II have. You are more money-; Carolyn Jonoa about “Three 1 1 lectual discussions. "You aae, THI EVENING STA* conscious than the Americans! ‘Empty Rooms." an original ! I’m an old soul and thia Woihinglon, 0. C , Wednudor, April 22, 195 F-11 glad is! t or the French. I’ll be to; screenplay by Reginald Rose probably my get back to my home In Holly- i third or fourth wood. How dya stand this aw- that Ernie would like to doltreincarnation." says Tuesday.: HOLLYWOOD ful climate? It’s always rain- with Carolyn, with Aaron Spei- f She skips from Cleopatra to ing." ling producing. Lola.1 Montes without warning. By SHEILAH GRAHAM For a nice change, Shirley starlet Tuesday Weld ("I’ll . MacLaine and husband Steve be 16 In a month”) has the Parker will be together—and I boys hopping with her Intel- for a vacation at that—in Can- . nes early next month after 1 _ fThe Prince Takes Over Shirley attends the film festival Films of More Than Routine Merit I , there. Then Shirley goes Shown TODAY at 11il6 a.m. dBIYE IN THEATERS HOLLYWOOD, (NANA) —,lbeen killed—they were too re- to I! fiS V BOOK AND CANDLE”—Kim Novak James Yugoslavia for Dino de Laur- 12:30, 2:20, 4:10, 5:55, 7:33, 9:20 a iff “BELL. bewitches atwilßMT aaiirmirt' Prince Ralnirr and shipping' vealing. The only photos left I Stewart in a comedy about witchcraft In Manhattan. AIATBaT DHIVL-1R are head shots and very few? entiis’ movie, "Seven Women."! Parents: Bring the Children 2001 magnate Aristotle Onassis, ; , Steve Monday "GIGI”—The lilting nine-Oaear musical by the “My Fair -PsrilJS.’Ha showing the fabulous wardrobe And returns to his film Thru Friday if* At Ir Out ot 4 Lady” team; with, Leslie Maurice Chevalier. sueding for a year, have sev- Barbara wears In the movie. base in Japan. [ 4:15 p.m^ Caron. j SUnley stops Paddy “BHkRirF or fractured jaw ered all ties, with the resigns- | Pal Boone and Arthur O’Con- James Arness wants "Gun- “THE GODDESS”—Kim with all out In 1 Mansurs Chtyefiky’i staring portrait of movie star. tion of the Onassis-appointed nell have a date to meet May smoke” sidekick Dennis Weaver a camp island” i “THE Msjmarst jj3» Guinness in his top comedy „ director Monte Carlo 14 at Washington Park, near / ? HORSE’S MOUTH”—AIec 0 from the join Spain I ' to him in next MM form as a wildly eccentric artist. Casino. The Prince and hlstii Chicago, for the first running month to judge an internation- j creeping Tom ~ cabinet are in control . •of their race horse, April's Love, "THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS’’—Ingrid Bergman now . .ji tltr MUJ L," There was some peevishness i which they bought when they al skeet-Bhoot tourney. Bob as a most begalUng missionary in the Orient. LEE HWY.'ARL. BLVD expressed by the Monaco citt- i starred in "April Love" two Stack was invited but as far "I WANT TO LlVE”—Susan Hayward’s melodramatic Oscar- - ; r| i.Tfi'Vcl*™ J& ft™ years ago. •" sens that Princess Grace Kfl> .. Long-time movie Spain any other place is TICHNINAMA70- winning