GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA PAPER 88-7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA RADIOCARBON DATES XXVIII collated by R. McNeely 1989 Energy. Mines and Energie. Mines et ••• Resources Canada Ressources Canada Canada THE ENERGY OF OUR RESOURCES THE POWER OF OUR IDEAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA PAPER 88-7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA RADIOCARBON DATES XXVIII collated by R. McNeely 1989 " Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1989 Available in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Ottawa, Canada KIA OS9 and from Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada K1A OE8 3303-33rd Street N. W., Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7 100 West Pender Street Vancouver, B.C., V6B IR8 A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in publ ic libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-88/7E ISBN 0-660-13316-4 CONTENTS 1 Abstract/Resume 1 Introduction 2 Acknowledgments 4 Laboratory crosscheck sample 5 Geological and archeological samples 5 Eastern Canada 5 Newfoundland (Labrador) 9 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 14 New Brunswick 18 Quebec 24 Ontario 39 Western Canada 39 Saskatchewan 40 Alberta 42 British Columbia 47 Northern Canada, mainland 47 Yukon Territory 55 Northwest Territories 64 :"J"orthern Canada, Arctic Archipelago 64 Amund Ringnes Island 64 Axel Heiberg Island 65 Baffin Island 66 Banks Island 69 Bathurst Island 70 Bylot Island 72 Cornwall Island 73 Devon Island 74 Eight Bears Island 74 Ellef Ringnes Island 74 Ellesmere Island 75 Graham Island 75 King Christian Island 75 :vIelville Island 77 Prince Patrick Island 79 Somerset Island 79 Table Island 80 Victoria Island 81 United States of America 81 New York State 81 Michigan 81 Alaska 87 References 92 Index Tables 3 1. Monthly average count rate for backgrounds and the number of individual counts (~) made during the period ~ovember 1986 through November 1988. 3 2. Monthly average count rate for oxalic acid standards and the number of individual counts (~) made during the period November 1986 through i'iovember 1988. 82 3. Dating abandoned 86 4. Anomalous dates This Date List, GSC XXVIII, is the seventeenth to be published directly in the Geological Survey's Paper series. Lists prior to GSC XII were published first in the journal Radiocarbon and were reprinted as GSC Papers. The lists through 1967 (GSC VI) were given new pagination, whereas lists VII to XI (1968 to 1971) were reprinted with the same pagination. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA RADIOCARBON DATES XXVIII Abstract This list presents 450 radiocarbon age determinations made by the Radiocarbon dating Laboratory. All samples dated more than five years ago have now been reported in date lists. The total number (445) of samples from various areas are as follows: Newfoundland (29); Nova Scotia (9); Prince Edward Island (17); New Brunswick (19); Quebec (30); Ontario (92), including 45 from the Great Lakes region (New York-6; Ohio-6; Michigan-6); Saskatchewan (4); Alberta (13); British Columbia (28); Yukon Territory (41); Northwest Territories, mainland (58); Northwest Territories, Arctic Archipelago (98); U.S.A. - New York (2): Michigan (3): Alaska (1). Archeological samples (10) have not been presented separately, but are noted in the Index. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the details of background and standard counts for the 2 Land 5 L counters during the period from November 17, 1986 to December 6, 1988. In addition to the samples dated, Table 3 lists the samples (60) on which the dating was not completed (i.e. abandoned) for a variety of reasons, such as insufficient gas produced, etc. Table 4 lists the samples (4) which gave anomalous ages and were deemed not worth publishing. These samples are included here for completeness. Resume Ce rapport presente les resultats de 450 datations effectuees par le laboratoire de datation au radiocarbone. Tous les resultats des datations faites il y a plus de cinq ans ont maintenant ete presentes sous forme de listes de datations. Les echantillons dates, au nombre de 445, proviennent des regions suivantes: Terre-Neuve (29); Nouvelle-Ecosse (9); lIe-du-Prince-Edouard (17); Nouveau-Brunswick (19); Quebec (30); Ontario (92), dont 45 dans la region des Grand-Lacs (New York-6; Ohio-6; Michigan-6); Saskatchewan (4); Alberta (13); Colombie-Britannique (28); Yukon (41); Territoires du Nord-Ouest, continent (58); Territoires du Nord-Ouest, archipel arctique (98); U.8.A. - New York (2), Michigan (3), Alaska (1). Les resultats des datations effectuees sur des echantillons archeologiques (10) ne sont pas presentes separement, mais sont notes dans I'index. Les tableaux 1 et 2 resument les valeurs de bruit de fond et d'etalonnage des compteurs de 2 L et 5 L, de la periode