Bibliographia Trichopterorum

Bibliographia Trichopterorum

Entry numbers checked/adjusted: 23/10/12 Bibliographia Trichopterorum Volume 4 1991-2000 (Preliminary) ©Andrew P.Nimmo 106-29 Ave NW, EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada T6J 4H6 e-mail: [email protected] [As at 25/3/14] 2 LITERATURE CITATIONS [*indicates that I have a copy of the paper in question] 0001 Anon. 1993. Studies on the structure and function of river ecosystems of the Far East, 2. Rep. on work supported by Japan Soc. Promot. Sci. 1992. 82 pp. TN. 0002 * . 1994. Gunter Brückerman. 19.12.1960 12.2.1994. Braueria 21:7. [Photo only]. 0003 . 1994. New kind of fly discovered in Man.[itoba]. Eco Briefs, Edmonton Journal. Sept. 4. 0004 . 1997. Caddis biodiversity. Weta 20:40-41. ZRan 134-03000625 & 00002404. 0005 . 1997. Rote Liste gefahrdeter Tiere und Pflanzen des Burgenlandes. BFB-Ber. 87: 1-33. ZRan 135-02001470. 0006 1998. Floods have their benefits. Current Sci., Weekly Reader Corp. 84(1):12. 0007 . 1999. Short reports. Taxa new to Finland, new provincial records and deletions from the fauna of Finland. Ent. Fenn. 10:1-5. ZRan 136-02000496. 0008 . 2000. Entomology report. Sandnats 22(3):10-12, 20. ZRan 137-09000211. 0009 . 2000. Short reports. Ent. Fenn. 11:1-4. ZRan 136-03000823. 0010 * . 2000. Nattsländor - Trichoptera. pp 285-296. In: Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2000. The 2000 Red List of Swedish species. ed. U.Gärdenfors. ArtDatabanken, SLU, Uppsala. ISBN 91 88506 23 1 0011 Aagaard, K., J.O.Solem, T.Nost, & O.Hanssen. 1997. The macrobenthos of the pristine stre- am, Skiftesaa, Haeylandet, Norway. Hydrobiologia 348:81-94. BAan 1997-00319948; ASFA an & EAan 4239905. 0012 Aanes, K.J. & T.Backken. 1994. Acute and long-term effects of propiconazole on freshwater invertebrate communities and periphyton in experimental streams. Norw. J. agric. Sci., Suppl. (13):179-193. BA98-28172. 0013 *Aarts, H.P.A. 2000. Natuurlijke levensgemeenschappen van de Nederlandse binnenwateren. Deel 11, Rijkskanalen. Achtergronddocument bij het 'Handboek Natuurdoeltypen in Neder- land. 55 pp. Rapport EC-LNV nr. AS-11, Wageningen. ALTERRA, Directoraat-General Rijk- swaterstaat. 0014 Abbott, J.C., K.W.Stewart, & S.R.Moulton, II. 1997. Aquatic insects of the Big Thicket region of east Texas. Texas J. Sci. 49(Suppl.):35-50. BAan 1997-0048898; ZRan 134-03000 007 & 00000040. 0015 Abelho, M. 1996. Diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in Margaraça forest streams (Port- ugal). Limnética 12:93-101. TN. 0016 Abelho, M. & M.A.S.Graça. 1993. Communidades aquáticas e cobertura vegetal: a reflores- tacâo con eucaliptos. Bol. Soc. Port. Ent., Suppl. 3: 395-404. TN. 0017 Adam, B. & U.Schwevers. 1998. Fischaufstiegsanlagen als Wanderhilfen für aquatische Wirbellose. Natur u. Landsch. 73:251-255. Germ., germ., engl. ASFA1 & 3 an 4418892. 0018 Adamek, Z. & I.Sukop. 1992. Invertebrate communities of former southern Moravian flood- plains (Czechoslovakia) and impacts of regulation. Regul. Riv.: Res. Manage. 7:181-192. TN. 0019 . 1996. The impact of trout farm discharges on benthic community structure in a small karstic stream. Acta Univ. Carolinae Biol. 40(1-2):3-16. BA103-12432. 0020 *Adkins, S.C. & M.J.Winterbourn. 1999. Vertical distribution and abundance of inverte- brates in two New Zealand stream beds: a freeze coring study. Hydrobiologia 400:55-62. 