Public Document Pack Tony Kershaw CLC Development Team Director of Law and Assurance Room 102 County Hall If calling, please ask for Chichester West Sussex Adam Chisnall on 033022 28314 PO19 1RQ Email: adam.chisnall@westsussex.gov.uk www.westsussex.gov.uk @DemService https://www.facebook.com/southchichestertalkwithus 4 June 2018 A meeting of the South Chichester County Local Committee will be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 at Committee Room 3, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ Tony Kershaw Director of Law and Assurance Your local County Councillors Jamie Louise Jeremy Pieter Simon Viral Carol Fitzjohn Goldsmith Hunt Montyn Oakley Parikh Purnell Chichester Chichester Chichester The Chichester Bourne Selsey South West North Witterings East Invite you to come along to the South Chichester County Local Committee County Local Committees consider a range of issues concerning the local area, and where relevant make decisions. It is a meeting in public and has a regular ‘talk with us’ item where the public can ask questions of their local elected representatives. Agenda 6.00pm to 6.45 pm You are invited to attend an event, prior to the Meeting, to speak to CSM Active on the Velo South cycling event which is taking place on 23 September. The Velo South item on the CLC agenda will be a presentation and a chance for the Committee Members to discuss the event. 7.00 pm 1. Welcome and Introductions Members of South Chichester County Local Committee are Jamie Fitzjohn, Louise Goldsmith, Jeremy Hunt, Pieter Montyn, Page 1 Simon Oakley, Viral Parikh and Carol Purnell. 7.00 pm 2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman The Committee is asked to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the South Chichester County Local Committee for the 2018/19 municipal year. 7.05 pm 3. Declarations of Interest Members and officers must declare any pecuniary or personal interest in any business on the agenda. They should also make declarations at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting. Consideration should be given to leaving the meeting if the nature of the interest warrants it. If in doubt contact Democratic Services before the meeting. It is recorded in the register of interests that: Mr Fitzjonn is a Substitute Member of the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Ms Goldmsith is a Board Member of the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Mr Hunt is a member of the Chichester Harbour Conservancy, Goodwood Aerodrome Consultative Committee and the Goodwood Motor Circuit Consultative Committee Mr Montyn is a member of the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Mr Oakley is a member of Chichester District Council and Tangmere Parish Council Mrs Purnell is a member of Selsey Town Council and Chichester District Council. These interests only need to be declared at the meeting if there is an agenda item to which they relate. 7.05 pm 4. Minutes (Pages 5 - 10) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 20 February 2018 (cream paper). 7.10 pm 5. Urgent Matters Items not on the agenda that the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances. 7.15 pm 6. Progress Statement (Pages 11 - 16) The document contains brief updates on statements of progress made on issues raised at previous meetings. The Committee is asked to note the report. 7.20 pm 7. Velo South (Pages 17 - 18) Page 2 Attendance from CSM Active to talk about the Velo South event which is happening on 23 September 2018. A map of the route is included. 7.40 pm 8. Coastal Care: 'Inspiring Healthier Communities Together' - Local Community Networks (Pages 19 - 22) The Committee will receive a presentation from representatives leading the new Coastal Care programme and the County Council’s Communities Team on the development of Local Community Networks (LCNs) in the South Chichester CLC area. LCNs are bringing together a network of health, council, voluntary sector providers and patients, who are working together to create more effective joined-up services and community support to improve the health and wellbeing for their whole local population. Briefing note included. 8.00 pm 9. Community Led Traffic Regulation Orders The following reports are for Traffic Regulation Orders that have been requested by the public. Following a consultation on the proposals, the reports have come back to the Committee to make a decision on implementation. 8.00 pm (a) Lumley Road, Pagham Close and Sadlers Walk, Southbourne (SC01(18/19)) (Pages 23 - 42) Report by Director of Highways & Transport. Following an application and petition from local residents about obstructive parking in the area, the Committee is asked to consider the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to introduce parking restrictions in Lumley Road, Pagham Close and Sadlers Walk. 8.15 pm (b) North Street, East Street and Crane Street (Chichester City Pedestrian Precinct) (SC02(18/19)) (Pages 43 - 60) Report by Director of Highways & Transport. Following an application by Chichester City Council, the Committee is asked to consider the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a variation to the existing Prohibition of Cycling between the hours of 09:30 to 17:30, Monday to Saturday, to encompass Sundays over the same time period. 