of a « as or 3J ¦ J : " portrait condemned murderess. circle. i.ir.nt.T'iN h." chose to have her appendix re- i star Corinne Griffith is finish- concerned, “I’ve had it," says “THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA”—Ernest Hemingway's moved in Switzerland, rather ingj her "Antiques I Iff? fUth book. Bob. “I want to stay home • GRAND novel as a dramatic acting solo by Spencer Tracy. the new, ] i ¦ than in beautiful t 2 Have Known.” Her house here and get to know my kids.” Continuous performance. CANYON ! BRIGITTE BARDOT Carlo, j ¦ {jWomaQoom “SEPARATE TABLES”—The Terence Hattigan play, with in Monte . » million clinic is full of them. Singers ** * “THE NIGHT her. David Niven’s Academy award-winning performance. hamed for Johnny Mathis and Bobby Before leaving for Europe, - _ ’ HEAVEN FELL” Diana Dors' wedding present —UPTOWN So tilting, that one of the -111 HIll cacopq and Color. 7 :35. 11:10 | Freeman—both from San Fran- Ernest Borgnine dropped by NOW! Special Ratei for Theatre nation’! When she returned to London ( Croups— Phone: WO. 47132 most gracious dining cisco—are feudin' and fussin’. the "Career” set to talk to 11 I plm-es should Stanley Warner Theaters SIDNEY LUST THEATERS with husband Dickie Dawson serve the N*oon’s —-_S Forking RICHARD WIDMARK. JACK ** * * Capital. by 11*4 dm.2*d. Free palanci. at pair. was a subpoena to appear in Dinner music Jerry AMRACCAMIRJUUAHABW urn If you want Anthony Fran- Rodis, 7:30 to 9:30, dancing co 3.3393 DRIVE-IN 'OP«# 7:00 Modern'Cafeteria- oourt to answer a charge for i Bob Hone In "ALIABJESSE JAMES," BELTSVILLE*»*a**»*fUelib VOIfbin I go suddenly deaf, IHEEM from 9:30. With Rhonda Mamina. 1:30. 3.15, WE 3 3800, lallo. Ilvd. Children Fraa 'Y dander. Everything happens ciosa to ask ~ V m uH*T 1 8:80,7:25,9:34, , Open Gary Coopar. - 8:30. "TEN Mm linnuj,u j22 Diana New star Susan him about "The Naked Maja.” ~,NORin FREDERICK. Cinema- m. wo. 6 2600 Scop* 9:35, plus Jeffrey NT. VERNONmoosaarsnaißOPEN AIR . I. AVALONn Y Hunt. S ohner has seen her "Irnita- | Likewise1 director Henry Koster. MOW wastsT.ruwiiESi afSTtatr Fvrt saoei ""**•« nuvn J612 Conn Aua. N.W. "COUNT WVE AND DIE." at 7:25. Blchmcnd Hwy.—South of Alta. tion of movie with Lana hitln Winner 2 Academy Acuna Awards Onen 8:45 Life” And, as for Ava Gardner, IttFFET I A! I Pit JU 9-3322 Children Tree Turner eight times—and still add n/tn iinnr RHONDA DAVID NIVEN ALLEN p, ul Newman, Joanne JOHN WAYNE. SOPHIA"LOREN' “The Naked Maja" to Australia Best Actor Woodward. THE LONG HOT bUM- LOST" <njoys picture . Ynl aor parson I "LEGEND OF THE the ••iZStSSZ WENDY HILLER MER": C'Scope-Coior at 7. 11:1.0. for her most unpopular Supporting . Brynnrr will collect another two FLEMING M“‘iC J*riy Best Actress ¦ —l At 7:00. 10:30 i Rodis from ‘ "SEPARATE TABLES” 01 2 2462 oai '» BRiDonT" bardot. Charles —he hopes—from “Sol- topics conversationally. 