Warsaw 15-16 December 2011 European Development Days Programme European Commission eudevdays.eu 2 Welcome 4 Overview 6 Agenda › 15 December morning 9 Agenda › 15 December afternoon 12 Agenda › Pacific Connections 14 Agenda › 16 December morning 17 Agenda › 16 December afternoon 20 Exhibitions 22 Speakers 24 Organisations 26 Maps 1 A Landmark Event in a Landmark Year Deepening poverty, confl ict prevention, security, environ- The European Development Days (EDDs) are a relatively mental protection and climate change are just a few of recent introduction to the development calendar, and yet the challenges we must overcome. The EU needs the they have already more than made their mark; indeed, right mix of policies, tools and resources to be effec- they have become a truly landmark event. As Europe’s tive and effi cient in fi ghting poverty in the context of foremost platform for dialogue, discussion and debate, sustainable development. Future EU spending will con- the EDDs are a fi rst-class setting in which the global centrate on sectors that are key for long-term and inclu- sive growth; will target countries in the greatest need of Welcome development community can come together to share and develop ideas and to exchange best practices. external support; and will focus on where aid can really make a difference. The areas through which we can help EDD11, organised jointly by the European Commission lay the foundations for sustainable growth include pro- and the Polish Presidency of the EU, is no exception. It has moting good governance, agriculture and food security, brought together a wide range of stakeholders, including and clean energy. heads of state, representatives of national governments, members of the European Parliament, European and The Agenda for Change also calls for a more coordinated international development fi nance institutions, Nobel approach to EU action, as well as development strategies laureates, key civil society leaders and NGOs. led by the partner country in line with the principles of partnership and ownership. Several sessions will discuss The EDDs also provide us with an important opportunity the Agenda for Change in the context of the theme of to assess progress in tackling poverty worldwide and to EDD11 – development and democracy – as well as in assess whether the EU’s development policy is ‘fi t for the context of our ongoing efforts to meet the Millennium purpose’ in what has been a landmark year. Last year’s Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. event took place at a critical juncture for development cooperation, as Europe opened up the debate on how The power of the private sector, a major theme of last to achieve ‘higher-impact’ aid. The Lisbon Treaty had put year’s EDDs, will be debated in a session that will explore a new emphasis on poverty eradication, aid effective- public-private partnerships. Participants will also debate ness and policy coherence. It also stressed the need for how the private sector can contribute to democracy, help the EU to be more pronounced in its efforts to support achieve the MDGs, and create an enabling environment democracy. These challenges – and proposals on how for grassroots movements. to meet them – were outlined in the Commission’s Green Paper on Development Policy, published just before EDD10 – making it a valuable and timely occasion for Development and Democracy stakeholders to weigh up the proposals. Commitment to the fundamental values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law is the cornerstone of any partnership cooperation between the EU and its The Agenda for Change partner countries. Recent movements in North Africa This year will provide a similarly unique opportunity for and the Middle East have underscored the linkages stakeholders. In the lead-up to EDD11 the Commission between these fundamental values. examined the signifi cant number of responses to the Green Paper, and in October 2011 proposed an Agenda Several representatives from these regions will attend for Change to revitalise EU development policy, making it EDD11 to share their experiences and challenges, as fi t to meet the emerging global challenges of both today well as the hopes and dreams of citizens living in socie- and tomorrow. The Commission also presented a new ties on the brink of democracy. Their contribution prom- policy for EU budget support. ises to be a highlight of EDD11. These and other topical issues will be up for debate The EU’s Member States have their own experiences of at EDD11, which will, once again, be held at a timely democratic transition and a proud tradition of supporting juncture. countries in their transition from autocratic regimes to 2 democracy – fi rst in southern Europe and more recently From ‘aid effectiveness’ to ‘development in central and eastern Europe. Participants