AMMENDED MOTTON FOR RESOLUTTON OF PARLTAMENT UNDER ARTTCLE 179 (4) OF THE CONSTITUTION PROVIDING FOR CREATION OF NEW COUNTIES WHEREAS, Ariicle 179 (a) of the Constitution of the Republic of Ugondo (os omended) provides for the criterio for olterotion of boundories oflor creotion of Administrotive Units including new Counties; AND WHEREAS Section 7 (7) of the Locql Governments Act Cop. 243, (os omended) empowers Porlioment to opprove olternotion of Boundories of/or creotion of o new County; Honoroble Colleogues willTHUS, recoll thot on Tuesdoy 30rn June, 2020,1 moved o motion on the floor of Porlioment for creotion of I5 (Fitteen) Counties thot were opproved by Cobinet hoving received requests from the District Councils of; Kiboole, Kotokwi, Agogo, lsingiro, Kisoro, Nokoseke, Kibogo, Buhweju, Lomwo, Kokumiro, Nokopiripirit, Mubende, Kwonio, Tororo ond Jinjo to creote the following Counties: - l) Buyanja Eost County out of Buyanjo County in Kibaale Distric[ 2) Ngoriom Covnty out of Usuk County in Kotakwi; 3) Agago Wesf County out of Agogo County in Agogo District; 4) Bukonga Norfh County out of Bukongo County in lsingiro District; 5) Bukimbiri County out of Bufumbira County in Kisoro District; 6) Nokoseke Centrol County out of Nokoseke Norfh County in Nokoseke Disfricf 7) Kibogo Wesf County out of Kibogo Eost County in Kbogo District; B) Buhweju West County aut of Buhweju County in Buhweju District; 9) Palobek County out of Lamwo County in Lamwo District; lA)BugongoiziSouth County out of BugongoiziWest County in Kokumiro Districf; I l)Chekwi Eosf County out of Chekwi County in Nokopiripirit District; l2)Buweku/o Soufh County out of Buweku/o County in Mubende Disfricf, l3)Kwanio Norfh County out of Kwonio Counfy in Kwonio Dislricf l )West Budomo Central County out of Wesf Budomo County inTororo Districf; l5)Kogomo Norfh County out of Kogomo County in Jinjo Districf. Page 1 of4 Right Honoroble Speoker ond Honoroble Members, you recoll thot the obove motion wos deferred to enoble the Ministry of Locol Government re-exomine oll requests while olso considering the 20.l5 report of the Porliomentory Commiltee on Public Service ond Locol Government. After consultotions, Cobinet hos considered an odditionol 3l Counties. I therefore would like to omend the Motion of 30tn June 202A to include requests for creotion of odditionol 31 (Thirfy One) Counties from the District Councils of : Ngoro, Amolotor, Korengo, Nopok, Sembobule, Otuke, Ntungomo, lsingiro, Bukwo, Koberomoido, Kween, Nomisindwo, Soroti, Serere, Mbole, Yumbe, Kyegegwo, Mitoomo, Bududo, Polliso, Nomufumbo, Monofwo, Tororo, Apoc, Koobong, Rwomporo, Kikuube, Nornoyingo, Bulombuli, Nwoyo, ond Busio os follows:- l) Kopir County out of Ngoro County in Ngoro District; 2) Kiogo Norfh County out of Kiogo County in Amolotor District; 3) Nopore West County out of Dodoth Wesf County in Korengo District; 4) Bokoro Eosf County out of Bokoro County in Nopok Disfricf; 5) Mawogolo West County out of Mawogolo County in Sembobule Disiricf; 6) Ofuke Eosl County ouf of Otuke County rn Oluke District; 7) Ruhomo Eosl County out of Ruhomo County in Ntungomo District; B) lsingiro Wesf County out of Isingiro County in lsingiro District 9) f 'oo County out of Kongosis County in Bukwo District; l0)Ochero County out of Koberomoido County in Koberomoido Disiricf; lllSoi County out of Kween County in Kween Disfricf; l2lNomisindwa County out of Bubulo Eosf Counfy in Nomisindwo Dtsfricf; l3)GweriCounty out of Sorofi County in Sorofi Disiricf; l4)Pingke County out of Kosi/o County in Serere Disfncf; lS)Bunghoko Centrol County out of Bunghoko County in Mbole Dtsfricf; l6) Aringo Eosf Cou nty out of Aringo County in Yumbe District; 17)Kyoka Cenfro/ County ovt of Kyoko North County in Kyegegwo Districf; IB/Ruhindo Souih County out of Ruhindo County in Mitoomo Disfricf; 19)Bushigoi Counfy out of Moniiyo County in Bududa District; 20)Gogonyo County ovt of Agule County in Polliso District; 2l)Busiki Norfh County out of Busiki County in Nomuf umbo Disfricf; 22)Butiru County out of Bubulo West County in Monafwo Disfrici; 23)Moruzi North County out of Moruzi County in Apoc Disfncf 24)Dodoth Norfh County out of Dodofh Eosf County in Koobong Drstricf; 2i)Rwomporo Eosf Cou nty out of Rwomporo Coun fy in Rwomporo Disfrict 26)West Budomo Norih Eost County out of Wesf Budomo County in Tororo District; PageZ of 4 27)Buhoguzi East County out of Buhoguzi County in Kikuube District; 28)Nomoyingo Soufh Counly out of Bukooli South County in Nomoyingo Disirict 29JElgon North County out of Elgon County in Bulombuli District; 30/Nwoyo Fosl Counfy out of Nwoyo County in Nwoyo Disfricf ond 3l/Somio Bugwe Centrol County out of Somio Bugwe County in Busio Districf. