Clemson University TigerPrints Football Programs Programs 1982 North Carolina vs Clemson (11/6/1982) Clemson University Follow this and additional works at: https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/fball_prgms Materials in this collection may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, U.S. code). Use of these materials beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. For additional rights information, please contact Kirstin O'Keefe (kokeefe [at] clemson [dot] edu) For additional information about the collections, please contact the Special Collections and Archives by phone at 864.656.3031 or via email at cuscl [at] clemson [dot] edu Recommended Citation University, Clemson, "North Carolina vs Clemson (11/6/1982)" (1982). Football Programs. 159. https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/fball_prgms/159 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Programs at TigerPrints. It has been accepted for inclusion in Football Programs by an authorized administrator of TigerPrints. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hall of Fame Day ^2oo mm rth Carolina^ What Does the Future Hold for HomerJordan? . FROM ONE CHAMPION TO ANOTHER . Louis P. Batson Company backs the National Champion Clemson Tigers. Louis P. Batson Company — International Channpions in Textile, Plastics, Paper Mill and industrial Machinery. #1 in ^ quality service dependability For your machinery, accessory, spare parts and service, call Batson first everytime. Company Home Office: Box 3978 • Greenville. S. C. 29608 Area 803 242-5262 • TELEX 57-0468 November 6, 1982 Clemson vs. University of North Carolina Clenison Memorial Stadinni Contents The Departments Homer Jordan 5 2-.3 TodaN s (lame and Statistics Clemson's national chanipionsliip (inai-tt'rl)ack has not had an eass 8 C'heerleaders year but a look at his past tells ns that Homer Jordan still has a lot ot 1.3 .\thletic Director great days left on the gridiron. Tim Bonrret discusses Homer's 17 I'uixersitN Officials future antl his learning experience of 1982. 20 .Managers 7 Have We Got an Idea For Y'ou 21 Stadium Iidormatiou last When Clemson won the national championship Januar\ , things 24 Trainers were just getting started tor .\liison Dalton, (llemson's .Sports 25 Clemson IPTAV Club sou\ euir Promotions Director. E\ en idea imaginahle tor CMemson 27 Athletic Ailministration his wa\ trom people all i.'. »'r tiie couu- items and memorahlia came 40 Stats and Items of Interest . interesting iileas. tn Kim KelK tells us about some of the more 55 Clemson L'uixcrsity " 43 'The Bruise Brothers 8.3 (clemson C-oaches William Perr\' and William Dev ane are 600 pounds ot middle guard 90-95 Tiger Band that terrorize enem\' lines on Saturda\ s. But, the rest ot the week 97 Tigers in the Crowd the> are famiK men, with other things on their mind. Kim KelK and 100 The Lighter Side Tim Bourret take a look at the lighter side of the "Bruise Brothers". 44 Shooting tor a F'ull House Bill P'oster's Tigers are looking to complete the lull house this \ ear Players and Coaches with a retiini to the XCAA tournament. Se\ en newcomers and tour returning starters give the Tigers reason tor optimism about 198.3's 9 Head Coach \)nuu\ Ford goal. Cricket Yates e.xamines the Tigers' chances. 23 Assistant Coaches .33-.38 Meet the Tigers Hall of Fame 57 .38-39 Today s Matchups The Clemson Hall of Fame honors the great athletes and adminis- 48 ('lemson .•\l[)hal)etieal Roster trators ot Tiger traditions of \esteryear. Today, seven more names 50 (demson Numerical Roster w ill be added to the tlistinguished list ot jieople who ha\ e meant so 51 Opponent Numerical Roster nuich to Clemson. Jett Rhodes re\ iews their accomplisinnents. 53 Opponent .Alphabetical Roster 1978 Gator Bowl Revisited 67 62 Meet TodaN s Opponent One of Clemson s contemporar\' landmark \ ictories took place in Jacksonv ille, FL, in December of 1978 when the Tigers upset Ohio Photo Ca-edits: \ special thanks to the Clemson ( 'onunnmcation State, 17-15. A young Danny Ford was coaching his first game on Center staff of Jim Burns, Charles Haralson, Tom Sliockle\. national television against the legendaiy Woody Hayes. It was quite N'ince Dncker, Hal Smith, Ben Hendricks, jnn Martin, Lance a night for Clemson athletics, as Jeff Rhodes recreates. McKinne) anil Da\e Lewis. .Also thanks to Earle Martin. Jim 93 Youth Football Bradle\ and the Orange .md White. EniiK \\ iggins of the Clemson extension ser\ ice has |)n)\itlfil us with .iii interesting studs and theories on the benehts of south football and other Represented for National AtK ertisnig b\': sports activities. Danny .McNeill gives us some interestnig accounts of Spencer Marketing her findings. 