; ■■■ ^Itancitvdlnr^wmitj^^ MONDAY, FEBStjARY »rX»W T — .- f"-.;..rvi.------. , -, -■„ ;■ ]fir;; f ' i ^.*^ 7 ^ i Avente DhUjr NetPrMs Run FhHateUnta in Manclieater may llegUtered, graduete ■ and atu- ntux: waKs^mgae; nric ntsjK- ...... A S S ik T b i^ be intereited in arranging for dent Oatholle nursed-wUl attend a First of 500 StarUi Hottfle^oJSouoe CjuivagB asila flaa Olacomo, luino WenmaOo, flrat day covera of the new atamp H oly Hour a t 8 t Joaaph'a Oatha- * WUllaas Zola. Mca, Louis Boracchl TRISSESW-TS -■--^Mwii3»$n «t Oab- P n A ' Jto. W to be iaeucd/ March 4-, . the dral ih Hartford, ths flrat Sunday ' and Utq. MilUa Alolaio. EL A S T IC 10,490 American Automobile'AMocUttioii i/t Lent, March i , from 4 to S p. t r * rcmiiuStd to brinK w irt hUK* ^FIpodDan Tlpkata may be purebasad at the EXPEBT M fhar a( the AniB o n to tho pock mcotlnr toniKht at on Ita |>0th anniversary. It will m. Rev. John S. Kennedy, aaso- Ralabow chib from Joseph Boraa- Bm ian a( " T;M ot Tampla Beth Sholom. be a special' commemorative 3 ciete editor of the Catholic Trana- ao In Hebron, Joseph Pasee in Bol­ Manche§t9r ' «^A City o f ViUaga Charm cent postage stainp on a special acri^, will be tli4 apeaker.. Fol­ ton, Alexia Pepin's store in north IArtimr Brae Shrill Memorial Temple, Pythian 8(s> Founders Day ccrenrony at the lowing tba Holy Hour there, will ItBliaii Relief Benefit BoRoii. the Villa L<>uiaa. Ansaldl’e Chicago Post' Office. Anrans' tara, will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. ha a aocial gathering at tha Hart­ grain store in'Bolton, Tony Gig-, interested may contact N. Wil­ Will Be Held at Rain, VOL. LXXI, NO. 125 fldvaftMag an Pnga 14) It wtn be Netchbors' Night. Mem* ford Council o f Catholic Nuraca in llo’a Stand, the Bolton Lake H o t ^ AIANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) liam Knight in care of First Na­ PRICE FIVE bera o f ttn lty Temple and John 8t. Joaeph'a Oommuiiity’ Hall to T bempoon’a store in Columbia and tional Bank of Manchester. Mr. bow Qnb on Satni^y Hay Temple o f Hartford wUl be Welcome new membart. from any member of tha com- Knight is a member of the Board g t i e ^ and'Will furhiah the pro­ mittca. * CUOO-TEX of Governors of the Automobile A benaflt dance for the lUrilaa gram, after which refreahmenta W. R. Moore of 487 Adanu Flood IleUef drive will be iMid FaUa Six Stories will be aerved by the aocial com­ Club of Hartford through which atreet w ill obaerve hia ^ t h anhi- RESDRFU6S Judge Gets Living Cost the arrangements are being made. Saturday, March 1, at the 8aia- mittee. versary with the National of Hart­ bow banraom In Bolton, CShairtnan ford groups on March 3. Anthony fla h o announced today. NHER NIEk PMNr Among the student nurses who . 0 were officially capped at the St. Mr. riano beads the fund drive for WILUANS Smith Plea Rise Halts, The Past Presidents ‘ Club of the area covered by Bolteii. Cbven- GoaffliitMA By One o f Big 3 Francis Hospital School of Nurs­ ing yesterday were Elaine G. Viot Mary Bushnell Cheney Auxiliary, tzy, Andover, Hebron and OUead. America’s Largest and SERVICES o f this town and Eleanor R. Bren-. U8W V, will meet at the home o f C o -i^ r m a n la John B. OeQuat- OIL SERVICE Oldest Manufacturers del, Katherine E. Ertel. Elleh M. Mrs. Abbie Edwards. 27 Ridge­ tro, who la heading tha campaign At Hearing L evels O ff of Protectife (!oatinita That Intei^ret T h « Wishtfl Pfunder, Helen L. Rady and Nancy wood street, Wednesday afternoon in Mqnchaater. S41 BROAD OT. at 1:30, - .......... ■ • ...... Beautifies. Insulates AV Scotta, all of Rockville. - A floor abow w ill be preacDtod Washinjlton, Feb. 26— Of The Family Saturday by Oolorea Alanumy and Water Resistant Bridgeixirt, Feb. 26r-</F^ - ■ Tempter Chapter," Nn; 51; DBS, bar. .dance studio .puplla. -kuma ... W IE AND.. ,, ,A Jiearing^on .the .n,euE-.4aw Th e steady rise.in ... Uviltg: will hold a regular business meet­ will ha by Dubaldo’s , orchaatrA M M G I d l l Fiir l^"'lBirtBiailM petition of Francis C. costs, as measured by the ing Wednesday evening a t 8 starting at 8:80 and ending at (Prank) Smith, 26, of ^Toro- government, has stopped— JOHN B. BURKE o'clock In the Masonic Temple. Ini- 12:30. Door prises will bs award- CALL MANCHESm BANTLY ad. ★ ★ ★ ton, sentenced to die April 21 temporarily at least. tlatim of candfdates will be held The "new aeries" vetaion of the ■ 0>- Other members