394 Index Index abbreviations in manuscripts, 159 of subject and verb, 107–10 accentuation, 20–1 see also concord accusative case, 33, 36–7 Aldhelm, 2, 199 n. 8, 223–4, 265, 279 pronoun forms in poetry, 146 Alfred the Great, king of Wessex, 3, 8, with pronouns, 104–5 10, 30, 46, 197–201, 202–4, 210, acute accents in manuscripts, 161 215 address, forms of, 36 alliteration, 123–6 adjective clauses, 29, 47–8 and metrical stress, 125 adjectives, 26, 89–95 alliterative poetry, 123 agreement with nouns, 111–12 in manuscripts, 124 in poetry, 147 alphabet, Old English, 157 used as nouns, 150 Angles, 2 adverb clauses, 29 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 3, 30, 40, adverbial elements, position in 179–80, 228 clause, 117–19 excerpts, 186–90 adverbs, 26–7,COPYRIGHTED 99–101 anticipation, MATERIAL 121 and correlation, 119 apposition, 138, 152 and metrical stress, 126–7 assimilation, 68–9 and word-order, 117 athematic nouns, 20, 55–6 agreement Augustine of Canterbury, St, 202 of noun and modifiers, 111–12 Augustine of Hippo, St, 197 of pronoun and antecedent, auxiliary verbs, 25–6, 32, 65, 68, 80, 83, 110–11 121–2, 154–5 Introduction to Old English, Third Edition. Peter S. Baker © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Index 395 Ælfheah, archbishop of Canterbury, Claudius, Roman emperor, 1 188–90 clauses, 29–30 Ælfric, 3, 93, 161, 189, 191, 265 of comparison, 29 works by, 181, 183 concessive, 86–7 Æthelræd, king of England, 189–90, 191, of place, 29, 87 194 n. 27, 231 in poetry, 152–5 Æthelthryth, St, 183–5 of purpose, 29 Æthelwold, St, 181 of result, 29 temporal, 29, 87 Battle of Brunanburh, The, 139, 161–2 Cnut, king of England, 9, 189–93 Battle of Finnsburh, The, 143, 148, 251–3 commands, word-order in, 118 Battle of Maldon, The, 3, 48–9, 90, 108, comparison 142, 149, 153, 227–40 of adjectives, 93–4 beasts of battle theme, 142–5, 233, 243, of adverbs, 101 253 complements, 33, 36 Bede, the Venerable, 1–3, 183, 210 position in clause, 119 Benedict, St, 62 compounds, in poetry, 135–7 bbon, 67–8 concessive clauses, 29, 86–7 Beowulf, 3, 28, 103, 166 concord, 106–14 excerpts, 39, 47, 48–9, 55, 95, 107–8, errors, 112–14 111, 114, 118, 125–31, 137–8, see also agreement 140–1 conditional clauses, 29, 102 formulas in, 143–5 conjunctions, 27–8, 101– 4 vocabulary, 134–7 and correlation, 119–20 Bible, extracts in Old English, 46, 181–2 and metrical stress, 126–7 Boethius, 215–23 consonants, 14–16, 18–20 Britons, 1–2 c and g, 15, 18–20, 58 Brussels Cross, 167 loss of h, 59, 72–3, 76–8, 89, 90 Byrhtferth of Ramsey, 97 contraction Byrhtnoth, ealdorman of Essex, 227–40 in nouns, 59 in verbs, 72–3, 77–8 caesura, 123–4 coordinating conjunctions, 28, 101 Caligula, Roman emperor, 120 copulas, 31 capitalization in manuscripts, 159–62 correlation, 102–4, 119–20, 152–5 cardinal numbers, 97–8 correlative conjunctions, 28, 102 Caroline minuscule script, 157 Cotton, Sir Robert, 275 case, 6, 7, 9, 34–40 Creed, in Old English, 87 in Modern English, 34–5 Cynewulf, poet, 166 see also accusative case; dative case; genitive