OF THE Society of Hntiquaries of Scotlanb PROCEEDINGS E OTH F SESSION MCMXXVI.-MCMXXVII. VOL. LXI. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. I. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD, MCMXXVII. TABL CONTENTF EO S PARE Anniversary Meeting, ........... 1 A Stone Cist and its Contents found at Piekie Farm, near Boarhills, Fife. By DAVID WATEESTON, M.D., F.R.S.B., Bute Professor of Anatomy, St Andrews University, . 30 Notice of a Bronze Sword and Socketed Axe, believed to be Part of a Hoard found when Digging the Foundations of Houses in Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh, about the Year JAME1869y B . S B. CBEE, F.S. A.Scot., ......5 4 . Corgarff Castle, Aberdeenshire . DOUGLAW y B . S SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot.8 4 . , Note Flin n othesd o an t r Implements found nea . MASONr B Selkirk . J y ,B F.S. A.Scot., Ill Crosse Rocd san k Sculptures recently discovere n Wigtownshiredi . G . y RevS B . .R . ANDEKSON, B.D., F.S.A.Scot., ......... 115 The Capelrig Cross, Mearns, Renfrewshire; St Blane's Chapel, Lochearnhead, Perth- shire ; and a Sculptured Slab at Kilmaronock, Dumbartonshire. By A. D. LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot., ......'...... 122 The Campbell of Lerags Cross at.Kilbride, near Oban, with a Note on Cross-heads of Late Mediaeval Date in the West Highlands. By JAMES S. RICHAKDSON, F.S.A.Scot., Curator of the Museum, . • . 143 Preliminary Repor Caven o t s containing Palaeolithic Relics, near Inchnadamph, Suther- . J GRAHAland y B . M CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., JAME . CBEEB S , F.S.A.Scot.d an , JAMES RITCHIE, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.S.A.Scot., ...... 169 Some Stray Inscriptions—(1) Rune Standinn so g Ston t Oykelea l Bridg e ; (2Bracke n )o t ta Gleneaglese Kindrochith n o ) (3 ;t e AtholBroocth ) (4 l h ; Carveo Motto Tw ) d(5 ; Stones of the Urquharts of Cromarty. By "W. MAOKAY MACKENZIE, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., ............ 173 Excavation of Graves at Ackergill and of an Earth-house at Freswick Links, Caithness, an a dDescriptio Discovere th f a o nVikin f o y g Grav t Reaya e , Caithnessy B . ARTHUR J. H. EDWARDS, F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keeper of the Museum. With a Preliminar ye Skeleta th Not n o e l Remains fro e Varioumth s Graves Professoy b , r THOMA . BBYCESH , M.D., F.R.S., F.S.A.Scot., ....... 19ft The Caterans of Inveraven. By JOHN MALCOLM BULLOCH, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., . 210 Cup-markings near Moulin, Perthshire. By W. W. NAISMITH, F.S.A.Scot., . 222; Some Antiquitie Benderlocn si Lornd WILLIAy han B . M THOMSON, F.S.A.Scot. 224 . - , vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Repore Discover th Shoro n o tTw tf Cistyo s containing Cremated Human Remaint a s Hundatown, Orkney. By WILLIAM KIRKNESS, F.S.A.Scot., . .238 A Symbol Stone from Fiscavaig, Skye ; an Early Iron Age Hoard from Crichie, Aberdeen- shire ; and Cinerary Urns from Seamill, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. By J. GKAHAM CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Directo Nationae th f ro l 1 Museu24 Antiquitiesf m. o . , The Pre-Reformation Endowments of the Magdalen Chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh. By