Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 2-20-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 20, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1992 Volume 77, Issue 107 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 20, 1992." (Feb 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. years of Daily Egyptian 75 publication Southe rn Il li l1 oi, Uni\'c"ity at Carho ndale Thursday, February 20, 1992, Vol. 77 , No. 107. 16 Pages ISAC to vote on cuts slue students would lose $315,000 in 1993 By Casey Hamrton numbe r of recipients of MAP gram," she said. "Bul if !hey take 3 General Assignment Writer awads for an Illinois four-year percent ('ff right from the public univers ity, with aid amount­ beginning. !hey will not be able to State financial aid official s will ing to more than $10.500.000 ill get their tuition and fees covered." vote Friday on 3 proposed 3· slate t 1J1ts each year. Bob Clemen( , spo ke Sm~tl for percenl CUI in th e Monetary A 3-pelcent ..:u t to the MAP (SAC, said the bouom lint: !,; the As o;;is lance Program for nex t year. 3 grant at the beg.inning o f next situation is that there is no: eooug ... de~i s ion that wou ld reduce school year would crcale a loss of money to go around. financial aid 10 95.000 coll ege mure than S315.ooo in gralli s to " Nobody enjoys cUlling funds students Sl3lcwide. SlUe. and bri g hardships to students Il li nois Student Assistance Pa mela Brilton. directo r o f because of moO"! '!y reductions--it is Commission voted in January for a f-in ancial Aid. sa id lhese cut s wi ll not :t pleasant eXi:erience:' he said. 12·pcrccllI mi d-year cut of $4.7 have a significant <Jnd nc g~lIi vc "Wc're just follov:ing the mandates million to the MAP grant pmgr.un . impact on slue s t uJcn t ~. of the Geneml Assembly." ISAC ofncials now will consider "A Ifl "jorily of Ih e 6.700-plu, Clement said ISAC wi ll decide cu ls in the progmm for nexl year. stude nt s al S IUC get the ir fu ll slue ha ~ th e !'ccond largest tu iti on and fl.!cs co cred wi th the see ISAC, page 5 Experts: Buchanan's success to alter Bush campaign focus By Todd Welvaen This seems to be a serious threat to P~itics Writer overa ll electability of Bush. If Buchanan can carry this Conservative Republican voters momentum into the southern stales SCn! a strong message to Presiden t the re is a decent amounl of Bush in :.':c New Hampsh ire potential for an election." pr;m:lry Tuesday. bU I pOlilica l The Democrats posted two front­ r::xPC rlS say a strong showing by campaigns by g ame.ring 4 J PCTC""'II. runners (or nomination. Former pn:s jd ~ n l j;J I iJ op -.; (ul PiJlr;c I;: a much narrower margin Ihan Sen. P.lul Tsongas o( Bucl:anan will push Bush hack to expecfed. Massachusetts received 34 percenr the ri\!,hL belore !he """' ~. .. It shocked me:' said Scott ofClinton !he voce __ and ~< ~ __ Gov. Bill "Susn 'Han \oe R e-pubi.kan Ra-ys. SrJC -pb\\.\icu\ sde.nc.e Sl associa\e professor. "\ don', primary with percent of the e.pecI _ PftIMARY. _ 5 vote, but Buchanan surprised both radical changes in \he electorate. Local stations USG changes stance opposeWIDB about tuition increase broadcasting By Casey Hampton tuition by 5 pen:enl and J pen:ent General Assignment Writer the second and ihird years, on airwaves respectively. By BrIen Groea Tho SI UC Unde rgrad uale The plan is 'he only one USG Special Assignment Writer Student Government criticized a would recognize if an increase proposed tuition illcrcasc fur SIUC occurred. But Sullivan announced A running joke about !he stude nt s Wednesday, only two Wedne>:day USG wi ll not suppon call lettenl of a stu:Ieot radio weeks after supporting it. an) tuit ion increase for Ihe st.ation is too close to the AI Ihe Feb. 5 USG Se n ale Uni versity. truth for WIDB stotion m ee ti ~g, a resolution was intro­ "This is a very symbolic manager Curtis Halton. duced. accepting the proposal of message we're sending out today, WIDB stands for inter­ th e President's Budget Advisory The ball is in (the University dormitory broadcasting but is Committee for a tuilion plan. officials') hands and !hey can make