PUBLISHED DAILY UNDEB OBDEB OF THE PRESIDENT BT THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, CHAIRMAN Yol. 1. WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY 23, 1917. No. 62. MAY VOLUNTEER FOR ARMY Names and Locations of RED CROSS SENDS COMMISSION UNTIL NAMES ARE POSTED Army and Guard Camps TO ROUMANIA FOR RELIEF WORK The names and locations of the Na Borne misapprehension having arisen As a further step in its program for regarding the eligibility of men for volun tional Army cantonments and the Na basing American relief work abroad on tary enlistment in the Army after their tional Guard mobilization camps are as accurate surveys of conditions, the Red mimes had been drawn for the selective follows: Cross war council, of which Henry P. draft, Adjt. (Jen. McCain, in response to National Army cantonments. — Camp Davison is chairman, announces the dis telegrams from a number of recruiting Deven, Ayer, Mass. ; Camp Upton, Yap- patch of a Red Cross commission to Rou- officers, has wired them as follows : hank, L. I. ; Camp Dix, Wrightstown, mania. N. J. ; Camp Meade, Admiral, Md. ; Camp After a registered person has been This is the third Red Cross commission Lee, Petersburg, Va. ; Camp Jackson, Co to be sent to Europe since the organiza called for military service by his lumbia, S. C. ; Camp Gordon, Chamblee, local board and directed to appear tion of the war council to make first-hand Ga. ; Camp Sherman, Chlllicothe, Ohio ; investigations in belligerent countries. for physical examination he ceases Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky. ; Camp Cus to be eligible for volnntary enlist One commission, headed by Maj. Grayson ter, Battle Creek, Mich. ; Camp Grant, M. P. Murphy, Is already at work in ment. See section 15 and para-' Rockford, III.; Camp Pike, Little Rock, France ; a second, under the leadership graph D, section 18, Rules and Reg Ark. ; Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa ; ulations. Copy may be obtained of Dr. Frank Billings, will arrive in a Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kans. ; Camp few days in Russia. from local board. Travis, San Antonio, Tex. ; Camp Lewis, The commission to Roumnnia, which is The Provost Marshal General's office American Lake, Wash. headed by Henry Watkins Anderson, a has ruled that the calling of the men con National Guard mobilization camps. — lawyer of Richmond, Va., will undertake sists in the posting of their names at the Camp Green, Charlotte, N. C. ; Camp at once, in addition to its investigation of office of the local board, with the date on Wadsworth, Spartansburg, S. C. ; Camp sanitary and health conditions, actual re which they are to appear for physical Hancock, Augusta, Ga. ; Camp McClellan, lief work among the Roumanian refugees. examination. Until this was done, it was Anuiston, Ala. ; Camp Sevier, Greenville, To do this work a Red Cross medical unit stated, a man may still voluntarily enlist. S. C. ; ('amp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. ; Camp of 12 doctors and 12 nurses accompanies All day Sunday and until 4 o'clock this MacArthur, Waco, Tex. ; Camp Logan, the commission. morning the force of the Provost Marshal Houston, Tex. ; Oump Cody, Pemlng, N. Quantities of medical supplies, scrums, General was engaged in checking off the Mex. ; Camp Doniphan, Fort Sill, Okla. ; vaccines, and foodstuffs urgently needed 10,500 numbers of Friday's drawing to Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, Tex. ; Camp in Roumania are being sent with the com make certain that no errors crept in. The Sheridan. Montgomery, Ala. ; Camp Shel mission by the war council. A special rinal proofs have been corrected, and it by, Hattiesburg, Miss. ; Camp Beaure emergency appropriation of $200,000 has was expected that the numbers would be gard, Alexandria, La. ; Camp Kearney, been voted for Roumanian relief. officially furnished to the various local Linda Vista, Cal. ; Camp Fremont, Palo boards and the press some time late to Alto, Cal. Health and Sanitary Experts. day. " For the commission to Roumania, as Non-Enemy Tourists for those sent to France and Russia, the Red Cross war council has been unusu PRESIDENT ESTABLISHES "DRY Free to Enter Canada ally fortunate in obtaining the service ZONE" AROUND CANTONMENTS of some of the leading health and sani The Department of State has been in tary authorities of the country," said Mr. The order establishing a 5-mile " dry- formed by the American consul at King Davison to-day in announcing the ap ston, Canada, that the Dominion superin pointment. " It is one of the finest zone " and regulating moral conditions tendent of immigration has stated that no tributes to the patriotism of the men- around military camps has been issued document or passport is required by the doctors, lawyers, engineers, and business by the President and released for publi Canadian Government in the case