JULY 1, 2005 The Second Best Thing About Payday VOL. LVII, NO. 13 STEP Session Describes Health Challenges Of a Growing Population By Harrison Wein ABOVE · Youngsters climb a 30-foot rock wall at Share the Health, an NIH expo. See story on p. 3. t’s not every day that you go to a session on the I NIH campus and hear about melting ice in Green- features land, population growth trends and international 1 markets. But that’s exactly what attendees heard at Healthy Ways to Feed a Hungry the recent STEP forum “Food for Thought: Sustain- Planet Described in STEP Forum ing the Global Population.” The health of a growing 3 world population is going to depend on strong coop- Free Health and Fitness Expo in Wheaton a Success eration between many different communities. Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Insti- 9 tute, led off with a wide-ranging talk that provided a New Column to Focus on Advances In NIH Science framework for the forum. While the world’s popula- tion continues to grow, he said, world grain stocks 12 are now at about their lowest level in 30 years. Two Lester Brown addresses STEP forum. 90th ACD Convenes major challenges to meeting the growing demand in the coming years will be falling water tables and rising temperatures. Underground aquifers are recharged by precipitation, but many nations are pump- departments see food and population, page 4 Briefs 2 NHLBI Unveils Safra Family Lodge Training 10 First Ladies Red Dedicated Volunteers 11 Dress Collection By Ann Taubenheim Seen 12 NIH celebrat- The National Heart, ed the opening Lung, and Blood of the Edmond Institute recently J. Safra Family brought The Heart Lodge on May Truth campaign’s 26. The tempo- Lily Safra embraces CC director rary residence red dress symbol Dr. John Gallin at lodge opening. to life at the John for families and F. Kennedy Center loved ones of adult patients receiving care at First Lady Laura Bush unveils for the Performing the Clinical Center features 34 guest rooms, Red Dress Collection. Arts with the debut a library, business and telecommuting center, of a new exhib- fitness center, home-style kitchen, and com- it—The First Ladies Red Dress Collection. fortable social and sitting areas. The surround- Unveiled during National Women’s Health ing gardens include a patio, walking paths and Week, the historic exhibit featured red gowns, seating areas. Guests, who began arriving June suits and dresses lent by Mrs. Laura Bush and 1, stay for free. six former First Ladies, who have joined The NIH director Dr. Elias Zerhouni called the lodge Heart Truth to raise awareness about women’s “the physical embodiment of the trust” that a heart disease. The Red Dress is the national host of philanthropists led by the Edmond J. symbol for women and heart disease aware- Safra Philanthropic Foundation “has accumu- ness and the centerpiece of NHLBI’s campaign lated over the years into the crown jewel that see first ladies, page 6 see safra lodge, page 8 briefs OSE’s Free Film Festival Starts July 13 updates about the Perimeter Security System will be ongoing even after the fence is fully operational. The Office of Science Education’s popular free film festival, Science in the Cinema, is back this The NIH community advisory board for security, summer from July 13 to Aug. 17. Each Wednesday a trans-NIH committee, has worked closely with evening, a film with a medical science-related ORS to develop and review the PSS policies and theme is shown starting at 7 p.m. Following each procedures for employees, patients and visitors. film, an expert in the film’s subject area will Watch for future notices about PSS implementation comment on the science depicted in the film and in NIH publications, global emails and on the SER answer questions from the audience. This year’s web site: http://www.security.nih.gov. Still have topics include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, questions? Contact the ORS Information Line at Alzheimer’s disease, infectious disease, alcohol- [email protected] or (301) 594-6677, TTY (301) ism, history of cardiac surgery and end-of-life 435-1908. issues. The festival will be held at the American Film Institute Silver Theatre and Cultural Center in Silver Spring. NCCAM Online Continuing Education Series Tickets are free and are available on a first- The National Center for Complementary and come, first-served basis through the AFI Silver Alternative Medicine has launched a new online box office, day of show only. All films are shown Continuing Education Series in complementary with captions. Sign language interpreters will be and alternative medicine. The series offers health available for the post-film discussions. For other care professionals and the public the opportunity reasonable accommodation, contact OSE at least to learn more about CAM therapies and the state 5 days prior to the event at [email protected]. of