20. VOLUME 44. PARIS, MAINE, NUMBER is be huit Ironi the inlet of ruck*. Owe out ot Weloken- A I.IFE IN8I KANCR AGENT. her of loveis of the woods who arc he- ι!.υ excursionist iu ih.it direction there rtiuy borrily way abounding on of to tlit) outlet of I'mbagog. Still nebacook, and iho mountains which irinuing to establish summer quartern for no hint whatever the sonny slopo Rnngelty A clerical individual approached Democrat the lie who hat· thus tar feel, stand «entinel-like at the head of wae The forest and may Molly- au Dan who £Î)rdMorï> t heiusel ves and their families lu these re- Ctill}ρ Kennobago. penetrated aged bury farmer, jJoftri). a 13 on with rea«<-u. tb.it he has reached the chunkemunk, t.arntley, "Observatory" a{>ostrophizing log he tired precincts. ••bako Point Cottage," mountains shut in apparently every profanely on could not hit» and I alow waters ol heart ol the wilderness. What town ant "Aziecuhoe," iise get upon wagon, l'I liLlSUKl» KYKUY Tl'KSDAY, Kuu Ilk HLViKkir, «s it it is with its broad veranda, sid»*. and only the deep majestically called, «aid : I've in them- was ho ii ? No but a town- the view. Thu shot es arc· with impressively cv litiultt,.(/ try. us its its the Ji*ckawauua, whirh towr, only tugged rustic pillar·, reddeued root, quench "Old man, have you made any pro- wear tear of storms fur there are I selves the noue and ol the Kun- and unnamed at that. "No. 4, the nud ; α KO. 11. WATKINS, cannot read thv l*y», Ο poet sweet. cool embowering, audits picturet-que ap- spr.iklu ahip, visions for the future?" -e on these inland 'Mid no and and roniuou the currents, 1." h tho ollicial designation ol otten fearlul winds lakes, Cdiior awl l'ru|>rMor. Jw·. -uuntsofday, presents an inviting appear nebntfo ami ltangol* y point Kinge The old man stared. 1 w i'h to «teal in the world proaches, a wood·, avtir, a little way hie Thoro is no and waves that toss your boat like "Tour hairs are whitened with the aoco, and is at a distance with tho way to the broad expanse whereabouts. post-office And ihfif tied r* »t at my beloved'·» feel. passed 'IVviiiN—i>vr Υολ», Tbo steamer mute to aciwsible nearer than twenty-live cockle-shell. Whitney's Camp, at the frosts of many years," observed the Anil read thy lavs, -o beautiful au.I Beet, regret. beyond. O/nonxoc, easily » ; t .ii»>c. of flfk> et»· s with a flourish of his 11' 1 >'or Uer U'tit wr at the or miles ; no loot of ]ito Brook, and Button stranger, quiet η imparting joyance gay, to Indian which lies waiting thirty telegraph, probably, Moi<| nH le «Maie. Il p.»»«l with β »»* month», The "carr>" Rock, MollychunketnuuL·, hand. "Time will be \nd * to her hrsrt lik<· -v.|in- sweet utalioa within near the outlet from Moceelucma- right presses ui>ou you, li-<luctH*u o: t.vvntv live reeti hispering fay, outlet of the whiiil, and at an hour within fifty ; no railway Camp, ot enters the wood hero at the curly morning that the Is draw- ηι.ι Ι··. Il n i paid till »!ie ml tBc Mr humble vr»nl« to frown and make complete: cautioning you end minutes' or Save the two or three where iho Simfnon* makes its iw» Jollai» will br rhar£t-i). tho Mountain View lakis h?r In live sixty seventy. giutic, near. yi:tr K->r while I read thv love-loin breathing sonjf, lake, Dearly opposite dqnrturo. ing Of course, if you knew are two more ot the baa down the few rode cabins which are into the landing, private were to a I call It new, aud make it no, in |>art, House, is a rouxb wood rond about two time ahe glided grouped Up- you die at certain ot" iVU ^rliwiii^, I breathe υιοη own -*eet the !>nm and the scattered which have built for time could make thy sighs iny tongue, is no conveyance of river, and stiuck boldly out upon per Camp," loJges gentlemen you ample pre- I » ·. M. \οτι·> ■«. miles in length. There To touch and win her very in war·! heart; towaid the ol and visitors themselves in this vast wilderness. Hut- parations. But the time is uncertain. .·η\· in.-h of oue wet-k. #l .