• -:y .• .... O A t lT i< A ^ l i M 5.453 ,D . ^ ^ > .M • f^i VOL.UIL,NO.m. w « N » U .) MANCBX8TER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MAT 28, 1984. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE fHRER a s H t $ NAVY PLANE RUSHES PRESIDENT TO Kitted In Fieht W ith Law STAND BY TflE BARROW SLAIN TO SAVE MAN’S LIFE R E C O m A a Off on 900 Mfle Trip to WITH BONNIE PARKER AIRPLANE RECORD To Stand Pat On General Lonely Island in Pacific FOR WOMEN BROKE N P rin d j^ of NRA Untfl With Sorsfeon Aboard — IN nCHT WITH POUCE He Conqildes Surrey of •A Explorer Stricken. Jean Batten of New Zealand, theNatioa Desperado Rated Witk DB- Shatters Mark from Eng­ Hoover Given Credit WMhIngton, May linger as Bad Man Drives Navy Department officials said to­ By JAMES COPE day that a Navy plane had left the land to Australia. (Oopyrlglit 1934, by AP.) For Recovery Program Panama Canal zone at 6:16 for the Washington, May 23.—Prestdent Into Police Trap— He Galapagos Islands,. carrying a sur­ Roosevelt will stand by the Blue geon to the aid of William Albert Port Darwin, North Auatialla, Eagle of NRA for the second year Middletown, May 23.—(AP)—^government Is a new consciousness and Girl Companion m Robinson, noted exjdorer. May 38.—(AP)—Jean Batten, 24- of Its emergency flight Walter Uppman, lecturer and o. toe social obligation of toe gov­ Robinson was stricken with acute This was definitely ascertained ernment. appendicitis while aboard a small 3rear-old New Zealand girl flier, writer, credited Herbert Hoover u>- today, amid the whirl of controversy "In this respect, the New Deal Crime Riddled With Bul­ boat and was reported critically ill. reached this dty today after a aolo day with launching toe New Deal over the Darrow. report, coupled started with Herbert Hoover, be­ The Navy plane was piloted by flight from England on which she with word that the Chief Executive an* asserted that toe programs of cause toe essential approaito of^ Lieut Commander Herman H. Hal' lets Before They Could set a new women’s record for the is eager to hear debate from the th*. former Chief Executive and Hoover and Roosevelt was more land. The surgeon, Lieut Com­ distance. country as to the permanent future President Roosevelt dlffereo only in alike than either' of them was mander Rollo W. Hutwilnson, was of NRA after June, 1935. approach, rather than principles. the only passenger. Miss Batten made the long, haz­ similar to any other President. Reach Own Firearms — The President has told inquirers Uppman addressed- toe faculty Department officials said the ardous air Jaunt in 15 days, 23 hours, “Grover Cleveland or Grant 25 minutes, eclipsing the former he is keeping an open mind on just students of Wesleyan University would have thought Hoover Just as Galapagos Islands were more than hoW far the government should go a after receiving toe honorary degree Trailed for Weeks. 900 miles from the Canal zone. woman’s mark of 19 and one half radica as Roosevelt is charged days held by Amy Johnson, wife of year hence in seeking a permanent Doctor of Laws at a special con­ with being.” vocation. RACE WITH DEATH Capt James A. MolUson, British arrangement between government. ^ntrasts PoUdes flier, Industry and labor. "Under the Old, DeaL” he said, Contrasting the policies of Mr. Black Lake, La., May 23.— (AP) , Balboa, C. Z., May 23.— (AP)—A depression, unemploymoit and Mias Johnson completed her flight He plans to survey the results in Roosevelt and his predecessor, —Clyde Barrow and hia gunwoman United States destroyer steamed his tour across the country this bankruptcy were Jlowed to work fub speed ahead today and two big and set the old record on May 24, Uppman said: companion, Bonnie Parker, were 1930. summer, lii the meantime, he in­ t’ imselves out without- Interfering “The principles of toe programs seaplanes were timed up to follow tends to stand pat on the general w*to toe functions of nature. Under beaten to the trigger pull by Texas In a dramatic race by sea and air The New Zealand girl arrived at Port Darwin to the acsompainiment principles of the National Recovery toe New Deal toe philosophy “ (Oontinoed on Page Two) officers today. to save the life of Willlsto Albert Administration. ... V* '' . , Robinson, crltlodly ill in his Uttle of a tumultuous welcome at 3 p. m., Their crime career ended in a iocal time, 1:30 a. m., e. s, t. New legislation would be neces­ . Xwt:. blaze of riot gun fire when, disre­ hone3rmoon ketch Svaap far out in sary to carry on the NRA in its the Pacific. Miss Batten was making her third garding a command to halt and un­ present form after mid-June next The destination of the ship and attempt at the flight when she soar able to get their weapons into play, ed away from L mpne, Ehigland, on year. Any such action woifld be toe desperado and his eigar-smoktog planes, carrying ph3rsicians and 3 handed to next Congress. PACKAGE STORE PERMITS medical suppUes, is Tagus Cove in M ay 8. 