Comune di Crotone Discover Crotone City of Pythagoras The Art around you, wherever you are www.viaggiart.com available at all store Useful Phone Number Medical Emergency 118 Finance Ministry Police 117 Police Military Corp 112 Police 113 Fire Brigade 115 City Hall 0962.921111 Port 0962.611601 Hospital 0962.924111 Airport S. Anna 0962.794388 Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna 0962.934814 Archaeological Museum of Crotone 0962.934814 By Altrama Italia SRL Index Archaeological National Park of Capocolonna 1 Castle 2 Civic Museum 3 Archaeological National Museum 4 MACK 5 St. Dionysius’s Cathedral 6 St. Claire’s Church and Convent 7 Sanctuary of Capocolonna 8 St. Mary Prothospartis - St. Joseph’s - Immaculate Conception’s Church 9 Nao Tower 10 Lucifero Palace (Via Ducarne) - Morelli Palace 11 Byzantine City Walls 12 Pythagoras Ginnasio High School 13 Suriano Palace - Zurlo-Soda Palace 14 Barracco Palace - Lucifero Palace (Via Risorgimento) 15 Punta Scifo 16 Giunti Palace 17 De Mayda Palace - Gallucci Palace 18 House of Culture 19 ARCHAEOLOGICAL NATIONAL PARK OF CAPOCOLONNA Strada Provinciale 50 Archaeological National Park large curtain wall reinforced by of Capocolonna is located ten towers. On the north side is ka- kilometers south of the city, on tagogion, hotel for pilgrims with the promontory where stood a peristyle with stucco columns the great Lakinion Heraion, one and Doric capitals of the fifth of the most important buildings century BC. Of same period he- of worship of ancient Mediter- stiatorion, banquets building on ranean. Park includes 30 hecta- the south side of the track. Tem- res of land used for excavations ple is located on the east side and 20 hectares used in wo- and is the pride of Park: in Doric ods and Mediterranean bush. style with a rectangular plant, A long tree-lined driveway le- dates back to the fifth century ads to the first archaeological BC. From majestic building re- evidence: the walls in the sixth mains one column in Doric style, century BC, reinforced later by 8.5 meters high, with styloba- Romans in opus reticulatum; te and a mighty pedestal. The Via Sacra, large more than ei- area outside Sanctuary housed ght meters, and discovered in the priests accommodation, 1987; the area of the Sanctuary Roman thermae and Roman of Hera Lacinia, protected from villa of third century AC. Archaeological National Park of Capocolonna 1 CASTLE Piazza Castello Castle is located in old part of Crotone. It was built in 840 to defend the city by Saracen raids and was remodeled in 1541 by Charles V. It has poly- gonal plant and two towers, “Commander Tower” and “Aid Tower”. It was born as fortress on ancient Greek acropolis and, over the years, undergoes diffe- rent interventions up to current configuration, commissioned by Viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo to Gian Giacomo dell’Acaya. The entrance had semi-mobile bri- dge in stone and wood, with the main port inserted in trun- cated pyramid tower. Excava- tions in the moat, conducted by Superintendent in 2011, have brought to light the base of lar- armed by four cannons, stood ge quadrangular tower, called inside Castle and was intended “della Manovella”, with which as prison for convicts who built ite raised the bridge. They were the port (destroyed by earth- part of complex also St. Giaco- quake in 1862). Within the wal- mo Bastion, which dominated ls stood St. Dionisios’s Church the port and served as shelter (1601), New Church and St. to the troops, and St. Catheri- Carlo’s Church (1859), in addi- ne Bastion. Aide Tower, which tion to housing, stores, artillery, today houses Civic Museum, barracks for women and prison was used as offies residence known as “The Serpent”. Marchesana, with circular base Castle 2 CIVIC MUSEUM Piazzo Castello Located within “Aid Tower” “Medieval Costume” has 52 co- of Castle, it is divided into six stumes; “Armory”, is a collection sections, according to chrono- of weapons of the eighteenth logical and thematic criteria: and nineteenth centuries, as “Heraldry” includes a series of well as artillery pieces in bron- coats of arms belonging to the ze vessels. Finally, “Pottery and most prestigious families of the Ceramics” brings together frag- city; “Disappeared Countries” ments of pottery found during exhibits finds from various pe- the restoration of old city bu- riods, fragments of pottery and ildings, those from Grottaglie coins found in some area no and Cerreto Sannita and the re- longer exist; “Prints and Photo” mains of floor tiles of eighteenth exposes iconographic repertoi- century from Vietri and Caltagi- re ranging since the end of 1950; rone. Civic Museum 3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL NATIONAL MUSEUM Via Risorgimento Based in Via Risorgimento, it is ols for agriculture; Iron Age, rich among the richest of Calabria grave goods in Crotone area by quantity of exhibits. The most and a section devoted to Gre- important pieces are placed ek vase production, with