I DocdnENT RESUME ED 209 425 CE 029 723 AUTHOR Friel, Charles R.: And Others TITLE Correctional Data Analysis Systems. INSTITUTION Sam Honston State Univ., Huntsville, Tex. Criminal 1 , Justice Center. SPONS AGENCY Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. Bureau of Justice Statistics. PUB DATE 80 GRANT D0J-78-SSAX-0046 NOTE 101p. EDRS PRICE MF01fPC05Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Computer Programs; Computers; *Computer Science; Computer Storage Devices; *Correctional Institutions; *Data .Analysis;Data Bases; Data Collection; Data Processing; *Information Dissemination; *Iaformation Needs; *Information Retrieval; Information Storage; Information Systems; Models; State of the Art Reviews ABSTRACT Designed to help the-correctional administrator meet external demands for information, this detailed analysis or the demank information problem identifies the Sources of teguests f6r and the nature of the information required from correctional institutions' and discusses the kinds of analytic capabilities required to satisfy . most 'demand informhtion requests. The goals and objectives of correctional data analysis systems are ontliled. Examined next are the content and sources of demand information inquiries. A correctional case law demand'information model is provided. Analyzed next are such aspects of the state of the art of demand information as policy considerations, procedural techniques, administrative organizations, technology, personnel, and quantitative analysis of 'processing. Availa4ie software, report generators, and statistical packages are covered in a discussion of report generation and canalysis of technology. Also described are the systemi transfer technology available for contemporary corrections and transrerAble \demand information technologies.ftRecommendations are made concerning \the following areas: the OBCIS data base as a solgtion to the demand information problem, demand information administrative policy, automating agency polidy, automating program descriptions, software n4 dc, communication problems, dirty data, use of computers in litigation, technology transfer, personnel turnover, and negotiation of demand information,requests. (MN) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made ,* * from the original document. * *********************4************************************************* "1" U.S. Department of Justice Bureau (I:Justice Statistics El!MEM=11111, Correctional Data Analysis Systems Prepared for Bureau of Justice Statistics U.S. Department Of Justice , Under Grant No. 78-SS-AX-0046 by Charles M. Friel Harriett J. Allic Barbara L. Hart James B..Moore Criminal Justice Center Sarii.Houston State University Huntsville, Texas 1980 U S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION MATE) IAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organ nation G,EFITAL- ordpnating 41 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction nuaktV TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES (foods of view of ,p1mons stated in pus docu INFORMATION CENTER IEFIIC) ment do not necessanly represent MLA-sal MC position of policy . 4 Bureau of Justice Statistics Reports The Police and Public Opinion = A Trends in Expenditure and Employment Data Of ViCtunization and Attitude Data frorrr !or the Criminal Justice System. 1971.77 Single copies are available al no charge from the 13 American Cities NCJ 42018 rannualt NCJ-57463 National Criminai Justice Reference Service, Box An Introduction ta the National Crime Expenditure andEmployment Data for the 6000, Rockville, Md. 20850 Multiple copies are for Survey. NCJ-43732 Criminal Justice Systeni (annoall sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S Compensating Victims of Violent Crime 1978 Summary Honor' NeJ hh4(3,3 Government Printing Office, Washington, D.0 Potential Costs and Coverage of a Nati.inai 1978 final report NCJ 664d? 20402 Program NCJ 43387 --A 1977 fm,11 report NCJ 53206 Crime Against Persons in Urban. Suburban. and Rural Areas: A Comparative Analysis of National Crime Survey: Vu timization Rates NCJ53551 Dictionary of Criminal Justice Oats. Terminology. Criminal Victimization In the United States Rape Victimization In 26 American Ci:ies. Tel ins and Defimtioris Pi upoSed to, 'nfcrstati, (annuall NCJ-55878 and National Data Colter ion and Excnange Summary Finolngs.nt 1977 78 Cri<inge, Criminal Victimization In Urban Schools, NCJ-36747 Crime and of Trends Since 19'3 NCJ NCJ-56396 61;',69 CriminalJustice Agencies in the U.S.' A Desrription .it Trends from 1973 to 19'7 National Prisoner Statistics: Summary Report of the National Criminal NCJ59898 .Capital Punishment (annual) Justice Agency 1_,st NCJ65560 1978 (heat report, NC.i 66480 197.8 NCJ59897 Criminal Justice Agencies in Region 1977 NCJ58725 1979 advance report NCJ 67705, 1. Corm Marne Mos. NH RI v. 1976 NCJ-49543 Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions