lii.i i Mi l l GOVERNMENT OF GOA I hi•1*.* U' I I DRAFT ANNUAL PUN p•!!) (1999-96) $ ii p a r t II— B — p l a n p r o p o s a l s in d e t a il o f (SECTORS) 1 (iv) — IRRIGATION & FLOOD CONTROL (v) — ENERGY % (vi)_ INDUSTRY & MINERALS 'tli {vii)_ TRANSPORT x\i (viii) — CO M M U N ICA TIO N S I (ix) — SCIENCE. TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT 1 fx]~ GENERAL ECONOMIC SERVICES III i tM I DIRECTORATE OF PLANNING, STATISTICS AND EVALUATION I 5^7519 PANAJI - GOA JANUARY, 1995 Si {} :? ils o > PRINTED AT THE GOVT. PTG. PRESS, PANAJI - 1995 GOVERNMENT OF GOA DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN (1995-96) PART II _ B — PLAN PROPOSALS IN DETAIL OF (SECTORS) (iv) — IRRIGATION & FLOOD CONTROL (v) — ENERGY (vi)_ INDUSTRY & MINERALS (vii) _ TRANSPORT (viil) — CO M M U N IC A TIO N S (ix) — SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT (x) — GENERAL ECONOMIC SERVICES NIEPA DC I D08524 DIRECTORATE OF PLANNING, STATISTICS AND EVALUATION PANAJI-GOA JANUARY, 19f5 LIBRARY & CD*:CME?;-A Matipti il los^itufe of liducacioucil Plana'.ng imd Admunstratvon. 17-B, u'lri Aurob.iudo Marg, 0 « t e ........... C O N T S I-J T S ( PART - II - 3 ) No. Head/Sub-rlead of Development Page No. 1 IV. IRRIGATION & FLOOD CONTROL Iv Major and Medium Irrigation inc­ luding Water Development IV-A-l to IV-A-" 2, Minor Irrigation IV-B--1 to IV-B-^ 3* Command Area Development IV-C-1 to IV~C~6 1, Flood Control IV-D-1 to IV--D-4 Vo .ENERGY 5, Power V-A-1 to V-A-22 S. Non-Conventional Sources of Energy V-B-1 to V-B-3 V I . INDUSTRIES & MINSPs/\LS 7, Village and Small Industries VI-A-1 to VI-A-25 Industries(other than V&SI) VI-B-1 to VI-3-3 9. Mining VI-C-1 to VI-C-4 V I I . TR/iN SPORT 10. Ports and Light Houses VII-A-1 to VII-A-7 11. Roads and Bridges VII-B-1 to VII-B-G 12. Road Transport VII-C-1 to VII-C-7 13. Traffic Education (Police) VII-D-1 to VII-D-2 14. Inland Water Transport VII-S-1 to VII-E-2 15. Railv/ays VII-F-1 V I I I . COMMUNICATIONS (Not applicable to this State) IX, SCIENCE, TECI-INOLIG^/ & ENVIRONMENT 16o Science,Technology & Environment IX-A-1 to IX-A-4 X. GENERAL ECCNOMIC SERVICES 17. Secretariat Economic Services X-A-1 in. Tourism X-B-1 to X-B-21 19. Survey & Statistics X-C-1 to X-C-16 2 3. Computer Centre X-D-1 to X-D-2 21. Gazetteers X-E-1 to X-E-3 22. Civil Supplies X-F-1 to X-F-4 23. Weights S c Measures X-G-1 to X-G-4 IV - A -1 _.N4J0R^. AND JEDIUM INTRGpyCTIGN The state of Goa comprises geographical area of 3701 sq.km. The annual rainfall is about 3G00 mm. Water Resources of the State of Goa is assessed at 8,570 million cubic metres. Utilisation of surface water potential for Major and Medium Irrigation is estimated at 56,760 Ha.(CCA) ie 88,020 Ha (ultimate). As at the begining of April, that is at the str.rt of the Vlllth Five Year Plan an irrigation potential of 7,690 Ha (CCA) • i ie 12,869 Ha (ultimate) were created. The details of ongoing and new schemes in the Major Irrigation Sector in the Vlllth Five Year Plan arc as under; 1 , 0N__ GpIN^ SCriE^^ 1 .1 of_thc_ Sqhe^^^ Salauli Irrigation Project, Objective pf the^_sc_hcmej^ To create an irrigation potential of 14,360 Ha (CCA) or 21,244 Ha (ultimate) of which 13,000 Ha (ultimate( i.e. 8,783 Ha (CCA)(balance) is to be achieved in the Vlllth Five Year Plan period, P hysical__ Financial ■(Ultlnjatb''lrriga% / T*'iTTokhs'’) tion potential ' ' / Target Achieve''^ Outlay^"' Expo rTdi" me nt. ture Vlllth Five Year Plan. 13,000 2500,00 • « Annual Pla n 1992-93 30 500.00 631 A 5 Annual Plan 1993-94 1,776 700,00 8 7 8 .51 tf ; II 1994-95 3,820 530 1200.00 749.00 tt 1995-96 960 948.00 ( proposed) m-^'V IV-A-2 EppjLoymcntGc no ra t ion The target of cniployniGnt gcnerntion for Vlllth Five Year Plan period is 50.00 lakhs mandays. During 1992-93 and 1993-9^^^22,71 lakh niandaya of employment has been generated. Target for 1994*'95 is 9.^0 lakh man-'days and that proposed for 1995-96 is also 11.38 lakhs man-days. Brief review f^ tho^ PJ*oj^j?.'t The pro.ject was approved by the Planning Commission Government of India in December,1971 at a cost of Rs, 9.61 crores. The latest estimattd cost of the project bas«i on 1989 rates is P5, 88.30 crores. The dam v/orks are completed practically except a 4 mt. height of spillway in 18 mt. chord length of duck bill spillwajj. Full potential under D1 distributory, Minors M1 M2 and direct outlets from Main Canal for full length with a total of 5,570 Ha.