GREENOCK PUBLIC LIBRARIES Iff REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/postofficegreeno187879uns NORTH BRITISH AND MERMNTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1809. SUBSCRIPED CAPITAL, TWO MILLIONS. FIRE DEPARTMENT. This Company insures almost every description of Property at Home and Abroad, at the lowest rates of Premium, corresponding to the risk. No charge whatever is made for the Policies, or for Transfers from other Offices. Claims promptly and liberally settled. Nett Fire Revenue, 1877, £908,014 Fire Reserve Fund, 1877, £1,097,248 LIFE DEPARTMENT. Annual Premiums The Tables of Premium are mode- Annual Premiums for the Assurance rate. for the Assurance of £ioo to be paid New and special advantages have of £100 to be paid a Death. been introduced by the Company, at Death. Without Profits. also Reduced Tables for Residence, With Profits. in India, China, &c. Age. Premium. Age. Premium. Prospectuses and all further infor- mation can be obtained by applica- 20 18 2 20 £1 12 11 tion at the undernoted Offices of the £1 25 1 17 6 Company, or at any of the Agencies. 25 2 3 5 2 10 3° 230 Nine-Tenths ot the whole Profits 30 9 35 292 divided among the Policy Holders 35 2 17 40 2 17 3 every Five Years. 40 3 6 1 45 365 45 3 16 7 50 4 11 11 50 3 19 9 New Life Business, 1877. ..£1,003,580 11 2 55 500 Life and Annuity Funds, 55 5 60 6 1 60 6 16 2 3 1877 £3,006,752 CHIEF OFFICES. St. EDINBURGH, 64 Princes | LONDON, 61ThreadneedleSt. GLASGOW BRANCH. OFFICE, - - - - 102 St Vincent Street. GLASGOW BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Charles Tennant, Esq., of Glen, Chairman. Thomas Clavering, Esq., Mer- W. West Watson, Esq., City- chant. Chamberlain. Wm. Scott, Esq., Merchant. Abram Lyle, Esq., Provost of Robert Gourlay, Esq., Bank of Greenock. Scotland. John M. Hill, Esq., Writer. Local Manager- G. W. Snodgrass. Local Secretary—-David L. Laidlaw. AGENTS IN GREENOCK. G. Black, Writers. F. G. Bruce, Union Bank. J. & ] T. O. Hunter & Co., Merchants. ! J. Clapperton & Co., Mer- Thomas Stark, Banker. chants. Gauld, Banker. J. Innes MacDougall, Solicitor. Alex. j Robertson & M'Dougall, Mer- ' Bone & Buchanan, Account- chants. 1 ants. THE EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE. FOUNDED 1823. FUNDS, £1,500,000. I INCOME, £220,000. Moderate Premiums. Non-Forfeitable Policies. Liberal Conditions* THE SPECIAL BONUS SYSTEM is peculiarly favour- able to good lives, many instances having occurre d in which additions to Policies have exceeded 100 per cent, on the sum originally assured. The NON-FORFEITURE SCHEME of this Office—now extended to all ordinary Policies—entirely obviates loss to the Assured who decide on ceasing to continue payment of Premiums at any time. CLAIMS PAID, £2,500,000. LIFE BUSINESS ONLY IS TRANSACTED. West of Scotland Branch. OFFICE : 112 ST. VINCENT STREET, GLASGOW. Resident Secretary—ARCH : HEWAT, Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries, and Associate of the Institute of Actuaries. AGENTS. Robert Blair, Writer. I W. Philip, British Linen Bank. Tannahill, City W. & J. Crawford, Ship Brokers. | J. Bank. Alex. Gauld, Commercial Bank. Port-Glasgow. Gourock. R. B. Hagart, Shipping Agent. Robert Fulton, Teacher. — SCOTTISH EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. FOUNDED 1831. THE SCOTTISH EQUITABLE is one of the oldest Mutual Life Assurance Institutions in Britain, and the magni- tude of the following figures testify to the success with which its affairs have been administered : Existing Assurances— Original sums Assured, - - - - £6,863,187 Vested Bonus Additions therein, - 935,893 £7,799,030 Annual Revenue, 295,036 Accumulated Fund, 2,202,956 NON-FORFEITABLE POLICIES. These are now issued on a new and improved plan introduced by the Directors, a special Prospectus of which may be had on applica- tion. The leading features of the plan are —(1) Moderate Premiums. (2) Payment of the Premium during a limited number of years — 11, 22, or 33—instead of^ throughout life. (3) Grant of a Paid-up Policy without special application, so that the Policy does not become for- feited by non-payment of the stipulated premiums. (4) Fixed Sur- render Values. West of Scotland Branch Office— 128 ST. VINCENT STREET,' GLASGOW. HUGH GIBSON", Bes. Secy. Agent in Greenock—John Rodger, Clydesdale Bank. JHE STAFFORDSHIRE FIRE OFFICE m (LIMITED). hb ffl g 3 WitmX mtkt Uv gfcviUnA mil gTortft of extend- § §37 WEST NILE STREET, BUSB0W.& m BANKERS- § Kf Bank of Scotland. Q & City of Glasgow Banking Co. Commercial Bank of Scotland. 8 INSURANCES Against Loss by Fire are undertaken by this Company on |3J |g| p almost every class of Property, on terms most advantageous to Insurers W at the lowest rates of Premium, commensurate to the risk. y ' SURVEYS Made and rates quoted free of charge. M § CLAIMS Promptly and liberally settled. q O LOSSES by Fire arising from Lightning or Coal Gas Explosion, made good, fed O NO DUTY NOW PAYABLE. H Policies transferred from other Companies to " The STAFFORDSHIRE g °*J-J q| FIRE OFFICE," without any additional expense or trouble to the Insured. .A-G-IEIEsrCHES- & jj Bankers, Solicitors, Accountants, House Factors, Commission Agents, S? g and other influential gentlemen able to introduce Fire Insurance Proposals, X M are specially invited to apply for Agencies of this Company. Terms, liberal. O m Every facility is afforded, and all possible troubla saved Agents in complete- O* " <J ing Insurances. Special attention is given to the issue of Policies for Agents O to avoid the loss of any case through delay. Applications for Agencies in- vited by ROBERT MUIR, Resident Secretary. : NATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY OIF H^ZELAJSTID. ESTABLISHED 1822. