Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 22, Number 29, July 21, 1995 i New proof that Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei was murdered: by Claudio Celani New evidence in the hands of State prosecutors in Pavia not only the executors, but aliso the highest levels which demonstrates that Enrico Mattei, leader of Italy's postwar decided on Mattei's assassinatipn. Fulvio Bellini, ajoumalist industrial reconstruction, was deliberately killed by a bomb who conducted the firstpublisl1ed investigation into Mattei's which blew up his plane on Oct. 27,1962. Mattei was already murder, has told EIR that �th his work and Lyndon a legendary figure, known throughout the world for his fight LaRouche's analysis of the M�ttei case are in Calia's hands. against the London-centered oil marketing cartel and for his A public debate has been touched off by Calia's move, anti-colonial policy. When he died, the world knew that he which could be of utmost benefit to Italy if it focuses on who had been assassinated, but the official version of the investi­ had interest in killing Mattei apd what Mattei's policy was. gation into his death credited it to an "accident." Despite the fact that Italy ow�s its postwar reconstruction Last June 22, Pavia prosecutor Vincenzo Calia an­ and "economic miracle" almo$ entirely to Mattei's policies, nounced that his officehad conclusive proof contradictingthe since his death such policies ijave been progressively aban­ "accident" version, and ordered the exhumation of Mattei's doned and are now being reversed. The most significant as­ body, which is now under examination by experts in Turin. pectof this reversal is the plann� privatization of the national The decision was made after a new examination of some oil company ENI, which Manei founded, along with the pieces of Mattei's plane demonstrated the presence of ex­ rest of the State-controlled ind�strial corporations, a scheme plosive. which was worked out betwe¢n British representatives and "We had conclusive evidence that Enrico was killed," Italian financial and political figures, on Queen Elizabeth's Mattei's nephew Angelo declared to a newspaper, "on Dec. yacht Britannia when it was anchored off the Italian coast 9, 1962, when private experts told us that they found traces near Rome on June 2,1992. I of explosive on the plane relics." A colonel from the Italian EIR's role in promoting awareness of the conspiracy that secret service, Brizzi, had saved a piece of the crashed air­ started with the assassination pf Mattei and continued with plane and delivered it to the family. That piece of evidence the economic demolition of the country is reflected, among was delivered a little over two years ago to Pavia prosecutors other things, in an article whith appeared on June 26 in the by Raffaele Morini, a former member of Mattei's resistance Italian daily L' Unita. Commenting on Mattei's last trip to army and representative of his family circles. Mattei's neph­ Sicily,· where probably his plabe was sabotaged, author Gio­ ew Angelo recently reported to the press that they have waited vanni LaccabO writes: "The p�sence, if confirmed, in Sicily for more than 30 years to produce the evidence because his of Calogero Minacori, a.k.a. Carlos Marcello, the powerful father Italo and his uncle Umberto, Enrico's brothers, feared mafia boss in New Orleans, wpuld allow one to go back, by for the lives of their families. opening new horizons, to the �onspiratorial group linked to Shortly after having delivered the evidence, Morini par­ organized crime. According ito the Executive Intelligence ticipated in a conference organized by EIR in Milan, where Review, those strange pieces iof American 'parallel intelli­ he informed the audience about the existence of the new gence' were, at the time, strategically conditioned by the evidence. In that conference, Mattei's brother Umberto also British secret service." participated, along with ENI Chemicals manager Marcello I Colitti and Prof. Nico Perrone, who both started their careers The Permindex connectlion at ENI under Mattei. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, one of the The "parallel intelligence" is the organization called Per­ speakers, issued a call to Italian authorities, undersigned by mindex (Permanent IndustrialtExposition) and its subsidiary all participants, to reopenthe investigation of Mattei 's death. Centro Mondiale Commerci�e in Rome. This organization (Ample selections from the proceedings of that conference comes up both in New OrleaI1S District Attorney Jim Garri­ appeared in English as the cover feature of the June 11,1993 son's investigation into Kennedy's assassination and in the issue of EIR, translated fromthe Italian by Nora Hamerman.) Mattei case. As EIR readers lrnow, the head of Permindex Sources who know Prosecutor Calia report that he is was Maj. Louis Mortimer Blobmfield, who was also adviser determined to go ahead with the investigation and find out to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. 