Belle Vue 1948

Belle Vue 1948

Belle Vue 1948 Compiled by Jim Henry and Barry Stephenson Update 31.5.2014 Updated 6.8.2020 Saturday 27th March 1948 Belle Vue Stadium, Manchester Manchester Cup Jack Parker E 3 3 3 9 Dent Oliver 1 0 2 E 3 Bill Pitcher F 2 3 5 Brian Wilson 3 2 F 1 6 Bob Fletcher F 0 Ralph Horne 2 1 1 1 5 Jim Boyd 2 2 2 E 6 Wally Lloyd 1 E 2 2 5 Louis Lawson F 1 1 3 5 Walter Hull 3 1 1 0 5 Bert Lacey E 0 0 1 1 Jack Tennant 1 0 0 1 2 Tommy Price 3 3 3 3 12 Bill Gilbert 3 2 2 1 8 George Wilks 2 3 3 3 11 Split Waterman F 0 E 2 2 Roy Craighead 2 3 2 2 9 Ht1 T.Price, Wilks, Oliver, Parker (ef) 77.0 Ht2 Wilson, Boyd, Pitcher (f), Lawson (f) 79.8 Ht3 Hull, Horne, Fletcher (f), Lacey (ef) 75.6 Ht4 Gilbert, Craighead, Lloyd, Waterman (f) 78.0 Ht5 Wilks, Boyd, Hull, Waterman 77.8 Ht6 Parker, Pitcher, Tennant, Lloyd (ef) 78.8 Ht7 Price, Gilbert, Lawson, Lacey 77.2 Ht8 Craighead, Wilson, Horne, Oliver 79.2 Ht9 Wilks, Gilbert, Horne, Tennant 78.0 Ht10 Parker, Boyd, Gilbert, Lacey 79.8 Ht11 Wilks, Craighead, Lawson, Tennant 79.8 Ht12 Lawson, Oliver, Hull, Waterman (ef) 81.0 Ht13 Price, Lloyd, Tennant, Wilson (f) 80.4 Ht14 Parker, Craighead, Wilson, Hull 77.8 Ht15 Price, Waterman, Horne, Boyd (ef) 79.4 Ht16 Pitcher, Lloyd, Lacey, Oliver (ef) 80.4 Final Parker, Wilks, Price, Craighead 80.0 Novice Race Alec Edwards, Jack Gordon, Ken Sharples, George Smith (ret) 88.2 Stadium Scratch Races Ht1 Lawson, Gilbert, Lloyd, Pitcher 80.0 Ht2 Lacey, Tennant, Horne (nf), Boyd (nf) 84.2 Monday 29th March 1948 Belle Vue Stadium, Manchester Easter Tournament (Afternoon) Jack Parker 3 E 3 2 8 George Wilks 1 E 1 3 5 Wally Hull 2 3 2 2 9 Roy Craighead 0 1 2 1 4 Brian Wilson 2 2 2 1 7 Bill Pitcher 1 E 1 0 2 Ralph Horne 0 1 0 2 3 Split Waterman 3 3 3 2 11 Tommy Price 3 3 3 3 12 Wally Lloyd 0 3 0 1 4 Louis Lawson 2 2 3 3 10 Jim Boyd 1 1 2 3 7 Jack Tennant 2 0 0 1 Dick Campbell 0 2 0 0 2 Bill Gilbert 1 2 1 0 4 Dent Oliver 3 F F 0 3 Bob Fletcher (Res) DNR Dennis Parker (res) 1 1 Ht1 J.Parker, Hull, Wilks, Craighead 77.8 Ht2 Waterman, Wilson, Pitcher, Horne 79.0 Ht3 Price, Lawson, Boyd, Lloyd 78.8 Ht4 Oliver, Tennant, Gilbert, Campbell 81.6 Ht5 Waterman, Lawson, Boyd, J.Parker (ef) 80.0 Ht6 Hull, Wilson, Wilks (ef), Oliver (f) 78.4 Ht7 Price, Gilbert, Pitcher (ef), Oliver (f) 79.2 Ht8 Lloyd, Campbell, Horne, Tennant 80.0 Ht9 J.Parker, Wilson, Craighead, Horne 79.2 Ht10 Waterman, Hukll, Gilbert, Lloyd 81.2 Ht11 Price, Craighead, Pitcher, Campbell 80.2 Ht12 Lawson, Boyd, Wilks, Tennant 79.6 Ht13 Boyd, Hull, Craighead, Campbell 81.8 Ht14 Wilks, Horne,D.Parker, Pitcher 81.8 Ht15 Lawson, Waterman, Wilson, Gilbert (f) 80.4 Ht16 Price, J.Parker, Lloyd, Oliver 80.6 Novice Race Bob Quick, Sharples, Gordon, Smith 87.2 