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Empowered by Special Acf of Parliament. AUTHORISED CAPITAL, ... £2,000,000 SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, ... 1,000,000 PUNDS IN HAND (1877), 390,842 HEAD OFFICE -3 COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. HAROLD ENGELBACH, Actuary and Secretary. Scottish Branch—I 9 St Vincent Place, Glasgow, JOHN PARK, Resident Secretary. Influential Agents Wanted for Greenock and District, Policies granted on all descriptions of Property. THE CRESHAM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1848. Head Office-37 Old Jewry, London, E.C. Head Office for Scotland—116 St Vincent St., Glasgow, transacted in Year ending 30th June, 1877 — Proposals received during the year amounted to ... £2,271,350 Proposals declined or not completed amounted to ... 418,758 Policies issued during the year, 1,852,592 Premiums received thereon, 58,409 Claims (Death and Endowment) paid during the year, 289,107 Increase of Reserve Fund during the year, 93,223 PROGRESS OF THE SOCIETY. New Year. Policies Issued. Assuring. New Premiums. Assets. | J 1875 3495 £1,533,516 £45,148 £2,142,015 1876 3389 1,454,186 50,139 2,287,813 | 1 1877 4603 1,852,592 58,409 2,396,785 Irstrict Agent—WM. WRIGHT, fori, 5 West Blackball St., Greenoefc GILBERT BOGLE & Co., 47 OSWALD STREET, GLASGOW, SOLE AGENTS FOR SMITH'S PATENT "STOCKLESS" ANCHOR. NEW MERCANTILE PATTERN. Showing Position before and when Holding. Smith's Anchor is now proved to be by far the best and safest in use, and a great improvement upon Martin's, Trotman's or any other these known form ; Owners who have once tried it always specify Anchors for their New Vessels. NOTE.—We are always willing to give an Anchor, any size, for Trial, and take it back, Free of all Cost, if not found a decided improvement over all others in use, and a great sav- ing of time in working. Yachts, &c, supplied with Patent Toughened Glass Tumblers, Eeal Ironstone Ware (with Badge or Name), Best Electro-Plat© and Cutlery. Estimates Supplied. GILBERT BOGLE & CO., 47 Oswald St., Glasgow. GEORGE CRAIG, Iekchant Matter, IS NOW SHOWING ALL THE fatotf HtfMttfos tor tft* jl^itfmi IN DBESS BE.A.TS, FELT HATS. WATERPROOF COATS & UMBRELLAS, Suitable for all kinds of weather. 27 CATHCART STREET Exchange Buildings, Greenock, 182 ARGYLE STREET, GLASGOW, AND 19 BOAR LANE, LEEDS. : POST-OFFICE GREENOCK DIRECTORY (WITH PLAN OF THE TOWN), FOR 1878-7 9, ARRANGED IN TWO DIVISIONS-GENERAL AND COMMERCIAL; WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING IMUCH USEFUL INFOEMATION. THIRTY-FIRST PUBLICATION. GREENOOK BLAIR, PRINTER, 40 CATHCART STREET. PRICE, 3s 6d. HOlICe OFATHY, patronage the Homcepathic Faculty. Under the immediate of . J. C. POTTAGE'S HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 47 ST, VINCENT ST., GLASGOW, (opposite western club). 117 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. ESTABLISHED 1834. EDICINE CHESTS and CASES of every description, M suitable for persons going abroad, for Tourists, and for Family use, from 5s to £6. BOOKS ON HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT from Is each. MEDICINES in Tinctures, Pilules, Globules, and Triturations. In Phials Is each, 10s per dozen ; post-free Is 2d and 10s 6d. POTTAGE'S HOMOEOPATHIC COCOA, Pure and Nutritious. In Tins, Is 6d, 3s, 4s 6d, and 10s 6d each. ELEGANCIES CTIET SILVER ZF^ILTS Srnaments OMiHSNTS SUITABLE FOR OUR KEAL INDIAN Marriage Presents, Own Manufacture, AND UNEQUALLED FOR Design and WorkmsnsMp. LONDON MADE. 3s to 30 Guineas. ISHSTJ^GOrS <te CO., (JOHN C. B. CRADDOCK, Proprietor), -489 SAUCH1EHALL STREET, GLASGOW, P E E F A C E. Publishers desire to convey their thanks [to the Public for the large and increasing Patronage bestowed upon them. It has been their aim and desiie to render the Publication as complete and correct as possible, hoping thus to secure the approbation of their numerous Patrons. The Plan of the Town, as formerly, by J. Bartholomew, Esq,, F.R.G.S., Edinburgh, has been corrected up to date. Post-Office, Greenock, June, 1878. COUNTING-HOUSE CALENDAR. JUNE, 1S78. DECEMBER. Sunday 2 9 16 23 30 Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 Monday 3 10 17 24 — Monday 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesday 4 11 18 25 — Tuesday 3 10 17 24 31 Wednesday 5 12 19 26 — Wednesday 4 11 18 25 — Thursday 6 13 20 27 — Thursday 5 12 19 26 — Friday 7 14 21 28 — Friday 6 13 20 27 — Saturday 1 8 15 22 29 — Saturday 7 14 21 28 — JULY.
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