370 Lexington .\\ emu- 10017 Band History New York, NV 95 The Clcinson hand has been a major component of Tiger football Saturda\s tor \ears. but their look has changed o\er the seasons. Frank Johnson takes a look at the liistorv ot then" appearance and the histor\ ot Tiger Band in general. Toda\ s [irogram is published b\ the (.'lemson Football Program The Typical College .Athlete Committee: 99 The CF.^ did some homework o\er the snnnner and came up some Editor: Tim Bourret interesting statistics on the typical college football player and his most Designer & Assistant Editor: Kim Kelly common characteristics. Business Manager: ,\llison Dalton Staff Assistants: Cricket Yates, Jeff Rhodes, Jill Mixon, W B>num and Sam Blackman Production .Assistance: Clemson Department ol I'nblu- Rel.itions Printing: Ke\ s Printing ( .'o. of (Ireenv ille, SC. Tales of the Tailbacks By Tim Boiirret There are countless switt and shitty son high 129 yards at N.C. State as he three weeks ago against Duke when he tailbacks in tlie countr\', bnt no game in starts his annual late-season surge. Now set the Clemson single game record the nation will have a more volnniinoiis ranked si.xth in career rushing at Clem- with 260 yards in 27 carries, breaking collection ot players at that celebrated son, McSwain needs 479 yards in the the 30-year-old mark held b\ Don King. position than today's Clemson-North remaining games to reach Buddy Additionally, Austin is fourth in the na- Carolina game. Move over Southern Gore's number-one ranked total of tion in scoring with 9.4 points per game, Cal and Herschel Walker, they have 2,571. an average most ACC basketball great backs in the ACC too. While McSwain has the higher career players would be proud of. Entering No less than four of the top 50 rushers yardage total. Cliff Austin has the this game, Austin has a streak of four, in the country and three players with higher season total. The senior from 100-yard games in succession and he over 2,000 career yards will be in to- Scottdale, GA, has picked up 810 yards needs only one more to set the Clemson day's game in Death Valley. The five on 133 carries in a season that has ex- record. In fact, he would already have it backs who will see action have a col- ceeded what most expected the if he could have managed three more lective total over 8500 career yards, and number-nine rusher in Clemson his- yards against Western Carolina on nearly 70 touchdowns. This year the tory could accomplish. And, it is un- September 25. group averages about five yards per thinkable when you consider the injury While Clemson has two tailbacks as carry and has accumulated over 25 difficulties he had in 1979 when he had its leading rushers, the Tar Heels have touchdowns. a knee operation after the spring game three. And the ranking is in reverse Clemson's entrants in the tailback and missed the entire campaign. order of their lineup on the North derby are a pair of seniors who have Austin needs only 115 yards to reach Carolina depth chart. Incredibly, the been major reasons Clemson has won the 2,000-yard club and that is exactly third-string tailback is the leading 31 games over the last three and half his per game average this season. That rusher on the team, and a player justifi- years. Chuck McSwain has the higher average is the highest among the quin- ably touted for the Heisman Trophy in yardage total for his career with 2,092, tet of outstanding backs in today's game the preseason publicity, is second on the an incredible accomplishment consid- and the ninth best total in the country. team in rushing. ering he has started only 11 games in With figures like that Austin is making a Kelvin Bryant is the back who was his career. The best relief pitcher at late-season surge for some All-America considered a Heisman candidate in the tailback in Clemson history had a sea- votes. Of course, his top effort occured preseason publications. No, you won't find his name in last year's statistics in the ACC or the NCAA, but he had one of the best seasons on a per game basis in the history of the conference. Be- cause of a rule that says a player must participate in 75 percent of his team's games to qualify for stats, Bryant was left off the stats, hut he had over 1,000 yards rushing and scored 17 touchdowns in only seven games. In the first three games of 1981 he had 15 touclidowns, already halfway to breaking the NCAA single season touchdown record held by Lydell Mitchell of Penn State.
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