Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopeia**, Iselin, Keaabey, Port Reading, Sewaren and Edison Published wMkly On •- WCX>DBRIDGE, N. J,, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1962 tnurtd M tad enwa UtU A( V 0 Wnorthtidt*. R J cmrnr WOODBRIDGE - tomor- The report will to some- later Uuit the orphanage was row, students at Woodbrldr* thlnf Hke this: heard from again. \ letter Junior High School will hear Six years ago, the stodenta arrived frmn Mr. Kim with a report on their humanitari- In Mrs. Herman W. Dettmer an appeal for help In the dis- an efforts to assist orphans Social Studies Class decided aster that had overtaken In a little town half-way to send Thankiftvlng CARE them, vthlle preparing; for JJlcssed to Give,. round the world. packages In connection with Christina* a stove had be- Selected to live the report their study of places in the come overheated and set the 2 7-Acre Cemeteryl b Jojr Welner, daughter of world when people are in orphange on fire. The build- Mr. and Mrs. Max Welner, need, The money for fonr ing had burned to the ground. Green Street, who will re- packages was collected and Mrs. Deftmer read the letter sent to CARE with Instruc- late to her fellow students to her student* and they Im- tions to send them to places the work dene by the war mediately expressed a desire junior High Pupils Aid where the need was treat. tn help. It wasn't lone before orphanaie started by Mr. One of the 4 packages went. Kim Bonr Yo'ng, of Cholla » stoahle antount Was collect- te a home for war orphans ed, a hank draft bad brpn Bookto, Korea and how the In Korea supervised by Mr. S Released For local boys and girls became obtained and the money wan Orphanage in Korea Kim Bon Tong. In due time on Its way to Korea. Interested in the projeot acknowledgement of all pack. In due tine a letter of through their Social Studies age* was received. teacher, Mrs. Herman W. thanks was received from Mr, Appealed for Help Kim. He said they had used DHtmer, Ban-on Avenue. It was not until a year (Continued on Page 2> 1 650 Commercial Use IS Till 1 V Vandalism in Township Jaycees Will Heccive Parks Reaches New High Aim Toward Court i United Town •lixiK - Approxi- Damage at $7MO; WOODBRIDGE — In keep Renderi t WoodbiidRe High ing with the recommendation!; .,<•• will receive their Seeks Cooperation made in "Woodbridge - Tomor- •\i Wednesday at row", prepared by the Wood- :.;ml commencement WOODBRIDGE - Vandalism bridge Redevelopment Agency, Woodbridge Senior and destruction In Township Woodbridge Township Jnyceef Decision 1 --indium at 0:45 parks and playgrounds have have been charged by their ,.. of rain the exer- reached a new high, Commit- president, Joseph Vazzano, to WOODBRIDGE- With Bet* j.ihiponedtoThurs- teeman Herman FHIIOII, Rec- work toward tha. eliminRt.ion of Israel Cemetery Association rot i lie snme time. reation Chairman, announced the provincial interests in aring into a consent judgment :< with custom, the | Woodbridge Township. Efforts handed down by Judge Frank dv mid teachers, Enraged over the senseless will be directed, he said, to Klngfleld, Chancery DlvWOB, ..ip mid gown will vandalism, Commltteeman Fal- promotion ,of a single, united Superior Court, last Friday, tfi* and informed Woodbridge 'he stadium while lon declared that when caught, proxlmately 27 acres of thB belt 'ownship. mh School Band violators will be "prosecuted to ommercial land in the Town* Recommendations in "Wood- tup and Clrcum- the fullest extent of the law ship have been released for rtdttP - y<)morrow", state In 1 The recreatton department commercial and light industrial >art: '" j u«e. , :ion will be pro-1head, however, noted that he i.'itbbi Samuel New-jmust have the cooperation of " Individual neighborhoods The site in question Is aciw* "iigrcgatlon Ada thi the public. now dominate the Township from the proposed new Klein :; tract at the intersection of ""idge. "Young boys are tvldently cene, wltti citizens of the var- Route 1 and Gill Lane and on. band plays thCjresponsible for the damage," he ious parts of tbe Township as- ociating tttroselves more the opposite side of the present nin. Marilyn Ting declared, "and titty undoubt- ilosoly with ;!Pords, Sewaren, Beth Israel Cemetery from Ms- \ wclcoiue and Ken- edly watt \mtll after the police selin, etc., {fijan with Wood- tsichen Avenue, going toward •; Oittle will fttelcheck and have for other sec- bridge Township. The exis- the Green Street Circle, It 'ji!v mi undress, tlons of their beats. I sincerely ence of se] ily named pos estimated that if the site is put SOUR, words by'request that the public report ofllcea, fire schools to it* best use( lt could brt||-- •Ainu