13014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 September 7, 2011 SENATE—Wednesday, September 7, 2011 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was SCHEDULE MEASURE PLACED ON THE called to order by the Honorable Mr. REID. Madam President, fol- CALENDAR—H.J. Res. 66 KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND, a Senator from lowing leader remarks, if any, there Mr. REID. Madam President, I under- the State of New York. will be an hour of morning business, stand H.J. Res. 66 is at the desk and is PRAYER with the majority controlling the first due for a second reading. half and the Republicans controlling The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- the final half. Following morning busi- pore. The clerk will read the joint reso- fered the following prayer: ness, the Senate will resume consider- lution by title for the second time. Let us pray. Lord God, You are holy and inhabit ation of the motion to proceed to the The legislative clerk read as follows: the praises of Your people. We are America Invents Act. A joint resolution (H.J. Res. 66) approving thankful that those who seek You will The Senate will recess from 12:30 the renewal of import restrictions contained until 2:15 for our weekly party con- in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act not lack any good thing. Help us to of 2003. make You our source of hope, depend- ferences. At 2:30, there will be 30 min- ing on Your providence and trusting utes of tribute to the late Senator Mr. REID. Madam President, I object Your mighty arms to save us. As our Mark Hatfield of Oregon, and I would to any further proceedings with respect lawmakers seek to serve You by mak- indicate that if people are unable to to this joint resolution. ing choices that honor You, purify come during that 30 minutes, I would The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- their intentions that they will say solicit their statements so that we can pore. Objection is heard. The joint res- what they believe and will act consist- put them together, as we often do in olution will be placed on the calendar ently with their speech. Keep them these situations, so they are in that in accordance with rule XIV. aware of how their words and deeds af- nice little booklet people can look f fect the good fortune of the lives of through at a later time. NEVADA TRAGEDY those in need. I would say, Madam President, that I O God, You are our hiding place. And had the good fortune of being able to Mr. REID. Madam President, yester- in these challenging days, we are de- serve with Mark Hatfield—a treasure of day morning a man walked into a pan- pending on You to protect this Nation a man. We have had great leaders from cake house in Carson City, NV, our from trouble. You are the one who puts Oregon, but certainly he was equal to capital, and proceeded to—with, I am the songs of deliverance in our hearts. any of them—a man of great character told, an AK–47—first shoot and kill We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. who was not bound by party. He was some poor woman outside the pancake f bound by what he thought was best for house, and he then walked inside and this country. started shooting with this automatic PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I had the good fortune to travel on a weapon and killed three National The Honorable KIRSTEN E. GILLI- codel he led. It was a wonderful trip, Guardsmen and another innocent per- BRAND led the Pledge of Allegiance, as led by this great statesman. We went son. We have a number of people who follows: into the Soviet Union—Mongolia—and are in the hospital, and we hope no I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the saw Lake Baikal and found that the more die. We are still learning the de- United States of America, and to the Repub- Soviets had not ruined this great Al- tails of this tragedy, but we do know lic for which it stands, one nation under God, five are dead. The shooter then killed indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. pine glacier lake. There are only two in the world. One is in Nevada and Cali- himself following this rampage he went f fornia—we share Lake Tahoe. But Lake on. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Baikal is one thing the Soviets didn’t The National Guardsmen—as I under- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ruin. Anyway, it was a trip I will al- stand, there were five of them there The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ways remember, not only where we having breakfast prior to their duties clerk will please read a communication went but who led that trip. when this madman walked in and to the Senate from the President pro I will give a more complete state- killed them. One of the five was a tempore (Mr. INOUYE). ment at a later time regarding Mark woman who was an assistant to one of The legislative clerk read the fol- Hatfield, a man for whom I had great my outstanding employees, a colonel in lowing letter: respect and admiration. He was really the Nevada Army National Guard. He U.S. SENATE, a role model, in my mind, for what a is an airman, and she was his assistant PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Senator should be. when he does his duty out there. She Washington, DC, September 7, 2011. We expect to be in consideration of was killed. To the Senate: the patent bill today. I hope the Repub- It is sad, this violence around us, Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, licans will let us get on that. It is too even in little Carson City, NV, where of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby bad we had to move to proceed to it, citizen soldiers—sacrificing their time appoint the Honorable KIRSTEN E. GILLI- but we did. I hope we don’t have to use to defend our country—are killed hav- BRAND, a Senator from the State of New York, to perform the duties of the Chair. the full 30 hours, and I hope I don’t ing pancakes at a little restaurant. My DANIEL K. INOUYE, have to file cloture again. I hope there thoughts go out to the victims, and I President pro tempore. are a couple of amendments and then appreciate their commitment to Ne- Mrs. GILLIBRAND thereupon as- we can get rid of this bill as early as vada and this country. sumed the chair as Acting President possible. What else can you say, Madam Presi- pro tempore. We have a lot to do. We have so much dent? Your heart goes out to these peo- to do in this work period—the highway ple who are going through such a tur- f bill, the patent bill, FEMA, and trade moil today, trying to figure out why RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY issues. We need to complete all those this happened. It is hard to imagine LEADER matters before we leave here in just a such a terrible act taking place in this The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- few weeks. We have to take a break be- quiet little town. The legislature is out pore. The majority leader is recog- cause of the holidays coming up toward of session, which is when the town nized. the end of this month. picks up a little bit. There is not much ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:22 Aug 13, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\S07SE1.000 S07SE1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 7, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 13015 going on in Carson City, not as you The fate of these two pieces of legis- means is that in a labor election, the would have with the buzz of a capital lation alone cost more than one-half majority wins. Under Republican domi- when the legislature is in session. I million jobs—more than 500,000 jobs. nance in years past, if you had a group spent three legislative sessions in Car- But not only did they take away these of people who were trying to be union- son City. My kids went to school in two pieces of legislation—and there are ized, and let’s say there were 1,000 and Carson City when I was the Lieutenant many others but speaking of these that is how many were in the work Governor. two—their obstructionistic tactics also unit and there was an election held and I wish all the citizens of Carson City cost us lots of time. Every moment 600 people turned out for that election, well as they begin the process of heal- wasted on procedural hurdles—and we 450 voted, yes, we think we should be ing after this shocking event. have spent months on these useless able to collectively bargain with our f amendments—was a moment we employer, under the old rules that is JOB CREATION weren’t creating jobs. not enough; 450 out of 600 is not Republicans held up the work of Con- enough. You would have to get a ma- Mr. REID. Madam President, this fall gress for months in the hope of defeat- jority of the people in the unit.
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