Finding God's Signature: Evangel ical Interpretations of the Bible and the Apocalyptic Spirituality of Grant Jefiey by Jacqueline Klassen A thesis Subrnitted to The Faculty of Graduate Snidies The Universil of Manitoba In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Arts July 30, 1998 National Library Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services seMces bibliographiques 395 Welfûlgton Street 395. rue Wellinm OttawaON K1AW OttawaON K1AW Canada canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive pennettant à la National Lïbrary of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distriiute or sell reproduire, prêter, distriilmer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fome de microfiche/fiilm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. 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THE UNIVERSITY OF hL1XITOBA FACCLTY OF GR-LATE STUDIES ***** COPYRIGHT PERbIISSIOS PAGE PmDIRG GOD'S SI-: EVdAGELICdL IHTERPgETdTIûHS OF TEE BIBLE AND THE APOCALYPTIC SPIBITUALITY OF GRANT =BEP A ThesislPracticum submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of The University of Manitoba in partial fulfdlrnent of the requirernents of the degree of MASTER OF BBTS Jacqueline Klassen a1998 Permission ha9 been granted to the Library of The University of Manitoba to lend or seU copies of this thesis/practicum, to the National Library of Canada to microfilm this thesis and to lend or sel1 copies of the film, and to Dissertations Abstracts International to publish an abstract of this thesis/practicum. The author reserves other publication riphts, and neither this thesis/practicum nor extensive extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's wri tten permission. PREFACE Having finally brought this project to a close. certain people must be acknowledged as the end might still not be in sight had it not been for them. Thank-you to Dr. John Stackhouse. Jr.. for his initial guidance. The classes 1 took under him and the conversations that were generated as a result formed a great many of the ideas present in this thesis. His suggestion of my particular topic. knowing of my sometimes peculiar interests. must also be noted. Recognition must also go to Dr. Gordon Harland for his derermined efforts in seeing the completion of the project as well as in providing a more holistic framework from which :O view the thesis. He was a true advocate and was able to accornplish what ar times seemtrd impossible. My thanks also go to my cornmittee- Dr. Don Burke and Dr. Glen Klassen - who were willing to read and critique the entire project on shon notice during their busy sumer schedules. 1 am also grateful to Cameron McKenzie whose willingness and able computcr skills played an essential role throughout the last few months as the tangible link in a long distance projeci. Thank-you to al1 of my other friends who have listened to five years of grousing and end-times stuff: their tolerance and perseverance is not only admirable. but much appreciated. 1 am also indebted to my family - both my parents and my parents-in-law - who have borne with me and supponed my effons as a studenr. Thank-you Juanita and Nathan for your encouragement and your belief in my abilities. Finally. I would like to extend a hearrfrli thank-you to Todd, Eli and Effi. The kitties provided their furry bodies as enrenainrneni and comfon while 1 was imprisoned in my work chair. And as for Todd. 1 cannot adequarrl>-even begin to acknowledge his immense efforts on my behalf. especially in so shon a space. Not . Il only did he listen to miles wordi of words and ideas. but he fed me and provided a measure of sanity in the midst of my end-times focussed chaos. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ................................................................................................................... i .. TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. il] INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER ONE: EVANGELICALISM ........................................................................ 10 A . Theolooy2 ....................... .. ........................................................................... 11 B . History ....................................................................................................... 21 1 . American Protestant Beginnings .............. .... ....................................... .--77 7- 2 . The First Great. Awakening ................................................................. .- 3 3 . The American Revolution ......................... ...................................... -32 4 . The Second Great Awakening ............................................................ -37 . 5 . The Civ11 War .................................................................................. -44 6 . The Difficulties to Follow: Princetonians and Fundamentalists ... .,. ......... 46 C . Institutions................................................................................................. -57 D . Conclusion ................................................................................................ -64 CHAPTER TWO: DISPENSATIONALISM .................................................................. 67 A . Content ..................................................................................................... -69 B . History ....................................................................................................... 86 1 . Classic Dispensationalism ................................................................... -87 2 . Revised Dispensationalism ................................................................-101 3 . Progressive Dispensationalism ............................................................109 iv 4 . Summary ......................................................................................... 111 . C . Institutional Shape ...................................................................................... 112 D . Conclusion ................................................................................................ 120 CHAPTER THREE: APOCALYPTIC SPIRITUALITY ............................................ 122 A . Introduction .............................................................................................. 1 73 B . Apocalyptic and Apocalypticism: Definition and History .................................. 124 C . Grant Jeffrey : Popular Apocalyptic Spirituality ............................................... 141 1 . Introduction to Jeffrey. ...................................................................... 14-t 2 . Overview of Content: Forrn . Content . and Function .............................. -152 a . Fom: Methodological Assumptions .......................................... 152 i . Background .................................................................. 152 ii . Formal Narrative Elements: Tragedy .....-........................ 166 b . Content: Unfolding Drama ...................................................... 175 i . Basic Plotline............................................................... 175 ii . Stabilization of the Genre .............................................. 192 c . Function: How the Narration Works .......................................... 195 D . Conclusion ............................................................................................... -204 EPILOGUE ............................................................................................................ -209 BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................... -213 INTRODUCTION North American evangelicalism is a complex and diverse phenornenon. The diversir). has ken dealt with most ofien on the denominational level where the specific theological distinctions provide content for the discussion. I Although some believe that the number of denominations muddies the attempt to concisely define "evangelicalism." it is exacrly this "something-for-everyone" quality that characterizes irs Nonh American manifestation.' This thesis recognizes denominational diversity as indicative of Nonh American evangelicalism. but raises yet another division characteristic : popularism. Alrhough dismissed by many as a degrneration of "true"evan_oelicalism (or a mort: mainline and ofien Reformed intellecrual formulation). popularism is endernic ro North American s~an~elicalisrn.~In its attempt to rnake the central Christian message of the cros' ' In Mark A. Noll's A Histox-y of Christianity in the United States and Canada (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 1992) evangelical diversity is most ofrrn discussed in regards to denornination and its development. Populist democracy is mrntioned. but is relared to the emergence of less ecclesiasticaIly authoritative churches in Nonh America i, I 52 1. This i3 the sarne for Mark Ellingson. who in his book
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