The Greco-Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society, Volume XXXI - Edited by Stephen Colvin Index More Information

The Greco-Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society, Volume XXXI - Edited by Stephen Colvin Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 0521828759 - The Greco-Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society, Volume XXXI - Edited by Stephen Colvin Index More information Index Abydenus 187 Aphrodisias (Caria) Achaean League 146, 148 sympoliteia with Plarasa 162–3, 172, 179 Achaeans Aphrodite in foundation of Soloi 184 Stratonikis 153 Achaios 149 Apollo 167, 173, 226 adlectio 111 Lairbenos 4, Lyrboton 36, Tarsios 5, Tiamos Aelius Ponticus 102, 103, 116 22 Aetolian League 146, 148 Lycian 58–9 Agatharchides (FGrHist 86 F16) Apollodoros Metrophanes (Miletos) 166 Aigai (Cilicia) 206 Apollonia (Crete) 148 Akalissos (Lycia) 171 Apollonis (Lydia) 149 akathartia see purity Apollonos Hieron (Lydia) 4 Akmonia 4 Arados (Phoenicia) 205 Al Mina 186 Aramaic Aleppo/Beroea 124 used (written) in Cilicia 190, 192, 195–6 Alexander the Great 156 Aratus 200, 206 southern Asia Minor, campaign 198 arbitration 32 Alexander Polyhistor 187 archiatros 100, 101, 103, 107 Alexandreia (Troas) 150 architecture alphabet Greek influence at Dura 121 Greek 45; place of adaptation 190–1 Parthian 132 Lycian 45 Argos Phrygian 191 mythological (kinship) ties with Amos (Rhodian Peraia) 177 Cilicia 198–9; Aigai 206; Soloi 195; Amphilochos 183–4, 195 Tarsos 184, 206 Anatolian languages Aristotle, on solecism 181 disappearance 203–4; see individual Arrian (Anab. 1.26–2.5) 197, 202 languages Arsinoe (Cilicia) 199 Anchialos (Cilicia) Artemis 21, 60–61 (?), 166, 226 foundation by ‘Sardanapalus’ 198 Pergaia 41 Antigonos Monophthalmos 150, 162, 171, Arykanda (Lycia) 178 sympoliteia with Tragalassa Antioch (Pisidia) 85–117 Asandros 151–2, 161, 178 transferred from Galatia to Asklepiades 208, 218 Lycia-Pamphylia 99 Asklepios 105, 108 Antioch (Syria) 90 patron god of doctors 106 pottery production 122 Asklepieion (Pergamum) 106 Antiochos I 221 Assyrian, cuneiform 188, 190 Antiochos II 153 Assyrians Antiochos III 147, 149, 232–4 domination in Cilicia 187–90 Apamea 139 asylia 31 271 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521828759 - The Greco-Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society, Volume XXXI - Edited by Stephen Colvin Index More information 272 Index Atalanta 63 coins Athanodoros (priest of Athena Lindia) 176 Cilicia 192–3, 194, 196–7, 206 Athena, Alea 2; Lindia 176 Parthian coins at Dura 128–30 Athens 10 Roman coins at Dura 119, 132–43, 144 Athenian (Delian) League 45, 70, 162, 193 countermarks 126, 131 Aurelian 85 Commodus 88 Aurelius (imperial physician) 114 Corbulo 127 Aurel(l)ius, orthography 89 Crete 191 Aurelius Gellius Lucius, Iulius 96, 99, 116–17 sympoliteiai 148, 162 Axiotta 9 curses 8–9, 13–14, 34, 37 annulment of 34–5, 39 Babrius (Fab. 2) 2, 15, 26–32, 36, 41 defixiones (curse tablets) 7, 21; see also Banasa (Mauretania) 88–9 pittakion barbarians, barbarism funerary (epigraphic) 10, 29, 36, 40 ancient concept of 44, 197, 198 of the guilty by priests 6, 43 Bargylia (Caria) 146 Curtius (4.12.11) 202 baths and bathing technology Cyprus evidence at Dura 119, 132–43, 144 connections with Cilicia 