better known as "we're in da l3u t twO weeks later, USG a difference," he said. " But we basement" because the fonnally announced opposition to won '1 accept tins iuition increase." the increase. slue President John e. Guyon _WlDB. .... s " In concept we do not ~ uppo rt said a 3-pe rcent resciss ion in any tuition increase, but we're not geneml revenue appropriations to GusBode unrealistic in realizillg the the Uni versity makes a tuition Uni versity needs revenues." USG increase necessary. Preside nt Tack Sullivan said. " If "(USC's opposition) is fairly the tuition increase is going to unrealis-dc because it would appear happen anyway, it 's impor1aJlt we there will have to be a tuition hold onlo Ihe p:an the Budget iuc re ase." he said. " We will Advisory Commillee proposed so a stumble imo the end of the fiscal plan docsn't come out of a back year $3.7 million less than we had Paper chase office somewhere." going inlo!he year July I, I ~l." The Budget Advisory A 3-percent projected increase in Betsy Wright, 8 Junior In social work from Paris, reaches Que Nye If you ctln't Committee proposal outlines a enrollment next year coupled with for _ of the toilet peper that __ depoeIted In trees ~i. nd the heet, get three-year tuition plan, which a 5 - 10 6-percent decrease in in front of the Alpha Gamma Delta houaa_ Wright, who out of the Idtchen, rai ses the 12-hour tuition cap to 15 __ cleaning out the trees WadMeday, said the toilet hours the first year and increases _ TUITION, page 5 peper __ put 1'.1 the trees _ time T~ night City Council to raze Famous organist Opinion SIUC students, kids Salukl lady cagers -Seepage 4 old freight building, to perform recital En1ertelnment to enact 'Plnocchlo' to battle Indiana store for future use in Shryock balcony -Seepage 7 at Mcleod Theater In conference play Clasalflecl -See pass 10 - Story on page 3 - Story on page 6 •Mlel so. -Story on page 7 -Story on pagel6 Page 16 Fcbr,l:.tr:. 2() . I l)lj~ Sports Walker's Olympic dream cut short ALBERTVILLE. France (UPI) guided hi s sled to conn!<o :'! n1 top-six (an come out any time. \\le n;;!("'d The 20ld meda ls Wcd ncsdJ } - Skier Diann Roffe won an fi ni shes in bobsled training runs Related Olympic stories these guys more than a n ~1hin g.·· wenl to -Antje Mi scrk y of Gcmlany improbable place on the meda l this week, said after practi ce he --page 14 Walker's demoli on came on a in the womc n 's 15 · kllo mc tcr stand Wednesday at the Winter wanted hi s longtime ICamm?te day in which just two medal events biathlon and to Pcmi ll a Wiberg of O lympics while footbali star Chris Coleman in the sied instead 'Nere decided around the venues. Sweden in the giant slal om. Herschel Walker earned a seat on of Walker. miraclf. I should have known this Bu! hockey and fi gure skating Wiberg gave Sweden its fi na the bench. " Herschel Walker is probably from the be ginn ing. I know fi gured prominently. alpine medal in Olympic hi story. Roffe captured a silver medal in the most incf'P...dible athlete I've met bob'iiedding and I've been in thi s The Unified Team route d She took advantage of a series of the giant slalom. allowing the in my life: ' Will said. '"8ul you sr ",n eighl years. Finland 6-1 in the hoc key mi shaps to win the gold while the United States to top iLo; mcdaJ count can't tear apart a team that has "Right now I feel I'm goin g quanerfinals to set up a scmifinul sec ond dead heat in Olympic from the 1988 Calgary Games. been successful and put someone with what's best for everyone. not Friday with the United States. alpine history gave silver medals to Walker won nothing but a rebuke on who has limited rac e just for me or anyone else. but the Women's fi gure skating began RotTe and Austria's Anita Wachter. from the driver of his four·man experience. United States. This is nothing Wednesday night, featuring Midori Roffe ' s success lifted the U.S. bobsled. " Even Ihough he's a great against Herschel Walke r or Ito of Japan, Kristi Yamaguchi and Randy Will, a veteran wh ;"'l has athle te, it's unfair to expec t a professional athlete s.
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