8 ^ “ oU, knovvn as “ Suicide Sal’’, w as in girl crumpled up in the front seat Crit^cinn Qontiiiaea the Galapagos Islands—1,000 miles Her first effort was in April 1938, picture was Shapped. She was showing her of a car traveling at about 85 miles Then machine broke down be­ The opposition faction on Capitol ^ *** Barrow, much-wanted ban^ her an hour. from Panama—a lonely, sun-baked Hill, however, showed no signs to­ spot which once was &e haunt of yond repair at Karachi, India. Last ^ 8^ - Tb« picture was found in an outlaw hlde^ PUT UP TO STATE BOARD The car careened Into an em­ day of relaxi^ its criticism. out In Joplin, Mo., after the Barrow gang had shot their way out of a trao. pirates. month, trying again, she crashed in bankment and was wrecked. Senator Nye (R., N. D.), who pro­ s. The race with death w u ordered Rome. She sustained severs face In the wreckage, the officers who posed the Darrow Review Board’s had set the trap for the southwest’s 'I after Robinson’s socially prominent lacerations and several stitches were inquiry, and who yesterday asserted SCIENCE HELPS ' Chicago bride, Florence C^ane Rob­ taken in her lip. Attorney General Rnies Com­ Public Elnemy Number One and the the NRA was allowing monopolies Parker woman found both bodies inson, had flagged the Ashing trawl­ Starts Once More to become “more powerfully eh- MONEY STABIUZATION IS PARALYZED BOY er Santa Cruz and had its skipper Nevertheless, as soon as her plane riddled with bullets. Bonnie’s was trenched than ever before,’’ planned mission May Dse Own almost doubled over the mi-wwa radio the Naval statlor at Balboa could be repaired, she flew back to to take the Senate floor again. that her husband was stricken Bun- EngianJ and began preparations for Engineer Invents Apparatus gun she had held to her lap. Bar* Senator Borah (R., Idaho), who That Provides Him With ro'w’s broken body was twisted be­ day with acute appendidtis. the third try which has proved suc­ stood with Nye for the Review NEEDED, SAYS PUBLISHER Judgment Agamst Tbose hind the steering wheeL a revol'ver Oarries Reserve Foel cessful. Board investigation, is seeking an Hands— Uses Breath, Tongue Seven officers, including medical The plane in which Miss Batten gripped in one band. oppcHrtune tim e to urge his bin fo r and Head. l^e car, splintered by gunfire, meii, were assigned t a the sea set her record is an ordinary stand­ restoring the antl-t^t laws. He Who Broke law . planes. While mders were issued ard wooden Moth neaidy five years CoL Fraid[ b o x Urges U. S. proved to be a speeding arsenal. may offw It as an amendment to New York, May 23.—(AP)— The trap was sprang by Frank for them to take off early today, old. oixie other measure. CONFESSES KILLING 0 Science has provided “hands” Hamer,, a former JPexas Rimger, R the detroyer Hale was oitlered to The young woman went to Eng­ Hartford, May 28.— (AP) — The move through the Canal the (E.-IU.), to Cdl Coofermice to for a 14-jremSold boy, par^ M. Gktot. a highw ^ patrolnoan. and land a few ypazs A M to sftiilto nm2c,s pJanii^^to nrew bin reso)ut}(m fo r Atlantic at full speed to W ry re- opinion'^ the CopMUturiooal Court Ijrzeo from toe neck down. Ted Hmton and Bob Alcorn, Dallas but Sir CbaxU0 : MSogUC^S^Smlth'a an lave^ a^ at the NRAvJMKWfl* A aarve fuel for the planee. Ztvn] oe •w H M tliu) d U a Sborp Photo-elecl^c cells and eleo- county efilfT ittf. Hamer was re­ Paeifle fligtd Ifiislieif- the ambition ^ -su b s^ tla te the ItodlngH of the : ^ N e S e i ^ ProHwife ti-te 'im m fi CQBtnfi are utilized. cently cditastmooed as a highway necessary foe them to^ refuel-ven- to fly, ^ . ’ / > ^ ^rrow board, he wO^d the ag.&inst Wilbur L. Cross, go'vemor, zioLte. “ The i^iaratus, devised" by patrolman for the special purpose irf ForthiHth, li^ p^o to Boune for the “immediate •t aL presg^ti no bar to toe revoca­ James S Doyle, a New York getting Ifls man-.-atid, to this cade, The Hale cleared the Canal Short­ pay for h ir Jlying leMon.
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