0021 Admiraal, W., C.Barranguet, S.A.M.van Beusekom, E.A.J.Bleeker, F.P.van den Ende, H.G. van der Geest, D.Groenendijk, N.Ivorra, M.H.S.Kraak, & S.C.Stuijfzand. 2000. Lin-king ecological and ecotoxicological techniques to support river rehabilitation. Chemo- sphere. 41:289-295. BAan 2000-00186821. 0022 Afonso, C. J., M.Sanson, & J.Reyes. 1998. Vegetative and reproductive morphology of 3 Ganonema lubrica sp. nov. (Liagoraceae, Rhodphyta) from the Canary Islands. Phycologia 37:319-329. BAan 1999-00028142. 0023 *Afzelius, B.A., P.L.Bellon, R.Dallai, & S.Lanzavecchia. 1991. Diversity of microtubular doublets in insect sperm tails: a computer aided image analysis. Cell motile Exoskeleton 19: 282-289. ZR128. 0024 Aguila-S, Y. 1992. Systematic catalogue of the Caddisflies of Panama (Trichoptera). pp 532- 548, 654, 663. In: Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: selected studies. eds Diomedes & Aiello. Oxford Univ. Press, England. Engl., engl. (p. 654), span. (p. 663). ISBN 0 19 854018 3. BRI(BA/RRM)44-38547; ZR129. 0025 *Albariño, R.J. & A. del C.Valverde. 1998. Hábito alimentario del estado larval de Para- sericostoma cristatum (Trichoptera: Sericostomatidae). Rev. Soc. ent. Argent. 57:131-135. Span., engl. BAan 1998-00028142; ASFAan & EAan 4330539; ZRan 135-03000216. 0026 Albert, R. 1997. Zwei heimische Kocherfliegen. Mikrokosmos 86:29-31. ZRan 135-030002 20. 0027 Alecke, C. 1995. Trichopterenstudien im Einzugsgebiet des Ladberger Mühlenbaches (Münst- erländer Tieflandbucht). Verh. Westdeuts. Ento.-Tag. 1994:119-131. TN. 0028 *Alecke, C. & N.Kascheck. 1994. Zur Unterscheidung der Weibchen von Polycentropus flavomaculatus (Pictet 1834) und Polycentropus irroratus (Curtis 1835)(Trichoptera: Poly- centropodidae). Ent. Zeits. m. Insektenbörse 104(15):219-225. Germ., engl. ASFA26(1)-163 56; ZR132. 0029 Alecke, C., N.Kaschek, & E.I.Meyer 1996. Verbreitung und Habitatcharakteristika der Gatt- ung Tinodes (Trichoptera, Psychomyiidae) im nördlichen Münsterland. Deuts. Ges. Limnol. 1995:399-403. BerRob. 0030 *Alecke, C. & E.I.Meyer. 1999. 103. Territoriality as a reason for different shapes of larval galleries of Tinodes unicolor (Psychomyiidae; Trichoptera). Bull. NABS 16:134. [Abstract]. 0031 *Alexander, K.D & M.RWhiles. 2000. A new species of Ironoquia (Trichoptera: Limnephil- idae) from an intermittent slough of the central Platte River, Nebraska. Ent. News. 111:1-7. BAan 2000-00203680; ZRan 136-04000494. 0032 *Alouf, N.[J.] 1991(1992). Cycle de developpement de deux Rhyacophila (Insecta: Tricho- ptera) au Liban. Ecol. Med. 17:11-17. Fr., fr., engl. BA94-97238; ZR129. 0033 * . 1999. Dévelopement de Hydropsyche instabilis (Insecta, Trichoptera) dans un cours d'eau au Liban. Proc. int. Symp. Trich. 9:1-6. ZRan 136-03000486. 0034 *Alouf, N.[J.], A.Dia, G. el Zein, M.Hamzé, & K.Slim. 1996. Faune et flore aquatiques. Etude de la diversité biologique du Liban, Minist. Agric., Rep. Liban. 6:3-41. 0035 *Amann, E. 1994. Aussergewohnlicher Kocherbau einer Kocherfliegenart Limnephilus flavi- cornis in den Ruggeler Rietgraben. Ber. Bot.-Zool. Ges. Liechtenst.-Sarg.-Werdenberg 21: 191-193. ZR132. 0036 * . 1999. Zu den Wirbellosen (Evertebraten) des Liechtensteiner Rheinbettes. Ber. Bot.-Zool. Ges. Liechtenst.-Sargans-Werdenberg 26:189-200. 0037 *Ammer, K.J. 1998. Die Kocherfliegenfauna ausgewahlter Auenstandorte der oberen und unteren Mittelelbe. Lauterbornia 34:75-90. Germ., germ., engl. ZRan 135-03000345. 