CS155 Web Security: Session Management *Original slides were created by Prof. Dan Boneh Same origin policy: review Review: Same Origin Policy (SOP) for DOM: – Origin A can access origin B’s DOM if match on (scheme, domain, port) This lecture: Same Original Policy (SOP) for cookies: – Based on: ([scheme], domain, path) optional scheme://domain:port/path?params Setting/deleting cookies by server GET … Browser HTTP Header: Server Set-cookie: NAME=VALUE ; domain = (when to send) ; scope if expires=NULL: path = (when to send) this session only secure = (only send over SSL); if expires=past date: expires = (when expires) ; browser deletes cookie HttpOnly Default scope is domain and path of setting URL Scope setting rules (write SOP) domain: any domain-suffix of URL-hostname, except TLD example: allowed domains disallowed domains host = “login.site.com” login.site.com other.site.com .site.com othersite.com ⇒ login.site.com can set cookies .com for all of .site.com but not for another site or TLD Problemac for sites like .stanford.edu (and some hosQng centers) path: can be set to anything Cookies are identified by (name,domain,path) cookie 1 cookie 2 name = userid name = userid value = test value = test123 domain = login.site.com domain = .site.com path = / path = / secure secure disQnct cookies Both cookies stored in browser’s cookie jar both are in scope of login.site.com Reading cookies on server (read SOP) Browser GET //URL-domain/URL-path Server Cookie: NAME = VALUE Browser sends all cookies in URL scope: • cookie-domain is domain-suffix of URL-domain, and • cookie-path is prefix of URL-path, and • [protocol=HTTPS if cookie is “secure”] Goal: server only sees cookies in its scope Examples both set by login.site.com cookie 1 cookie 2 name = userid name = userid value = u1 value = u2 domain = login.site.com domain = .site.com path = / path = / secure non-secure hp://checkout.site.com/ cookie: userid=u2 hp://login.site.com/ cookie: userid=u2 hps://login.site.com/ cookie: userid=u1; userid=u2 Client side read/write: document.cookie Se?ng a cookie in Javascript: document.cookie = “name=value; expires=…; ” Reading a cookie: alert(document.cookie) prints string containing all cookies available for document (based on [protocol], domain, path) DeleCng a cookie: document.cookie = “name=; expires= Thu, 01-Jan-70” document.cookie oben used to customize page in Javascript Javascript URL javascript: alert(document.cookie) Displays all cookies for current document Viewing/deleting cookies in Browser UI Cookie protocol problems Cookie protocol problems Server is blind: – Does not see cookie aributes (e.g. secure, HpOnly) – Does not see which domain set the cookie Server only sees: Cookie: NAME=VALUE Example 1: login server problems 1. Alice logs in at login.site.com login.site.com sets session-id cookie for .site.com 2. Alice visits evil.site.com overwrites .site.com session-id cookie with session-id of user “badguy” 3. Alice visits course.site.com to submit homework course.site.com thinks it is talking to “badguy” Problem: course.site.com expects session-id from login.site.com; cannot tell that session-id cookie was overwriZen Example 2: “secure” cookies are not secure Alice logs in at hps://accounts.google.com set-cookie: SSID=A7_ESAgDpKYk5TGnf; Domain=.google.com; Path=/ ; Expires=Wed, 09-Mar-2023 18:35:11 GMT; Secure; HpOnly set-cookie: SAPISID=wj1gYKLFy-RmWybP/ANtKMtPIHNambvdI4; Domain=.google.com;Path=/ ; Expires=Wed, 09-Mar-2023 18:35:11 GMT; Secure Alice visits hp://www.google.com (cleartext) • Network aacker can inject into response Set-Cookie: SSID=badguy; secure and overwrite secure cookie Problem: network aacker can re-write HTTPS cookies ! ⇒ HTTPS cookie value cannot be trusted Interaction with the DOM SOP Cookie SOP path separaon: x.com/A does not see cookies of x.com/B Not a security measure: x.com/A has access to DOM of x.com/B <iframe src=“x.com/B"></iframe> alert(frames[0].document.cookie); Path separaon is done for efficiency not security: x.com/A is only sent the cookies it needs Cookies have no integrity User can change and delete cookie values • Edit cookie database (FF: cookies.sqlite) • Modify Cookie header (FF: TamperData extension) Silly example: shopping cart sobware Set-cookie: shopping-cart-total = 150 ($) User edits cookie file (cookie poisoning): Cookie: shopping-cart-total = 15 ($) Similar problem with hidden fields <INPUT TYPE=“hidden” NAME=price VALUE=“150”> 16 Not so silly … (as of 2/2000) • D3.COM Pty Ltd: ShopFactory 5.8 • @Retail Corporation: @Retail • Adgrafix: Check It Out • Baron Consulting Group: WebSite Tool • ComCity Corporation: SalesCart • Crested Butte Software: EasyCart • Dansie.net: Dansie Shopping Cart • Intelligent Vending Systems: Intellivend • Make-a-Store: Make-a-Store OrderPage • McMurtrey/Whitaker & Associates: Cart32 3.0 • [email protected]: CartMan 1.04 • Rich Media Technologies: JustAddCommerce 5.0 • SmartCart: SmartCart • Web Express: Shoptron 1.2 Source: hZp://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/4621 17 Solution: cryptographic checksums Goal: data integrity Requires server-side