Bank Holiday Scratch Race Ht1 J.Parker, Craighead, D.Parker, Waterman (ef) 81.0 83.8 Ht2 Price, Boyd, Wilson, Oliver 80.4 81.0 Ht3 Wilks, Lawson, Gilbert, Lloyd (ef) 81.0 82.6 Final Price, J.Parker, Wilks, Boyd (ef) 81.6 Monday 29th March 1948 Odsal Stadium, Bradford Bradford Boomerangs 49 Bell Vue Aces 34 (Challenge) Bradford Ron Clarke 2 3 3 3 11 Bob Lovell 0 1 1 3 5 Oliver Hart 3 0 3 3 9 Fred Tuck 0 1 2’ 3 6 1 Ernie Price 3 3 2 2 10 Eddie Rigg 0 2’ 1’ 2’ 5 3 Bill Osborne 1 0 1 Eric Mason 0 0 0 Bell Vue Jack Parker 3 3 3 3 12 Dick Campbell 1 2’ 0 0 3 1 Wally Lloyd 1 N 2 0 3 Dent Oliver 0 2 N 2 4 Jim Boyd 1’ 0 0 2 3 1 Louis Lawson 2 2 1 1 6 Brian Wilson 0 1 1 Wally Hull 1’ 1’ 2 2 Ht1 Parker, Clarke, Campbell, Lovell 67.8 2 4 2 4 Ht2 Hart, Tuck, Lloyd, Oliver 69.0 5 1 7 5 Ht3 Price, Lawson, Boyd, Rigg 71.4 3 3 10 8 Ht4 Clarke, Oliver, Osborne, Wilson 71.8 4 2 14 10 Ht5 Parker, Campbell, Tuck, Hart 69.8 1 5 15 15 Ht6 Price, Rigg, Oliver (nf), Lloyd (nf) 74.0 5 0 20 15 Ht7 Clarke, Lawson, Lovell, Boyd 72.0 4 2 24 17 Ht8 Hart, Lloyd, Hull, Mason 72.4 3 3 27 20 Ht9 Parker, Price, Rigg, Campbell 71.0 3 3 30 23 Ht10 Clarke, Oliver, Lovell, Lloyd 72.0 4 2 34 25 Ht11 Hart, Tuck, Lawson, Boyd 71.0 5 1 39 26 Ht12 Parker, Price, Wilson, Mason 71.0 2 4 41 30 Ht13 Tuck, Boyd, Hull, Osborne 74.0 3 3 44 33 Ht14 Lovell, Rigg, Lawson, Campbell 74.0 5 1 49 34 Saturday 3rd April 1948 Belle Vue Stadium, Manchester Jack Parker’s Team 41 Wally Lloyd’s Team 40 (Evening Chronicle Cup) Parker’s Team Jack Parker 2 E 3 3 8 Len Williams F 0 1 0 1 Jim Boyd 2 E 3 2 7 Ralph Horne 1’ 3 0 2 6 1 Louis Lawson 2 1’ 3 E 6 1 Wally Hull 1’ 2 2’ 3 8 2 John Yates 2 X 2 Alec Gordon 1’ 2 3 1 Lloyd’s Team Wally Lloyd E 1’ F 1 1 Bert Lacey 3 2 F 2 7 Bill Pitcher 3 3 2 2 10 Jack Tennant 0 F 0 0 0 Dent Oliver 3 2 3 3 11 Brian Wilson 0 1’ 1 1’ 3 2 Alec Edwards 3 3 6 George Smith 0 1 1 2 Ht1 Lacey, Parker, Williams (f), Lloyd (ef) 87.8 2 3 2 3 Ht2 Pitcher, Boyd, Horne, Tennant 83.8 3 3 5 6 Ht3 Oliver, Lawson, Hull, Wilson 84.4 3 3 8 9 Ht4 Edwards, Yates, Parker (ef), Tennant (f) 90.0 2 3 10 12 Ht5 Horne, Lacey, Lloyd, Boyd (ef) 85.4 3 3 13 15 Ht6 Pitcher, Hull, Lawson, Tennant 84.0 3 3 16 18 Ht7 Parker, Oliver, Wilson, Williams 81.8 3 3 19 21 Ht8 Boyd, Pitcher, Gordon, Smith 81.8 4 2 23 23 Ht9 Lawson, Hull, Lloyd (f), Lacey (f) 84.0 5 0 28 23 Ht10 Parker, Pitcher, Williams, Tennant 84.4 4 2 32 25 Ht11 Oliver, Boyd, Wilson, Horne 84.2 2 4 34 29 Ht12 Edwards, Gordon, Smith, Lawson (ef) 89.8 2 4 36 33 Ht13 Oliver, Horne, Smith, Yates (exc) 85.2 2 4 38 37 Ht14 Hull, Lacey, Wilson, Williams 85.2 3 3 41 40 Novice Race Smith, Gordon, Sharples, Edwards (f) 90.2 Reserves Scratch Race Yates, Gordon, Edwards (f), Smith (f) 88.4 Mancunian