The original documents are located in Box 18, folder “President - Briefing Papers by Ron Nessen (5)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. ,~ nESIDENT HAS S'IDl· • ···~ .> THE WHITE HOUSE ,·!' WASHINGTON MEETING WITH INLAND DAILY PRESS ASSOCIATION ~ VVednesday, February 25, 1976 5:00pm (30 minutes) East Room From: Ron Nessen · I. PURPOSE To meet with executives of the Inland Daily Press Association and their wives. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS, AND PRESS PLAN A. Background The fuland Daily Press Association is the oldest and largest • regional press association in the country. Over 500 daily newspapers are members. Although some are metropolitan newspapers·, most · are in the 5, 000 to 50,000 circulation category, and therefore few have been represented at your regional media breakfasts and luncheons. As Vice President, you addressed the Association in Denver on March 5, 1974. You were unable to accept their invitatio;; to meet with them in Chicago in October, 1975, or to join them at their recently concluded meeting in VVilliamsburg, Virginia, February 23 and 24, 1976. Bill Gorog, however, represented you at the VVilliams­ burg meeting. The group will be briefed by Jim Lynn, Alan Greenspan, and Bill Baroody. (This past year the Association served as a co-sponsor of a VVhite House Conference on Domestic and Economic Affairs in Milwaukee, VVisconsin in August; and assisted with two others in ~t. Louis, Missouri; and Peoria, Illinois.) Digitized from Box 18 of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library r-----·-···-·---- ---- . Il -2- The exact format for this event has not been decided yet. You suggested waiting to learn the results of the New Hampshire primary be£ ore deciding on a format. The main options are: I. Brief remarks and Q&A in the East Room, followed by the reception in the State Dining Room. 2. Reception only. B. Participants 151 members, 112 wives, and 11 children will be in attendance. Ralph S. Roth, Vice President of Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Inc., is the President of the Association; Robert N. Brown, Publisher of Home News Enterprises of Columbus, Indiana, is the Immediate Past President. Williarn G. Boykin of Chicago is the Executive Director. A complete .list of attendees is attached at Tab A. • C. Staff participants Ron Nessen Margita White Randy Woods D. Press Plan White House official photographs at reception. Pool press coverage of any remarks and Q&A. ~ III. TALKING POINTS No special preparation required. ·' ---------- I A ., I . I ...--·· . --: '-·:...- ··. .. - ·:·-··, ...... :-..... ·.r ! ; . fir; .11/~v . ··~ ... ILY PRESS ASSOCIATION . ~- fiNi~AN. c::2 -;<.6:. 7t .. ANDERSON, Robert Kansas City Kansan 901 N. 8th Street :-.' ANDERSON, Mrs. Robert ANDERSON,. Vince ~- Vid ett e-Messenger 1111 Glendale Boulevard Valparaiso, Indiana ..~NDERSON, Mrs. Vince . APPLEBEE, William R. .... Daily Star Niles, Michigan .. APPLEBEE, Mrs. William i ..... ' -· .. -• . AWBREY, Stuart Hutchinson News . -·-- 300 West Second .. - - •.· ~ Hutchinson, Kansas .. ,.. ·._ A\VBREY, St1lart (Mrs.) •.. ~-- .. -. .. / . I BACKER, Jack . -·: _I( : . ' Indiana Daily Student ., . ,-.Bloomington~ Indiana BAIRD, K. A. .. The Record: 429 St. Leger Street Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario ! .. .. ' ' . ------ --~·~----·-·----~ .• -6e--c· ·~ ~ . -2- · · uxcu:r:IVE ~4~ ~- &_ t[~~sot,·· 0 BA LLHAG EN, Lloyd .· e4;,.. .:<f('f · ·. Harris Enterprises Hutchinso.n, Kansas BARBIERI, James Bluffton News-Banner 125 N. Johnson Street Bluffton, Indiana BARBIERI, Mrs. James BEEMAN, Richard FSC Newsprint Corporation ·. Alsip, Illinois ~-· . ,_ ., . BEISEL, Daniel Press-Gazette Box 430 Green Bay, Wisconsin BEISEL, Mrs. Daniel C. ; ·:. -- BELL, Carl .: .. ' ..... _ Associated Press New York, New York ._) BERNER, Frederick A. Antigo Daily Journal Antigo, Wisconsin ....... , BETZ, Fred M. .··, _ .. The Lamar-Tri-State . Daily-News "": Lamar, Colorado BETZ, BO\VMAN, John J. Daily Journal Kankakee, Illinois BOWMAN, Mrs. John J. BOYKIN, William G. Inland Daily Press Associat 100 W. Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois BOYKIN, Mrs. William BRADLEY, David R. News-Press and Gazette 9th and Edmond St. ·Joseph, Missouri BRADLEY, Mrs. David . BRADLEY, Henry H. News-Press & Gazette 9th and Edmond St. Joseph, Missouri BRADLEY, Mrs. Henry / I BRINKM.L\.N, Mrs. Del BRINKMAN, Del University Daily Kansan Lawrence, Kansas BRONSON, Mrs. Ken .BROWN, Robert N. The Republ~c 333 Second Street Columbus, Indiana BROWN, Mrs. Robert N. ., BRUCHS, Richard J. Fairborn Daily Herald 579 E. Xenia Drive. Fairborn, Ohio BRUCHS, Mrs. Richard J. BRYDON, Donald J • • United Press International 430 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois BRYDON, Mrs. Donald BULLOCK, Douglas J. The Journal I I 209 John Street ~- BULLO.CK, M.r.s.