PITTSBURGH H * | * in x c a t h o l i c — # U J vD i « * > a a 1 - # it a 3 No. 52 350 Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication ■“ # 4 0 1 Friday, March 3, 2000 I ! ¥: sse prepares to observe Lent, ‘a journey to a goal’ By the catechumens are, the elect, Staff Writer in our parish communities are. Faithful rem inded So in that sense, even our It Is Important to keep the notion of repentance is focused goal of Lent In mind, satd on the call to live and do the life o f regulations fo r Father M. Eric Diskin, director in Christ through baptism." of the diocesan Office for Evan­ With that in mind, we can the Lenten season gelization and Christian Initia­ look at the “really classic” tion. Lenten observances — prayer, The diocesan Office for Canonical "Lent itself is a Journey to a fasting and almsgiving. Father Services reminds the faithful of the dio­ goal." Father Diskin said. “It's Diskin said. cese that the virtue and practice of not a self-contained season." “In all of those, we are asked, penance form a necessary part of the In the church’s calendar, the in a sense, to empty ourselves, preparation for Easter. paschal triduum from Holy to pour ourselves out, in the The church has established the fol­ Thursday evening through pattern of Christ as we're lowing regulations to help Catholics Easter Sunday evening is men­ drawn into the mystery of God," observe the Lenten call to repentance: tioned first as the culmination he said. • Ash Wednesday and Good Friday of the whole liturgi­ The reason for are days of fast and abstinence, while cal year, he said. In fasting is not to trim all Fridays of Lent are days of absti­ second place is the ‘Lent has a down as though nence in the United States. 50 days of Easter • The obligation of abstinence t w o - f o l d somehow eating is a and the exultation bad thing and the (refraining from eating meat) begins at in the new life of t h e m e o f less of it we do the the age of 14. The law of fasting (limit­ Christ. Only then, better. Father ing oneself to one full meal and two in third place, is repentance Diskin said. lighter meals) obliges all between the ages of 18 and 59. No one should con­ Lent discussed, and baptism . “It has to do with Father Diskin said. being drawn toward sider this obligation lightly. Lent begins The tw o are the feast of the Lord, • Those who have medical conditions in which fasting may be considered March 8 with the r e l a t e d and therefore the observance of Ash harmful are not obliged to fast, but — Father Eric Diskin desire to purify our­ Wednesday. selves so that we should perform some other act of penance or charity. A C atholic who can enter into that wants to know what to do in feast with rejoicing and with a • Pastors and parents are to see to it order to celebrate Lent well new sense of being able to that minors — though not bound by should realize that Lent has a ‘taste the goodness of the the law of fast and abstinence — are goal. Father Diskin said: “The Lord,"’ he said. “There's a kind educated in the authentic sense of goal is the paschal mystery." of imagery there that has penance and encouraged to do acts of "The Ceremonial of Bishops," always. I think, resonated with penance suitable to their age. a ritual text published about 10 the Lenten tradition of the • All members of the Christian Faith­ years ago by the Vatican, helps church. ful are encouraged to do acts of to fill in the "background" of “The whole goal is 'delight in penance and charity during the Lenten liturgical celebrations of the the Lord.' That is why we need season beyond what is prescribed by th e law. church. Father Diskin said. to, in a sense, 'purify' from our­ As a general rule, a request for a dis­ “One of the points that it selves a certain kind of 'sugari­ makes is that Lent has a two­ pensation from the obligation of absti­ ness,' you might say, where we nence on Fridays of Lent will not be fold theme of repentance and delight in what you might call considered. baptism.” he said. “The two are ‘spiritual Junk food' so that we The church teaches that the practice rrfB terl -— t h a t our repentance can com e to delight In the real­ of penance should spring from an inner is the repentance appropriate ly substantial food th at comes Photo by Douglas Kaup conversion of heart, both for the individ­ to one who is baptized or one Father Tim Whalen, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas in California, is assisted by Elmer ual Christian and the whole