Emergency Broadcast Sys (EBS) Procedures for Nassau & Suffolk

Emergency Broadcast Sys (EBS) Procedures for Nassau & Suffolk

. ;, . - 3; utco Bscwn EA. #3/ ' ., * K02010 . ' * DOCKETED USNRC . E A% 11 PS:51 .n .. , . fcR. , 4 EERGENCY BROADCAsr |WSID1 (EBS) ' FROCEDURES mR 'llE NASSAU NO SUFFOLK COIRCIES ?EW YORK 1m OPIPAUCE AREA | . TIE NASSAU AND SUFmLK COU?7FlES I NEW YORK I:TG OPERATilV!AT. AIFA I INCLUDFS TIE COIRiflFS OP | ?MU AND SUF10LK (11YK1 J3IAIID) I ' | * * | i. i , surm s | ,,.,,.. , NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION D: ' et fkh__).2A cid_ Offi:i;I ExS. h. )_1._____ la the rt::t of _bber _k%__ . _ _ StSt. _ ___.____._ _ __ __ I: ': R I O .. E____ __ _ __ Ar p ; ct __ _M_ _ __ _ - . * :.v '_ n M _ _C _ . _ _ ,. Irter;' ,:r ___ ______ .._ _ _ R . 1 iu _ _ _ _ __ _ ._ Coq Cift___ _______ . Co..nt:r_ . _ ___ _. C '11 E 7 -l 1r 9_0___. 01her ._.______,_.'J.i.-- - Repoth'T _ - 8, oconsz [88'288e!!858$82 . - _ . ..- . p ' . ; . KD2011 . .I I. IIERCWCTICN . * 'Ihis plan was prepared by the NN'>SAU AND SUFFOM ItCOUtEJES provides NEW YORX Operational Area Emergency Ccrm:unications Cormtittee. specific procedures for the broadcast mdin to dissemirate emer- gency infomation and waming to the general public in .the NASSAU & SUFFOM CCUlEIES NEW YORK Crerational Aren or any portion there- of within the station's bmadcast covenua.o capability at theThis request of designated'lecal, Stato anl Pcd' mi officials. local EBS plan :my be activated in re:g<e in nuch cmergencies as nuclear zeneratire clant accident or ot_h_eT occurences which Dose a widespread darrer y_o_ life, or emnerty,. Acceptance ofe or participation in this plan utvlil not be deemed as a relinquishment of propm control, and :0911l not be deemed to pro- hibit a broadcast licensee from exerci.niv independent discretion in T.tatioit; origJnat ini'. ELU cmergency ccmunications any given situation.shall be deerred to have es oferred mhrnndcast authority of the EBS message. 'Ihe concept of the rmnagement of each hmadcast station to , exercise discretion regarding the bmadeant of EBS cmergency infoma- tion and instructions to t he general puhlic ir provided by FCC Rules , ) and Regulations, , t ' II. AUTHORITY Part 73, subp:u t c , Feder a1 owin1 :n i..n. "nuni: alon nules md Regulation . 0000153 , h j , . - .. K02012 , i - . ) III. KEY EBS STATIONS WCIWillM W 7K CITY CPCS-1 'IWenty-four licurs BROADCAST SERVICE . CIVi Network, BTU to Nassau County CO N NICATIQi FACILITIES CD 1!ca<letumtern, lhergency Generator for :'t.u;ilo. A 'lhuituitter, ~ntra- enquity two-way radio, AP, UPI, Won' her' Wlrc. '' ~- th wnmem 'Nenty-four Hours (212) 975-2427 STATICH CGiTACT Fw. : lil r fintor (21'2) 975- 6839 Operations Director (212) 975-2260 Chief 10gincer (212) 975-2074 . W30!i, ITE.i' ORT CPCS-2 Twenty-four Hours ERCADCAST S WICE CCMMICATIGIS FACILITIES AP Wire ,,g ) ' Genaril Manager (516) -6e3-w40 | STATION CCNTACT Pra;wnm Director Newa Director . t | ! IV. AUTr'3EICAT10N . l National Weather ' Verification by return phone call or mir wmln. Service weather warnings receivcti vja IWA Weat,her Padio, Weather-Wire or AP/UPI require no add $tional verificaticn. 'i. f! ' - ; ~;. 