33:17 (23:09 . 46: I 0. 1:09:30) 7. Theron Kissinger. New Balance Seaman eased off a bit on the fi I 5 b ·u1 . as he hit l ·25·40 Ea ti t I d . ma . ut stt engthened his lead to 43 seconds at the finish I :22:58 (23:31. 46:58, I: I 0:32) 8. Sean Albert I :35:21 (22:40, 46:49, I: I 0:44) 9. Steve Quirke, Clausen. ~-ho.w~uld ~a:~ sn~!; a:ver the final _5, but was never in danger of losing third to UW-Parkside un. 1: 37: 13 (24:27, 48:48, ?) 10. Michael Tarantino, lJW-Parkside I :37:41 ( 13:28. finish. Twelve of 13 qualifiers starte:1~:a~:::d· 10any case. 10.. make t_hel~a~1. Ke~in just had to 47:23, ?) 11. Dave McGovern, New Balance 1:41: 59 (23:57, 48:46, ?) DQ--Machael Stanton. aggravate it and jeopardize his 50 K . AIPhthp Dunn, with a mmor mJury, didn't want to · m race Ill t 1ens. Some athlete quotes following the race. Parkside AC (24:27, 48:48) Tim Seaman- "This is 20 kil t - · . Other Results sometimes. it was a very di;~:~1 :::;\odpa111s~~1etrmfes and doubt sometimes and frustration d · av. c·our o the top 22 guys in A.J.nerica . 1o ay. lt was a top-notch field.
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