TheAndreanFALL 2017, VOLUME 61 NUMBER 2 “An instant SAC classic” Contents TheAndrean Features Fall 2017 Volume 61 4 Boys Into Men Number 2 New short film shows panorama of life at SAC PUBLISHED BY St. Andrew’s College for Old Boys, parents, and 6 Connected Community friends of the School Series of vignettes shows unconventional ways we bond EDITOR Cindy Veitch 13 Historic Treasure Trove ASSISTANT EDITORS Donated artifacts tell story of soldier and POW Julie Caspersen Nicolette Fleming 14 Exploring the Land of Fire & Ice SENIOR WRITER Students experience the geological diversity of Iceland Jim McGillivray OLD BOY CORRESPONDENT 16 Beautiful Remembrance Nicholas Weedon ‘02 Small addition made profound change to Battlefields Tour CONTRIBUTORS Nicholas Day 18 Food with Thought Scott Hayter Sue Hayter Balance and nutrition keys to feeding 645 hungry boys each day Beth McKay David Stewart ART DIRECTION AND DESIGN 19 ANNUAL REPOrt 2017 Fresh Art & Design Inc. PHOTOGRAPHY Paul Mosey 28 Homecoming Weekend & Reunion Dinners 2017 TELEPHONE 905-727-3178, ext. 333 32 Saints Skate Toward Pro Hockey Dream EMAIL [email protected] Grads picked up in National Hockey League draft [email protected] [email protected] WEBSITE www.sac.on.ca Columns FRONT COVER Kyle Murphy ‘22 (left) and 5 University Destinations 2017 brother Callum ‘17 30 Community News 34 Old Boys News 55 Obituaries 58 Editorial: From the Head of Modern Languages EST. 1899 E G twitter.com/StAndrews1899 The Andrean magazine supports the St. olle Andrew’s College mission to “…develop C facebook.com/StAndrewsCollege S ’ the complete man, the well-rounded citizen,” connects Old Boys and parents youtube.com/StAndrews1899 to the School, and is a reflection of ndrew St. Andrew’s College’s enduring value to Instagram @StAndrewsCollege1899 the constituents it serves. ST. A ST. CONNECTED A Good Read J. P. Bickell: The Life, the Leafs, and the Legacy, is a recently released biography of one of our most illustrious and gener- ous Andreans. Mr. Bickell, one of St. Andrew’s first graduates in 1902, went on to become a self-made mining magnate and the man who kept the Maple Leafs in Toronto and financed Maple Leaf Gardens. As one of the most important industrialists in Canadian history, Mr. Bickell left his mark on communi- ties across the nation. He was a cornerstone of the Toronto Maple Leafs, which awards the J.P. Bickell Memorial Award to recognize outstanding service to the organization. The book is available at your local bookstore. ST. Andrew’S COLLEGE IS A MEMBER OF THESE ASSOciatiONS: WWW.SAC.ON.CA 3 Boys Into Men New short film shows panorama of life at SAC he young student passes through the Memorial Gates. He is surrounded by good people and positive forces. This is the place he wants to be. This is the place he wants to grow. You can see it in his eager stare, soaking up the vibrancy, mar- Tveling at the vastness, anticipating the vivacity. He has entered the world of St. Andrew’s College, and his journey has been captured in Boys Into Men, an 18-minute cinematic ode to this independent school, now in its 119th year of dedication to “the development of the complete man, William Scoular (right) directs a scene the well-rounded citizen.” William Scoular is the mastermind behind Boys Into Men. He is an author, director, and head of St. Andrew’s Drama and “ We have the best people Film Studies. The movie is a successor to his award-winning 2010 film highlighting the St. Andrew’s experience. around to develop a boy Boys Into Men is a movie about maturation and the growing- up process at this extraordinary place. The story follows a into a man. Not just ‘a’ man, student in grade 5 through the eight years it takes for a boy to master all aspects of the St. Andrew’s College experience, Mr. but a very decent man.” Scoular says. Two students, Kyle Murphy (who was in grade 6 when then finally, rises over the statue of “Andy” at graduation. filming began 18 months ago) and his older, look-alike Ingenious visual effects and sleight-of-hand editing master- brother, Callum ’17, who graduated in June, made it pos- minded by Mr. Scoular’s collaborator in the project, Old Boy sible to cheat the aging process. “By the end of the film our Alex Boothby ’92, manipulate space, time, and the viewers’ hero experiences, more or less, what every boy at St. Andrew’s perceptions of both in order to immerse them in the ethos of experiences during his time at SAC: a string of extraordinary, this “not an ordinary place.” life-enhancing moments that transform him into a confident, “It’s a poetic version of what we do here every day,” Mr. accomplished young man,” says Mr. Scoular. Scoular says. “We have the best people around to develop a The camera follows our student hero around our magnifi- boy into a man. Not just ‘a’ man, but a very decent man, an cent campus in fall, winter, and spring. We see him go in and affable man.” out of Chapel, classrooms, and boarding houses; the camera The new film was officially launched in October, and floats backstage and onstage during theatrical and musical received accolades from