0038 *Andersen, T. 1995. Leptocerus tineiformis Curtis, 1834 (Trich., Leptoceridae), a new Caddis Fly for Norway. Fauna Norv., Ser. B 42:63-64. BA100-102355; ASFA(1)25-18549. ZR132 0039 *Andersen, T., L.O.Hansen, K.A.Johanson, & B.A.Sagvolden. 1993. Faunistical records of Caddis Flies (Trichoptera) from Buskerud, south Norway. Fauna Norv., Ser. B 40:49-57. Engl., engl., norw. BA97-58167; ASFA(1)24-2372; EAan 3507694; ZR130. 0040 *Andersen, T. & R.W.Holzenthal. 1999. The genus Allosetodes Banks, 1931, a junior syno- nym of Triaenodes MacLachlan, 1865 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae). Proc. int. Symp. Trich. 9: 7-16. ZRan 136-01000578. 0041 *Andersen, T. & J.Huisman. 1998. A new species of Symphitoneuria (Trichoptera: Lepto- ceridae) from Sabah, Malaysia. Ent. News 109:37-46. BAan 1998-0048905; ZRan 134-0300 0419 & 00001647. 0042 *Andersen, T. & K.A.Johanson. 1992. Caddis Flies (Trichoptera) from a mountain rain for- est in NE Tanzania. 20 pp [unnumbered]. In : K.A.Johanson. Østafrikanske Vårfluer (Insecta: 4 Trichoptera). Syst. avdel. Zool. Mus., Univ. Bergen. 0043 * . 1993. Caddis Flies (Trichoptera) from a mountain rain forest in NE Tanzania. Proc. int. Symp. Trich. 7:59-64. ZR132. 0044 *Andersen, T., K.A.Johanson, S.Kobro, & S.Ligaard. 1993. Faunistical records of Caddis Flies (Trichoptera) from Østfold and Akershus, SE Norway. Fauna Norv., Ser. B 40:1-12. Engl., engl., norw. BA96-29484; ASFA(1)23-10496; EAan 2940073; ZR129. 0045 *Andersen, T., L.L.Jørgensen, & J.Kjærandsen. 1992. Relative abundance and flight peri-- ods of some Caddis Flies (Trichoptera) from the Faroes. Ent. Medd. 60:117-123. Engl., engl., dan. BA95-75108; ZR129. 0046 *Andersen, T. & J.Kjærandsen. 1997. Notoernodes inornatus new genus, new species, first Beraeidae (Trichoptera) to be described from the Afrotropical region. Proc. int. Symp. Trich. 8:1-5. ZRan 135-01000374. 0047 *Andersen, T., J.Kjærandsen, & J.C.Morse. 1999. Blyzophilus dorsohamatus gen. n., sp. n. from Ghana representing a new leptocerid tribe, Blyzophilini trib. n. (Trichoptera: Leptocer- idae). Proc. int. Symp. Trich. 9:17-23.ZRan 136-03000579. 0048 *Andersen, T. & F.E.Klausen. 1994. Light trap catches of Caddis Flies (Trichoptera) from a regulated and acidified southwest Norwegian river. Fauna Norv., Ser. B 41:13-18. Engl., engl., norw. BA98-61249; ASFA(1)24-18956. ZR129-131. 0049 *Andersen, T. & G.E.E.Søli. 1992. Triaenodes unanimis McLachlan, 1877 (Trich., Leptocer- idae), a new Caddis Fly for Norway. Fauna Norv., Ser. B 39:93-94. Engl., norw. BRI(BA/ RRM)44-13084; ZR129. 0050 *Andersen, T.H., H.O.Hansen, T.M.Iversen, D.Jacobsen, L.Krøjgaard, & N.Poulsen. 1992. Growth and feeding of O+ Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) introduced to two small Danish streams. Arch. Hydrobiol. 125:339-346. BA95-36977. 0051 Anderson, E.L., E.B.Welch, J.M.Jacoby, G.M.Schimek, & R.R.Horner. 1999. Periphyton removal related to phosphorus and grazer biomass level. Freshw. Biol. 41:633-651. BAan 1999-00226869; ASFA 1an 4642354; EcolA, EA, an 4599488; ZRan 136-02000358. 0052 *Anderson, N.H. 1992. Influence of disturbance on insect communities in Pacific Northwest streams. Hydrobiologia 248:79-92. ASFA(1)23-3083. 0053 * . 1997. Phenology of Trichoptera in Summer-dry headwater streams in western Oregon, U.S.A. Proc. int. Symp. Trich.

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