JOHN SMITH, F.S.A.Scot., .........1 25 . A Cist containing Burnt Human Bones at Pitlessie, Cults, Fife. By J. TENNANT GORDON, O.B.E., J.P., F.S.A.Scot.. ........4 26 . Note on a Stone Circle at Melgum Lodge, near Tarland, Aberdeenshire. By W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., . ... .265 Notice of a Cinerary Urn of .Clay recently discovered on the Cawder Estate, near Bishop- briggs, Lanarkshire. By R. LOCKHART BBYDEN, B.L., F.S.A.Scot., Curator, Archseo- logical Department, Kelvingrove Art Galleries and Museum, Glasgow, . 266 Notes on Excavations of Prehistoric and Later Sites at Muirkirk, Ayrshire, 1913-1927. By ARCHIBALD FAIRBAIRN, F.S.A.Scot., .......9 26 . On Two Egyptian Mummies preserved in the Museums of Edinburgh. By WARREN R. S DAWSON, F.S.A.Scot., ..........0 29 . •Underground Galleried Building at Rennibister, Orkney. By HUGH MARWICK, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ........... 296 On the Bones from Graves at Ackergill, Caithness, and an Underground Building at Rennibister, Orkney. By Protessor THOMAS H. BRYCE, M.D., E.R.S., F.S.A.Scot., . 301 A Collection of Tardenoisian Implements from Berwickshire. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Directo Nationae th f ro l Museu Antiquitiesf mo , .... 338 INDEX .............. 328 LIS F ILLUSTRATIONTO S The asteris denote) k(* s tha bloce borroweds tth kwa . PAGE Apostle Spoon made in Edinburgh, 13 Corgarff Castle: View of S.E. Angle of Brass Seal from Linlithgow, .... 15 Tower, sho remaing win machicolatiof so n Enamelled Bronze Mount, locality un- over door, old loops built up in S. face of known, ........ 18 staircase largd an , e windows slappet dou Cinerary Urn from Kildimmery Quarry, in E. face, ....... 53 Linlithgow, ....... 20 -—— —— View of E. Section of N. Curtain, Bronze Mountings froe Westh mf o t looking W., ....... 61 22,2. 3. Scotland . , . ." •Braemar Castle: Vie3 w6 fro m. S.E. , Whitf o e eAx Quartz from Ladyflat, Duns3 2 , Map illustratin e Hanoveriagth n Military View of Stone Cist at Piekie Farm, near Occupation of Western Aberdeenshire, Boarhills, I .....0 3 . 1748-54, ........ 74 Skull and Mandible, left side, from do., . 32 Corgarff Castle: Measured Drawings made Norma verticalis of the Skull, showing the afte Reconstructios it r 9 7 . 1748n ni , three perforations, from do., ..3 3 . Braemar Castle: Plans made in 1750, after Mandible and Teeth, from above and from its Reconstruction, . ' . 80 the front, the latter showing the oblique Corgarff Castle: 5 Vie 8 1795n i w. ,N fro e mth masticatin4 3 g surfac molars e . th f e. o , Th Lechtee Welth f ,o l ....5 8 . The Cervical and the upper two Thoracic * Towie Castle: View from S., ..2 9 . Vertebras from behind, to show the clean- —— —— Ground Plan, ..... 93 cut surface on the fourth and successive Corgarff Castl e-King': e Plan th n i ss Col- vertebrae, ....... 35 lection at the British Museum Library, . 97 Pelvis with the left Femur from the front, Little Cumbrae Castle: Plans and Section, 101 and from behind, .....8 3 . Falconet foun Corgarft d3 a 10 . f Castle . , Pelvis from above, to show the mass of Quartzite Spear-head or Knife from Stot- new bone, ....... 39 fleld, Roxburghshire, ....5 10 . Femora froe frontth m , showine th g Cross-slab from Clanamacrie, Glen Lonain, obliquity of the condylar surface of the Argyll, ........ 