vases by findings of the excavation and amphorae from various of ancient Kroton and mytholo- sources. On the first floor are, gical Heraion Lakinion, on Ca- according to topographical pocolonna promontory, whe- criteria, the discoveries made re you will find Archaeological in urban area. One room is de- Park. The entrance garden has dicated to Sanctuary of Hera two large thermal stone tubs Lacinia and objects that make (Asia Minor, the third century up famous treasure of Goddess AC), from cargo of a ship found (golden diadem and nuragica in the waters of Marine Reserve, bronze boat of seventh century at the height of Punta Scifo. The BC). Final section is devoted to finds are exhibited in chronolo- ancient Krimisa, today Cirò Ma- gical order: Prehistoric phase is rina, with a number of capitals, represented by axes and lithic terracotta and marble votive. weapons, a human skull and to- Archaeological National Museum 4 MACK Piazzo Castello Since 2008 MACK is housed in Carrino, Mimmo Rotella, Giusep- new premises of Barraco Pala- pe Uncini, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, ce, important eighteenth-cen- Vettor Pisani, Bruno Ceccobelli, tury building in the city. It was Nino Longobardi, Claudio Ver- founded with the intent to do- na, Ferdinando Fedele, Serafino cument Italian art trends from Maiorano, Alfredo Pirri, Joseph postwar period to the present, Santos and Ascanio Renda, permanent exhibition of con- they have added several others, temporary art works and pe- including 42 paintings by artist riodic reviews. The first group Arnaldo Mori and many other of works, which includes artists contemporary works. such as Carla Accardi, Nicola Mack 5 ST. DIONYSIUS’S CATHEDRAL Piazzo Duomo Cathedral is dedicated St. ting of Jesus returning from the Dionysius Areopagite. Original temple, by Niccolò Lapiccola. structure dates from the ninth Treasure of Cathedral consists of century, then rebuilt in the fi- vestments and silver, including a fteenth century with materials gilded silver goblet of 1626. taken from Hera Lacinia Tem- ple. The facade, in neoclassical style, is flanked by imposing bell tower and houses three maje- stic portals. The interior is divi- ded into three naves supported by pillars, houses valuable wor- ks of art: a stone font with zoo- morphic base, of the thirteenth century; a seventeenth-century wooden choir; two wooden bu- sts of St. Gennaro and St. Diony- sius, both of the XVII century; a terracotta crucifix and marble pulpit designed by Pietro Paolo Farinelli, in 1898. At the bottom of the right aisle there is the ni- neteenth-century chapel which houses Byzantine icon of Ma- donna of Capocolonna, whi- ch is said to be work of St. Luke, decorated with gilded stucco, bronze and precious paintings by Boschetto (XVI century) and De Falco (seventeenth cen- tury). Of note, in the left aisle, the eighteenth-century pain- St. Dionysius’s Cathedral 6 ST. CLAIRE’S CHURCH AND CONVENT Via G. Pelusio Built in the sixteenth century De Martino; wooden matronei and restored in the late eighte- used by the nuns; a choir and enth century, the church has a numerous sacred furnishings, facade decorated by graffito typical Neapolitan goldsmith The interior, decorated with of the eighteenth century. The precious Baroque stucco, has church was attached to a con- Neapolitan majolica flooringvent of which are still visible the and containing many paintings bell tower, the cells, terracotta of eighteenth century, two of floor and the porch of the cloi- which by local painter Vitaliano ster in sandstone, as well as a ci- Alfi; a wooden pipe organ, built stern of 1616. in 1753 by Neapolitan Tommaso St. Claire’s Church and Convent 7 SANCTUARY OF CAPOCOLONNA Strada Provinciale 50 Sanctuary of Capocolonna remains a single Doric column. is located near archaeologi- Current structure was built by cal area of Capocolonna, on Byzantine monks of Salice Sa- Lacinio promontory. Church lentino between the eleventh housed a venerated icon, pro- and thirteenth centuries. After bably of Byzantine origin (X-XI many changes in the eighteen- century), depicting St. Luke and th century the church was tur- donated by St. Dionysius Areo- ned into hermitage and in 1897 pagite. The building is located took on its current appearance, near the temple dedicated to design by Anselmo Berlingeri. Hera Lacinia, of which today Sanctuary of Capocolonna 8 ST. MARY PROTHOSPATARIS’S early eighteenth century to house Brotherhood of Our Lady CHURCH of Sorrows and consecrated Pescheria in 1756 by Domenico Morelli. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION’S CHURCH Corso V. Emanuele Built at the beginning of the six- teenth century, Church was na- med after noble family of Protho- spataris and parish became active since 1525. After having been abandoned for a relati- vely long period, under Charles III of Bourbon, the parish came into operation in 1777 and had two altars dedicated to St.
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