the science about them through video lectures The NIH Record is published biweekly at by experts in their fields. Health care professionals Bethesda, MD by the Editorial Operations gov, (301) 402-2470, or TTY (301) 496-9706. For speaker information and program details visit can earn Continuing Medical Education credits. The Branch, Office of Communications and resource is available for free at http://nccam.nih. Public Liaison, for the information of http://science.education.nih.gov/cinema. employees of the National Institutes of gov/videolectures. Health, Department of Health and Human NIH Director’s Awards Ceremony, July 14 Services. The content is reprintable with- All employees are invited to the 2005 NIH NIH Sailing Association Open House out permission. Pictures may be available upon request. Use of funds for printing Director’s Awards ceremony on Thursday, July 14 The NIH Sailing Association invites everyone to its this periodical has been approved by the at 2 p.m. in the Natcher Bldg. main auditorium. open house on Saturday, July 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 director of the Office of Management and Awards will be presented in five categories: p.m. at the Neff Marina located on Selby Bay, Mayo, Budget through September 30, 2005. Director’s Award, Mentoring Award, Director’s Md. Would you like to learn to sail? Does the idea NIH Record Office Award for the NIH Roadmap for Medical of racing sailboats appeal to you? Can you imagine Bldg. 31, Rm. 5B41 Research, Commissioned Corps awards and being part of a group filled with skilled sailing Phone (301) 496-2125 EEO awards. Seating is on a first-come, first- instructors, enthusiasts and boat owners? Member- Fax (301) 402-1485 served basis. Sign language interpreters will ship includes instruction, sailboats for charter, Web address be provided. A reception will be held after the racing, cruises, parties and fun. Admission is $5 http://www.nih.gov/nihrecord/ ceremony in the Natcher cafeteria. Individuals at the door and includes food and boat rides. For with disabilities who need reasonable accommo- more information and directions, visit www.recgov. Editor dation to participate in the event should contact Richard McManus org/sail or www.selbybay.com. [email protected] the NIH Work/Life Center at (301) 435-1619; TTY (301) 480-0690. Assistant Editor Carla Garnett [email protected] Perimeter Security System Update The NIH Record reserves the right to The NIH Perimeter Security System (PSS or make corrections, changes, or deletions “the fence”) is scheduled for activation in mid in submitted copy in conformity with the to late August. To keep the NIH community policies of the paper and HHS. informed about the timeline, important issues Á The NIH Record is recyclable as office and progress, the ORS Security and Emergency white paper. Response (SER) staff is launching a communica- tions initiative to include email announcements, articles in NIH publications, presentations to building groups, postings to web sites and announcements on the NIH Highway Advisory Radio (1660 AM). Communications will increase as the activation date nears but information 2 NIH RECORD JULY 1, 2005 2 JULY 1, 2005 JULY 1, 2005 VOL. LVII, NO. 13 Expo attendees test their strength by tackling a 30-foot rock-climbing wall. Health and Fitness Expo a Success Clockwise from above: Children participate in a hands-on Lab Art Workshop. Last month, local area shoppers got a dose of good health and fitness at this year’s Share the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue-Wheaton District attracts a crowd of youngsters. Health expo in Wheaton. The annual free NIH health and fitness event attracted thousands of Mall patrons stop for a Dermascan facial skin shoppers at Westfield Shoppingtown, Whea- analysis. ton (formerly Wheaton Plaza) who stopped Blood pressure checks as well as alcohol screening, to explore interactive health exhibits, health body fat assessment and head and neck cancer screen- screenings, hands-on lab experiments, lab-art ing were among the drop-by wellness tables available. workshops and much more. USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s spokescharacter, The shopping center announced that there were the Power Panther, makes friends with several Share 35,000 shoppers on event day, said Walter Mit- the Health volunteers. This is the first year other agen- ton of the Office of Community Liaison. “This cies exhibited at the event. Sister HHS agencies such number was a 25 percent increase from the as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Food and Drug Administration teamed up with Sunday before the NIH Expo. In other words, the Uniformed Commission Corps of the U.S. Public the NIH event attracted an additional 6,000 Health Service and the Department of Agriculture to people to the mall.
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