Eberle sends her address as 3902 Coast Guard. Address: Rt. I, Box 13th Avenue, South, Seattle .. Pfc. 385, Puyallup. Kenneth Baldwin, ASTU 3933, is OBITUARIES In Amphibian Training attending school at Portland Den­ W. E. SOMERS tal college in Oregon. Lt. Frank Roach, U. S. M. C. R, Amphibian Tractor Detach­ Lieutenant W. E. (Bill) Somers, Bakersfield Veterinarian ment, Dunedin, Florida, is very '42, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, died of Bartlett Baker has a large ani­ enthusiastic about his training. wounds received in battle on Feb­ mal practice at the Bakersfield Much of the work consists of ruary 22. In a letter written to veterinary hospital; 323 Chester manipulating amphibious tractors his parents elated two days before avenue, Bakersfield, California . .. which are used in making beach­ he stated that he had completeel Two more to receive commISSIOns heads ... S. 2!c James Doak sends nearly all his flying missions from as lieutenants are William Kinard his new address, Ship Co. Board somewhere in Italy and after only at Carlsbad, New Mexico, sta­ 2, U. S. N. C. T. C., Camp Peary, a few more trips would be home tioned at Kingman, Arizona, and Williamsburg, Virginia. Ensign on leave. He had been overseas Robert Strong from Ellington William Bellomy, a patrol pilot since May 1942 anel during the Field, Texas ... Ensign Curt Mil­ with the Navy, recently met his Sicilian campaign had transferred ler writes from Fleet Post Office, brother S. 1/c James Bellomy, a from test pilot to the bomber San Francisco ... Alaska seems to gunner's mate on a Navy vessel, command as pilot of a Mitchell be home base at present for Pvt. in the South Pacific .. Lt. Rich­ B-25. George Lewis 19119032, APO 937, ard Dillard is with the Army ... HARLOW PARKINS Postmaster, Seattle ... Captain Lee Bob Woolard. in Alaska. writes Wiggins of the Air Corps recently about hearing'station KWSC ove': Lieutenant Harlow Parkins, visited the campus.... Lt. S. R. his radio. He has been there f()r nephew of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Larsen is with the ' U.S.M.C.R, two years and would like to hear Gaines of Pullman, has been re­ Amphibian Tractor Detachment, from WSC·'ians ... SK 1/c (536­ ported killed while serving with Dunedin, Florida ... Merle Wolfe 730) c/o Receiving Warehouse. U . the aviation engineers in Italy. No works for the Union Oil Co. Ad­ S. Coast Guard Base, Ketchikan, further details have yet been re­ dress: 1155 Walnut Street, Berk­ Alaska ... Freeman Felt and Roy ceived. He is survived by his wife eley 7, California ... Capt. Leland Fountain are with the General ",ho is with her parents in Moro, Roy Wiggins recently won his sil­ Electric company. Kenneth Oregon. ver wings as a pilot at Turner Duncan left for a short visit to MELVIN BENNER Lieutenant Parkins received a Field, Albany, Georgia. Capt. Wig­ his home in California before tak­ Private Melvin Joe Benner, only degree in the department of agri­ gins had been in administrative ing up a job with the Weyer­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Benner culture from Washington State work with the Air Force before haeuser timber company, Tacoma. of Pullman, elied in England April College in 1934. In school he was transferring to pilot training ... ... Pvt. Theo Vance Britt's ad­ 20 as a result of an accident on secretary of Alpha Zeta, agricul­ Mildred Anderson is attending the dress is ASN 19118977 Hq. Det. the Lorry Road while he was on tural honorary. Following hi.( school of retailing at New York SCU 1951 P.RD. Pittsburg, Cali­ active service with the Third Di­ graduation he was associated with university. Her address is 53 fornia ... Carl Henrv, 837th N .T. vision of the Canadian army. the Soil Conservation Service in ·Wash. SCI. South, New York City Sqd'rn, A.A.F.N.S., Hondo, Texas, the Pullman region and in Oregon 12 ... ]. Howard Kittel is a re­ He attended '''I.S.C ., studying­ until his enlistment about two is studying navigation in the "bet­ agriculture during 1936-38. search engineer. Address: 1255 ter part of this immense state." years ago. Granger, Lakewood 7, Ohio ... Lt. Enlisting in the Canadian Army Leonard Repp is a member of a 1945 June 6, 1940 he sailed a year later Water Pageant Scores bomber g roup of the Army Air for England where he had been Fifty co-eds in Fish Fans took Force and is at present stationed Donald Somers, U.S.N.R V -12 on active service with the Com­ Unit, P .T .