of tour men — who have been called upon to un cation by the Secretary of War : ists or other visitors coming to Canada dertake, at very great personal inconven temporarily except in the case of those ience and often with no inconsiderable 1. Under authority of section 12 of the who may be of enemy origin. Those born risk, these Red Cross missions in distant act " to authorize the President to in In an enemy country who claim naturali countries, that they have responded with crease temporarily the military estab zation In the United States should carry out hesitation. No finer record will be lishment of the United States," the fol their naturalization -certificates. Those written in this war than of these men lowing regulations are established by the of enemy origin who claim birth in the who have gone forth under the Red Cross President :- United States should carry a birth cer to carry aid and encouragement to those "No person, whether acting individu tificate. Citizens and subjects of allied countries which for three years have been ally or as an officer, member, agent, rep feeling the heavy brunt of war." resentative, or employee of a corporation, or neutral countries are as free and wel partnership, or association, or as an come to enter and leave Canada as at any Members of Commission. Nagent, representative, or employee of an time in the past. In addition to Mr. Anderson, the chair individual, shall, in or within 0 miles of man, the members of the commission to any military camp, except as hereinafter Siam Declares War on Roumania, as announced by Mr. Davison, provided, sell or barter, directly or in are: directly, either alone or with any other Germany and Austria Arthur Graham Glasgow, an engineer article, any alcoholic liquor, including- of Washington, D. ('. Mr. Glasgow is beer, ale, or wine, to any person, or give A telegram to the Department of State one of the leaders of his profession, and or serve any such alcoholic liquor to any from the American Legation at Bangkok, has lived for more than 12 years in Lon person, except that this prohibition dated July 22, states that Slam declared don, where he maintained extensive against serving or giving alcoholic liquor war against Germany and Austria about offices. shall not apply to the serving of wines or 6 o'clock that day. German and Austrian Dr. Francis W. Peabody; of Boston, who liquors in a private home to members of subjects were being interned. The Ger represented the Rockefeller Foundation the family or to bona tide guests therein man and Austrian Legations were pro in its medical investigations in China. tected by special guards. All German Bernard Flexner. of Chicago, a lawyer, (Continued on page 2.) ships were interned at once. who has taken a prominent part in many THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN: MONDAY, JULY 23, 1917. sociological movements in the Middle West. EXECUTIVE ORDERS ISSUED MORE ECONOMY IN FREIGHT Dr. H. Gideon Wells, of Chicago, pro fessor of pathology in the University of RECENTLY BY THE PRESIDENT CAR USAGE IS RECOMMENDED Chicago. Dr. Roger Griswold Perkins, of Cleve Certain Lands in New Mexico and The storage committee of the general land, professor of hygiene, Western He- munitions board of the Council of Na serve University. Arizona Withdrawn from Entry, tional Defense has authorized the follow Dr. Robert C. Bryan, of Richmond, Va., ing statement : who is one of the leading surgeons of the Sale, or Other Disposal. " The Government — and, indeed, every South. other purchaser of goods — must make ev Doctors and nurses of the medical unit EXECUTIVE ORDERS. ery effort to buy near the point of utili accompanying the commission are: Dr. Under nuthority of the act of Congress zation so as to make the one necessary W. D. Kirkpatrlck, Bellingham, Wash.;, approved June 25, 1910 (36 Stat, 847), railroad haul .as short as possible. A Dr. Richard Penn Smith, Fort Loudon, as amended by the act of August 24, 1912 number of instances have come to the at Pa. ; Dr. D. J. McCarthy, Davenport, (37 Stnt., 497), It Is hereby ordered that tention of the storage committee where Iowa ; Dr. George Y. Massenberg, Macon, the public lands in the following-described certain articles are being manufactured Ga.: Dr. R. H. Rulison, Syracuse, N. Y.; nrea be temporarily withdrawn from all in the East with orders to ship West, Dr. 15. C. Hamilton, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Dr. forms of settlement, location, sale, selec while the same articles are being made in Benjnniine Karl LeMaster, Macomb, III.; tion, entry, or disposal, pending the de the West for shipment to the East. This Dr. Louis II. LImnuro, Lynn, Mass.; Dr. termination of the title to said lands, to lack of cooperation between buyer, rail E. F. Hird, Bound Brook. N. .7. ; Dr. W. T. wit: * road, shipper, and consignee must cease.
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