case; instrumental case; dative case, 38–9 nominative case of comparison, 39 causal clauses, 29 as direct object, 38 Cædmon, 54, 210–15 of instrument, means or manner, 39 Cædmon’s Hymn, 54, 108, 152, 210, 212 of interest, 38 Charlemagne, and Caroline minuscule and participles, 84 script, 157 of possession, 38–9 Christ II, 166 and prepositions, 39, 104–5, 149 396 Index demonstrative pronouns, 24, 44–5 half-lift, metrical, 126–8 diphthongs, 12–14 High German consonant shift, 7 direct objects, 32–3, 36–7, 38 High German languages, 4, 8 position in sentence, 116–17, 119 Husband’s Message, The, 166, 262–4 unexpressed, 148–9 hypermetric verses, 131–2 ddn, 81–2 hypotaxis, 30 Dream of the Rood, The, 2, 131, 166, 167, 245–50 i-mutation, 8, 17–18, 20, 216 n. 2 drop, metrical, 123 in comparatives, 93–4, 101 in nouns, 55, 61 East Germanic, see Gothic in verbs, 66, 70, 71, 75, 76, 147 Elene, 166 impersonal verbs, 109–10 errors indefinite pronouns, 24, 46–7 of concord, 112–14 indirect objects, 33, 38, 116, 119 in manuscripts, 163 Indo-European languages, 3–4, 5–6 Exeter Book, 131, 144, 158, 223–4, Ine, king of Wessex, 159 240, 259, 262, 278–9 infinitives, 24–5, 83–4 Exodus, 142–3 Ingvaeonic languages, see Low German languages Fates of the Apostles, 166 inscriptions, 163–8 finite verbs, 25 other, 167–8 and metrical stress, 126–7 runic, 163–7 flyting, 143 instrumental case, 39–40, 44, 45 formulas, 140–5 Insular scripts, 157 phrases, 140–2 interjections, 28 themes, 142–3 International Phonetic Alphabet, 6, Franks casket, 164–6 11, 172–3 fu6orc (runic alphabet), 163–4 interrogative adverbs, 100–1 interrogative pronouns, 24, 45–6 gan, 81–2 intransitive verbs, 31 ve- prefix, abbreviation for, 159 Genesis A, 71 Judith, 112, 131, 150, 154–5, genitive case, 37–8 264–75 in poetry, 146, 149 Juliana, 166 Germanic languages, 3–5, 6–7 Junius, Franciscus, 278, 282 Germanic metre, 120 Jutes, 2, 196 n. 54, 252 n. 3 Gildas, 196 Gothic, 4, 8, 19 n. 6, 200 n. 28 kennings, 136 gradation, 6, 73–6 Kentish dialect, 10, 17 grammatical alternation, 76–7 Gray, Thomas, 133–4 laws, extract, 159 Great Urswick Stone, 166 lift, metrical, 123, 124–8 Gregory the Great, Pope, 30, 62, 197, see also drop, metrical; half-lift, 202 metrical; resolved lift Grimm, Jacob, 6 line-division in manuscripts, Grimm’s Law, 6–7 162–3 Guthlac, 151–2 Low German languages, 4, 8 Index 397 Magoun, Francis P., 141–2 predicates, 33 manuscripts, 156–63 prepositional phrases, 27, 28 facsimiles, 156, 179 prepositions, 27, 28, 99, 104–5 Martian, Roman emperor, 1–2 omitted, 39, 149 Maxims I, 144 present participles, 26, 67, 84 Mercian dialect, 10, 16 preterite-present verbs, 68, 80–1 proclitics, 126–7 negation, 82–3 pronouns, 23–4 nominative case, 36 agreement with antecedent, 110–11 North Germanic languages, 4 agreement with nouns, 111–12 Northumbrian dialect, 10 and metrical stress, 126–8 noun clauses, 29 in poetry, 146 and the subjunctive, 85–7 see also demonstrative pronouns; noun phrases, 28, 56–7, 94–5 indefinite pronouns; interrogative nouns, 23, 50–63 pronouns; personal pronouns; in poetry, 