on NCJ-17930 1975 NCJ441;93 December 31: 2 NJ NY NCJ 17931 1974 NCJ 39467 1978 NCJ-64671 3' Del DC Aid Pa Va W Va NCJ-17932 1973 NCJ 34732 1979 advance reeprt NCJ66522 4 Ala Ga Fla Ky Miss NC SC Tenn The Coit of Negligence t ),se!, ,rrirn Census of State Correctional Facilities, 1974 NCJ 17933 Preventable Houser)id we, 4,Jvance report NCJ-25642 5IIIInd Mien Minn Ohio W.s NCJ- NCJ 33527 Profile of Stale Prison Inmates: Socio 17934 Intimate Victims, A Study of vioienta Among demograohi(. Findings trom the 1974 Survey 6. Ark La N Mex Okla Tex NCJ- 7935 Friends and Relatives NC J 62319 of Inmates of S,ate Correctional Facilities 7, Iowa Kans MO Nebr NCJ-17936 Crime and Seasonality. NCJ-64818 NCJ-58257 8 Colo Mont N Dak S Oak Utah Wyo Criminal Victimization of New York State Census of Prlsonerl in State Correctional NCJ-17937 Residents. 1974-77, NCJ 66481 . Facilities", 1973, NCJ-34729 9 ArizCald Hawaii Nev NCJ-15151 Criminal Victimization Surreys in 13 Census of Jails and Survey of Jail Inmates, 10. Alaglia Idaho Ore9 Wash NUJ-1 79.3b American cities (summary report1 vol 1978. preliminary report NCJ 55172 NCJ-18471 PrOlila of Inmates of Local Jails: Socio- Boston. NCJ -34818 demographic Findings from the 1978 Surrey Buffalo. NCJ-34820 of Mmales 01 Local Ja.ls NCJ-65412 Utilization of Crimiral Justite Statistics Cincinnati, NCJ-34819 The Nation's Jails. A report Orr the census Project: Houston, NCJ-34821 of (ads, from the 1972 Survey of Inmates of Miami. CJ-34822 Sourcebook of Criminal Justice StatisliCs t oval Jails NCJ19067 1979 (annual) NCJ-59679 Milwaukee, NCJ 34821 St rvey of Inmates ol Local Jails. 1972. Minneapolis. NCJ 34824 Public Opinion Regarding Crime, Criminal w. ..;.e report NCJ-13313 Justice and Related Topics NCJ-17419 New, Orleans, NCJ 3481 0 Oakland, NCJ 34826 Uniform Parole Reports: New Directions In processing of Juvenile Offenders: The Denver Mr &lel NCJ-17420 Pittsburgh. NdJ-3482' Parole in the United States (annual) San Diego. NCJ 14828 Who Gets Detained/An Ernpincai Analysis 1978 NCJ-58722 Of the Pre-A,diudicatory Detention of San Francisco, NC, 341:9 19'6 a Id 1977 NCJ-49702 Washington. D.0 NCJ 348 'oniles in Denver NCJ 17417 Character) itics of the Parole Juvenile Dispositions: Social and Legal Public Attitudes About Crime I1, Population, 1978. NCJ-66479 Boston, NC1-4623 Factors Related to theProcessi n9 Of Denver A National Survey ol ParoleRetated Delinquency Cases NCJ 17418 Buffalo, N(1_1-46236 Lemslalion Enacted Our iq me 1979 CincinnatiNr.: I 46.'1 OffenderBased Transaction Sletishes. Nev. ,.q.slative Se;.sion NCJ 64218 Directions in Data colwetion and Re-purling Houston, NC 1-46718 NCJ-29645 Miami. NCJ 46:19 Children in Custody Ji00 rle (304"raiun and Sentencing ol California Felony Of 1e-de's. Milwaukee. 46'4i) Corre,.,ional t .1C-day Cerl,.kii NCJ 29646 NCJ 4624, ro 197; )(Ivan( e rep, rt The Judicial Processing of Assault and New Orleans, Nr, t 4624, ( ovals C Juv^ HOW', Burglary Offenders in Selected Canton-11d, Oakland. NCJ 4624 3 '31-60967 Counties NCJ 29644 Pittsburgh, NCJ 46.'44 tf1,0, of Pt t1.../110(' f .4. &he. PreAdjudicato,y Detention in Three Juvenile San Diego. NCJ 4F,14, NCJ 6n9tsiS Courts, NCJ -34730 197'1 Ita p '°p'-'' rvl" San Francisco. NC 1-46,246 ,8139 Delinquency Dispositions. An Empire dr Washington. D C,, NCJ 4',24' Analysis of ProcesSino De( ,,a0n in three Crlminal Victimization Surveys in Chicago, IW 3 NCJ 44777 Juarale Coto's NCJ 14734 Detroit, Los Angeles. New York and 19;1 NC i 11403 The Patterns and Distribution of Assault Philadelphia A ComPar ,i" ''? Incident Characteristics Among 1 C !ICJ Myths and Realities About Crime, A Areas, NCJ 40025 NO( 41< hn,r at oresentati,n Of Sew( led Criminal Victimization Surveys in the Patterns ol Robbery Characteristics Ind ;hi (I Informal girt tr,on inn Nattonat P,Isonr Naticm's Five Largest Cities Na',,nal urrence Among .al Art IS NC i401),,i4 r,iine Pine.'11,, 4P y. ,r()), 1.4 (1.t,0 Staf,7:fics Pr,,gr ifn MO the Na, mai . CrimeSpecilic Analysis An, tiles New 1,,fk delphia s y NCJ 16249 The Chiaar tnnsta 197? ?sr ) 169:)9 NCJ 42093 Criminal Victimization Surveys in Eight Stela and Local Probation and Parole Systems. An EMI-Wit-Ai Ex,171iinato v: of iitinihr, American Cities A C.cp.rp a 1911 'NC 14133' Charac N()131 f ird.4 '17, Frft(1,e'r State and Local Prosecution and Civil Attonmey An EirrprIcal D xarnr11.11Ion ft mil,ey t Ananci r3,,. C ' Systems. NC 41114 Ciffendr-e..,e f Oltor"., r h tr tr tor , Ole Den vex Net., l.k P t ir National Survey of Court Organization NCJ 1247C 16161 ' ) ' .(, J.1, Sources of National Criminal Justice Crirnes aid Victims A ,)), Ni Statistics An Any foate,f ffible)tr tr,, Po,. 1, 1 )', of ,fa 0)1' vs. N,, I4 >t l'11, N(, I :941'4 19,, I ,tal ,o port Federal Criminal Sentencing f ,, , indicators of Crime and Criminal Justice 114 " yr,>i, and a :6 I, Nr: -ri)R 3 StaL.
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