107 righ e tundulatin th femur d an r , o g Stone Vessel, carved, found in Dunnottar nodular surface of the shaft in both Castle, Kincardineshire, .... 108 bones, ........ 40 Cross-slabs at Bogliouse, Mochrum, Wig- Bronze Swords from Hoard fount a d townshire, ...... 115-117 Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh, about Cup Ring-marked -an d Roc Drummoralt ka , 1869, ........6 4 . Wigtownshire, ...... 119 Bronze Objects—Pin-head, Ring, Armlet, Cup Ring-marked -an d Roc t Drummoralka , and Socketed Axe—from do., ..7 4 . Wigtownshire, Rubbing of, ... 120 Corgarff Castle: Plans, . 49, 97 Spiral cut on Rock at Knock, Glasserton, *—— —— View from South, ...2 5 . Wigtownshire, ...... 121 Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAOE Rubbing of Spiral, on Rock at Knock, Key Plan of Graves at Ackergill, Caithness, 196 Glasserton, Wigtownshire, . .122 Plans of Graves at Ackergill, excavated in Capelrie Th g Cross, Mearns, Renfrewshire5 12 , 1926, ......... 197 Plan of St Blane's Chapel, Lochearnhead, . 135 Plan of Grave No. 3 at Ackergill, . .198 Cross-sla Kilmaronockt ba , ...9 13 . Vie f Ker wt o Ackergila Gravf 8 bo . eNo l Cross-slab at Luss, ...... 140 from the south-east, ..... 199 The Lerags Cross, Kilbrlde4 14 , . Argyll . , Sections of Cists Nos. 9 and 10 at Ackergill, 200 Head of do., ....... 145 Earth-hous t Freswicea k Links, Caithness1 20 , Coat of Arms on do., . 146 Inner Chamber of do., . 201 Cross from Taynuilt, .....' 146 Skeleton'from Viking Grav t Reayea , show- Crucifix from Herdmanston Breviary, . 14 positiog 7in * relicsf no , ....3 20 . The MacLean Cross, lona, .... 148 froe Iromn Ax do., .....4 20 . Kilmichael-Glassary Cross, now at Pol- Iron Shield Boss from do., . 204 tailoch, .......8 14 . Objects of Iron, Knife, Sickle, Cleat and Head of the High Cross at Oronsay Priory, 149 Buckle, from do., .....5 20 . Heads of Crosses (1) and (2) at Kilchoman; Bronze Pin, Whetstone, and Pieces of Flint (3) exact locality unknown; (4) at Nerea- from do., ........ 206 bolls, Kilchoman, ...... 150 Chambered Cairn, "Cam Ban," Achnacree, Head of Cross and Crucifixion Panel at Argyll, ........ 225 Rodil, Harris, . .151 Denuded Chambered Cairn, showing the Head f Crossesso MacMillae th ) (1 : n Cross, two Chambers, at Achnacree Beag, t a Kilmory, Knapdale fro) (2 m; Tiree, Argyll, ........ 227 now at Inveraray Castle; (3) formerly at Chambered Cairn at Achnacree Beag— Eilean Mor, Kilmory, Knapdalet a ) (4 : west chamber, .....8 22 . Kilchoman, Islayt Kilmorea ) (5 ; , Der- Chambered Cair t nAchnacree-Beag—easa t vaig, Mull, ......3 15 . chamber, ........ 229 Campbeltowe Th nHige Crosth hd Crosssan , Nelson's Monument, Taynuilt, Argyll, . 231 Kilchoman, ....... 154Short Cist containing Burnt Human Bones Head of Cross at Kilberry, Knapdale,. 155 at Crantit, Orkney, ..... 239 The Inveraray Cross, ....6 15 . Symbol Stone from Fiscavaig, Skye, . 241 The Saddell Cross, ...... 156Cross-slab with Symbol2 24 Raasayn . so . , Crosse Kilmartint sa , .... 157-159 Bronze Terret from Crichie, Aberdeenshire, 244 Centr Sculpturef eo d Sla t Innishaelb0 a 16 . , Bronze Ferrule from do., ...4 24 . Upper End of a recumbent Grave Slab at Pin-heads of Shale from do., .... 245 .
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