(CCA) i.e . 8,244 Ha (ultimate) has been crcated by March, 1990. The ultimate irrigation potential created under the pro.iect upto March,1993 is 8274 Ha, The work of construction of the distributories had been stopped during 1993-94 to review the prociect implimentation and apply mid course correction. This was done consequent to observation of the Planing Commission while discussing Annual Plan outlay of 93-94. An interim decision to complete all the works upto Rain on D2 distributories and all v;orks east of Sal river on D3 distributory .-.without extending the net works beyond as per the original project sanctioned has been taken by the Administration. The extension of D2 Distributory beyond Raia, Salcete is now kept in abeyance, 1 .2 . Nam_e_ of the Sclicme ^ Tillari Irrigation Pro,1»ot. pbjeci^ive of the. Scheme;-’ An inter-state Major Irrigation Project aimed at creating an ultimate irriga­ tion potential of 24,820 Ha. for Goa State, besides providing 57.43 M.Cum. of water for domestic, industrial and other non-agricultural purposes. IV-A-3 1^ & Financial cygment^ ^ Physical__ Financjlaj. ■ (ultimate irrigation (Rs, in lakhs) potential in Ha,) Target. ^chiGvement. Outlay, Expend 8th Five Year Flan 15000 .. 8395.00 •. Annual Plan 1992-93 - - 1605.00 1507.85 Annual Plan 1993-9^ - - 1600,00 647.84‘ 1994-95 - - 1691.00 1963'.00 ” 1995^96 - 2000,00 (propoSGd) EmploymGnt Gonoration; Tho target of employment generation for Vlllth Five Year Plan period is 167.90 lakh man-days for the part of the Project lying in Goa. In 1992-93 and 1993-94^37.65 lakh mandays of employment has been generated The target for 199^-95 is 20.29 lakh mandays and that proposed for 1995-96 is 24,0# lakh mandays. Brief review^_of the Pr^ojects The project v/orks were also taken up for TQvtevf and mid course correction based on the observation of the Planning Commission, Though v/orks in Goa v/erc temiJorarily suspended during 93-94 by the Administration, now decision has been taken to give top priority for payment of common share cost for the work in Maharashtra and complete the canal net v/orks under Right Bank Canal and third priority for extention of Left Bank canal v/ork in Bicholim Taluka. No Left Sank Canal works in the coastal Bardez Taluka would be taken up unless all the uipper reach works in Bicholim Taluka are completed including distribution system. _L_cft Bank _M_ain Canal; Total length surve\/-cd for align­ ment is 39 kms. Land acquired for the canal is 24,425 kms. Works are completed in restect of ch.0,00 km to ch,1 .QiO km. h*1 •SOkm-t'o.ch.2,60 km and ch. 3.46 km to ch.7.00 km in all respects except a major part of lining. As regards Sal %stribu- tory, work upto ch.1.69 km is completed. IV-A-4 RiO'ht Bank Main Can_a_l; of the actual surveyed length of 24.00 kms. Land acquisition of 13.33 kms is completed, .sf'orks in respect of ch.0,030 km to ch.4.232 km, chc4.765 km to ch.4.700 km, ch,7,455 km to ch. 8,840 km, ch.12,40 km to ch. 13.10 km and ch,14,33 km to ch, 17,40 km is com­ pleted in all respects except lining, jorks on the Dis- tributory Si and 32 are completed upto 1.500 km. 1 *3, Name of^ the Schemes; Anjunem Irrigation Project 0 b.iectiVe of the Scheme ; This project has been com­ pleted and; the entire project potential of 4,625 Ha. (ultimate) ■ has been created. The fund require.uent for Vlllth Five Year Plan period is to clear the final bills of '.'orks, land acquisition cases, Arbitration cases, f court cases and also to be take up apprutment works of the Jiain dam as recommended by the Dam Safety Panel, Physical & Fina'xial Targets E-. Achievements PhYslcal Financial 1 lakhs) T arget Achiev- Outlay Expendi­ e me n . ture , Vlllth Five Year Plan - 150,00 • • Annual Plan 1992^93 - 30,00 29.80 11 1 993-94 - 60,00 40.30 ” 1994^95 - 30,00 30.00 ti ” 1995-96 - 30.00 - (Proposed) Employment Generation The Vlllth Five Year Plan target is 3,00 lakh mandays.
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