qeAw- N A Voice for Peace and Social Justice in Central New Yor k Founded in 1936 Published Monthly by the Syracuse Peace Council Regula r defacing property" . So am I, an d 0 these billboards deface our whole a city . We should thank those who . Not the Dome?l? ! covered them up . -RON SHUFFLE R Dear Peace Council People , On the March Peace Council page , Repression Unnoticed ? in the first article, that little sketch To the editor , with "978" on it, the symbol for 0 I am writing to respond to Mau Syracuse, isn't by any inadvertent d ill chance meant to be the Dome, i s and David Easter's article on Russia ,, (Nov . 1983 PNl) . I was outraged b y it? Not the scene of performance s their paragraph on religious repres- by sexist rock groups and imperia - sion. Ms . and Mr . Easter, don' list generals ; Not that monstrosit y t you consider Judaism a religion built by "non-profit" S ..UU S . to make m ? And if you don't think it's being money at the expense of education ; severely repressed, you don't know Not that energy-guzzling hot-ai r what's happening in the USSR . You r balloon whose presence has ruined blatant equation of "churches" wit h more than one neighborhood a s "religion" makes me question your peaceful places to live or work (yo u politics and sensibilities, and ther e know, people can ' t even get to thei r ford your entire article . When wil l homes by normal routes during Dome Christians learn they are not alone events) ! in the world? And that the countrie s Let's not give that obscene infla - Nothing new ? of the world are not Christia n tion any more free advertisement- - entities! Dear editor , tho' I know it wasn't intentional . -M ORGAN FIRESTA Sometimes I feel like I'm in a The outline map of Syracuse, inci - R time warp . The cover of las t o dentally, has a pretty distinctiv e m month's newsletter was a surprise . shape, too . To the editor , Is it really news that certain act s 0 -MARGE RUS K We appreciate the valid criticis m in life reduce one's freedom? , that Morgan Firestar has made abou t Many desperate bargains wer e Everything Marge says abaft the our article on the U .S .S .R ., whic h struck in the past . There was pai n Dome is right, and my sketch of it on appeared in an earlier Peace News - on both sides . Must we continue page 5 last mrnth in no way indicate s letter . We are Quakers, but no t to herald this wailing as great art ? any love for it . I thaight my dis- Christians, and often ourselves fee l There are today many females on th e dain for the Dome was well-known . irritated by the Christian presump- leading edge of art and music . I'm - Gary Weinstein tions of writers or speakers . pleased they are saying a bit more The Soviet Union does indeed hav e thaii "women are martyrs, men are other large religious groups, in ad- beasts . " dition to the Baptists and Russia n -DAVID BRIAR S Turn off WKFM Orthodox with whose leaders we met . Prolifers' Ad Upsetting There are over two million Jews i n To the editor , the U .S .S .R . and hundreds of thou - Dear friends , I would like to publicly expres s sands of Muslim believers . I was very disturbed to see a Pro - my gratitude to those women (and I Religious institutions certainly do lifers for Survival ad in the Peac e hope, men) who took action agains t experience repression in the Newsletter . One of the aspects o f the sexist advertising campaign of a U .S .S .R . We spoke personally peacework I find refreshing is th e local radio station . with Jews who talked of restriction s diversity of people that are involved . Under a picture of one of the offen- they face, particularly problem s However, the connections betwee n sive billboards, the Herald-Journa l with emigration . However, th e sexism and militarism can no wrote, "the ads have outraged some point we wished to make remains : longer be ignored . women ." It is not just women who there is much more religious prac - Women must have the right to make are angry ; the billboards shoul d tice and expression in the U .S .S .R . choices about their lives and not b e offend all of us . today than we realized before our controlled by male ideals about their Karen DeCrow is wrong ; this is travels . bodies and lives . Just as peopl e not a minor issue . In a societ y -MAUD and DAVID EASTE R have a right to choose not to be des- where rape is so prevalent, where troyed for nuclear madness that i s women cannot walk at night without a manifestation