community. who is approaching baptism as See LENT on page 2 Górecki in burning palms for ashes to be distributed on Ash Wednesday. i n s i d e E gyptian trip begins fulfillm ent of pope’s dream By JOHN THAVIS after arriving at Cairo's airport, the day before his arrival in Want fries Catholic News Service then delivered a pointed message Egypt. against religious Intolerance. Prevented by security concerns w ith that? CAIRO, Egypt — With a three- “To do harm, to promote vio­ from traveling to ancient Ur, the Dozens of parishes throughout the day visit to Egypt and a “virtual" lence and conflict In the name of birthplace of the patriarch Abra­ diocese are gearing up for their journey to Iraq, Pope John Paul II religion is a terrible contradiction ham located in Iraq, the pope annual Lenten fish fries. The deli­ began his long-anticipated series and a great offense against God. took a mental journey there cious details appear in a three- of Holy Year pilgrimages to the But past and present history give instead, leading a Vatican service page section inside this week's roots of the faith. us many examples of such a mis­ filled with prayers, songs and issue. See pages 13 through 15. In Egypt Feb. 26, the pope use of religion," he said. images. prayed at the foot of Mount Sinai, Egypt welcomed the pope with The pope said Abraham, called A place of quiet: For five years, where Moses received the Ten state honors and Interrellgious by God to move his family across the Franciscan Sisters at Mount Commandments, and said God's warmth. After kissing a bowl of the desert to a new land, was a Alvernia have welcomed guests to law was still the only hope for Egyptian earth at the airport, the model of “unconditional submis­ the Tabor House of Prayer, a small modern society. pontiff was greeted by the leaders sion" to God's will, and In a sense retreat center overlooking Millvale. "The Ten Commandments are of Egypt's Muslim, Orthodox and a spiritual father figure for Chris­ See page 2. not an arbitrary imposition of a Catholic communities: Grand tians, Muslims and Jews. tyrannical Lord. They were writ­ Sheik Mohammed Sayyid Tanta- In Egypt, the pope's Mass, cel­ Pilgrimage church: An 89-year- ten in stone; but before that, they wi, Coptic Orthodox bishops and ebrated in front of 15.000 people old Gothic church in Butler is one were written on the human heart Catholic Coptic Patriarch at a Cairo sports arena, was of seven designated by the diocese as the universal moral law, valid Stephanos II Ghattas. broadcast on national television as a pilgrimage site for the jubilee in every lime and place," he said. President Hosni Mubarak, who on a Friday, the Muslim holy day. year See page 3. Gazing over a desert mountain has led a strong effort against The pope pointed out in his landscape that evoked the sever­ Islamic extremist groups In sermon that church-run social "Gift of the Spirit": Pope John ity of the Bible, the pope said the Egypt, praised the pope as “a and charitable agencies were Paul II says the Second Vatican world needs to rediscover the man of courage, wisdom and tol­ open to all, including Muslims. Council has “spread its majestic “liberating obedience” that erance." and an ally in the strug­ “Christians and Muslims, and mighty branches over the vine­ prompted Moses to answer God's gle against fanaticism and while respecting different reli­ yard of the Lord," though the call. hatred. gious views, should place their church has yet to implement it fully. The Mount Sinai pilgrimage At a series of meetings, Egypt­ skills at the service of the nation, See page 9. capped a historic visit to Egypt, ian religious leaders dwelt on the at every level of society," he said. where the pope celebrated Mass pope's efforts for peace and in Sheik Tantawl, considered the Anti-Catholic? Republican presi­ for his liny flock of Catholics and particular his defense of Pales­ leading spiritual authority for the dential candidate and Texas Gov. reached out to Muslims and tinian rights. But the pope's world's 1 billion Sunni Muslims, George W. Bush says he’s not in a Pope John Paul II shakes hands with Muslim clerics in Carlo on Orthodox Christians. focus throughout the visit was hosted the pope at his sprawling letter to an American cardinal. See h is way to a m eeting w ith Grand Shiek Mohammed Sayyid Tanta- “As-salamu alalkum — Peace spiritual, and his jubilee pilgrim­ al-Azhar University complex, a page 9.
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