Coast Guard, DHS § 12.25–40 master, or person in charge if appro- Cadet Corps. The merchant mariner’s priate, before signing a shipping arti- document shall also be stamped Valid cles agreement. only while cadet in the U.S. Maritime Ad- ministration training program. The mer- [CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51196, Sept. 30, 1997] chant mariner’s document thus pre- § 12.25–10 General requirements. pared shall be surrendered upon the holder being certified in any other rat- (a) Merchant mariner’s documents ing or being issued a license and the shall be issued without professional ex- rating of cadet (deck) or cadet (engine) amination to applicants for certificates shall be omitted from any new mer- of service as endorsements on mer- chant mariner’s document issued. chant mariner’s documents in capac- ities other than able seaman, § 12.25–30 Student observers. lifeboatman, tankerman or qualified member of the engine department and Students in technical schools who shall be endorsed for one or more rat- are enrolled in courses in marine man- ings. For example, ordinary seaman— agement and ship operations who wiper—steward’s department (F.H.). present a letter or other documentary Holders of documents endorsed for evidence that they are so enrolled shall service as ordinary seaman may serve in be issued a merchant mariner’s docu- any unqualified rating in the deck de- ment as student observers—any depart- partment. Holders of documents en- ment and may be signed on ships as dorsed for service as wiper may serve in such. Students holding these docu- any unqualified rating in the engine ments or certificates will not take the department. Documents endorsed for place of any of the crew, or fill any of steward’s department (F.H.) will author- the regular ratings. ize the holder’s service in any capacity in the steward’s department. (See § 12.25–35 Apprentice engineers. § 12.02–11(e)(2) for unqualified ratings in (a) Persons enrolled in an apprentice the staff department.) engineer training program approved by (b) When the holder of a merchant the Commanding Officer, National mariner’s document has qualified as a Maritime Center, and who present a food handler, the endorsement of his letter or other documentary evidence rating will be followed by the further that they are so enrolled may be issued endorsement (F.H.). a merchant mariner’s document as ap- prentice engineer and may be signed on [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16640, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61278, ships as such. The endorsement appren- Sept. 30, 2002] tice engineer may be in addition to other endorsements. However, this en- § 12.25–20 Food handler. dorsement of apprentice engineer does No applicant for a rating authorizing not authorize the holder to fill any of the handling of food will be certificated the regular ratings. unless he produces a certificate from a (b) Persons holding merchant mari- medical officer of the United States ner’s documents with the endorsement Public Health Service, or other rep- apprentice engineer shall be deemed to utable physician, stating that the ap- be seamen. plicant is free from communicable dis- [CGFR 66–69, 31 FR 15669, Dec. 13, 1966, as ease. amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50460, Sept. 29, [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16640, Dec. 30, 1965, as 1995; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51196, Sept. 30, 1997; amended by USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58343, USCG–1998–4442, 63 FR 52189, Sept. 30, 1998] Sept. 30, 2004] § 12.25–40 Apprentice mate. § 12.25–25 Members of Merchant Ma- A person enrolled in an apprentice rine Cadet Corps. mate training program approved by the No ratings other than cadet (deck) or Commanding Officer, National Mari- cadet (engine) as appropriate, and time Center who presents a letter or lifeboatman shall be shown on a mer- other documentary evidence that he is chant mariner’s document issued to a so enrolled may be issued a merchant member of the U.S. Merchant Marine mariner’s document as apprentice mate 221 VerDate Aug<04>2004 03:58 Nov 04, 2004 Jkt 203184 PO 00000 Frm 00221 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\203184T.XXX 203184T.
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