2:0 . :p .5 . % 7! n 9 'ru'* | yi . rC. \ g4 QQD U 2 ' ' Q *J h c} 3 2 a ? '5 th'n e ? Hif* h - ryy , ntaasnt CLcni54 . * . * 1 . * NO2013 ' V. D!PIBGEATION PRCGDURES 9 i A. Procedures for Desimated Officia]a 1. Activation of EBS for the NAD:'AU NO STFIOLK COUtEIES NEW YORK Operation Arca, other tinn weather, will be at the exclusive request of nutlerized officials at the Nassau/Suffolk Civil Defence lleadquartera. 2. Designated officials will contact the CPC'-1 stations, WCBS, via phone or other connainientions facilities available.c. If for any reason the CPCS-1 cannot be contacted, then the CPCS-2, WIPJi, will be contacted. o 3 Designated officials use tt= c llowjng fonnat when contactirg,the key EBS station: "TilIS TS (NNWTTTIF.) 01' (OICAH1'/.NTTON). I REQUEST 'J11AT Tl!E l141MilHCY l'h0AIX;A:fi' MY|71B4 EE ACTIVNI"r.1) FOR TlE NA3|'AU NO :UWOLK COUNTIES tal YORK OPERAT10tlAL AREA BECAU3E CF (DESCRIPTION OF BIEmENCY ST1UATION). GIVE DATE NO TDE. * Use Authentication as noted under paragraph IV above. 4. Upon authentication, destgrntnl otTicials and broadcast , ) station personnel detennine blunden:;t detn11s (i.e. , - live er reconled, inmediate or dolayed). Officials provide emergency pnpun mtorial includ.Ing description of the nature of the emergency, actions being taken by 1ccal revemmenta, and inn'.ructionc to the public. 5 For cn energency sittntien not Nivolv.Ing the entire operational area, desir2nted nit 1rints nny request EBS activatic.4 thiuugh a biva.icant. ;tation nervint; only the affectea :rca. 6. '!he Natjer.'ll Weat her brvice will , .in the e vent of a catastrophic wen 11er crndit 1 n n:T< :1. I ni r. tho entire Cperation Area, not!fy tie Cler-1 :;t. ei lon, WCDS, and request activatien of the 10neir.cncy Itoadenut System. If severe climatic condition le. n tiu cat to life or prc;vrty in an aten encourt.:i:11nr. lenn thin the total Creratjcin) Ama the Nattenal 1A nt hor |bevice will noti fy tl.. nppr yrinto .:t.n1 1onn l l: i ni hi 41nex C. t a hj0000155 , . - , -.% ; . ' . K02014 .o . j B. Procedunes for Station Personnel 1. Upon receipt of a request to activate the local EES from asy4cpriate authority and with authorization of 1:anage- ment (verify authenticity via methcd described in para- graph IV above), the CPCS-1 (ot alternate CPCS-2) may proceed as follows: a. Emadcast the followitn :cincuncement: "WE IillTRRUPT 'lHIS l'lu GiW4 Pl'CAtISE OF A ILCAL lEERGimCY. U4lmlWIP TN s' LEUC'"IONS , WTLL FOLifM." Tranzdt the linergency l rundeast |:yctem b. Two 7bne Attention 31mtl . c. Broadcast the ibliowiir ruinouheer:rnt and broadcast the curr,cncy mterial: "WE If7I'ERRUPl' 'lHIS PROGlW4 '10 ACTIVATE TIE HER1ENCY PROADCA."P SYSPR4 FOR TIE NASSAU NiD SUIFOIX C0!!NTTE i NEW YORK - OPERATIONAL ARi% BECAUSE OP A IOCAL ' - EEEGlWCY. DIPCRTAN1' 1N.THIIFl' IONS WILL ' '] ' FOLI4W. " ' *** Follow with encer;cncy prcgram*** ! l ' d. ')b teminate EBS prorrsunnine, mtke the followjng announcanent: "' LEIS CONCil.' DES S4 mig H: 1 n1)AFCA'!P 1YSiC4 PRCXiRAt74TITi . AIJ, PiiGl'rA.?P :?PATirNS MAY MOW RESUI4E NOR4AL BluiA1x A::i' ni'MWPTCUS." 