Scratch Race Ht1 Parker, Lawson, Hull, Lacey (ef) 83.4 ? Ht2 Pitcher, Wilson, Williams, Yates 84.4 ? Ht3 Oliver, Boyd (ef), Tennant, Horne 85.6 ? Final Parker, Oliver, Pitcher, Lawson (ns) 83.6 Monday 5th April 1948 Wimbledon Stadium, London Wimbledon Dons 50 Belle Vue Aces 33 (National League Division One) Wimbledon Norman Parker 3 E 3 3 9 Mike Erskine F 1 2’ 1 4 1 Alec Statham 3 3 3 3 12 Dick Harris 2’ F 0 2 4 1 Les Wotton 3 3 1’ 3 10 1 Cyril Brine 1 2’ 2 0 5 1 Archie Windmill 3 1’ 4 1 Lionel Levy 2’ F 2 1 Belle Vue Bill Pitcher 1’ 2 0 2 5 1 Jack Parker 2 E 3 3 8 Wally Lloyd 1 1 F Dent Oliver 0 1’ E 1 Jim Boyd 2 0 2 3 7 Louis Lawson 0 2 1’ 3 6 1 Wally Hull 2 0 1’ 3 1 Brian Wilson 1 0 1 Ht1 N.Parker, J.Parker, Pitcher, Erskine (f) 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Statham, Harris, Lloyd, Oliver 5 1 8 4 Ht3 Wotton, Boyd, Brine, Lawson 4 2 12 6 Ht4 Windmill, Hull, Oliver, N.Parker (ef) 3 3 15 9 Ht5 Statham, Pitcher, Harris (f), J.Parker (ef) 3 2 18 11 Ht6 Wotton, Brine, Lloyd, Oliver (ef) 5 1 23 12 Ht7 N.Parker, Lawson, Erskine, Boyd 4 2 27 14 Ht8 Statham, Levy, Wilson, Lloyd (f) 5 1 32 15 Ht9 J.Parker, Brine, Wotton, Pitcher 3 3 35 18 Ht10 N.Parker, Erskine, Oliver, Hull 5 1 40 19 Ht11 Statham. Boyd, Lawson, Harris 3 3 43 22 Ht12 Wotton, Pitcher, Hull, Levy (f) 3 3 46 25 Ht13 Boyd, Harris, Windmill, Wilson 3 3 49 28 Ht14 Lawson, J.Parker, Erskine, Brine 1 5 50 33 Saturday 10th April 1948 Belle Vue Stadium, Manchester Belle Vue Aces 59 Wimbledon Dons 25 (National League Division One) Belle Vue Jack Parker 3 3 2’ 3 11 1 Bill Pitcher 2’ 3 2’ 3 10 2 Jim Boyd 2 3 3 2’ 10 1 Louis Lawson F 2’ 3 3 8 1 Wally Lloyd 3 2 3 3 11 Dent Oliver 2’ 1’ 2’ E 5 3 Wally Hull 1 2’ 3 1 Brian Wilson 0 1 1 Wimbledon Norman Parker E 0 0 Mike Erskine 1 1 0 1’ 3 1 Alec Statham 3 3 2 1 9 Cyril Brine 1 2 0 0 3 Les Wotton F 1 0 1 2 Dick Harris 1 0 1 2 4 George Saunders 0 1 2 0 3 Lionel Levy 1’ F 1 1 Ht1 J.Parker, Pitcher, Erskine, N.Parker (ef) 80.2 5 1 5 1 Ht2 Statham, Boyd, Brine, Lawson (f) 83.8 2 4 7 5 Ht3 Lloyd, Oliver, Harris, Wotton (f) 83.2 5 1 12 6 Ht4 J.Parker, Brine, Hull, Saunders 82.2 4 2 16 8 Ht5 Boyd, Lawson, Erskine, N.Parker 82.6 5 1 21 9 Ht6 Statham, Lloyd, Oliver, Brine 82.8 3 3 24 12 Ht7 Pitcher, J.Parker, Wotton, Wotton 81.8 5 1 29 13 Ht8 Boyd, Statham, Levy, Wilson 83.0 3 3 32 16 Ht9 Lloyd, Oliver, Saunders, Erskine 84.4 5 1 37 17 Ht10 J.Parker, Pitcher, Statham, Brine 81.6 5 1 42 18 Ht11 Lawson, Boyd, Harris, Wotton 82.8 5 1 47 19 Ht12 Lloyd, Saunders, Wilson, Levy (f) 84.6 4 2 51 21 Ht13 Lawson, Hull, Wotton, Saunders 82.4 5 1 56 22 Ht14 Pitcher, Harris, Erskine, Oliver (ef) 84.0 3 3 59 25 Novice Race Sharples, Smith.

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