at EDD11 effectiveness’ will be able to share transformation experiences, and Several sessions will explore the Agenda for Change lessons learned in a dedicated session coordinated by in relation to its call for more effective budget support the Polish Presidency. to partner countries that meet eligibility requirements. Support to countries will be assessed against ‘smart Other sessions will focus on using aid to promote conditionality’, the elements of which include: a stable democracy; media and development; modernising macroeconomic framework; national and sector policies European development policy; moving beyond electoral and reforms focusing on sustainable growth and reducing democracies; and lessons learned in the context of the poverty; and public fi nancial management within a sound 20th anniversary of independence for the countries of institutional, legislative and regulatory framework. Central Asia. In the future, more attention will be focused on a country’s record on democratic governance, particularly Human Rights – Deeply Rooted in regarding human rights and gender – moving the EU EU Development Policy from ‘aid effectiveness’ to ‘development effectiveness’. Human rights must be deeply rooted in the EU’s ap- proach to development and will be given greater weight This year’s European Development Days are taking place in determining the ways and means of cooperation. The just two weeks on from the Fourth High Level Forum EU has a good track record in this area. Its fi ve-year-old on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Korea – thereby giving European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights EDD11 participants a timely opportunity to refl ect upon (EIDHR) has made a considerable difference and con- what is needed to create partnership and ownership in tributed to the important progress in advocating human development cooperation. rights around the world. Sessions on these issues will include South-South The European Commission believes a multidimensional triangular cooperation, aid effectiveness and accounta- approach is needed to address human rights violations, bility in the post-Busan framework, decentralisation and with political dialogue, sanctions, and fi nancial and tech- strengthening local governance, democratic ownership, nical cooperation all having a role to play in promoting and the role of parliaments and civil society. the human rights agenda. Moreover, coherence across EU development actions is an important crosscutting Welcome! issue in this regard. On behalf of the Polish Presidency of the EU and the European Commission, we are pleased to welcome you Human rights will be discussed in the context of the to Warsaw. We hope you will fi nd the sessions, keynote Agenda for Change, the right to adequate housing, pre- speeches, presentations and networking opportunities venting famine in the Horn of Africa, and migration. enriching, as we work together on more effective and effi cient development cooperation that is able to cope with modern-day challenges and deliver more and better results. Andris Piebalgs, Krzysztof Stanowski, European Commissioner for Development Under-Secretary of State for Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland 3 Over view Auditorium A Auditorium B Auditorium C Planetarium 9.00 Opening Ceremony 9.15 9.30 9.45 10.00 10.15 10.30 10.45 11.00 How to Share Transformation South-South And Triangular Democracy 3.0 Experiences: Cooperation: Re-Casting Media Development 11.15 An Expert and Young Leaders Competition or Complementarity in Response to a Changing Discussion on the Transferability for Development Effectiveness? Environment 11.30 of Lessons Learnt in New Modalities to Operationalize FoE, Transformation Processes Ownership and Mutual 11.45 DW Akademie, Accountability GFMD 12.00 Polish Presidency, OIF Bertelsmann Foundation, 12.15 GIZ 12.30 12.45 13.00 Press Conference K. Stanowski and A. Piebalgs 13.15 13.30 AID IN THE G-20 WORLD H. Rosling 13.45 14.00 Photo Contest ‘Lens on Development’ 14.15 Award Ceremony 14.30 Agenda For Change – Aid Effectiveness and The Power of the Private Sector Season 1: Accountability in the Development Process: 14.45 Human Rights and From Financing to Implementing Polish Presidency, Development: Public-Private Partnerships 15.00 Zagranica Group Mixing the Families? EIB, 15.15 European Commission BUSINESSEUROPE 15.30 HumanDOC International Film Festival 15.45 Award Ceremony 16.00 16.15 16.30 Can We Use Aid to Promote Spotlight on Decentralisation: Supporting Change through Democracy? Strengthening Local Governance Advocating More Power to 16.45 and Accountability Mechanisms: Women: Gender Equality and Polish Presidency Translating Development Development 17.00 15The World Bank Group Strategies 17.15
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