Epigraphical Index

Epigraphical Index

EPIGRAPHICALINDEX NAMES OF MEN AND WOMEN ['Ay]ao[-- -], prytanis ca. 180 A.D., 181 (85 30) ['Apwt Tt'OV 'AptO[- - -], prytanis ca. 180 A.D., 181 'A [y] aOoKX[ijs] llEptLy&[ovs] MAL[utoso], on a (859) tombstone of the first century B.C., 173 (71) 'Apturo'&-/o-, toxotes in an ephebe decree of CAyvo/G[Eo Aim] OTt'VOw3'Atk8v[atof], on a dedi- 243/2, 159 (53 11) cation of the second century B.C., 162 (60 i) 'Aptoro'Xas, archon 161/0, 166 (64 26); ['A.], 165 (64i) 'AO?7v[- - -] ('Avayvppatog) in a catalogue of Erechtheis ca. 180 A.D., 180 (84 B 10) 'AptUTo4,axo [s] (Illav8tov`8o), ca 255 B.C., father of AEwo&a4a, 186 (92 12) 'AO[r] vatos 'A[0potouov] (YTiEtptiEv), prytanis A.D. 150-190, 176 (7813) ['Apt] Uro/A'Srg 'PaAvovatl [os], in a decree of AZ(X) t [- -] ('Avayvpacutos), in a catalogue 161/0, 166 (64 34-35) 'ApKE'48rjpiIos] of Erechtheis ca. 180 A.D., 180 (84 B 5) ('EkEovutog), ca. 152 A.D., father of 182 (86 3) AhtXpa[{os], in a poletai record of ca. 250 B.C., 4JXo'rEt/l[os], [4Xa. 'Ap7raXtav0i]s archon A.D., 157 (51 49) EetpEvs, ca. 170 179 (81 2) 'AK[---], in a decree of 161/0, 166 (64 34) 'AppLa[~~]vo [At] KtV 'Appta [vo's] (fapy'riT-os)), 'AX av[opos], archon in 173/2, 191 (95 1) prytanisca. 180 A.D., 178 (79 B 10) 'AXKKErr7[At] OViUiV K [,0tnEv1], ephebos of 'AprTEI[---], prytanis ca. 180 A.D., 181 (85 22) Erechtheis ca. 235 B.C., 186 (92 6) 'AUK in a decree of 161/0, 167 (64 59) 'Abda, on a monument of Roman (?) date, 173 Ld7rtaoqs, 7rtaog, first century B.C., father of (731) ['AuKk-q] [---], 173 (702) 'AvTa I[os -- -], in a catalogue of Erechtheis ca. 3AuKX qrta'h At [oMELEvl], in a decree of 161/0, 180 A.D., 180 (84 B 2) 166 (6454) 'AVT'8oPOSE [V1]4O.v ov E [VVViS], ephebos of 'AUKXLSqrta'SJg'v=wvoW, in a citation of the first Erechtheis ca. 235 B.C., 186 (92 5) century B.C, 173 (70 2) ['AvM-7rarpos] (,v1raX4r'rToT), ca. 276 B.C., father Av'prqA1A[o---] (,TlEtptEv'S), prytanis A.D. 150- of AvMLKXAr,159 (53 9) 190, 176 (788) 'AiroX[-- - in a catalogue of ('Avayvppatog), AVTOKE[---a22_] secretary in 173/2, 191 Erechtheis ca. 180 A.D., 180 (84 B 6) (95 2) archon in a decree of ca. 181 B.C., ['AXro'kq]et-, ['A]0po8&Et'o[o], prytanis of Hippothontis ca. 163 (61 6-7) 175 A.D., 179 (82 4) 'A7roXXW[vto ---] (l-ELpLevs1), prytanis A.D. ['A0]pot&'tos, archon 170/69 (?), 166 (64 42) 150-190, 176 (7812) ('A)cpo8tato [], on tombstone of first century 'A [7ro]XX [Wvtog 'A3roXXowv]ov Eovevsu3, kosmetes B.C., 173 (72) 128/7, 170 (66 130-131) 'AE[0bpo&'toL] ( i-aptEv'g), A.D. 117-157, father of ['A7roXXwvt1]os(>ovevvs), ca. 161 B.C., father of 'AO['] vatog, 176 (78 13) 'A XX[vto], 169 (66 130) [7ro] 3Aopo-&'uto [g- - -] (E,TEtptEvs,), ptrytanis