Federal Team Here Investigating Segregation In City Projects i A person who might have been a key witness in the federal apartment in the Memphis Hous­ that: “Mrs. McClaren requested that’I investigation Into charges of discrimination and segregation with­ ing setup because an expanding " Mrs. Marie McClaren .... has check to see if she could be housed in the Memphis Housing Authority died Aug. 2 at John Gdston automobile firm was taking ovtr made daily calls to this office (Dix­ in any other project, preferably Hospital and was buried Sunday afternoon in Mt Carmel Annex. land at the Ashland Street address. ie Homes) relative to her immed­ Lauderdale Court (all - whit«>,4t Mrs. .Cornelia Crenshaw, then iate need for housing. is her wish to remain In the htjft The witness was Mrs. Marie Ed­ ter, Mrs. Georgia Morris, at 205 manager of Dixie Homes, an all - “.. I informed her that we have pital area as she is under consta# dins McClaren of 337-C Decatur, Ashland before moving to the De­ Negro housing project, sent a let­ no vacancy nor notice of intent to clinical treatment for cancer itti Mrs. McClaren, who was undergo­ catur address. ter to Miss E. C. Wilson, leasing vacate on a three - room apart­ diabetes. ing constant treatment for cancer Mrs. McClaren's name came Into and occupancy supervisor at the ment for which her application was il ■ $ |s ■ and diabetes, resided with iiet sis- the picture when she requested an central office, June 9, explaining issued for rental. (Continued on Page IWt) ■ 1®i st sjg!FW ¡■Sì Z Al Memphi.„ fn i W 5, VOLUME 34, NUMBER 6 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1965 4.- NAACP ES INVE 3 SUMMER SCHOOL'S LeMOYNE - Mrs. and summer school director for the college. She Margaret Bush-McWilliams joshes with a photo­ and her husband, Roscoe McWilliams, an in­ grapher as she prepares to cover her typewriter, structor at Mitchell Road" High School, are va­ marking the end of this year's summer session cationing this week in Georgia. at LeMoyne. Mrs. McWilliams serves as rogistrar New Approach To Eddie N. Williams has been de­ When the National Alliance of signated special assistant for em­ Wanted •»> Postal Employees convenes in Los ployment practices In the office of The Memphis NAACP ' fhti Angeles next week, the Memphis- By Lawson the Deputy Under Secretary for Bluff City Branch will be repre­ Administration, William J. Crock­ week renewed its request for sented by its president, Charles L. ett, effective August 1, 1965. He a federal investigation of local Mitchell, and its financial secre­ The Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr., last Sunday night called for succeeds Richard K. Fox, Jr., who tary, Jaes M. Stokes. reorganization of churches throughout the world, jndudlng a new has been assigned to the Ameri­ anti-poverty programs. can Embassy at Madrid, Spain. approach in the teaching of Christianity. In a letter to Sargent Shriver, Mr. Stokes and Mr. Mitchel) ’"ill director of the Office of Economic’ leave Monday morning, Aug. 16, by Mr. Williams will have respon­ He said the church's method of W .ft-- ’ Opportunity, NAACP President JeS- American Airlines to arrive in Los presenting the gospel today tends sibility for a wide range of activi­ Mb se H. Turner said “We are deeply Angeles in time to hear Mrs. Frank­ to lag behind the modern blind” ties relating to equal employment concerned about the extent of poli­ ie Freeman, member of the U. 8. “Our doctrines and language no opportunity in the Department of tics in the local program, including Commission oh Civil Rights, ad­ longer address the facts of modern State. Among these actlviies are its employment policies. Negroes dress the public meeting that night. life,” he pointed out. recruiting for junior grade, middle As an illustration, the young pas­ and senior level officers for the have been systematically excluded tor of Centenary Methodist .Church denartment and the Foreign Ser­ fro mpolicy - making positions (n Others scheduled to address the the existing programs and outtkB«- convention are Postmaster General said many people still' dream of vice; policies relating to promotion munity Action Cmomittee, frlftet, John A. Orohpus|(l, Employment heaven but “Many ottafcdjw can and utilization of’personnel; re»- does not exist.1;,, t,». ■■■?;■ -'IS- Bud Placement Director Hollis Bach no longer imagine a place called lution of problems-Concerned rxh and Assistant Postmaster General heaven." eoual employment, housing airI Mr. Turner listed his first com­ related matters; counselline; ant James La Penta plaint with Mr. Shriver on Feb. 24 "And, we might use this as the coordination of the Denarto’erit’l best example of the way in which when he charged racial discrimina­ The