~;Douglas \· "· ...,.;· , .. · / ·r · i · I'UCU~IVE {[i ~ ~~ -5- ' . ~{)t .Jn.L~~ ~~ ~ ~~ BURFEINDT, William .:2 -:Z~ 7h · Daily Sentinel 109 S. Jefferson St. WoodstOck, Illinois B URFEINDT, Mrs. William CAMPBELL, Richard. E. The Argus -Press Owosso, Michigan •. CAMPBELL, Mrs. Richard ., CARBONELL!, Larry Taylor Daily News & Belding Banner 109 N. Lafayette Street Greenville, Michigan CARBONELL!, Mrs. Larry T. CHAMBERS, Walter S. Courier-Times New Castle, Indiana CHAMBERS, Mrs. Walter (Anr COCHRANE, Helen (Miss) Champaign Urbana Courier Champaign, Illinois COLLARD, Gerald W. ~. Times-Bulletin 700 Fox Road Vah Wert, Ohio 45891 CONNOR, Rich (Mrs.) (MariaJ . ~ . ':"' -_ . .--- . -----~·-· ·• .. :a:.~- :_. __ ·.A... ____ ,.___.,s. ______ ,__.~-' -~--'--· COLLARD, Ge·rald W. (Mrs.) CORBETT, William F. Goss Division - MGD Graphic Systerr. 3100 South Central A venue ·chicago, Illinois COULSON, W. S. Mt. Pleasant News 215 W. Monroe Mt. Pleasant, Iowa COULSON, Mrs. W. S. COUSLEY, Stephen A. Alton Telegraph 111 E. Broadway Alton, Illinois COUSLEY, Stephen. (Mrs.) . COUSLEY, Jean CRANE, Richard C. Media General, Inc. FSC Paper Co. , Inc. 932 Corsica Drive Pacific Palisades, California ~. CRANE, Mrs. Richard C. 932 Corsica Drive Pacific Palisades, California DAHLKE, Robert J. Marshfield News Herald Ill W. 3rd Street Marshfield, Wisconsin DIESEL, William G. Daily Pantagraph Bloomington, Illinois DIESEL, Mrs. William G. DIRKS, Wesley E. Wolf and Company '· 55 E. Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois ., . DONAHUE, James E. American Newspaper Publishers Asn. 11600 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, Virginia DONNELLY, Brian J. Rockford Newspapers, Inc. 97-99 East State Street Rockford, illinois • DUDLEY, Allen P. The Courier 701 W. Sandusky Street Fj,ndla y, Ohio DUDLEY, Mrs. Allen P. EATON, E. Neal Goss Division - MGD Graphic ,. Systeins · 5601 W. 31st Street Cicero, Illinois · ESSER, Peter J. The Examiner Independence,. Missouri FELTS, Manon W~ The. Commercial-Review Portland, Indiana FELT?, Mrs. Manon W. ·~ g ~~~aj;(~?f~nxcutm FRANK, Morton · · · StJ~ Family Weekly New York, New York GAGE, Michael Press-Gazette . P. o:.· Box 430 Green Bay, Wisconsin GAGE, Mrs. Michael B. ,: GARDNER,. John c: S.outhern Illinoisan 710 N. illinois Avenue Carbondale, Illinois GARDNER, Mrs. John C. GRAHAM, James S. • Danville Commercial-News ;. 17 W. North Street i.I Danville. illinois GRAHAM, Mrs. James S. GRANDON, Marie C. Daily Gazette Sterling, illinois ~ ·GRAY, Grattan Evening News Monroe, Michigan GRAY, Mrs. Grattan GRAY, Richard G. ·Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana l-._., @ nECU+_IV.S StJ6 GREEN, Frank A. The Peoria Journal ~tar, Inc. Peoria, illinois GREEN, Mrs. Frank A. GRIER, J. Roger Trenton Times· Trenton, New Jersey GRIER, Mrs. J. Ro~er ., dRILEY, Theodore D. Spenley Newspapers, Inc. 39 South Fourth Street Newark, Onio GROSS, A. Richard The Nonpareil • Council Bluffs, Iowa . GROSS, Mrs. A. Richard HELLER, Dick D., Jr. Daily Democrat 141 S. 2nd Decatur, Indiana HELLER, Mrs. Dick D., Jr. (E. Jane) HELMBRECHT, Howard W. NAPP Systems (USA) Inc. \[ P. 0. Box 246r 360 S. Pacific St. San Marcos, California HELMBRECHT, Mrs. Howard W. l.l....~e .... £n;CJJtin Sb/; HEMINGER, Edwin L. The Courier Findlay, Ohio. HEMINGER, Mrs. Edwin L. (Barbara HEMINGER, Kurt HILL, I. William Editor and Publisher 1295 National Press ·Building ~ashington, D. C. HILLMER, John W. Waukesha Freeman 200 Park Place · Waukesha, Wisconsin HILLMER, Mrs. John W • .. HLADKY, J. F., Jr. Cedar Rapids Gazette 500 Third A venue, S. E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa HLADKY,. Mrs. J. F. , Jr. HOW, Jared Free Press ~418 S. 2nd StreEt Mankato, Minnesota HOW, Mrs. Jared (Katherine) I{UCKLE, Thomas C. Evening News 130 N. Mitchell C;~dillac, Michigan .t...>-~ :nxcutlv£. HUCKLE, .StJ~ HUCKLE, Laura HUCKLE, Christopher HUGHES, Fred Th~ Joplin Globe Joplin, Missouri .: HUGHES, Mrs. Fred HUNT, Donald F. The Sun 333 King Street E. Toronto, Ontario HUNT, Donald F. (Mrs.) l . ISCH, Fred R. .• Daily Democrat 141 ·s. 2nd Decatur, Indiana ISCH, Mrs. Fred R. (Nola G.) JABLONSKY, Stephen F. Daily Gazette 312 2·.nd A venue Sterling, illinois ~ JABLONSKY, Stephen F. (Mrs.)
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