«*> across it lor stores and great Moosoluciuaguntic Up lodges spoilsmen upon " |\.r space Ihi ». at ;ue <·Ιιι«*· of -••uie fweet Dimmer eve, except baggage; N.»w i si h -u! »·., cet w*»-W, il cent». the neat ol the shores of the likes mound, theie can ton's is one of iho largest and most pic- I read tU»· »hy |M*t-heait did weave. but the walk is not It is per Dam. Frjre'a Collate, ■-pecl.il Volioi- ,'· ft>r rwt. aiMiliuial. lays fatiguing. "I kin tend to my own affaira I Η l.j eon- be no human habitation within a dozen anJ in ull the Γ,κι ion. a the ol ti lion. William Γ. ol Aision, turesque complete region. K«'nvr» *on> ». rttther relief atter indolence Frye, guess," broke in the elderly farmer, a mi let in a or double that ot A short walk Irom the hue Notice oa Keaî ·.'i*J the attractions o! lioats the e>o h ou. its perch upon straight line, landing in a ton»' "An' when I OiJ*· K«ta"e, λ .ι τ ι u /;. long sail by steam, and ofpettishnes*. Oiiirr» on W.H». 130 the the most direct and feasible route. The one to the I'.im. want M nre new with Now is!et in tho narrows, opposite bring* Upper religion I ain't agoin' to call ι. 41U*' SMitWi I tho forest every step. rugged .'.υ A> η lond mother, when tt>o dav i.« o'er, n..r ·:- ·ί- 1 H r»' Notice·, 1 the steau,- about the the excellence on—" A a where mou'.b ot the entering stream, cleariug cmup, The tour steamers, -2 00 the hand her liUle child to the path touches little clearing, Sfollychunlnnunk, l u. NUrc», Lead» by bed, f' the clerical on 11 as it turns ita ol the and thu maisive liame- "Right interrupted aith Λ l\oif.»«r^.an<l leluclaut to be ol a deserted er it the le buildings, 11. li. Simmona, and Dinuiond, *>, c* ,.\i li'.iB» lua.le Local Holt willing, hall led. remain tho "beac-poles" leaving 0<iuo**uc, "Hut what I cou* nier le party, soothingly. for (iltntKracnM contieue·! »n> al* ou view Irom wotk ol the dam lessens thu sense ol con- And leave hi- broken plaything* the floor, ol as the lumber- to the southward. Th^ thus form an almost continuous and ieiuh i>i lime. al»o. for tboae occupyiag exteu- camp •'river-drivers," prow wish is to call your attention to the Still at them the oi»en door, at » vc gazing thiough this ia sublime and To solitude but it aoon returns, and line'of ateam communication bo· spmee. men arc called; and now it draws for a point inspiring. flrst, necting plan of the Non-Con bustible Life In- Nor wholh icatauied aud comforted " narrows settles down tin* miad. near thostream at a where the tho open into Cupsup- heavily upon tween the head ol Hmgeley and the surance Company of tl l<i K1BKK* U> |'l vui. ~es of otheia in lls»ir atead, moment point right which its arma close of I in- "A life insurance agent!" the can till, by exam uin* the col.>re«l »lh· attachai W *u« h, though more splendid, m:i> uot please a massive dam stems i'.s current. and cre- lic Like, thrusts up The dam is one of the largest and cost- foot m'ugog lakes—a distance, yelled th*'.r Ihe amount due. .\n l Ihoae wi*h- " old around in to paper*. h un more; mountains on the north, thu ot between man, running madly Ji< in-ι ;*«hoI ibe atl\ atice«l \ uivdU, ates a roar of water which breaks under the lap- liest structures of its kind iu the Slate. cluding "carries tiity ι·Κ to avail pleas- a out of or hainl to the nca:<-»t So Nature dial» with u». and lues avvav search of stone. "G»?t h«*re you c>n »cD-l ιbv tu-til. a^i-nt their lorest-ln buses with ita Ii is fifteen leet its and mike. A mere mean· ίβ the stillness.— ping ged hundred in length, sixty enchanting mîj I I, : jb tin —in·. the paper paid Oar playthiug». oue by one, and by the hand antly upon prevailing swindler!" for to that itnte. A sinfle β. 7 or » on the »lip iu- rtstuss and their iunt it would be hard to The l.eads u* to re»t so gently, that we go it buries itself in the iorest. away waves, draining slopes heavy timber woik being bolted with j imagine. The «1 sir· that thr *u!)n r.ptiou is i>ai<l to Jauuary. ^gain stranger Immediately steppod or 1*7*. a# the ca-e br. Scar·* if we wUh to go or work onu considerable stream, also called r sometimes the sub- over 1V>". J*.7 mty knowing stay, iroui every sight and sound of the by irou and bnlla>ted with stone, the width scenery, approaching the nearest fence, and sialod a«Mi is tent, care should be taken to Whui Being too full of eleep to understand tho tho ludian is beautiful, and at eleven hills in lees than an hour.
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