A.D. 150- 3Ap [- - - ], ca. 147 A.D., father of 'ApLUTi-w, 190, 176 (78 11) 181 (85 9) ['Ap] rTayo'[pag],in a poletai record of ca. 250 BaKXVX[lUqs] (rapy4T1-o3), ca. 147 A.D., father B.C., 156 (51 19-20); ['Apto-a]yo'pas, 156 of [Z0)]Mos, 177 (79 B 5); BaK[XVXL] 8&q (51 17) (r.), father of [ KparTqs 177 (79 B 6) American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® www.jstor.org 226 EPIGRAPHICAL INDEX Bax [Xv'Xos4AtXovtSov 'EXcnvatov3], secretary 161/0, Ato0r[t4Os], ca. 214 B.C., father of [4t]AXqtos, 165 (64 1) 163 (61 4) Ato'Tt/Aos 'AXo7re[K49Ev], in a decree of 161/0, [r]'EXXtos) ('EXevaL'vtog), prytanis ca. 175 A.D., 166 (6438) 179 (82 1i) At'wv XKaMjIzvt'8, in a decree of 161/0, 166 [F]EXto ('EXcvuotvtos), ca. 142 A.D., father of (64 50) [r]E'kXto3, 179 (82 it) 4[po]p'as ('EpXtEv's), ca 255 B.C., father of [AtoK]i[S], 186 (928) A[---] (:1TCtptCv'S), A.D. 117-157, father of Apo4wv, on a tombstone of ca. 100 B.C., 172 (69) 'Po'vw, 176 (78 lo) AvvvtKr/TO, archon 370/69, 151 (41 1o) Aa[---], in a list of dedicators in the second Affto'OEos Xap [ 3 .or 4tiOaAt'S&q,ephebos 117/6, century B.C., 162 (59 17) 172 (I.G., II2, 1009, Col. II, line 67) Aa4mov ,4ov, orator 128/7, 169 (66 126) AEKMOS (YTEtptEV'S), prytanis A.D. 150-190, 176 E[- - -], in a decree of 161/0, 167 (64 61) (78 15) 'EeaJKwv (llaXAAvEv',), ca. 149 B.C., father of Ake[4I]G0Eos(Iav8tovt'Sos), ca. 255 B.C., father of 'EtabKv, 170 (676) KaAA4[t]r7ro[s], 186 (92 14) -'EeacKWEEta'KOvros HallaX vcv's, orator 116/5, 170 [A-tl] Tpto [I]in a decree of 161/0,167 (6459) (676) ArqrTptoS ('Ipcazta'Su), ca. 149 B.C., father of ['EO'pTtOS] ('AXapvcv's), ca. 276 B.C., father of EOOOKXA?s,170 (67 3) 'Ep 'Swpog, 159 (53 8) . .]tovog. secretary [LA]/rTptoS [rapy]YTTto3, [tEopTtos 'E] ppI[o]&pov 'AX[apvv',3], paidotribes ca. 190 A.D., 182 (87 A 5-7) ca. 158 B.C., 169 (65 5) A-q/jp [pto] MEy[- - -], husband or father of [....] 3E7raOpo'S[tro]s, i'pav'Arjs, ca. 190 A.D., 'AAuda,173 (732) 182 (87A2-3) [A]rv-T[ptOq OvAtacS]ov 'AXrEK0OGv, kosmetes 'E7rt'yov[os] (rapy IMtOS], ca. 147 A.D., father of 117/6, 171 (6726) [Kacp]7ros, 178 (79 B 7) [A, ] i-paTos: [Tt,3. KA. A,7uoa] rparos M [EXt- [..] 'EpEvvtav[o'c] (rapy 'TTtO), prytanis ca. 180 TCvs], arclion A.D. 146-165, 175 (77 2-3) A.D., 178 (79B9) [A^qy]OT`wV ('A4tSvaZos), second century B.C., ['E] puayo'p[a ---], prytanis of Hippothontis father of 'Ayvo'O[cof], 162 (60 1) ca. 175 A.D., 179 (825) AqAoOa'v", third century B.C., father of KXEo4ov, ['E]p4to']Sopos ca. 191 B.C., father 155 (502) ('AXapvcv',), of ['EO'PTtOl], 169 (65 5) At[---], prytanis ca. 180 A.D., 181 (85 20) ['Ep;o'Swpog 'EOPTtOV paidotribes in AtoKXr,3 (Havtovt'Sos), ca. 255 B.C., father of 'AXa]pvcvE, an