of the Italian for the fatal shooting of a FUNERAL HOME and refreahmenta will be served. ' 2.8747 3147 Labor Department's conaumer-i. relief committee who are planaing ON. HEATING yacht club watchman more n Eaat Center St. TeL 8888 O IL CO. the dance include Mra. Madeline price Index, tsaurd today, showed Nature^a Blackout Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F. - IpOlFMINT than two years ago, un­ noj change from mid-December to UMTCaUed Brondolo, Mr. and Mra. M aito Chi- wae~ AMBLXANCC SERVICE snd A.M „ wilt hold a ststed com­ Agrieemeiit dera, Richard Morra, Mrs.'Mary der way before Judge James mid-January. The index had been TEL 5293 munication at the Masonic Temple Estiaifltcs On Request going up steadily since August. tomorrow night at 7:30. Worship­ Facchattl. Mrs. Angelina Perec- MOflfNlliM E. Murphy in Superior Court chio, Mre. Asunta Soma, Lawrence t today. ■ni<* "old scries,” - another form ful Master Walter 8. Broadwetl ' CALL of the index maintained on a dif­ Lombardo, Ra; COcconi. Eugene Smith's plea Is based almost Now Needs haa announced that there will be OBd iBautify Yobt ferent set o f consumer item s— Oagllardone. Mrs. Mary Uebman. completely on the recantation of Range and Fuel no degree work, but following the 2-12S7 showed an increase o f two^tenths Mrs. Anthony Ansaldi, Mlaa Vara a state’s witness, Edith Springer, transaction of buaineaa a program I flthraom or KITcIm b of one per cent for the month be­ 23, who says she lied about him And Costly Oil Distributors of entertainment will be furnished tween mid-Dccember and mid- B onn Vote at the trial which resulted in his by Charles Brewer, and refresh­ W lfh January. 333 M AIN ST. ments will be aerved. conrictlpn.............................. I -i V ■ RFi II H R ......m e Mlrilea Get Pay HUie Washington, Feb. 26— A 38-page deposition taken from Lisbon, Portugal, Feb, 24— ^ . This shoved the "old" index up —Universal Military Train­ : The monthly meeting of the MIsa S in g e r , now an inmate of </P)— The Big Three western Arm y and Navy Club Auxiliary DURA TILE just enough to give a thrce-cent ing was assailed in House de- the Alabama State Priaon for hourly pay boost to more than a liowens _ .and_WesL—XSenuan will take place tomorrow at 8 p, m. fTHE (3ANDY Women, was submitted, in. behaU. liate toda.v as “ undemocratic at the clubhouse. Sfoot WoH THb million members" of the "CIO’s auto Chancelior Konrad AdenaUer ^ INCOME TAX o f Smith at the opening o f today'! workers union employed in the and unnecessary” and was MALE HELP with TAe Matter's Touch' WUl not peel, craze, crack, chip, proceedings. After the deposition have agreed West Germany automobile, aircraft and farm urged as a step the United _ Herald Photo. should pitch in with 11 1-4 The Men's Fellowship of the had been read by Judge Murphy, equipment Industries. ASSISTANCE Church o f the Naxarene will meet This is a scene that will be repeated hundreds o f times within tbs States must take for its own It was marked as an exhibit' but The pay Increase may be sub­ billion marks (52,677,500,- WANTED tonight at « In the parish room. next few weeks as 500 volunteer solicitors conduct n houae-to-bouss Linolottm. Rubber OBd safety. DAILY HOCRS: was not read in open Court. ject to a formal okay from the 000) for western defense.; in A full turnout of the.members is canvass for the 1952 Red Cross Fund drive which opens today. A The case in behalf o f Smith was Opening debate on the hottest 1:80 to 8 P. M. ""MUNSON’S W age Stabilization board, An inr the next year. Apply To hoped for. An interesting program goal of 820.000 haa been act by the local chapter. Pictured above la Asphalt THt Floors rested after presentation of the issue now before Congress. Rep. CANDY KITCHEN crease will alao go to about 150,- An official source said.today a wiil be presented. ^ Mrs. George B. Williams calling at the home of Mrs. Reynold Caleen, deposition, and two witnesses Vin.son ID.. G a .)’ said UMT*^ la Evenlnga by Appointment n e w BOLTON B d A D —B O V T E • and 44A 000 salaried workers in the in- draft of the new agreement had 83 Lakewood circle south. ' were called by the state prior to needed because the United States Thos. fla fiii^ . Siipt. N E W # a t A. M. to 8 P. M. W E E K D A Y S S. LOMIARDO dustrlea.- been sent to Bonn for final ap­ the mid-moming recess.
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