PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PAID KCMO PERMIT NO. 990 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996 TÚ CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City www.kchispanicnews.com YOUR CINCO DE ¡Su Conexion para MAYO CONNECTION! VOLUME 14 NUMBER 34 / 5 DE MAYO DEL 2011 Cinco de Mayo! Pope John Paul is Beatified- One Step From Sainthood. See story on page B:3 Sly James Becomes 56th Mayor of Kansas City,MO BY DEBRA DECOSTER Sly James took the oath of office as mayor of Kansas City, Missouri in a private ceremony in the rotunda of City Hall on Sunday, May 1. It was a short cere- mony for the new may- or and newly elected council members with the larger celebration slated on Monday, May 2 on the 26th floor of the Council chambers. Cinco de Mayo- The Battle of Puebla James had two cele- brations on Sunday. Not only was he celebrating Sly James took the oath of office on Sunday, May 1 in nce again, it is that time his own inauguration as the lobby of City Hall. City Clerk Vickie Thompson- of year when we take the Fiesta KC Set to Fill Crown Center Plaza May 13-15 mayor, he was also cel- Carr administered the oath of office to Mayor Sly opportunity to discuss the ebrating his daughter’s James in a private ceremony. According to the city O history and significance of Cinco (Aja) 19th birthday. charter, it requires the new Mayor to take office on the first of May. de Mayo. By now, many are fa- Fiesta KC Esta lista para llenar la “We had a joint cel- miliar with the fare that will be ebration this morning. It is really exciting and fun having our celebration to- offered at many area restaurants, Plaza del Crown Center el 13-14-y gether,” said Aja James. She told Hispanic News that she was speechless when bars and fiestas commemorating her father won the election. “I am very proud of him,” she said. “He is ready the day. What few will find will to work and get his job done.” 15 de mayo be an adequate explanation of the NEW MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL READY TO SERVE KANSAS CITY / PAGE 3 historical facts. Cinco de Mayo is not the Mexi- can equivalent of St. Patrick’s Day, in so far as it celebrates a real event Death is Bittersweet in Mexican history. It is not the celebration of Mexican independ- It has been described as a million ence from Spain. That occurred dollar mansion, a walled compound almost 52 years earlier beginning in Abbottabad, thirty-five miles on Sept. 15, 1810 with the fa- from the capital Islamabad, Paki- mous “Grito de Delores” and ac- stan. It appears that for six years it complished 11 years later when had been the sanctuary of Osama THE BATTLE OF PUEBLA, MAY 5TH / PAGE 4 Bin Laden. Monday morning (Sun- day, US time) elite commandos of s esa época del año cuando Navy Seals Team 6 raided the com- una vez más aprovechamos pound and brought to an end a dec- Ela oportunidad de discutir la ade long manhunt. historia y el significado del Cinco President Barack Obama addressed de Mayo. Por ahora, muchas per- BY JOSE FAUS TRADUCE POR RICO ROGERS a large national audience eager to sonas están familiarizadas con los Damian Arrredondo gets around hav- Damian Arredondo ha vivido en el Car- hear the words. “Good evening. To- menús que se ofrecerán en mu- ing lived in the Carribean, Australia, ibe, Australia, Francia, Canadá, Costa night, I can report to the American chos de los restaurantes, cantinas France, Canada, Costarica, Mexico and Rica, México y muchos lugares dentro de people and to the world that the y fiestas del área que conmemorar- many places in the states. Arredondo los Estados Unidos. Arredondo estará en- United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, án ese día. Lo que pocas personas will be among the featured artists at the tre los artistas destacados en la tienda de Belles Artes tent at the 12th annual Fi- Bellas Artes en la duodécima celebración the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of encontrarán será una explicación adecuada de los hechos históricos. esta Kansas City 2011 celebration. The anual de la Fiesta Kansas City 2011. La thousands of innocent men, women, and children.” fiesta runs May 13 -15 at Crown Center Fiesta será el 13, 14 y 15 de mayo en la As the news spread over the airwaves, Internet and social media, small El Cinco de Mayo nos es un Plaza and is sponsored by the Hispanic Plaza del Crown Center y es patrocinado trickles of people began to swell at key points like the White House and equivalente mexicano del Día de Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kan- por la Cámara de Comercio Hispano del San Patricio, puesto que