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY PARLIAMENT; A. THAT 46 (Forty-Six) New Counties be creoted os follows: - l) Buyonjo Eost County out of Buyonjo County in Kiboole District; 2) Ngoriom County out of Usuk County in Kotokwi; 3) Agogo West County out of Agogo County in Agogo District; 4) Bukongo North County out of Bukongo County in lsingiro District; 5) Bukimbiri County out of Bufumbiro County in Kisoro District; 6) Nokoseke Centrol County out of Nokoseke North County in Nokoseke Dislrict; 7) Kibogo West County out of Kibogo Eost County in Kibogo District; 8) Buhweju West County out of Buhweju Counfy in Buhweju District; 9) Polobek County oui of Lomwo County in Lomwo District; l0) Bugongoizi South County out of Bugongoizi West County in Kokumiro District; I l) Chekwi Eost County out of Chekwi County in Nokopiripirit Districf; 12) Buwekulo South County out of Buwekulo County in Mubende Disirict; 13) Kwonio North County out of Kwonio County in Kwonio District; 14) West Budomo Centrol Counly out of West Budomo County in Tororo District; I5) Kogomo North County out of Kogomo County in Jinjo District. 16) Kopir County out of Ngoro County in Ngoro District; 17) Kiogo North County out of Kiogo County in Amolotor District; 18) Nopore West County out of Dodoth West County in Korengo Dislrict; le) Bokoro Eost County out of Bokoro County in Nopok District; 20) Mowogolo West County out of Mowogolo County in Sembobule District; 21) Otuke Eost County out of Otuke County in Otuke District; 22) Ruhomo Eost County out of Ruhomo County in Ntungomo Districi; 23) lsingiro West County out of lsingiro County in lsingiro District; 24) T'oo County out of Kongosis County in Bukwo Dislrict; 25) Ochero County out of Koberomoido County in Koberomoido District; 26) Soi County out of Kween County in Kween District; 27) Nomlsindwo County out of Bubulo Eost County in Nomisindwo District; 28) Gweri County out of Soroti County in Soroti District; Page 3 of4 2e) Pingire County out of Kosilo County in Serere Districl; , 30) Bunghoko Centrol County out of Bunghoko County in Mbole District; 31) Aringo Eost County out of Aringo County in Yumbe District; 32) Kyoko Centrol County out of Kyoko North County in Kyegegwo District; 33) Ruhindo South County out of Ruhindo County in Mitoomo District; 34) Bushigoi County out of Monjiyo Counly in Bududo District; s5) Gogonyo County out of Agule County in Polliso Districi; 36) Busiki North County out of Busiki County in Nomutumbo Disirict; 37) Butiru County out of Bubulo West County in Monofwo District; s8) Moruzi North County out of Moruzi County in Apoc District; 3e) Dodoth North County out of Dodoth Eost County in Koobong District; 40) Rwomporo Eost County out of Rwomporo County in Rwomporo District 4r) West Budomo North Eost County out of West Budomo County in Tororo District; 42) Buhoguzi Eost County out of Buhoguzi County in Kikuube District; 43) Nomoyingo South County out of Bukooli South County in Nomoyingo District; 44) Elgon North County out of Elgon Counly in Bulombuli District; 45) Nwoyo Eost County out of Nwoyo County in Nwoyo District; 46) Somio Bugwe Centrol County out of Somio Bugwe County in Busio District. B. THAT Porlioment tokes note of the composition of the new Counties os ottoched in Annexes I ond 2. Rt. Hon. Speoker, I beg to Move MOVED BY: Hon. Rophoel Mogyezi (MP) Minister of Locol Governmenl July 2A2O Page 4 of4 Annex 1: COMPOSITION OF NEIII COUNTIES (15 Counties) 1) Buyanja East County out of Buyanja County consisting of i) Nyamarwa Sub-County ii) Matale Sub-County iii)Karama Sub-County iv) Kyebando Sub-County v) Kasimbi Sub-County Buyanja County remains with: i) Kibaale Town Council ii) Bwamiramira Sub-County iii) Bubango Sub-County iv) Kabasekende Sub-County v) Mugarama Sub-County vi) Nyamarunda Sub-County 2) Ngariam County out of Usuk County consisting of: i) Ngariam Sub-County ii) Akaboi Sub-County iii) Gerom Sub-County iv) Katakwi Sub-County v) Katakwi Town Council vi) Palam Sub-County vii) Okore Sub-County Usuk County remains with: i) Usuk Sub-County ii) Guyaguya Sub-County iii) Onganju Sub-County iv) Okulonyo Town Council v) Usuk Town Council 3) Agago West County out of Agago County consisting of i) Lira Palwo Sub-County ii) Lira Palwo Town Council iii) Omot Sub-County iv) Arum Sub-County Page 1 of 7 v) Lamiyo Sub-County vi) Agengo Sub- County Vii. Geregere Sub- County Agago County remains with: i) Patongo Sub-County ii) Adilang Sub-County iii) Laperebong Sub-County iv) Lokole Sub-County v) Ajali Sub-County vi) Patonogo Town Council vii. Adilang Town Council viii. Agago Town Council ix. Kotomor Sub-County 4) Bukanga North County out of Bukanga County consisting of: i) Ngarama Sub-County ii) Kakamba Sub-County iii) Kashumba Sub-County iv) Rugaaga Sub-County v) Rushasha Sub-County Bukanga County remains with: i) Endiinzi Town Council ii) Endiinzi
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