185, 188, 189, 191, 194, Bellerophon 44, 63 198 Berosus 187 bilingualism Daidalos 63 Greek and Latin 106 Darius 192 Greek and Lycian 69 dating formula (epigraphic) 38 Brecht, Bertolt 1 Demeter 6–7 Britain 9, 142 Demetrios Poliorketes 177 Diagoras of Melos 1 Callinus 183 Dikaiosyne (deity) 10, 11 Cappadocian languages 203 Dikes Ophthalmos (deity) 10 Caracalla 87–117 DioofPrusa205 bad health 100, 103 (Or. 34.21–3) 204 Caria Diocletian 114 influence on Lycia 52 Diogenes of Babylon 181, 201 role of sanctuaries in administration of Diogenes Laertius (1.51) 8, 201–2 justice 31–3 Diogenes of Oinoanda 1 Carian names 49, 63, 67, 69, 223;inLycia51, Dioskouroi 64 52, 57, 59 Dodona 3 sympoliteiai 146; see also sympoliteia Dorylaion 9 Carian language ducenarius 114–16 displaced by Greek 203–4 Dura-Europos Chalketor (Caria) 153–5, 178 foundation and history 119–21 Chinese silk, at Dura 144 evidence of pottery 121–5; of coinage 125–32; Christians 8, 12, 40 of bath technology 132–43 Chrysa (Troas) 150 Chrysaoric League 175, 221 Eetion¨ 182, 184 Chrysippus 181, 200, 201, 206 Egypt 1, 3, 27, 32, 33, 114 Cicero (Verr. 4. 10) 44 ekklesia kyria 166, 229 Cilicia Elagabalus 95 history, Bronze age 182–6; Archaic 186–91; Ephesos Classical 191–8; Hellenistic 198–203; relocation by Lysimachos 150, 155 Roman 203–6 Ephorus 197 name derived from Assyrian Hilakku 188 epitaphs 9, 10, 42, 43 onomastics 67, 188 evidence of Hellenization 51 Claudius (emperor) 45 Eudamos 209 Claudius Balbillus, Ti. 114, 115 Euphorion, Alexander 200–1, 202 codex Iustinianus (4.1.2) 42;(2.3.9) 41;(8.46.4) 42 Euphrates 124 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521828759 - The Greco-Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society, Volume XXXI - Edited by Stephen Colvin Index More information Index 273 Euromos (Caria) 158 Herakles 173 renamed Philippi 154 Hermes 61–2 sympoliteia with Mylasa 154–5, 168–9, Herodotus (2.17, 2.34; 3.91; 5.52, 5.108, 173–4 7.91) 182–3, 195 sympoliteia with Pidasa (?) 158 languages, interest in (4.117, 4.108) 201 Eusebius, Chronicle (Armenian) 187 [Hesiod] Melampodia 183, 195 Evagoras of Salamis 194 Hierakome (Stratonikeia) 214 Hierapytna Galatian language 203 isopoliteia with Itanos 149 Galen 202 Hippolytos 63 Gellius Maximus, Lucius Hittite-Luwian language 44, 45, 56 physician to Caracalla 91 Holmoi (Cilicia) 199 honoured by his native city Antioch 95–6;by homopoliteia 153 a grateful citizen of Sagalassos 96–101;as Hosios kai Dikaios 10, 11, 16 amicus of Caracalla 101–3; as priest of Hurrians 188 Asklepios 103–8; by the city of Hymesseans 158 Sagalassos 109–10 Hypnia (Lokris) 162, 172 his son (senator by adlectio) 91, 111 hypocaust 132, 134–5, 142 Geta 90 Glaukos (mythological hero) 63 Ialysos 177 gods Iason, strategos in Caria origin of 1 Iasos (Caria) 159, 173 punishment by 3, 4, 10 Idebessos (Lycia) 171 see also sanctuaries Iliad 44, 45 Greek language (6.397, 415) 182 alphabet, place of adaptation 190–1 imprecations, see curses corrupted by contact with foreigners Indian silk, at Dura 144 201–3 Indo-European cultural prestige 45 name structure 47, 67 replaces Latin in Asia Minor 111 inscriptions spreads in Asia Minor, in Lycia 46, 51–4;in bilingual, Greek/Lycian 10, 46, 66; Cilicia 182, 184, 203–4; in Caria 223 Luwian/Phoenician 184, 189 confession or propitiatory 3–6, 7, 11, 16–20, Hadrian 206 21, 22, 24–30, 33, 34–8, 39, 43 Halasarna (Kos) 173 see also epitaphs, curses Halikarnassos 148 Ioniapolis 156, 157–9 Hama/Epiphania 123, 124 Isocrates (Euag. 27–8, 62) 194;(Paneg. 