Report No. 3-1 by Industry GOVERNMENT OF NEPAL National Economic Census 2018 National Report on Salaries and Wages National Planning Commission Central Bureau of Statistics Kathmandu, Nepal September 2020 Report No. 3-1 by Industry GOVERNMENT OF NEPAL National Economic Census 2018 National Report on Salaries and Wages National Planning Commission Central Bureau of Statistics Kathmandu, Nepal September 2020 Published by: Central Bureau of Statistics Address: Ramshahpath, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. Phone: +977-1-4100524, 4245947 Fax: +977-1-4227720 P.O. Box No: 11031 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ISBN: Government of Nepal National Pl nipg Commission hmandu, Nepal Prof, Puspa Rai Kadel, Ph,D Vice-Chairman Ref.:- It is my pleasure to state that Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has successfully conducted the nationwide first historic National Economic Census (NEC) from April 14 to June 14 2018 The National Planning commission is happy to share this report based on the results of National Economic Census of Nepal. This report provides various economic, industry and business information in different dimensions for the users in national and sub-national levels lhe report contains the statistical information on establishments, persons engaged and other related characteristics. The result of this census will be the framework for further statistical surveys to generate advanced thematic characteristics The census results play a key role in the development planning, monitoring and evaluation of the programs. Hence, this report will also be instrumental for the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) progress monitorinS lhopethat this report will be an important source of data for policy makers, planers, business communities, development partners, researchers, civilsociety, media etc in formulating policies, undertaking development programs and studies. on behalf of the National Planning commission, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all members of steering committee and technical committee for their valuable Suidance throughout the census process. My heartiest thanks go to allthe concerned leadership and staffs of c8s for bringing out the series of reports in time. I sincerely acknowledge llCA for technical support in this census. I would also like to thank persons both within and outside the government who contributed the smooth implementation of the census programme and made it a success. August 2020 Prof. Vice Chairman P.O.Boxr 1284, Telr 977-a-42tt97oi Fa* 977 -r-42tt7oo, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal E [email protected] Website:wwwnpc.gov.np iv vi Government of Nepal National Planning Commission Secretary PREFACE Dqtq qre ihe heqrl of plonning ond poticy formulotion. An informed decision-moking process is only possible wilh officiol stotistics lhot presenl ihe occurqle piclure of the nqiion's economy. Hence, il becomes o responsibilily of the government to moke officiol siolislics of oll ihe sectors eosily ovoiloble ond qccessible lo qll so thol the decisions mode by individuqls ond institutions con be effeciive ond subsequenlly leod to yield desired results wiihin the torgeled period of iime. The Noiionol Economic Census is the slotisticol operoiion covering the esloblishmenls of ogricullure, forestry ond fisheries (formql) ond vorious non-ogriculture seclors (formol ond inforrnol) of lhe economy. The census wos conducted with lhe oim to fulfill bosic dolo gops on economic stoiisiics of the counlry. Centrol Burequ of Slotislics hos broughl o series of reporls on Noiionol Economic Census 2018, conducled during ihe period of Aprjl lo June, 2018. lbelieve lhot the different publicqlions on economic census providing voriely of key informotion on the economic chorocteristics of ihe economic enlilies will be useful to o wide ronge of slqkeholders for evidence-bosed decision moking os well os policy formulqtion for overoll development of lhe country. The census results will olso be more useful in formulqting policies ond progrqms ol lhree tiers of lhe governmenl: locol, provinciol, qnd federol. Furiher, it is equolly importont for monitoring developmenl progress pqriiculorly of on Susloinqble Development coqls (SDGs). I would like io extend my sincere lhonks lo the Direclor Generol of CBS ond iis leom for their greot efforl for successfully compleling lhe Economic Census on lime. I would olso like to ocknowledge qnd opprecioie ihe supporl provided by Jopon lnlernotionql Cooperolion Agency (JICA) for through technicol qssislonce in conying out first of its kind Economic Census in lhe couniry. Finolly, I oifer our cordiql oppreciotion lo our volued people, respondenis ond lhe stokeholders who exiended their full cooperqtion for the smooih ond successful complelion of the census. 