5 3 0 BETHESDA* Oirtune Sonja With Deborah Kerr. 5. N,ii4o. omon and Sheba,” which he Henie, who doesn’t look .6:1 ; A-«Wt "LA PARISIENNE” \ jL\ ALIAS «¦> MO J2Z Power , told London newsmen: • 9 I DAVID NIVEN I , look over when Tyrone | fl. BEVERLY # at_9 I "Don’t 1 r ‘— ROUND FLAO, died. Yul gets a percentage of ask me how much money JESSE Vherato> rPark "NIGHT OP THE Q u" RV E R “SEPARATE ABLES ! ..RALLY THE £: \TZ\ HOTIL MOON." Julie London, 8:15, 9:45; at 1. 8:45. 4:30. 8:20, B:Uo, 0:55. ... the profits. I "SHERIFF OF FRACTURED JAW. with Best SupDorttna Actress WEN- ** * * Vyr- MIMBIR DINIRS' CLUB Jayne Mansfield. 8:05. | DY HILLER. Deborah Kerr. Burt map cm-NlSlwi JAMES OR nillT*lfC "***“•FI fE 3 6033. 2324 Wis. Barbara Rush is raging be- 2430 Cone.etkut Ava, N. W fAIVTRT t!5£«!!l Agar“v** HILARIOUS COMEDIENNE hJILYLHI *,. N W F,.. UN. 3-0100 Road at Harailfaa METROPOLITAN Waihhg*". O>C. « COhnebla B-200Q Farkin q "**“” cause more than half of her i Winner 2 Academy Acting Awards LHEVLBLTI Gary Cooper. Marta W. HyotUvilte, Md. WA 7-2900 still photographs for “The OPERA CAROL DAVID NIVEN Schell, "THE HANOINO TREE," DORIS DAY. “PAJAMA GAME." color at 7:ua, 9:3(1. In Color, at 7:45. "THE BAD Young Philadelphians” have ws-ntyv HUT vn DVATTCUIIIF SEED MARGARET LOCK- LOEWS CAPITOL THEATRE WA 7 03322 WOOD, at 9:45 —. Cafeteria BesSrtKm. HYATTSVILLE A*.d ;“” THIS MON.—8:00 p.m. "Stuff Smith" "SEPARATE TABLES” Award Winner. Best Actress ' l— ml CHANNING o “maket” with the jaw“ s RIGOLETTO by 6. Verdi in the BLUE ROOM Sheriff of fractured ; " ! Jayne JMansfleld. 7:55 Only WA 7 8899 PALMERTr, DRIVE-IN Mmei. KAYWOOD ~ m Peters and Eliai end JAZZ nwir ay ,j SE. 3-5133 Meitn, Fernandi, Nos tbraagh Satmfif, April 25 VIOLIN PrUTDXV ME 8-2841 4239th o Merrill, Tozzl CHILI .. Actor, 704. Caorga end the vEHTBAL ~ ..... Academy Award Best JJA- It. Pcnmer Highway Conductor: Fausto CNiva 5 day. only—Bat. told out. VID NIVEN Best now through Friday. SHOWBOAT JAZZ QUARTET I -tor Reserve 1 rd7 r 1 tress WENDY HILLER. Deborsh (‘TUI1 XATTmC-IPDO-* • Excellent ,??, - ..? : THIS TUES.—B:OO p.m. Cocktails 'i?Sr 5 NIGHT,Kerr, Burt Lancaster. "BEPARATE THE MUGGERS TAMALES • M:0o: “A CRY IN THE TABLEB," at «, 7:50. 9:45 lopen ! n.r* Bob Cross sod his Orchaitra. Wt Hava Sarvad Over Wonderful Food YUL ... JOANNE Raymond Burr. 1:10. 4:30, 7:50. ) .‘ ”,7 ! TOSCA by G. Puccini For your ressrvjtions, phons _ DAVID NIVEN Brynner-Woodward ! 10,000.000 Bowls of Chill and | I KPNMrnV 9A 6-6600 VtFDC MilI WH- 6-7800 I DEBORAH KERR Milanov, Alfred ADams ~ Mm*. Messrs. Peerce, at 4-0700. 10,000,000 Tamales Since 1900 K,nn . dy si. VIEHS RILL Warren, Harvuot, Alvary j i nw. L>st DlIl! “SEPARATE PROUD AND PROFANE. Academy Award Bett Actor DA- rpAIST ITC*! Conductor: Fausto Cleva Coming May 12—Edith Piaf! •Orders to take out | William Holden. 8:00, 9.in: Alfred VID NIVEN. Best Supporting Ac- , lArSLiEo Knob* Piano used exclusively | Hitchcock's "VERTIGO." James 1 tress WENDY HILLER, Debnrsh i 9:30 THE RANCH Stewart, 7:50.
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