E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 No. 57 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was publican leaders do during the next 30 signed with footnotes and citations was called to order by the Speaker pro tem- legislative days. If they deny justice, sent to the President from almost 100 pore (Mr. WOODALL). security, and dignity to our brothers law professors at our top law schools f and sisters with foreign hands, who and universities outlining the power work every day in American fields to the President has to spare immigrants DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO plant and pick our vegetables, the Re- from deportation. TEMPORE publican Party is giving up on the Legal scholars and research are not The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- chance for their brothers and sisters always enough to persuade my friends fore the House the following commu- with Republican hands to pick and in the Republican Conference. Almost nication from the Speaker: plant vegetables in the White House’s every single one of them voted for the King amendment defunding deferred WASHINGTON, DC, vegetable garden any time soon. April 8, 2014. Tomorrow, Wednesday, the Hispanic action last year and voted this year to I hereby appoint the Honorable ROB Congressional Caucus will have a spe- sue the President over immigration en- WOODALL to act as Speaker pro tempore on cial meeting with Secretary of Home- forcement. They are rejecting these ar- this day. land Security Johnson. We will present guments as some kind of academic JOHN A. BOEHNER, him with a memo that lays out options hoax. Speaker of the House of Representatives. the Obama administration has under So, as I have done in the past, I ask f current law to protect more immi- you not to just take my word for it, or the word of legal experts, or hundreds MORNING-HOUR DEBATE grants from a deportation along the lines of deferred action for DREAMers. of law professors. I ask you to take the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The important phrase here is ‘‘under word of your former Judiciary chair- ant to the order of the House of Janu- current law.’’ In February 2011, we de- man—three of them—when it comes to ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- livered a memo to the President out- immigration and deportation. nize Members from lists submitted by lining specific actions he could take Here is the letter from November 1999 where at least 28 Republicans and the majority and minority leaders for within existing law to keep families to- Democrats called on President Clinton morning-hour debate. gether, spare military families, and, to exercise prosecutorial discretion The Chair will alternate recognition yes, spare those who would qualify for when it comes to deportation and im- between the parties, with each party the DREAM Act; protecting them tem- migration enforcement. It is in this limited to 1 hour and each Member porarily on a case-by-case basis from letter: other than the majority and minority deportation using tools in the law like There has been widespread agreement that leaders and the minority whip limited deferred action, parole, and hardship to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- some deportations were unfair and resulted waivers. in unjustifiable hardship. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. Our position was strengthened in The principle of prosecutorial discretion is f April of that year by a paper called well established. ‘‘Executive Branch Authority Regard- ALLOW A VOTE ON IMMIGRATION It is in the letter: ing Implementation of Immigration REFORM Optimally, removal proceedings should be Law and Policies.’’ The report was initiated or terminated only upon specific The SPEAKER pro tempore. The written by Bo Cooper, who served as instruction from authorized INS officials, Chair recognizes the gentleman from general counsel at the Immigration issued in occurrence with agency guidelines. Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. and Naturalization Service, and by They go on to urge that those guide- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, this Paul Virtue, who was also general lines—it is in there—they urge those is my weekly reminder to House Re- counsel at the Immigration and Natu- guidelines should be issued from head- publicans that they have only 30 legis- ralization Service. quarters, just as the Hispanic Congres- lative days before the July 4 recess. In The report said: sional Caucus is going to urge the that time they had better allow a vote The executive branch, through the Sec- President to issue guidelines for initi- for immigration reform or the Presi- retary of Homeland Security, can exercise ation and termination of deportation dent will take executive action to re- discretion not to prosecute a case by grant- proceedings tomorrow. form our immigration. ing ‘‘deferred action’’ to an otherwise remov- Let’s see, here is LAMAR SMITH, and The chance to save the Republican able or deportable immigrant. JAMES SENSENBRENNER signed it, and Party from being a regional party and Only a month before deferred action Henry Hyde. Three Republican chair- not a national one rests on what Re- for DREAMers was announced, a letter men of the Judiciary Committee signed b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2993 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:01 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08AP7.000 H08APPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 8, 2014 this letter, stating that the President Mr. Speaker, although there is much colleagues represent? We do not have had broad discretion. Mr. Speaker, more to be done, with the passage of statehood rights, and that is what any three former chairmen of the House Ju- this act, this body took one small step citizen who pays taxes and serves in diciary Committee, the legal founda- in that direction. Through this new law the armed services for the Nation de- tion upon which this opinion rests, is we honor the legacy of a brave and serves. We seek statehood, the only as rock solid as their conservative cre- spirited young girl who left a mark on way to achieve what we have sought dentials are. the Nation and the world. Let us con- and still seek: budget autonomy, legis- Yet, to this day, the Republican Con- tinue to fight this battle on behalf of lative autonomy, freedom from inter- ference has not come up with an immi- so many boys and girls in similar posi- ference into our lives by the Congress gration bill or a series of bills of their tions. My prayers are with Gabriella of the United States. own. The American people are still and her family. The Nation’s first principle, the prin- waiting for Republicans to write their f ciple that gave rise to revolution, is own immigration bills or amend the taxation without representation. How ones that were sent to us by a two- TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION would you feel if the highest per capita thirds bipartisan majority in the Sen- taxes were paid by your citizens and ate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The they didn’t have the same rights as I am here to remind my friends in the Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from every other citizen? Republican Conference that the time is the District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) District residents pay almost $12,000 running out. If you don’t take action, for 5 minutes. per capita; the lowest are paid, and I Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, April 16 the President will take action to per- point them out only because they are marks Emancipation Day in the Dis- mit millions upon millions of undocu- the lowest, by Mississippi, and their trict of Columbia, when the slaves who mented immigrants to be able to live taxes are the lowest. I don’t go through lived in the District of Columbia were safely in the United States of America. all the States because there is not emancipated. It is your choice. room. But what is your State? New f I come to the floor this week to dis- cuss a different kind of emancipation. York? $8,737 per person. Compare that GABRIELLA MILLER RESEARCH Today, I begin, as the Nation began, to our almost $12,000 per D.C. resident, ACT with taxes without representation. If I and New York is a large State. Cali- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The were to ask you who pays the highest fornia ranks 10th, $8,162 per capita Chair recognizes the gentleman from taxes per capita in the United States of compared to our $12,000 per capita, my Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON of Penn- America, who would you say? What ju- friends, per citizen. sylvania) for 5 minutes. risdiction would you say? New York? In our country when England decided Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Connecticut? Arizona? Texas? to impose taxation without representa- Mr. Speaker, Washington can get It would be the citizens of the Na- tion, the colonies decided they would things done. It may not be all the time, tion’s Capital who support the Nation be colonies no more. They passed a res- but over the last year we have been without representation in the Congress olution saying, ‘‘No taxes ever have able to make constructive progress on of the United States, the 650,000 citi- been or can be constitutionally im- an array of issues.
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