56 International EIR July 21, 1995 © 1995 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Both in Kennedy's and Mattei's assassination, as well as the deal. in the failed attempts against Charles de Gaulle, the Permin­ Mattei was coming close to a breakthrough in his strategy dex apparatus acted under orders from London. Although when, in 1962, Algeria obtained its independence. Both Kennedy had previously supported the oil cartel policy Mattei and Kennedy had supported the independence move­ against Mattei, there is reason to believe that in 1962 the ment. ENI had generously financedthe independence forces. American President was ready to favor the Italian leader, who Although in the Evian peace treaty i (1962) the French oil was planning to meet him in Washington. Mattei's nephew company (the "seventh sister") was : explicitly named as a Angelo has stated that the meeting was scheduled for Nov. preferential partner for the exploitation of Algeria's oil, the 4: "ltalo Pietra, editor of Il Giorno (ENI's daily newspaper) new situation was very favorable to Mattei. France, in fact, and friend of my uncle, knew about it. There are tapes which had broken dramatically with its coronial past, and Mattei demonstrate it. And the secret services knew about it. My was already working to involve de Gaulle's France, together uncle was killed to prevent the agreement with Kennedy." with Adenauer's Germany, in a project to bring oil directly Mattei had fought to break the colonial system imposed from Africa and the Mideast, through pipelines built by ENI, by the oil cartel, composed of what he called the "Seven to Italy and central Europe. Algeria was at the time believed Sisters." Such a system was based on absolute monopoly of to have the largest unexploited oil fields and, had Mattei oil exploration, drilling, and refineries, and a concession of entered a deal with de Gaulle, the oil cartel monopolywould a 50% royalty on revenues to "oil producing" countries, who have been definitely broken. were excluded from the production process. With Mattei, a Today, Mattei's enemies are dire¢ting the process of pri­ new revolutionary formula was introduced (called the vatization of the Italian State and economy. In order to do "Mattei formula"): The royaltiesfor ENI are reduced to 25%; so, they have completed a process of slander which started exploration is conducted for free; in case oil is found, costs by characterizing Mattei as the initiator of political corrup­ are refundedby the owner country; oil is exploited by ajoint­ tion. A book was recently published by Piero Ottone, a for­ venture composed of ENI and a local company owned by the mer editor of Corriere della Sera, wqich describes Mattei as State, which uses technology provided by the Italians and a "fascist," despite the fact that Matt�i was the leader of the local manpower trained by ENI. Mattei's first deal with this Catholic partisan army against Muss()lini! Ottone is a board revolutionary formula was struck with Iran in 1957, involv­ member of La Repubblica, a liberal newspaper owned by ing a minor oil field. When a similar deal was struck that Count Carlo Caracciolo, son of the Prjnce Tommaso Caracci­ same year with Libya, the oil cartel mobilized all its forces olo mentioned by Bellini in his interview. Prince Caracciolo and the Libyan King Idris, under pressure from the U.S. was a British Special Operations Executive agent, known by State Department, dismissed the government and cancelled the codename of "Commander Thompson." he had contacted Palermoprosecutor Dr. Giacomo Conte. Morini: High stakes in Although Morini does not say so, on� has the impression that things were not taken seriously! in Palermo. Then, the Mattei investigation Morini went on, the pieces of Mattei's airplane, which he had kept, "were given in June 1994 �o the Forensic Unit Raffaele Morini is chairman of the Volunteers of Freedom of the Pavia court, for those examinations which were Association in Pavia, Italy. During the liberation war supposed to have been done in 1962. l' against Fascism, he was the youngest member of the Vol­ As to who Mattei's enemies were, Morini said: unteers of Freedom Corps, whose vice-commander gener­ "Against Mattei there were tyrants, fascists, those who had al was Enrico Mattei. Recently, Morini caused the official not yet understood the advantages offered by freedom and investigation on Mattei's death in 1962 to be reopened by social peace . those who wanted to keep dominating the Pavia prosecutors. international diplomacy (and arrogance) and promoted In an interview with EIR's correspondent in Milan, destabilization, through intrigues and terrorist acts." On Claudio Ciccanti, Morini explained: "On Oct.
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