celebra un sas City and the Greater Kansas City Area Metropolitana de Kansas City y la BIN LADEN HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT/ PAGE 2 acontecimiento real de la historia Hispanic Collaborative. Colaboración Hispana del Area Metro- mexicana. No es una celebración Arredondo, who received degrees in politana de Kansas City. de la independencia que México art and philosophy from Avila Universi- Arredondo, quien recibió las licenciat- obtuvo de España. Aquello había ty, went on to achieve training and addi- uras en arte y filosofía de la Universidad ocurrido 52 años antes en un 15 tional degrees in photography, painting de Avila, pasó a lograr licenciaturas adi- de septiembre de 1810 con el fa- and printmaking in San Miguel de Al- cionales y formación en fotografía, pin- moso Grito de Dolores y fue lo- lende, Mexico. Arredondo photographs tura y grabado en San Miguel de Allende, grada 11 años más tarde cuando the scenes of his many travels, and then México. Arredondo saca fotos de escenas de sus numerosos viajes y después pinta los españoles renunciaron a su paints the personality and feelings of the community into his works. la personalidad y los sentimientos de la presencia en México. El Cinco comunidad en sus obras. de mayo celebra la victoria de un “Instead of merely painting a strict andrajoso ejercito mexicano de representation of my photos, I combine "En lugar de simplemente pintar una the personal interaction with local resi- representación estricta de mis fotos, soldados regulares en contra de dents, the experience connected with combino la interacción personal con los un poderoso contingente francés the many atmospheres of the diverse residentes locales, la experiencia rela- LA BATALLA DE PUEBLA, EL 5 DE / PÁGINA 4 FIESTA KC IS MADE UP OF GREAT FOOD / PAGE 2 LA FIESTA DE KC ESTA LLENA DE COMIDA / PÁGINA 2 MuchoCorazón YMCA Survey Finds Parents Not Making At Mucho Corazón, we highlight the ordinary to the extraordinary Kids' Health Top Priority contributions that take place in our Latino community throughout Encuesta de la YMCA muestra que the metro. En Mucho Corazón, nos encargamos de tenemos en la salud de los niños no es la prioridad cuenta las contribuciones The latest collection of latino stamps will make its debut at this year’s cinco de Mayo activities que tienen lugar en at Guadalupe Centers on may 7th. See the story behind this collection of stamps on page B1. principal de los padres nuestra comunidad latina La coleción más reciente de las estampillas latinas se presentarán en la celebración del Cinco de y entre la ciudad. mayo de este año en el Guadalupe Centers Inc., el 7 de mayo. Ve la historia de esta coleción See page B:3 for complete story. a página B:1 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 NEWSROOM:(816)472.KCHN FAX: (816) 931.NEWS E-MAIL: [email protected] 2 5 DE MAYO DEL 2011 kchispanicnews.com FIESTA KC is made UP of GReat food, enteRtainment and LARGE CROWds BIN LADEN HIDING IN CONT./PAGE 1 countries, and the cultures I've fiesta will also be a showcase for PLAIN SIGHT experienced,” he says. some well known and accom- Other artists featured at plished folkloric dance groups. “Belles Artes” include: Mauri- The event attracts more than cio Zuniga, organizer of Belles 30,000 people from Kansas City Artes; Deborah Moreno; Ledan as well as surrounding cities and Galitsia; Lorin Rios; Virginia various states. Booth space fea- Oropesa; Kristin Lawrey; Rodol- turing restaurants, boutiques fo Marron; Cristiano Velverde; and specialty items from across Jaime Aguirre; Gloria Parsley the area will be an integral part and Norma Wilson. of the event. The popular Mar- “The artists are so important garita Cove also will open on to the entire cultural atmosphere Friday. Children can enjoy the of Fiesta Kansas City,” says Family Fun Zone and families Stephanie De La Torre, chair of will have the opportunity to the event. “The art along with taste traditional foods from vari- music, local dancers of all ages, ous cultures. food and family fun will high- Gomez points out that the CONT./PAGE 1 light the entire weekend.” fiesta is not to be confused try and it is closure for the fami- On the music front, event with Cinco de Mayo fiestas Ground Zero in New York City. lies that lost people on 9/11 and currently on tap throughout other places.” organizers have landed a big Soon the shouts of euphoria be- group to headline this year’s the area. For one it is not a came the narrative. American In his remarks to the nation, celebration. Los Horóscopos de Cinco de Mayo celebration.
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