ephebe decree of 243/2, 159 s) . .a[], 186 (92 13) (53 Ev [- --], A[Wo]KXf1 (4pEacpptos), ca. 137 B.C., father cif in a list of dedicators in the second century B.C., 162 (59 18) [N]tLKoU[{]paT[o] , 172 (I.G., 112, 1009, Col. II, line 71) Ev[---] (Mvpptvov'rtos), A.D. 117-157, father of of [---]os, 176 (7819) [AtoKX]E[s] 4[po]lmov 'EpX[E1s], ephebos ' Aigeis ca. 235 B.C., 186 (928) Ev[5 r-]ov (genitive) (rapy VLOc), ca. 147 Atov[---] (TptvEttatEv1),ca. 147 A.D., father A.D., father of [E]vioSog, 178 (79 B 11) of [. ]os , 181 (85 13) [Ev] at'VETO.ca. 500 B.C., father of [---], 147 [At]ovvotos (K'LaEv's), ca. 255 B.C., father of (352) 'AXKE'7T, 186 (926) [EVl]atvEToS, ca. 333 B.C., father of [---..], Atovvotos, archon 180/79, 166 (64 48) 154 (475) LAtovvatos],archon 128/7, 169 (66126), 170 [Evp] ovd8rqs (Kpw7rtL'8r), ca. 200 B.C., father of (66 130) [EViXEtp], 164 (63) EPIGRAPHICAL INDEX 227 E. [v"]r1f4os (Eviwvv's), ca. 255 B.C, father of OEOSwptL&)[s] HIetpat[ A], orator of a decree 'AVTtO'WPOS,186 (92 5) mentioned in the ephebic decree of 116/5, Ev1OVKpaT-s EVOv,4aXo[v 'AXate's], ephebos of 171 (67 32) Aigeis ca. 235 B.C., 186 (92 io) ?EOO>8pOs (YTEtptCVS), prytanis A.D. 150-190, 176 EZOVKp[a']rTS 'P[at] vo[v'otos], in a decree of (78 14) 161/0, 166 (64 53) O?EO?V)OiTOs, ca. 333 B.C., father of [--- ....], EW'/v,axo[s] (AXaLEv's), ca. 255 B.C., father of 154 (473) EviOVKpa'r7, 186 (92 10) eEo'Ttl[o](S) (OtvaZos), ca. 325 B.C., father of Ev1KX,EtSqElVKXE'ovv(s) OtvaZos, ephebos of Aiantis EEOYEtTWV, 185 (91 10) at end of fourth century B.C., 185 (91 1l) ?Eo0t,os, archon in 227/6, 160 (55 2) EZKXvS (Oivatos), ca. 325 B.C., father of Ev- ?Eo'4tLo [s; - --] LoS, in a decree of 161/0, 166 KXELt8S, 185 (91 1i) (6452) [E]vito7ros (lpo/3aXadatos), father of [..]o- O3paLKtoq[,;],on a late tombstone, 183 (89) [..]qtos in a citation of Roman date, 174 'IEp[---] (74) ('AvapXAv'-Ttos), ca. 137 A.D., father of [- --]os, 179 (81 5) [E]ivoSos Evi[4-62r 2]ov (Frapy41LOS ), prytanis ca. ['Ihpwv 'Avayvpa'] to,, hyperetes of 180 A.D, 178 (79 B 11) epheboi 128/7, 170 (66 136) [E]i57rop[---] ('Epxtv's), prytanis ca. 180 A.D., ---] ('Avayvpao-to), in a 178 (79 B 17) 'Iov'vIos catalogue of Erechtheis ca. 180 A.D., 180 B 7) [EviXEtp Ev/3] ovXA'ov [Kpw7rt'8-s], sculptor ca. (84 'Iov (XaXrpCv's), ca. 194 B.C., father of 167 B.C., 164 (63) Yuwos, 165 (643) [Z(t'XoS jE']&aTov (AtIwvfs), prytanis ca. 180 KaXA[kas . ]jjuvos, ephebos ca. 235 B.C., 186 A.D., 181 (85 6) (923) ZJrvpos, archon 186/5, 166 (64 54) ; [Z,nrv]pos, KaXXt7rro[ ---], herald in the second century 166 (64 47-48) B.C., 162 (592) Z(')rv[pos -- -], in a catalogue of Erechtheis ca.

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