125, 127, 134–7 reciprocal pronouns; reflexive see also athematic nouns; relationship; pronouns; relative pronouns strong nouns; u-stem nouns; weak punctuation nouns in manuscripts, 160–2 in poetic manuscripts, 161–2 object of a preposition, 27 punctus elevatus, 161 objects, 32–3, 36–7, 38 punctus interrogativus, 161 position in clause, 116–17, 119 unexpressed, 148–9 questions, word-order in, 118 off-verse, 124 Ohthere, Norse trader, 202–7 reciprocal pronouns, 24, 48–9 on-verse, 124 reflexive pronouns, 24, 48 ordinal numbers, 93, 96, 98 relationship, nouns of, 61 Orosius, Paulus, 120, 202–3 relative clauses, see adjective clauses relative pronouns, 24, 47–8 parataxis, 30, 154 resolved lift, 126 participial phrases, 28 rhythm, 126–31 past participles, 26, 84 rhythmic types, 128–30 perfect, 65–6 Riddles, 45, 108–9, 131, 159–60, 223–7 periphrastic verbs, 83–4, 121–2 Rune Poem, 166–7 person, 8, 23, 25, 66 runes, 163–7 personal pronouns, 23, 41–3 Ruthwell Cross, 166, 245 dual number, 44–5 phrases, 28–9 Saxons, 2 Picts, 1–2 Scots, 1–2 pluperfect, 65–6 Seafarer, The, 3, 109, 139, 143 poetic compounds, 135–6 semicolon, in manuscripts, 161 point, in manuscripts, 162–3 Solomon and Saturn, 113 possessive adjectives, 43, 89, 92, 146 spelling variants, 16, 169–71 possessive pronouns, see possessive in pronouns, 45 adjectives strong adjectives, 89–90, 91–2 Pound, Ezra, 123 strong nouns, 51–3, 57–60 398 Index strong verbs, 64–7, 73–9 verbs; pluperfect; present classes, 73–6 participles; preterite-present verbs; subjects, 30–1, 36 strong verbs; tense; transitive verbs; agreement with verb, 107–10 weak verbs; willan compound, 108–9, 138 Vercelli Book, 245, 280 unexpressed, 108, 147–8 Visigoths, 1 and word order, 112–18, 150–2 vocabulary, poetic, 134–7 subjunctive, 85–8 words for ‘king’, 136–7 as third-person imperative, 88 vowel length, 12 subordinating conjunctions, 28, vowels, 12–14, 16–18 101–2 a, æ and ea, 16–17, 58, 91–2 Sutton brooch, 167–8 silent e, 18 syllable length, 20, 51, 53, 57–8, 70–1 in unaccented syllables, 13 in metre, 126 syncopation, 57–8, 92–3 Waldere, 149, 253–7 Wanderer, The, 2, 125, 143, 240–5 Tacitus, 3–4, 208 n. 38, 228, 233 n. 34 Wærferth, bishop of Worcester, 62, temporal clauses, 29, 87 198 tense, 25, 64–5 weak adjectives, 89–90, 92–3 Tironian nota, 159 in poetry, 147 transitive verbs, 31 weak nouns, 53–5 6æt, abbreviation for, 159 weak verbs, 64–7, 69–73 6onne, abbreviation for, 159 class 1, 70–2 class 2, 70–1, 72–3 u-stem nouns, 60–1 class 3, 72–4 and i-mutation, 70–2 Valentinian III, Roman emperor, 1 West Germanic languages, 4, 7–8 variation, 137–40, 152 West Saxon dialect, 10, 62, 146–7 vellum, 156–7 Wife’s Lament, The, 143, 259–61 verb endings, 65–7 willan, 81–2 plurals in -e, 69 word-division in manuscripts, 162–3 in poetry, 146–7 word-order, 115–22 subjunctive plurals, 69 placement of auxiliaries and verbals, verbals, 26, 83–4, 121–2 121–2, 152, 154–5 verbs, 24–6, 31–2, 64–88 in poetry, 133–4, 147–9, 150–5 inflections in poetry, 146–7 subject .
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