161) Hampshire 8 197 Harpagos (Persian general) 45 isopoliteia 148–9, 158 Hatra 121 Itanos Helios 10, 16, 209 isopoliteia with Hierapytna 149 Pantepoptes 10 Iulia Gordos (Lydia) 43 Hellenization Iulia Paulla 108 Cilicia 184, 197, 198–203, 204–6 Iuliopolis 89–91 different models 46–7, 222–3 Iulius Vestinus, Lucius 114, 115 reflected in Lycian names 51–4, 62 Iunius Silanos, M. 173 Roman colonies in the East 107, 111 Hekate 224, 228, 240 Jews 4, 204 Hekatomnids 45 synagogues 36 Hera 226 Zeus, joint cult (Panamara) 225–6 Kabalia 50 Herakleia under Latmos Kalchas 183 hostile to Mylasa-Euromos 168–9 Kallipolis (Caria) 30, 31, 208 relations with Miletos 157–60 Kalymna renamed Pleistarcheia 151 homopoliteia with Kos 153, 172–3 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521828759 - The Greco-Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society, Volume XXXI - Edited by Stephen Colvin Index More information 274 Index Kamiros 175–6, 177 criminal 42 Karatepe bilingual 184, 189 interdependence with religion 3, 5–6, 11, Karpathos 177 27–34, 40, 42 Katakekaumene (Lydia) 4 legal terminology 6, 29, 32, 33, 34 Kelenderis (Cilicia) 193 Lebedos Keramos (Caria) 154 synoikismos with Ephesos 150, 171 sympoliteia 169–70 synoikismos with Teos 150, 162, 170, 178 Kibyra legio III Augusta 143; X Fretensis 127; XV sympoliteia with Plarasa, Aphrodisias, Apollinaris 127 Tabai 163 Leon of Stratonikeia 30–4, 174 Kildara/Killara (Caria) 147, 155, 180 date of priesthood 210 Kilix 182 goals 236–8 Kimon 193 honoured by local communities 211, 212 Kirua, ruler of Illubru 187–8 Lesbos 10 kleidophoria 224 Leto 59–60 Knidos 7 Leukodeis (Caria) 217, 218 koine´ Lindian Temple Chronicle 194–5 in Lycian inscriptions 46 Lindos 167, 175–6, 177 typical features in Anatolia 46, 56 Soloi (alleged role in foundation) 186 koinon 208; chapter 7 passim Livy (33.18) 232, 233 Koliorga (Stratonikeia) 213, 214, 239 Lobolda (Stratonikeia) 214 Kollyda (Lydia) 15 Lokris 162 Koloneis (Caria) 217 Londeis (Caria) absorbed by Pisye 164 absorbed by Pisye 164 Kolophon koinon 209, 217 synoikismos with Ephesos 150, 171 Lucian 205 Koraia (Stratonikeia) 214, 239 (Alex. 44) 41 Koranza (Stratonikeia) 214, 240 Lucius Verus 121, 142 Kore 7, 221 Luwian Kormeis (Lycia) 171 cult 205; moon goddess 61 Kos 10 language, Lycia 45; Cilicia 184, 189, 190, 196 homopoliteia with Kalymna 153, see also onomastics 172–3 Lycia 10, 36 metoikesis 178 boundaries 50–1 Kritias 1 considered part of the classical world Kula (Lydia) 16, 20 44–5 Kuprlli (Lycian dynast) 49 sympoliteiai 146, 171 Kyaneai 10 Lycian language Kybele 36 Anatolian language 45 Kydonia (Crete) 148 in the epigraphic record 45 kyria ekklesia see ekklesia kyria displaced by Greek 51–4, 69, 203–4 Kyrbissos Lycians 44–70 absorbed by Teos 145, 152, 156 Lydia 3, 4, 5, 6, 9–14, 20, 35, 39; chapter 1, Kytinion 44, 63 passim onomastics 67 Labraunda 220–1 Lydian language Laodikeia/Lykos 27–8, 30, 33, 210 displaced by Greek 203–4 Laodikeis (Caria) Lysimachos 150, 155, 171 koinon 209–12 Latin language Macedonia

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