519 I Hl5 VICTORIA. REPO rtT RK8PitCTlNO APPLICA~TIONS ANI) PROCEEDING~ t:NDKR THK ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER ACT 1896 J.<~OI~ THE YEAI(; 1f)l4. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO LAW ~)1 6\nthDtitt : ALTIRRT J. MtTLLETT, GOVERNMF.ST PRI!Ii'I'KR, MELTIO{lllNJt. So. 20 [ls.]-8i74 APPROXIMATE COST OF REPORT. £, •• d. Preparatio t-NoL ghen. Printing (550 copies) •• 1S 0 0 521 REP 0 RT. The following Report for the year ended 31st December, 1914, is presented to Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Electt·ic Light and Power Act 1896, No. 1413 :- LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR ORDERS TO AUTHORIZE THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY PLACED BEFORE THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1914.. N ~me of Applicant. Proposed Area of Supply. ···-·-------··-----1 ~---··--·-------------- Cock's Pioneer Gold an<l Tin Mines No }Jortion of the Shire of Xorth Ovens. Liability. The Conncil of the ~hire of Hei•lelberg 'l'he Fairfield, Ivanhoe, and Heidelberg Hidings of the Shire. The Council of the Shire of W errihee Portion of the Shire of W erribee. The Council of the Shire of Lilvdalc T!Je South-west Riding of the Shire of Lilydale. The Melbourne Electric Supply. Co. Ltd. Portion of the Shire of South Barwon. The Council of the Town ol' Coburg The Town of Coburg. The South Dandenong Electric Light Portion of the South Riding of the Shire of Dandenong, Svndicale The· Council of the Shire of Lancefield The Shire of Lancefield. The Council of the Shire of Doncaster The ~hire of Doncaster. 'l'he Council of the Shire of Hodney The Township of :M:ooroopna. The Council of the Borongh of Quecn~cliff ... The Township of Qnee11scliff. 0Rmn~s IN CouNCIL GRANTRD DURING THE YEAR 1914. Orders in Council were granted to the fieidelberg, vVerrihee, Lilydale, Coburg, Lancefield, and Doncaster Municipal Councils for the respective areas as ahove described ; to the W aranga Shire Council for the Township of Rush worth ; to the Cock's Pioneer Gold and Tin Mines ~ o Liability for portion of the Shire of North ( lvens ; and to the Melbourne Electric Supply Co. Ltd. for portion of the Shire of South Barwon. Since the passing of the Electric Light and Power Act in 18HG, 107 Orders in Council have been granted authorizing the supply of electricity. Of this number 57 were granted to Mnnicipal Councils, 4::1 to companies or persons, and 1 to a Common­ wealth Department. Eight of these Orders have been cancc>lled, either wholly or in part, and 6 ~lunicipal Councils have transferred all or portion of their powers under their Orders to private companies. ELECTRIC SUPPLY UNDERTAKL"'GS OPERATlliG IN VICTORIA UNDER THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER ACT ON 31sT DECEMBER, 1914. Overhead Conductors. Generating Station. Mileage run. Undertaker. Place. Supply System. Rates of Charge. Generating Plant, &c. The City of !Ielbourne City (a) Low pressure direct 171 !GO Reeiprocating engines Lighting-(a) At 3!d. per Melbourne Council current three-wire, and d.e. generators, unit for the first 3,000 units 230 and '460 volts; 3,750 k.w.; steam per month, and 3d. per (b) extra high pressure turbines and three­ unit thereafter; (b) at 6d. single-phase a.c., 50 phase generators, per unit for quantity equal cycles 4,000 volts ; and 11,300 k.w.; steam to 45 hours' use per month (c) :hree-phase, 6,600 turbines and single­ of consumer's maximum volts; secondary, 200 phase generators, 1,500 demand, and 1 fd. per unit and 400 volts k.w.; rotary con­ thereafter verters and motor Power and Heating-(a) At generators, 7,500 k. w. ; a flat rate of 1£d. per unit; battery of 284 cells, (b) at 2d. per unit for 4,000 amp-hours at 1 quantity equal to 75 hours' hoiu- discharge rate use per month of con­ sumer's maximum demand, and !d. per unit thereafter Metropolitan Melbourne Elec­ Extra high pressure, 498 1,438 171 4 Seven 4,000-volt single­ Lighting-(a) Flat rate of Suburbs tric Supply single-phase altetna­ phase alternators, total 5d. per unit for all elec­ (vide pages Co. Ltd. ing current--primary capacity J 4,000 kilo­ tricity consumed; (b) at ~ ll, 12, and 4,000 volts, secondary watts (1,000 k.w. direct 7d. per unit for quantit,y 13) 200 and 400 volts, coupled to reciproca­ equal to 450 hours' use per three-wire distribution ting steam-engines and annum of the consumer's :'3;000 direct coupled to maximum demand, and steam turbines); four­ 3d. per unit thereaft.er; teen Babcox & Wilcox (c) at 6d. per unit for first steam boilers ; one 500 units per month, and Green's economiser of 3d. per uni f, thereafter 365 tubes; and one of Power and Heating-(a) For 3,072 tubes under all consumption up to 1,000 erection ; three direct units per month, 2d. per steam-driven circula­ unit ; for next 4,000 Id. ting pumps, each of per unit, for next 15,000 500,000 gallo.ns per £d. per unit, and for all hour capacity further consumption 0.65d. per unit; (b) at 2£d. per unit for quantity equal to 80 hours' use per month of consumer's maximum demand, and £d. per unit thereafter; (c) for all con­ sumption between 11.30 p.m. and 7.30 a.m. Id. per unit, and 2d. per unit thereafter Essendonandl North Mel- Low preseure direct 35 72•7 High speed reciprocating 741 Nil Lighting 5d., power 2d. per portion of bourne Electric current, three. wire engines, d.c. genera­ unit the City of Tramways and system, 230 and 460 tors, 460 and 550 Helbourne Lighting Co. volts volts 861 7,5()(11 Lighting 6d., 3d. per Council of the Three-phase a.ltema.ting I 10 4,•5 35 Two suction gas pro­ 238 99 power A.ran.t unit Borough of current, 24{) and 415 ducers, two 80 h. p. gas Arara.t volts engines, two 45 k. v.a. afteruators, one 20 k.w. motor generator, accumulator battery of 810 amp-hours' maxi­ mum discharge Arthur Harding Low pressure direct I 16 44•5 Suction gas plant, 45 731 5,3401 Lighting 7d., power 4d. pur :SairniJdale unit Wood cu.rrent, three-wire, 230 driving d. c. generators, and 460 volts with battery 881 101,3261 Lighting-Flat rate 6d, maxi­ Bal.larat •• Low pressure direct I 57· 3 48 High-speed steam- 74,343 932 30 current, three wire, engines direct coupled equiv. mum demand 9d. and 3d. system, 220 and 440 to d.c. generators 480 30- Power--Flat rate 3d., maJ:i­ mum demand 3d. and lid. volts e.nd 550 volts watt lamps Low pressure direct 1145·6 110 High-speed steam- 69,852 882 1281 4091 127,3751 Lighting-Flat rate 6!d., Bendigo .. Electric Supply maximum demanil 9d. and Co. of Victoria current, three- wire, engines d:rect coupled equiv. system 220 and 440 to d.c. generators 480 30- 4d. volts and 550 volts watt Power-Flat rate· 4d., maxi· mum demand 4d. and 1!<1. Council of the Low pressure direct I 3 · 5 11 Suction gas-engine plant, 18 201 2,6891 Lighting 8d., power 4d. per Beulah unit Shire of current, three-wire, 230 driving d.c. three-wire Karkarooc and 460 volts generator Birchip Electric Low pressure direct cur- I 8 16 Suction gas plant, d.c. I 140 20 30 2,6361 Lighting 7d., power 5d. to Birohip 3d. per unit Supply Co. Ltd. rent, 230 volts generator and 270 amp- hour battery 6,3081 Lighting 6d., power lld.-2d. Box Hill .. Council of the Extra high pressure, I 23 7 I 23 in bulk to tram'!- 292 35 'r sub-stations by and 2!d. per unit Shire of single-phase alternating 01 Nunawading current--primary 4,000, Melbourne Electric secondary 400 and 200 Supply Co. volts, three-wire dis­ tribution 2,0411 Lighting power 3d. per Braybrook Hu.gh Victor Low pressure direct 4 · 5 5 Steam plant driving d.o.l ISO 60 28 7!<1., current, 230 volts I generators unit McKay 25,245 Lighting-Flat rate 5d., Brunswick Council of the Three-phase alternating 55 48 121 3•6 Supply is obtained in 928 bulk :from the Mel- sliding scale 5!d. to 3d. City of Bruns· current, 50 cyoles-pri· Power-Flat rate 2d., sliding wick mary 6,600, secondary' bourne City Council 230 and 400 volts scale 2d. to lid. 8,5001 Lighting, sliding scale, 8d. to Camperdown I Council of the Low pressure direct I 14 38 One suction gas producer, 330 60 86 two 66-b.h.p. engines, 6d., and 4d. per unit Shire of current, 230 volts Power, sliding scale, 4d. and Hampdon two 44 k.w. generators, booster, and accumula- 2d. per unit tor battery of 400 amp- hours' maximum di.~- charge Lovv pressilre direct 6 24 One suction gas producer 200 30 67 8,0001 Lighting 7d., power 4d. per Outemn . I Ca.sterton Freez­ I unit ing Works Co. current, 230 volts and engine of 50-b.h.p., Propy. Ltd. one 29 and one 7 k.w. generator, and battery of 270 amp-hours' maximum disoharge 8 One suction gas producer 175 70 32 3,0401 Lighting Sd., power 6d. and Chariton .. I Charlton Elec­ Low prcsaure direct 5 2td. per unit tric Light and current, 230 volts and engine of 81-b.h.p., Power Co.
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