secret key k unknown to browser Generate tag: T ← MACsign(k, SID ll name ll value ) Browser Set-Cookie: NAME = value T Server k Cookie: NAME = value T Verify tag: MACverify(k, SID ll name ll value, T) Binding to session-id (SID) makes it harder to replay old cookies Example: ASP.NET System.Web.Configuraon.MachineKey – Secret web server key intended for cookie protecQon Creang an encrypted cookie with integrity: HpCookie cookie = new HpCookie(name, val); HpCookie encodedCookie = HNpSecureCookie.Encode (cookie); DecrypQng and validang an encrypted cookie: HNpSecureCookie.Decode (cookie); 19 Session Management Sessions A sequence of requests and responses from one browser to one (or more) sites – Session can be long (e.g. Gmail) or short – without session mgmt: users would have to constantly re-authenQcate Session mgmt: authorize user once; – All subsequent requests are Qed to user Pre-history: HTTP auth HTTP request: GET /index.html HTTP response contains: WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Password Required“ Browsers sends hashed password on all subsequent HTTP requests: Authorization: Basic ZGFddfibzsdfgkjheczI1NXRleHQ= HTTP auth problems Hardly used in commercial sites: • User cannot log out other than by closing browser – What if user has mulQple accounts? mulQple users on same machine? • Site cannot customize password dialog • Confusing dialog to users • Easily spoofed Session tokens Browser web site GET /index.html set anonymous session token GET /books.html anonymous session token check POST /do-login credenals Username & password (crypto) elevate to a logged-in session token POST /checkout Validate logged-in session token token Storing session tokens: Lots of options (but none are perfect) Browser cookie: Set-Cookie: SessionToken=fduhye63sfdb Embed in all URL links: hps://site.com/checkout ? SessionToken=kh7y3b In a hidden form field: <input type=“hidden” name=“sessionid” value=“kh7y3b”> Storing session tokens: problems Browser cookie: browser sends cookie with every request, even when it should not (CSRF) Embed in all URL links: token leaks via HTTP Referer header (or if user posts URL in a public blog) In a hidden form field: does not work for long-lived sessions Best answer: a combinaon of all of the above. The HTTP referer header Referer leaks URL session token to 3rd parQes Referer supression: • not sent when HTTPS site refers to an HTTP site • in HTML5: <a rel=”noreferrer” href=www.example.com> The Logout Process Web sites must provide a logout funcQon: • FuncQonality: let user to login as different user • Security: prevent others from abusing account What happens during logout: 1. Delete SessionToken from client 2. Mark session token as expired on server Problem: many web sites do (1) but not (2) !! ⇒ Especially risky for sites who fall back to HTTP aer login Session hijacking Session hijacking AZacker waits for user to login then aacker steals user’s Session Token and “hijacks” session ⇒ aacker can issue arbitrary requests on behalf of user Example: FireSheep [2010] Firefox extension that hijacks Facebook session tokens over WiFi. SoluQon: HTTPS aer login Beware: Predictable tokens Example 1: counter ⇒ user logs in, gets counter value, can view sessions of other users Example 2: weak MAC. token = { userid, MACk(userid) } • Weak MAC exposes k from few cookies. Apache Tomcat: generateSessionId() • Returns random session ID [server retrieves client state based on sess-id] Session tokens must be unpredictable to aacker To generate: use underlying framework (e.g. ASP, Tomcat, Rails) Rails: token = MD5( current Qme, random nonce ) Beware: Session token theb Example 1: login over HTTPS, but subsequent HTTP • Enables cookie theb at wireless Café (e.g. Firesheep) • Other ways network aacker can steal token: – Site has mixed HTTPS/HTTP pages ⇒ token sent over HTTP – Man-in-the-middle aacks on SSL Example 2: Cross Site ScripQng (XSS) exploits Amplified by poor logout procedures: – Logout must invalidate token on server Mitigating SessionToken theft by binding SessionToken to client’s computer A common idea: embed machine specific data in SID Client IP addr: makes it harder to use token at another machine – But honest client may change IP addr during session • client will be logged out for no reason. Client user agent: weak defense against theb, but doesn’t hurt. SSL session id: same problem as IP address (and even worse) Session fixaon aacks Suppose aacker can set the user’s session token: • For URL tokens, trick user into clicking on URL • For cookie tokens, set using XSS exploits AZack: (say, using URL tokens) 1. AZacker gets anonymous session token for site.com 2. Sends URL to user with aacker’s session token 3. User clicks on URL and logs into site.com – this elevates aacker’s token to logged-in token 4. AZacker uses elevated token to hijack user’s session. Session fixaon: lesson When elevating user from anonymous to logged-in: always issue a new session token After login, token changes to value unknown to attacker ⇒ Attacker’s token is not elevated.
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