2020 I Prosod Bhofrdori Email: [email protected], Phone No: 01-42't1132, Faxt 01-4211700, Web: www.npc.gov.np Singhadurbar, Kathmandu viii 4245946 4245947 Govern ment Nepal 4245948 of 4245845 National Planning Commission Phone 4241801 4225406 4241803 CENTRAL BUREAU ()F STATISTICS 4245913 4255017 F ax: 977-14227720 Ref. No. E-mail: [email protected] Post Box No: '1103f ACKNOWLEDCMENT Thapathali, Kathmandu It is my pleasure to release National Report 3-l ofNational Economic Census 2018. Cenral Bureau of Statislics(CBS)conductedthefirslNationalEconomicCensus20l8(NEC20l8)froml4Apriltol4June 2018, covering lhe enrire territory ofNepal. Its main object;ve was to know the nalure of the economic compos;lion on the Nepalese economy. CBS has already released National Report Firs1 Volume. Provincial Reports, Naiional Summary Reports in Nepali language, National Report Second Volume, National Prollle I. Anallical Report No.l and No. 2, and Ward Profile for the benefit of users. This reporl contains key statistical lables based on the in formation related with personnel expend;ture ( Salaries and wages) contained in the main questionnaire. This repon provides a financial information in terms ofannual sales/reveflues. annual expenses. annual profirloss. and annual salary and wages for lhe entities with paid employees on some specific characterislics like regislration status, sex of manager. sex of owner. business place disaggregated by industry ofestablishments. lt;s expected that the report will serve for various users such as policy makers, government officials at national and sub-nalional levels. internalional organizations. private seclors, researchers, and development partners. The census results of the NEC20|8 will also contribule as evidence for developmenl planning towards achievinS Sustainable Development Coals (SDCs). I would like to lhank Mr. Hem Raj Regmi, Depuly Di.ector General, economic statistics division oflhe Bureau for his valuable contribution and leading role in the census. Mr. Anil Shanna, and Mr. Mahesh Chand Pradhan. Directors ofthe economic census section deserve special thanks for their lead role in contributing the repon and driving the overall census planning. implementation, data processing report writingand datadisseminat;on.I would also Iikerorhank Mr. Prakash Pokharel. Mr. Bikash N4alla. sratislics officersofthe Economic Census section for supporting the report preparation and foreffect;ve and efl'lcienl census administmtion and management. I would like to thank all members of Economic Census Steering Committee. Technical Committee. Joinl Coordinating Committee, Media Campaign Committee. and Districl Economic Census Coordination Commillee, which provided support for lhe implemenlation of the NEC20I8. I would like ro lhank all respondents for providing invaluable informalion during the census enumeration. I heartily appreciate to district census officers and their leam, all the s1affof the Bureau and Nalional Planning Commission who had extended support in this nat;onal endeavor. I gratefully acknowledge technical assistance provided by the Governmenl ofJapan via Japan International Cooperalion Agency (JICA) in the Project on capacity development for the implemenrarion of Economic Census 2018 in Nepal. Our deep thanks are due to Mr. Fumihiko Nishi. ChiefAdviser and other experts of the Project, who made all the best efforts in preparalion of this report and in the success of the implementation of NEC20l8. CBS always welcomes comments and suggestions from usem which would be valuable forlhe improvement of our future publications. w- ot\cz September, 2020 ,^ Nehin lhlShresrhi DirectorCeneral x Contents Page Message....................................................................................................................iii Foreword....................................................................................................................v Preface….................................................................................................................vii Acknowledgement.....................................................................................................ix Contents....................................................................................................................xi Map of Nepal by District………….............................................................................xv Figures at a Glance.................................................................................................xvii Infographics.............................................................................................................xix Summary Tables....................................................................................................xxiii SECTION I: Outline Outline
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