RP-AA-461 Revision 2 Page 20 of 23 ATTACHMENT 3 Pre-Dive Checklist Page 1 of 1 (USED FOR SUBSEQUENT DIVES AFTER CREW'S INITIAL BRIEF. MAY BE PERFORMED INANY ORDER) 1. Complete a pre-job briefing (discussion to include dive area boundaries, dose rate information and task(s)),J 2. Verify two underwater survey instruments are in calibration and source checked and are available, 3. Verify water clarity and underwater lighting adequate. 4. Verify dive site survey is performed (historical survey available for initial dive) and methodology by RP Supervision approved. 5. Verify dive suit is wet prior to diving. 6. Verify dive suyed and meets the requirements of step 4.3.5 7. asVerify plastic helmet bags dosimetry or tape, whichattached could with block wire/pdastic diver's exhalationties, when valve.applicable. Do not use material, such ! . 1. Verify diver dosimetry in proper location (e.g, EDs, TLDs, Extremity, etc.). - 9. Verify remote dosimetry equipment is operational. toOdi veWo"eratio I 17. Verify two-way voice communications are available and operational. a, M ri 11/. Verify approved method of visual contact is available. / 12. Verify survey instrumentation used by diver is operable. s y t an v c 13. Verify in-leakage test of diver suit has been performed.apsp4 14. Verify wiat Diehing air is monitored. S v e 15. Evaluate the need for vacuuming and shielding. •, 16. Ensure all prerequisites of RP-AA-461 are met prior to dive operations. raegain rs 17. Discuss immediate actions for each the following: CO alarm, High Rdd alarm, CAM alarm, diver disorientation, diver signaled to leave, failure of underwater survey instrumentation, diver reaches pre-established dose limits, radiologcical aspects of dive can NOT be maintainedror are suspect ,-•'__. 18. Discuss when the dive operationsohall be suspended as per step 4.4.7. e w 19. evolutions.Verify with Diver Supervisor that Ops Shift Supervision has been notified peor to start of dive 20. Ensure appropriate controls are in place for dive evolutions in a high dose rate gradient area. ..// 21. Ensure water are within limits. i.95- F unjess approved by Dive Supervisor and prior to notircation to RP/Safely) . 22. Discuss approved dose levels with divers. _.. 23. When meeting the requirements of step 3.3.11, ensure a documented plan exists with the appropriate approvals when evaluatingj diver safety,.'•• Divers Name (Print) ,Date R Rtevi (sined) R_7pervi6 ion Review (signed) Date RP-AA-461 Revision 2 Page 23 of 23 ATTACHMENT 6 Diver-Performed Survey Verifications Page 1 of 1 DIVER'S NAME: - DATE OF DIVE: _,/(/Q GENERAL DIVELOCATION: 71 __mu ofe Aree -iv lst tSe-mill, ~ ERTMLtcionofS ye ýWiMmum 2 STyp ru '' _ in•rem/hr 3rd Survey /43o 4WIGo 6 -30/- mrem/hr 2nd Survey _____ mrem/hrr mrem/hr 35d Survey 46h Survey ,mrem/hr 57h Survey mrern/hr. 68h Survey mrem/hr 79h Survey mrem/hr mrem/hr 81h Survey _ 91th Survey mrem/hr _________ rrem/hr 11O'Survey ___________ _m r e m / h r h u r v e y ._,_ 13•1 2 SurveyS mrem/hr mre/h P.Technician fsined) Dkte SI Supervision (signed) Date RP-AA-461 Revision 2 Page 21 of 23 ATTACHMENT 4 Dive Checklist Page 1 of 1 (Used for subsequent dives after crew's initial brief. May be performed in any order) PRE-DIVE CHECKLIST (COMPLETE BEFORE EACH DIVE) Date: 1--i,/'/01 Diver's Name: l-'-z A.s-/ , RWP# Approved Dose Level: 000 mrem Current Exposure: ;W 7 mrem Maximum Stay Time: .____/ ____. Minutes KEPOST-DIVE CHECKLIST (comlete aft~ereach dive)&K lil-NA Dive Suit Survey Complete (including discrete radioactive particles) Hose Off Diver Decon Diver's Suit / Post Decon Survey documented Electronic Dosimeter readings recorded Multiple Dosimetry TLDs stored Primary TLD returned to diver l///• Exposure investigation required? "CYes PlNo x/ql~oe/.5O~iOwi~ s/s I-/'~ ~ A'/t 4'/~Ls'A-Lv/gI Date RP Technician (signed) Date 5_11o _ RP ervision Review (signed) Date RP-AA-461 Revision 2 Page 22 of 23 ATTACHMENT 5 Diver Surveys In and Out of Water Page I of 1 Diver's Name: F 51 at-.- Dive Location: C 7 ' Date of Dive: SurveTime RPT in~t~In h~sr!ai) S CI Due Loatono "ve Max Reading mremiver q'nit Tye ube ;P ate"- DiOver 1"Surveymemh 2' Survey _ _ __mrem/hr mremlhr 34 Survey 4' Survey _ _mrem/hr mremlhr 56 Survey 6" Survey __ mrem/hr 71 Survey mrm/hr 8" Survey -r-d/hr mrem/hr -- Survey ,.Onrad -r -ierr'hr FIn ~ r-st f ei C ue Locat ono ax Read ng ~Raciira 6tu5I Survey Survey /(:Q•~C7370 f'/O ' mrad/hr __ 2' Survey ____ 4a____mied/hr ' 7' mrad/hr ___mrernlhrmremnhr 2e Srvey______ radhr ____mrem/hr 735 Survey ___ mrad/hr _mrem/hr 84 Survey ,_ _ mrad/hr mremJhr 7' Surveyý mrud/ttr ___mrem/hr 8n Survey mind/hr ___minem/hin If Discrete Radioactive Partlde(s) <10 mrad/hr, then RPT to survey diver suit approximately every 1 -2 hr (based on evoeutions and work environment), perform detailed w/o& w/c survey, attempt to decon and allowdiver to return to water. IfDiscrete Radioactive Particle >10 mrad/hr end t500mrad/hr, then RPT to survey diver suit approximately every 1/2 hr, performdetailed survey, conlectparticles and atlowdiver to return to water. If Discrete Radioactive Particle >500 mrad/hr, then immediately remove diver fromsuit. pedorm detailed survey of suit, characterize particles and Initiatedose assessment. RP Tec ni i n (signed) Date Sup rvision Review (signed) Date 405 e 1OCGS Radiological Survey No. CAA-0o -033/ qDate ,5/1JJ/0? Time /6 :'33 Location CST Tank Top Enclosure RWP OC-01-09-00054 Reason Tank Inspection Rx. Power - /06 % SMEARABLE CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENTATION DATA SURVEY LOCATION -/ A• DPM DPMRADIATION 0 MRAD/HR INST eo,-2, 2 S i -e Coo k, 1l 5 4 0 , -c.4i I BCF 6 9/, S, 1' CONTAMINATION SURVEY 7CS4,k <,;k /tbý INST /<ýI7 ~4 10 (• 'k EFFIO% BK.( g;I CPM 11 p< ST. 12 b,4,,o- 0 7 qS o6 7 3 , " COD //-17-O _LC4,e, ik A L. CF3, 1.5- 61(0,C/6 CPM (a0 15 . AIR SAMPLE DATA 16 .C 1 uC 17 11- ML= Large Area Smear 12 1 NC = Not Counted 19 NAN = Not Applicable 20t /NT = Nat Taken Sumryor:(P nt Na e) / # = Gamma G.A. = Smear Signature,. Dale Fis # B =Beta DF -Drc rs # N =Neutron X-X or - - = Rad Boundar' Sig u e # / Contactl30cm #/# BetaIf Contact Hl = h=Chest, Kn =Knee, W Waist #B/#=PIT 1#/# Betay 30cm pd'serates in mrem/hr unless otherwise noted No Beta Detected Unless Otherwise Noted IE No Beta Readings Taken 4 Remarks: AXS'X e•k ;4" -0o9 " -,/-- UNDERWATER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION SAFE PRACTICES MANUAL-- REVISION 3 SO' SAEY ATTACrtMENT A SAFETY HAZARD ANALYSIS I DIVE PLAN Date: 05/06/09 UCCProject Number. 01-07204.97 Client Fadilty Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Company Name: Exelon Nuclear Corporation Name: Work Location at UCCProme. Phil McDermott Facility: Condensate Storage Tanks Managerý Dive UCCProje, ssafety on Frank Tarver SupervIsor: Mark Marquis Coordinate Site Emergency Contact / Phone: Control Room /_ 911 Job Task/Objectlve: Diving support for cleaning and inspection activities in the Oyster Creek Condensate Storage Tank (CST): 4 Equipment mobilization and set-up. • Perform visual inspection of CST floor plating/ . X.r"" Perform as-found FME/debris inspections in CST's as 4 Perform final FME swim-thru in CSTprior to installing directed by the Plant, hatch covers to close the system, Perform U/W vacuuming of CSTfloor as directed by the i Equipment break-down and demobilization. Plant. Man-Loading and Responslbiltles: Prolect Manager/Dive Supervisor 1): Directly responsible for overseeing and directing the project. This includes, but is not limited to, job planning and coordination, record keeping, safety and health of dive team, knowledge and understanding of regulations and procedures related to Commercial Diving Operations and educating less experienced dive team members on clearance walk-downsand boundary issues. yiaer/Mechenics [41:Diver Mechanics are responsible for understanding the overall project or operational plan and to conduct diving and support activities in a safe and efficient manner under the direction of the Diving Supervisor. This includes, but is not limited to, assisting with setting up and maintaining equipment, ensuring the equipment is tested at ready for use, reporting the condition of the job site, informing topside of any potential hazards, maintaining open communication with the Dive Supervisor regarding illness, physical fatigue; pain or problems before and after all dive? Diver/Mechanics will be assigned to perform one of the following specific roles/responsibilities during a given diving activity: ý QjyWgThe assigned Diver is responsible for understanding the assigned tasks for the planned dive activity and conducting the dive plan in a safe and efficient manner. i Standby Diver: The assigned Standby Diver will be stationed at the dive location in a state of readiness to bec in a timely manner in case of emergency or to assist an injured or fouled Diver. The Standby diver may have If duties while a diver is in the water. 4 TeJn5d Assigned Tenders will support the dive team and the diver when performing underwater tasks. Thi but is not limited to: Assisting the diver with dressing and undressing; Tending the diver during dives and fi approximate depth and location of the diver; Assisting with topside support of the diver, being attentive fc that may produce a hazard to the diver and/or the dive team; Deploying the Stand-by Diver when require' extracting an Incapacitated Diver in the event of an emergency.
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