convention, headquartered at activities, with the President’ the modern mind no longer under­ Council oh Equal Employment Op tion in the organization and opera­ the Statler Hilton Hotel, is expected stands .the words of the church,” tion of the Neighborhood Youth to attract a record crowd of dele­ portunitv, the U.S. Civil Right Corps Program in Memphis. Main he added. Commission and the President’s gates and friends of the Alliance Developing the theme, "The Case Committee on Equal Employment complaint at that time was that nnd its Women’s Auxiliary. Against the Church," Rev. Mr. Law- Opportunity. Negroes were not adequately repre­ son, who recently returned from a sented on the policy - making level. peace-seeking mission to Viet Nam Mr. Williams entered the De­ Manassas High School's 100-piece band to Elks' said: "COKE" BOOSTS MANASSAS BAND—Bill Nabors, This first complaint was fpU#w#d partment of State in February, international convention in Philadelphia. Hulbert by another on July 22 when Mrs. 1961, as a member of the staff of right, presents Coca-Cola's $500 check to (left to $5,000 Grant To "We generally speak of eternal Maxine Smith protested th#; sus- the Chief of Protocol. From March right) ' Fess" Hulbert, Emerson Able and George end Lee of the local Elks ore sponsoring the drive life In terms of heaven or hell. In pension of Mrs. Judith D. Coulter to send fh band on the trip. Mr. Ables is director the days when such language was 1964 until the present, he has W. Lee. The check, authorized by J. Everett from her job with the Memphis served as staff assistant to the developed, it was an easy matter Pidgeorr of Coca-Cola, will help pay expenses of of the band. Neighborhood Youth Corps Prq^||l assistant secretary for Near East­ LeMoyne library for most people to think of life on because of her participation in civil three dimensions —the heaven ern and South Asian Affairs. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation rights activities, above, the earth beneath and the He has worked as a newspaper has awarded LeMoyne College of waters under the earth. The New reporter for the Atlanta (Ga.) , “We^feel that a grave injustice Memphis an additional $5,000 to Testament universe is Just such a Daily World and the Tri-State De­ Still Need $$$ Two Facing Trials has been rendered and hereby «- strengthen and expand its library universe. People saw the earth as fender Of Memphis, Tenn., and in quest that ybur office instigp service. The local school received flat. So Jesus could ascend into 1958 was among seven journalists immediate investigation of tt a $10,000 grant from the foundation Memphian Now A heaven. from throughout the country se­ ter,” wrote Mrs. Smith exictitiw in 1962. "But, how many people today can lected by the American Political » In City Killings secretary of the NAACP, Science Association for its Con­ Kellogg Is giving $325,000 this really think of heaven or hell in our For Band's Trip WAG In Alabama gressional Fellowship Program. in and universe. I cannot imagine such A woman and man involved The complaint concerning Mrs. summer to the 33 colleges As a Congressional Fellow dur­ universities affiliated with the places. All of our scientific evidence separate killings have been bound Coulter was addressed to Jack How­ Pvt. Jacqueline L. Glow, daugh­ ing 1958 and 1959, Mr. Williams United Negro College Fund. indicates that the universe is faster Locol Elks were still short Tuesday of the amount of money over to the grand jury. Bond for ard, director of Neighborhood ter of Mr .and Mrs. Janes Glover, served as legislative assistant to The grant is earmarked for the than anything we can imagine. The needed to send Manassas High School's 100-piece marching band each was set at $2.600. Youth Corps, U. S. Department of 1498 Marjorie St., Menbhls, com­ spoce explorations are shattering ■ ^eP' ^ftmes Roosevelt and later to purchase of books in the field of The woman, Mrs. Bea Willie Wat­ Labor, Washington, D. C. pleted eight weeks of baric military all. it the>< previous ideas we had about” | 41»»»^’e 4'1»»»»-» C’y»»» lTnt»z\»»4Hubert UH. TT<irwr»VtHumphreyhop’ to Philadelphia for the Elks International Convention. teacher education, and will be used training at the Women’s Army son, 38, of 169 1-2 South Manassas, the universe. In 1959 Sen. Humphrey appointed has been charged with the hatchet Mrs. Coulter was in a group ar­ during the next three years to In­ Corps Center, Fort McCbllan, Ala., ■ ‘‘We still need abut $1,000 to cover pects to arrive in Washington, D. "When the church and Christians him to the staff of the Senate slaying of a 68 - year -old man. rested foi’ demonstrating jn front; crease library holdings above and Aug. 6.
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