Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan | Toward a Sustainable Seattle 1.1 Urban Village Element urban village element Table of Contents Introduction 1.3 A Urban Village Strategy 1.3 A-1 Categories of Urban Villages 1.9 A-2 Areas Outside of Centers & Villages 1.21 B Distribution of Growth 1.22 C Open Space Network 1.25 D Annexation 1.27 January | 2005 Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan | Toward a Sustainable Seattle 1.3 Urban Village Element Introduction discussion Together, these tools form the urban village strategy. As Seattle’s population and job base grow, urban Seattle is prepared to embrace its share of the Puget villages are the areas where conditions can best sup- Sound region’s growth. To ensure that it remains a port increased density needed to house and employ urban village element vibrant and healthy place to live, Seattle has planned the city’s newest residents. By concentrating growth for the future of the city as a whole and for each ur- in these urban villages, Seattle can build on suc- ban center and urban village that is expected to grow cessful aspects of the city’s existing urban character, and change. The City will use these plans to shape continuing the development of concentrated, pedes- changes in ways that encompass the collective vision trian-friendly mixed-use neighborhoods of varied in- for the city as identified in this Plan. tensities at appropriate locations throughout the city. This Plan envisions a city where growth: helps to build stronger communities, heightens our steward- A Urban Village Strategy ship of the environment, leads to enhanced economic opportunity and security for all residents, and is accompanied by greater social equity across Seattle’s discussion communities. The City has made a commitment to growing wisely, to growing in ways that ensure a liv- Urban villages are community resources that enable able future, and to growing sustainably. Growing sus- the City to: deliver services more equitably, pursue a tainably also means building on the city’s successes. development pattern that is environmentally and eco- nomically sound, and provide a better means of man- Seattle’s successes include its neighborhoods. Se- aging growth and change through collaboration with attle, at the beginning of the 21st Century, has a the community in planning for the future of these large number of appealing mixed-use neighborhoods areas. The urban village strategy is a comprehen- that serve as the cores of broader communities. Ar- sive approach to planning for a sustainable future. eas as diverse as Lake City, Columbia City, Uptown, This approach is intended to maximize the benefit of and Georgetown provide goods, services, housing, public investment in infrastructure and services and and employment to Seattle’s residents and are key promote collaboration with private interests and the contributors to Seattle’s livability. community, to achieve mutual benefits. A Seattle’s strategy for accommodating future growth Locating more residents, jobs, stores and services and creating a sustainable city builds on the founda- in close proximity can reduce the reliance on cars January | 2005 (2013) tion of these neighborhoods and brings together for shopping and other daily trips and decrease the a number of tools to create a better city: amount of fossil fuels burned and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. Increasing residential and • diverse housing and employment growth, employment densities in key locations makes transit and other public services convenient for more people • pedestrian and transit-oriented communities, and therefore makes these services more efficient. • the provision of services and infrastructure The urban village strategy tries to match growth targeted to support that growth, and to the existing and intended character of the city’s neighborhoods. Four categories of urban villages • enhancements to the natural environment and the city’s cultural resources. 1.4 Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan | Toward a Sustainable Seattle recognize the different roles that different areas will lages and defining conditions desired within them, play in the city’s future: the Plan addresses conditions outside these areas. 1. Urban centers are the densest neighborhoods in Areas outside urban villages will accommodate some the city and are both regional centers and neigh- growth in less dense development patterns consist- borhoods that provide a diverse mix of uses, hous- ing primarily of single-family neighborhoods, limited ing, and employment opportunities. Larger urban multifamily and commercial areas and scattered centers are divided into urban center villages to industrial areas. The strategy of focusing future de- recognize the distinct character of different neigh- velopment in urban villages continues to direct new borhoods within them. development away from Seattle’s single-family areas. 2. Manufacturing/Industrial Centers are home to the city’s thriving industrial businesses. As with goals urban centers, Manufacturing/Industrial Centers are regional designations and are an important UVG1 Respect Seattle’s human scale, history, regional resource. aesthetics, natural environment, and sense of community identity as the city changes. 3. Hub urban villages are communities that provide a balance of housing and employment, gener- UVG2 Implement regional growth management ally at densities lower than those found in urban strategies and the countywide centers con- urban village element centers. These areas provide a focus of goods, cept through this Plan. services, and employment to communities that are not close to urban centers. UVG3 Promote densities, mixes of uses, and transportation improvements that support 4. Residential urban villages provide a focus of walking, use of public transportation, and goods and services for residents and surrounding other transportation demand management communities but may not provide a concentra- (TDM) strategies, especially within urban tion of employment. centers and urban villages. In addition to these centers and villages, this Ele- UVG4 Direct the greatest share of future devel- ment of the Plan puts further emphasis on transit opment to centers and urban villages and communities -- those areas within easy walking dis- reduce the potential for dispersed growth tance of frequent transit service. Most of those tran- along arterials and in other areas not con- sit areas overlap with the geographic areas of urban ducive to walking, transit use, and cohesive villages, and the presence of frequent and reliable community development. A transit service reinforces the intended function of the urban villages by providing viable mobility options UVG5 Accommodate planned levels of household for residents and employees. Each of these areas is and employment growth. Depending on intended to see growth and change over time, and the characteristics of each area, establish together they will accommodate the majority of the concentrations of employment and housing city’s growth over the life of this plan. The City will at varying densities and with varying continue to work with its residents, businesses, and mixes of uses. institutions to promote conditions that will help each of its communities thrive, but will pay special atten- UVG6 Accommodate a range of employment ac- tion to those areas where the majority of growth and tivity to ensure employment opportunities change is expected. are available for the city’s diverse resi- January | 2005 (2008) (2013) dential population, including maintaining Policies in this Plan provide direction for that change healthy manufacturing and industrial areas. and growth. In addition to designating urban vil- Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan | Toward a Sustainable Seattle 1.5 UVG7 Use limited land resources more efficiently policies and pursue a development pattern that is more economically sound, by encouraging UV1 Promote the growth of urban villages as infill development on vacant and underuti- compact mixed-use neighborhoods in order lized sites, particularly within urban villages. to support walking and transit use, and to provide services and employment close UVG8 Maximize the benefit of public investment to residences. in infrastructure and services, and deliver those services more equitably by focusing UV2 Promote conditions that support healthy urban village element new infrastructure and services, as well as neighborhoods throughout the city, includ- maintenance and improvements to existing ing those conducive to helping mixed-use infrastructure and services, in areas expect- urban village communities thrive, such as ing to see additional growth, and by focus- focused transportation demand management ing growth in areas with sufficient infrastruc- strategies, vital business districts, a range of ture and services to support that growth. housing choices, a range of park and open space facilities, and investment and reinvest- UVG9 Collaborate with the community in planning ment in neighborhoods. for the future. UV2.5 In areas surrounding major transit hubs, UVG10 Increase public safety by making villages except in industrial zones, allow densities places that people will be drawn to at all sufficient to take advantage of significant in- times of the day. vestment in public transportation infrastruc- ture. Use incentive zoning programs and UVG11 Promote physical environments of the high- other strategies to help ensure the provision est quality, which emphasize the special of affordable housing. identity of each of the city’s neighbor- hoods, particularly
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