-7, Lawrence, Kansas, is part in the spectacular pageant in New Guinea ... Lt. Robert posite company of the Third Di­ with the "Hit Parade" as the Boyer and Lt. Roy Gillespie are attending the University of Kan­ vIsIon. sas . .. Marion Dhondt and Don­ theme April 21 and 22. Beauty somewhere in England. Bob is Private Benner is survived by ald Dorman were commissioned was blended skillfully in the mu­ special service operator for his his wife, the former Peggy Rrow~l as lieutenants at Moore Field, sic, costumes and water acrobatics. outfit. of Edinburgh, Scotland, and year­ Texas. while Vernon Judkins re­ Both the pageant director, Pa­ olel daughter, Karen Estelle. 1944 ceived his at Eagle Pass, Texas, tricia Cunningham, and the assist­ ant director, Janet Montzheimer 1st Lt. William Burns, P-38 and Robert W . Shaw at Stockton. JOHN W. MOORE come from Spokane. Lightning pilot went on the first California . A recent change of address for a/c William Nance, Another service star to change American combat flight over Ber­ to gold is that of Captain John lin. He is credited with destroy­ Jr., who is in advance flying and Major Picatti Leaves training in twin engine planes, is Wesley Moore .of Seattle, flight Major George Picatti, '27 of ing one German plane and making surgeon in the United States Army more than 19 trips over Europe. 19033279, Class 44-E, ACD (Pilot). Yakima, has been transferred tem­ Ellington Field, Texas . .. John Air Forces. He was killed in a porarily to Fort Douglas, Salt Bill wears the air medal with three plane crash in New Guinea. oak leaf clusters. Just April 27 Veatch is now enrolled as an avia­ Lake City, Utah, after almost two tion cadet in the pre-flight school Captain Moore attended WSC years at '''ISC on the Army staff. he was shown in a cable photo during 1926-28 and was a member heing awarded the Distinguished at Maxwell Field, Alabama . .. Pvt. Before serving here as senior in­ Harold Thompson was graduated of Theta Chi fraternity. structor for the engineering units, Flying Cross. He is mainly en­ He is survived by his wife who gaged in escorting bombers I)\'er from the Army Air Training Com­ he was a company commander at .I mand school at Chanute Field, Il­ is residing in Quincy, California, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. targets deep in Germany ... Eu­ and his four-year-old son, John gene Eschbach and Robert Jep­ linois. He received special instruc­ tion in operation and maintenance David Moore. son are now with the R C. A. Zoologists Get Samples of teletype communications. company at Lancaster, Pennsyl­ MRS. STANLEY SMITH Seven kinds of Georgia mos­ vania. However, both men are ap­ 1946 Mrs. Stanlev Smith. wife of the Quitoes, in addition to other trou­ plying for commissions in the head of the WSC d~partment of blesome insects in Army camps, armed forces where their engi­ Aviation Cadet Benjamin Snider architectural engineering, die d were received by the department neering electronics training can is a member of a class of student April 14 in the Bryant and Weis­ of zoology from Lt. Russell N el­ be put to good use ... Don Am­ officers and aviation cadets soon man clinic at Colfax from an at­ son, '39 of Walla Walla. merman is with Alcoa iTt' Spokane. to be graduated from the Ad­ tack of asthma. Two of the seven mosquitOti vanced Twin Engine school at ... Betty Lou Williams and 'Mar­ Mrs. Smith came to ' Pullman as are known to carry malaria. Tl~ jorie McCutcheon are both taking Stockton, California. Larry a member of the college home specimens are being mounted and physical therapy at Northwestern. Lauderdale is at the University of economics faculty in 1927 and was wil1 supplement ' material sent here They observe at least one opera­ Oregon studying in the meteorol­ married in 1928. She had been a year ago by the United States tion a week on such things as ogy program but plans to leave active in the Methodist church. Public Health service. They will hand surgery, skin grafting, am­ soon for Sacramento because of the Ingleside Study club and had also aid Dr. R D . Shenefelt in putation, nerve suture and muscle the discontinuation of the pro­ acted as adviser to Kappa Delta his new course of medical ento­ transplant . Glen Lind is in the gram. sorority here. mology. Page Eighteen POWWOW, May, IP.t~ .
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