of the same men- fear, the use of women's bodies t o tality . sell things is not just offensive--i t Peace is not just a world withou t is dangerous as well . It devalue s war, but the creation of a new and threatens women at the sam e society that has self-determinatio n time . for all people--including women . - UNSIGNED Ms . DeCrow says she is "against 2 Peace Newsletter 4/84 In This Issue This month's PNL contains part I o f a special section on SPC and th e y 1984 elections . See intro, on page 8 /our sOliddrit for details and a look at the plan s Is the bread for next month's part II . For tha t ominous day in April, we have a n and the water article on another form of voting - - necessary to "Voting Your Conscience on Form the heroic struggle 1040 ." We invite you to conside r any of the many ways to resist mili- tary tax . The book review on femin- of my people . ism and nonviolence should provok e NERUDA many interesting discussions . A n article on future plans for Eisenho- wer provides background information on the latest Seneca County contro- versy . We've expanded "Reports" thi s month to keep you up to date on al l that's happening . Editorial Committee April 1984 PNL 50 6 Karen Beetle, Paul Germano, Pe r Herngren, Angus MacDonald, Dian e COVER The cover is a collaboration by Editorial Committe e Swords, Katie Froelich, Randy Gim- members and friends . Sign slogans were solicited at PNL production . pel . The image was put together by Per Herngren and Karen Beetle . Production Workers Lettering by Karen Kerney , SYRACUSE PEACE COUNCIL The Editorial Committee and Pau l Barfoot, Tom Parr, Posie Smith , 5 SPC New s Suzie Gaines, Brian Makepeace , 7 Monday Night Potluck s Gary Weinstein, Maura McNulty , Jean Wittman, Chris Cramer, Jon i SPC AND THE '84 ELECTIONS - PART I Meyers, Sandy Resnick, Jan Peter- son, Karen Kerney, Carrie Stearns , 8 SPC's Focus - Issues not Candidate s Jackie Allen, Allen Smith, Bob Rose , 9 Rainbow Without an End : Jesse Jackson's Challenge to the Status Qu o Glenda Neff, Peter Swords, Andy Ma- by Brian Makepeac e ger, Carol Baum, Connie Walters , 10 Our Local Arms Race Representative- - Wortley's Voting Record 1981-8 4 Chuck Durand, Andrea Marti n 12 The Case for Voter Registration by Van Robinson and Mailing Party Workers Pat Recto r 13 The Elections - The Dark at the End of the Tunnel by Barb Kobrit z Tom Simson, Emmet Kaiser, Corrin e Jergenson, Bob Rose, Gary Weinstein , John Evans, Evie Smith, Carol Baum , MILITARISM Karen Beetle, Willie Michel, Pe r 14 Software Hard to Swallow at Eisenhower Colleg e Herngren, Amy Sheneha n 15 Book Review : Reweaving the Web of Lif e Reviewed by Jean Wittma n Next Month's Production 17 Vote Your Conscience on Form 104 0 Layout : Monday and Tuesday , April 23-2 4 REGULARS Proofreading : Wednesday, April 25 18 Report s Deadlines 20 NVS Film s Space Requests : April 13 21 Peace s Display Ads : April 2 0 22 Classifieds Classifieds/Calendar: April 20 The'PEACE NEWSLETTER (PNL) is published 10 times per year (except January an d ' Station, New York, N .Y . 10023); is listed in the Alternative Press Index (quarterly from =August) by the Syracuse Peace Council (SPC) . SPC, founded in 1936, is a nonprofit , P .O . Box 7229 Baltimore MD 21218) and is available on microfilm from APS . community based organization . The PNL is collectively produced by the Editoria l Subscriptions are $8 for the U .S . ; $12 for Canada and Mexico; and $20 for overseas . The Committee, workers and SPC staff. The.PNL serves two functions : that of a paper institutional rate is $12 . Free or donation to prisoners and low inc6me people . Your offering news, analysis and upcoming events ; and that of the internal organ of SPC, th e organization, co-op, etc. can receive 15-25 PNL's each month at a bulk subscription o f traditional newsletter role . We welcome suggestions and assistance of all kinds . The PN L $25 per year . Contributions to SPC beyond PNL subscriptions support our activist has very reasonable ad rates; call or write for our rate card . Movement groups, please programs. PEACE NEWSLETTER/SPC 924 Burnet Ave . Syracuse, NY 13203 (315) feel free to reprint or use graphics, but please give credit . Profit groups, please inquire . 472-5478 . Circulation : 5,000 . Printed by Lakeside Printing, Skaneateles, N.Y . The PNL is a member of the Alternative Press Syndicate (APS P .O.
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