8.30 pm 10. Talk With Us Open Forum To invite questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. The Committee would encourage members of the public with more complex issues to submit their question before the meeting to allow a substantive answer to be given. Page 3 8.45 pm 11. Community Initiative Funding (SC03(18/19)) (Pages 61 - 68) Report by the Director of Law and Assurance. The report summarises the Community Initiative Funding applications received via The West Sussex Crowd. The Committee is invited to consider the applications and pledge funding if appropriate. 8.55 pm 12. Nominations for Local Authority Governors to Maintained Schools and Academy Governing Bodies (SC04(18/19)) (Pages 69 - 76) Report by Director of Education and Skills. The Committee are asked to consider the reappointments for Authority School Governors as set out in the report. 8.58 pm 13. Items for Future Meetings County Hall, Chichester, Parking Chichester City Road Space Audit Growth Deal and Southern Gateway Update Traffic Regulation Orders 9.00 pm 14. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Committee will take place at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 30 October 2018 in Committee Room 3, County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ. Members wishing to place an item on the agenda should notify Adam Chisnall via email: adam.chisnall@westsussex.gov.uk or phone on 0330 222 8314. To: All members of the South Chichester County Local Committee Filming and use of social media During this meeting the public are allowed to film the Committee or use social media, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. You are encouraged to let officers know in advance if you wish to film. Mobile devices should be switched to silent for the duration of the meeting. Page 4 Agenda Item 4 South Chichester County Local Committee 20 February 2018 – At a meeting of the Committee held at 7.00pm in Committee Room 3, County Hall Chichester. Present: Jamie Fitzjohn (Member for Chichester South), Louise Goldsmith (Member for Chichester West), Jeremy Hunt (Member for Chichester North), Pieter Montyn (Member for The Witterings), Simon Oakley (Member for Chichester East and Chairman) and Carol Purnell (Member for Selsey and Vice Chairman). Apologies were received from Viral Parikh (Member for Bourne) In attendance: Adam Chisnall (Democratic Services Officer), Peter Lawrence (Principal Community Officer), Chris Dye (Area Highways Manager), Miles Davy (Lead Professional – Parking Strategy Team) and Mike O’Horan (Corporate Accommodation Lead). Welcome and Introductions 71. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting (40 residents and 1 member of the press). Members and Officers introduced themselves. Declaration of Interests 72. None declared. 73. Members noted the list of their relevant interests on the agenda. Minutes 74. Resolved – that the minutes of the meeting held on 31 October 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. Progress Statement 75. The Committee considered the progress report on matters arising from previous meetings (copy appended to the signed minutes). 76. The Chairman introduced the report which gave updates on issues raised at the 31 October meeting. 77. The Committee highlighted that the Westhampnett cycle scheme update contained an error, and should say that feasibility was completed in August 2017. 78. Jeremy Hunt outlined the update on the Westhampnett Gypsy and Traveller Transit site and thanked the volunteers involved in the site. 79. Resolved – That the Committee notes the progress statement. Road Space Audit 80. The Committee considered a paper by the Lead Professional – Parking Strategy Team (copy appended to the signed minutes). Page 5 Agenda Item 4 81. Mr Davy introduced the report and explained that the consultation on the Road Space Audit had run from 15 August to the 31 October. Over 200 responses had been received in multiple formats, with over 90% being from Chichester residents. 82. Key themes had been covered in the responses, such as the long, technical documents for the audit; the reliability of surveys undertaken; commuter parking in residential areas; public transport options; air and noise pollution; and the lack of electronic vehicle details. 83. Officers wanted to address the issues raised in the audit by creating a city parking management plan. It was important to ensure that the plan did not displace vehicles to other areas and so the first phase would be rolled out to all areas at once.
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