audiences. “Every frame of scenery performances; it goes up and down corridors and staircases, reinforces the Andrean connection to others at the School and and vaults into the sky as it weaves in and out of football, beyond our gates,” asserts Headmaster Kevin McHenry. “A rugby, and soccer games on the playing fields, and between boy and his parents can sit down together to watch the film and players in the La Brier Family Arena. It dives underwater in be immersed in the SAC culture.” Walden Pool, and through an emotional crowd at An Andrean Watch the film on SAC’s YouTube channel: StAndrews1899 Christmas at Roy Thomson Hall, a stirring Cadet Inspection, JUliE CaspERSEN 4 FALL 2017 University Destinations 2017 ACADIA UNIVERSITY MOUNT ALLISON Matthew Chambers UNIVERSITY ARIZONA STATE Cayne Lander UNIVERSITY QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY Jacob Ledson Alan Dimitriev CARLETON UNIVERSITY Liam Ennis Jeffery Chen Matteo Fina Justin Wang Macleod Houghton CAROL DavILA UNIVER- Nick Jadidi SITY OF MEDICINE & Walter Karabin PHARMacY Randy Lee Mihai Ciuciureanu William Shields CORNELL UNIVERSITY William Sirman Jin Woo Yu Brandon St. Pierre Morgan Barron Nicholas Theodore DaLHOUSIE UNIVERSITY Michael von Schalburg Matthew Brenzel Braeden Wodehouse Charles Elliott Conor Woodroffe Nolan Garnett Luca Zadra A proud moment for every graduate is their first time donning an Old Boy tie. Showing how it’s done are Patrick Turner (left) and Hamza Kabir Oliver Harris Derek Zhang Carson Nirenberski QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH UNIVERSITY OF J.P. Martin Nolan Roy (BaDER) Jacob Brayford WASHINGTON Trew Morris ECKERD COLLEGE Tony Sul Mohammed Salemwalla Alex Guo Nikita Reshetnikov Matthew Medhurst QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF Tarun Sethi HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY BELfasT MANITOBA WATERLOO Christopher Sgro Grant Hickey Gregory Hoogers Raymond Liu David Huang Elias Taylor MCGILL UNIVERSITY RICE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF Larry Liu Tristan Tsvetanov Felix Cote Gregor MacKellar MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR Justun Lynn WILFRID LAURIER Hamza Kabir RYERSON UNIVERSITY Bell Zhang Jason Qian UNIVERSITY Vasily Levkovskiy Trevor Chao UNIVERSITY OF Tyler Thomas Nicholas Bowlin Ayo Ogunremi Connor Harris PENNSYLvanIA Johnny Yu Daniel Cheung William Paterson Ekpere Omenuko William Deo UNIVERSITY OF John Musgrave Patrick Turner STANFORD UNIVERSITY KeHan Wang WINDSOR Niklas Seidel MCMASTER UNIVERSITY Filip Grantcharov UNIVERSITY OF Mikel Devlin Allan Svirsky Basel Arsalan THE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE WESTERN UNIVERSITY Caidan Ubell Eric Asgari NORTH CAROLINA AT Dane Muspratt Kyle Chen YORK UNIVERSITY Stathi Douramakos CHAPEL HILL UNIVERSITY OF Dylan Cowell Eduardo Alcantara Gonzalez Jacob Edwards Douglas Chen-Young TORONTO Erik Jentsch Andrew Jeffery Callum Murphy Qing-Yuan Liu Chad Li Connor LeClaire Robert Wang UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH Brendan Rush Melvin Maroon GAP YEAR Harry Yang COLUMBIA Mark Wang Steele Rodin Corey Andonovski Joseph Yazdani Victor Xie Raymond Xu Benjamin Schmidt Quinton Cochran Richard Zhao UNIVERSITY OF Jason Yang Cooper Scullion-Smeenk Regan Kimens MOHawK COLLEGE OF CALGARY UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN UNIVERSITY, Noah Lugli APPLIED ARTS & George Hutchings WARWICK RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL Adrian Nabuurs TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF Jonathan Pak Lung Lo OF BUSINESS Ryan O’Connell Graeme Seymour CHICAGO Michael Lakkotrypis Lucas Thorne Daniel Zhao Sean Lindsay WWW.SAC.ON.CA 5 Connected Community Series of vignettes shows unconventional ways we bond Illustrations by Graham Roumieu t. Andrew’s College is set on 125 acres of gorgeous A swimmer about to start a race struggles with broken gog- landscape. It’s a place for boys to learn, to play, and gles. A bystander, who happens to be an Old Boy, notices the to bond. SAC logo on the strap and offers up his goggles. Someone saves While our campus grounds are expansive and the day. lush, and our facilities extensive and state of the These are all chance meetings, but collectively show a pat- Sart, our reach extends well beyond the physical borders of the tern of networking that builds relationships based on a common School. Students, parents, alumni, faculty, and staff are linked in thread: SAC. It’s the School that is the foundation that supports an expanding global network. all connections. We are a connected community. We are Andreans for Life. The relationships forged by the people connected through St. Andrew’s span generations and geographical boundaries. Con- The SAC network grows nections can be made deliberately, or come together through organically, creating happenstance. These relationships are so crucial to St. Andrew’s that our five-year strategic plan launched this year has “con- strength in numbers nected community” as one of its four cornerstones.
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