Baumgaiten to the police immediately If tc., fosters parochial at in ratable* up to $10 million^; Ann Carlsen and they see Irrythlng thnt might Township Attorney Stewart Mrv'1 itude. possible, th Joyce Kurte, lead to the arrest of the van- Iwrts should be Hutt said. .v .r&' ;l; by the Woodtotldge •of them The background of the oa«| •. Ube'35 TOvntolp , R part o f (trnl cs back to the dfi|»faiOft Township, a single, day* of 1933 when trie Town nified municipal unit. Al Committee passed an ordinance •• cinss to the Board Most damage wa* (ionr though the neighborhood natnei .. schools r granting permission to the Ce- • ion. while Dr, cun be expected to exist fo: in the Township, the Iselin building muses six sets of twins. Both teachers and puplli tire dar Grove Cemetery Associa- some time to come, their usi prand of the look-alikes. woodbridw tenfer n.ooo ^f have to W spent to tion to establish a cemetery on •'l principal, will in- put the playground into shape. on signs, buildings, etc., BITO the site. The owners of the on Page J) Both the boys' and girls' toilet be limited as much as possibly.' The creation of a new Town- nearby Maple Hill Dairy, room* were destroyed, toilet brought suit against the Town-v bowls and wash stands were SENSELESS: This is what the boys' rest room in Avenel ship business center is proposec Park luoked like after the hoodlums not through breaking Little School 6 Boasts ship to have the permit set in the report. The existin smashed with heavy instru- aside as illegal and lost the Alison High ment* of some sort. The shelter up toilet facilities. Other photo on page 12. Main Street center, it states "Is severely limited due to bot case. over the sand box mid tables The following year, the Town was heavily damaged with the poor access to major highway; and lack of the quantities ol Of Its 6 Sets of Twins Committee passed an ordinance tart is Set roof so pulled apart it will have revoking the permit. This time to be replaced. Death of Town Employee open land necessary for the hi ange of facilities appropriate the Cedar Grove Cemetery As- "i ~ Groundbreaking At the Bunn's Lane play site, ISELIN — When you visit to such a center." sociation brought suit and won. fur th« 38-room ad- for example, the rails were School 6 we hasten to assure However, with the depression " 'he Edison High ripped off the merry-go-rounds. Brings Inoculation Bid you that you are not seeing Any Spare Jobs Around? "The clay pit area betweer continuing the Association •!• take place this (Continued on Page 2) Routes 1 and 9 should be ex- double. WOODBRIDGE — An appeal to the Board of Health never became the owner of the t ••'itli possible comple- (Continued on Page 2) Although School 6 on Qreen ' 'iccupancy by Sept. to provide tetanus, polio and diphtheria shots to employees site, and the then owners, thef.'jf Street is the smallest of the No?; Hartnett Has 'Em!Highway.Land and Develop*; '•"dint! to a report of the Sanitation Department and Sewage Treatment planU, five public schools In the Iselin ment Company conveyed ttK^j Board of Education Keeping Fido was made Tuesday night by Charles O'Neil, a sewage treat- WOODBRIDGE! — Business Administrator Bernard M. section of the Township and land to the Beth Israel Mem***- l! Rugglerl, superln- ment plant operator. History Van has grades kindergarten Hartnett, who was fired as of July 1, was given another job ;| Mr. O'Neil said he has been endeavoring to interest to do this week. rial Park Association and a*» re- f school, through sixth, with propor- signed to the latter the permit '-lie project are ex- tionately small classes, the In a memo from Committeeman George E. Emery, sanl- To Cost More Board members In hla plan for Issued to the Cedar Grow A**.' 1 •chool boasts of six sets of tation chairman, workmen at the Incinerator and sewage iio received next some time now, but ihat the PHONE CHARGE Is Here Today soclatlon, ;•',- 1 under these circum- WOODBRIDGE — If an or- 'wins. disposal plant were Informed: death of a 33-year-old sani- Since that time, Beth Israel • ••'•I'med highly prob- dinance introduced by the , WOODBRIDGE — Approxi- They are: "While Mr. Harry Anderson" has attempted to get legisla- '>"• groundbreaking Board of Health Tuesday (station department employee BRINGS ANSWER mately 2,000 school childrer Nancy and Patricia Niklper, is on vacation please report to "erred" in sending the memo flnallX adopted at its next meet, thafday.had spurred him on. tion passed to clarify the valid" ' 'i this summer, the WOODBRIDGE — Mayor will walk to or be transports laughters of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. .__ ,'.u. in A~.
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