allant du 17 novembre 1986 au 6 decembre 1988. En plus des echantillons dates, le tableau 3 presente les echantillons (60) pour lesquels la datation n'a pas ete completee (i.e. abandonnee) pour des raisons variees, telle une production insuffisante de gaz, etc. Le tableau 4 presente les echantillons (4) qui ont livre des ages anormaux qu'on n'a pas juge bon de publier. Ces echantillons sont inclus ici afin de livrer un rapport complet. INTRODUCTIONl as laboratory number, submitter, locality, material, This publication includes all of the samples that have age range, to retrieve samples (McNeely, 1988). been dated more than five years ago and not Supplementary information on this data base is published in a "date list". All samples dated more available from Dr. D.A. St-Onge, Director, Terrain than two years ago that have not been included in a Sciences Division, Geological Survey ofCanada. 'GSC Date List' during the last twenty-five years will Sample gas preparation and purification were be published in the next year. The presentation of carried out as described in Lowdon et al. (1977). dates within each section or subsection of this text Carbon dioxide gas proportional counting techniques are ordered from east to west. All GSC dates, up to have been discussed by Dyck (1967). For a recent and including GSC-3600, are now accessible on a review of laboratory operations the reader is referred computer data base. The 'Date Locator File' provides to Lowdon (1985). convenient, fast access to our dates by allowing the During the period from November 1986 through user to interactively select indexed parameters, such November 1988, both the 2 L counter (Dyck and 1 The date list hds been compiled by R. Mc!'leely from descriptions ofsamples and interpretations of age determinations provided by the collectors and submitters. Fyles, 1962) and the 5 L counter (Dyck et al., 1965) Section (R.K. Wanless, Head) and by Teledyne were operated continuously. The 2 L counter was Isotopes, Westwood, New Jersey. operated at 2 atmospheres (atm) throughout this period, and the 5 L counter was operated at Acknowledgments 1 atmosphere, except for July through October 1987 Appreciation is expressed to I.M. Robertson (1964 to and June through August 1988 when the 5 L counter present), S.M. Chartrand (1969 to 1976), was operated at 4 atmospheres (high pressure). J.E. Tremblay (1976 to 1980), A.M. Telka (1980 to On a monthly basis, the counting rates for 1986), and L.M. Maille (1986 to present) for the backgrounds and standards were within statistical preparation, purification, and counting of samples in limits. The average background and oxalic acid the laboratory. Supervision of laboratory operations standard counting rates, and the number of one-day has been as follows: W. Dyck (1960 to 1965), counts used to determine the average are shown in .l.A. Lowdon (1965 to 1981), and R. McNeely (1981 to Tables 1 and 2, respectively. present). Age calculations during the report period were Identification of materials used for dating or done on a microcomputer (VICTOR 9000). associated with the dated material has been carried Calculations are based on a 14C half-life of 5568 ± 30 out by the following specialists: years and 0.95 of the activity of the NBS oxalic acid Algae (marine): R.K.S. Lee, and W.H. Adey standard. Ages are quoted in radiocarbon years (freshwater): J.P. Smol before present (BP), where "present" is taken to be Arthropods (fossil): J.V. Matthews,Jr. 1950. The error assigned to each age has been Barnacles: C.G. Rodrigues calculated using only the counting errors of sample, Diatoms: S. Lichti-Federovich and J.P. Smol background, and standard, and the error in the half­ Macrofossils(plantl: J.V. :vIatthews, Jr., M. Kuc, and life of 14C (Lowdon and Blake, 1973). Nonfinite dates N.F. Alley (i.e. greater than ages) are based on a 4 sigma Molluscs: A.H. Clarke, Jr., M.F.I. Smith, the late criterion (99.9% probability), whereas finite dates are W.H. Dall, R. Hebda, F.J.E. Wagner, based on a 2 sigma criterion (95.5% probability) and, C.G. Rodrigues, and J.E. Dale therefore, are unconventionally reported with an Mosses: M. Kuc,J.A. Janssens, and W.A. Weber error term of ± 2 sigma. In addition, all GSC dates Pollen: are rounded according to the following criteria: R.J. Mott, S. Lichti-Federovich, N.F. Alley, and J.E. Shepperd Age Significant Vertebrates: C.R. Harington (years BP) figures Wood: R.J. Mott, L.D. Wilson (nee Farley-GiJl), 0-99 1 H. Jette, and G. Argus 100 - 999 2 Ancillary Analyses: 1000 - 9999 3 Accelerator mass > 10 000 3 spectrometry R.P. Beukens nonfinite 2 (AMS) dating: IsoTrace Laboratory, (U ofTl, Toronto Amino acid ratios: I. Moffat(N.W. Rutter), If 13C/12C ratios (8 13 C) were available, a University ofAlberta; "correction" for isotopic fractionation was applied to X-ray diffraction: A.C.
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