2. Al' other broadcaat staticur :rv mnitorinr, the key EP.S st. .icn via ER'. mnitor receiv"Pr.b'codera and v:111 be alerted by the 1,wo-tonc attent ton :irntt. Fach broad- cast station upon receipt of th<' two-tone alert will, at the dincretion of ct.ation it:nvirtwnt.,1 reform the sa:m procedure:, as outlinal abew in 1(P l by rebroadcasting the encer,ency pmr,r.m:ninr, i*s<- i v. <! Umin i he CPC,%1 (or | | a) tc1m tc Cl'CD-2 ) . 3 Open crna ction or the , hove t innr.mina ten procedures, Nsum ncimi rmer: ming. Frempriate rx)tations should be nnde e.n the .1 ntion Inr., nni a beh r numry may be sent to the FCC ibr info 1mitkn on.ly. , ' 0000156 ' 1 . .. ' - - K02015 - . , VI. 'ESIS Tests of these Emergency Proadcast proccooma shall be tested en a randczn or scheduled basis from a point which would originate the connen emergency pmgram. The date arxl tine of ~ench test shall be recorded in the cperating log. VII. MEGS - A'.7.U A : Lists the des $c;cted offic tala tuyl thcIr phone m nbers. N1H B: Lists all broadcast stationu with piene numbers. ANhH C: Approvals. MAU D: Opemtional Area nap. ) . 4 . S 0000157 . ____ _ _- -_-__-- - * . ' J' K020 8 . .y|)<' ' ; . ANNEX A ) ossmmw TFICIAIS FOR THE NASSAU AND SUFFOLK CORCIES NEW YORK ES OPERATICNAL AREA OPE ATIQt&L ARZA 1 Suffolk, thssau . SUFFOLK (516) 924 4400 William E. Regan TUSINESS Di:ector FJSDESS (516) 979-2900 Peter Fox Cchalan 011er Executive . I ?MSSt.U * WSINESS c1 O 7526. - John Blankenbom Director ' ' "d# " ^ ' IUSINESS (516) 535-3131 anci&W~' ') &g.ExeC .he . {i . , L I j 0C00158 . --- - , , , - - , - - - - - --n, , .- - , - . - - _ - - , , , - - , - - - - . , , , - - , , , , , . _ - , , - - - . - - . _ - - , - - . - - . - - - - , - - - - - - - - . - - , - - - - - - - - - , - , - - - - - - - - - ~ ??- ' - K02017 - kt * .|5; - . ., . * - '' ses . * ANNEX B . BROADCAST STATICNS Di THE NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES NEW YORK EBS OPEATIGIAL AM. PHONE CTIY LTATIC_N W LT (516) 669-1290 - BABY 14N hNYO , h?AB-M4 661-4000e 4 kTBA (R4) 435-2201- SRam,000 299-2626 - 3R00XVILLE KCWP (M4) WJBB 623-1240 - FIEPORT 747-4757 - 1ARDEN CITY WBAU (R4) kHPC (R4) - 222-7000 - WLIR (R4) 485-9200 - ETW (W) 222-2140 - WhMB (Mi) HAMP' ION BAYS 481-8000 - 4 _ MS4PSTFAD kHLI WXJY (R4) 481-0798- WHC (R4) 489-8870,F560-3: . WGS4 423-6740 , : MIN 0' ION . 666-2200 < - WLIX ISLTP 737-3000 - - IAKE RCtfKCriKOMA WSHR (R4) kTR4 (M4) (212) 357-8000 - LAKE SUCCESS (516) 742-1520 - METE 01A WIME WCBS (A'4/R4/W ) (212) 975 4321 - ' JEW YCRX (516) 475-5200 ' ?ATCHCGUE WALK (NVR4) WBLI (R4) 475-1061 / WYFA 475-1580 - WSNL-W 582-6700 - WPoB 0M) 938-5400 - PIADNIEW 727-1570 - RIVEFEEAD hECN (N4/R4) WRIV 727-1200* 725-2300- SAO HARSOR kUM (AM4M) WCm (M4) 423-6729 ' :741TH'IckN 283-5200 - :3CATIiC4AMPION kkR) (M4) WKh2 (R4) 921-8850 - 3YOSSET * us- W 3 WUSt' (R4) WiY WOOK 421-M30 - JIX HILLS kH10 (M4) . 5 S20000159 * . e _ - - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ - - - . - -- . - ..- . K02018 .A, .i 2. ., . , . ANNEX C . ~ . ~ ) APPROVALS . 'Ihis Operational Area EBS Plan was developed and approved by the NASSAU & SJITOLK Operational Area Maergency Carmunications Comittee. Se plan is coordinated 'with and distributed to all designated officials 110ted in Man A and all broadcast ntaticn3 listed in M& E B.

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