May 4, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3087 Mr. Speaker, the National Science Founda- reaffirming our national commitment and ap- the global competitiveness of the United tion was originally created by this very body— preciation for the National Science Foundation States; the United States Congress—in 1950. The in- as it celebrates its 60th anniversary. Whereas many STEM occupations do not I would also like to thank and praise the have representation of women and underrep- tent of Congress at the time was to promote resented minorities proportional to these the progress of science, to advance the na- thousands of scientists, engineers, research- groups in the population or their enrollment tional health, prosperity, and welfare, and to ers and administrators who have worked in in higher education; secure our nation through defense technology conjunction with the National Science Founda- Whereas strengthening partnerships be- and innovation. tion towards the creation of new technologies tween the Federal and State governments, Since that time, the National Science Foun- and the improvement of our collective stand- the private sector, nonprofit organizations, dation has worked diligently to ensure that the ards of living. professional societies, and the education United States maintains its expertise and pre- I ask my colleagues for their support of H. community will improve STEM education in cision in discovery and innovation in addition Res. 1307, as well as for their continued sup- our Nation’s schools; port for the National Science Foundation and Whereas the Bureau of Labor Statistics re- to education in science, engineering, and ports that science and engineering occupa- mathematics. its initiatives. By maintaining and increasing tions are projected to grow by 21.4 percent Additionally, the National Science Founda- the capacity of our nation to research and de- from 2004 to 2014, compared to a projected tion was created with the intent of helping to velop new technologies and innovations, I am growth of 13 percent in all occupations dur- educate the children of our nation and give confident that the United States will continue ing the same time period; them the tools necessary to become doctors, to be a leader in the market for technology Whereas an understanding of science and researchers, astronauts and chemists. As the products for years to come. mathematics is necessary not only for those Chairwoman of the Congressional Children’s I would like to again thank my colleague who will enter STEM fields as majors but for all citizens to understand scientific and Representative BART GORDON for his leader- Caucus, I fully support the National Science technical issues that affect their lives; Foundation in its efforts towards childhood ship in introducing this bill as well as for his Whereas scientific and technical skills are education and I understand the great impor- support of the National Science Foundation. a requirement for an increasingly wide range tance of educating our children in these areas. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me of occupations and hands-on inquiry-based Moreover, the National Science Foundation in supporting H. Res. 1307. learning in the STEM fields is an essential supports science, technology, engineering, Mr. HALL of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I element of a well-rounded education; and mathematics (STEM) education at all lev- yield back the balance of my time. Whereas the President has launched an els from elementary schools to national re- Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I yield ‘‘Educate to Innovate campaign’’ which aims search universities. We all know the great im- back the balance of my time. to increase STEM literacy so that all stu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dents can learn deeply and think critically portance this type of education has on chil- in STEM, to move American students from dren and I applaud the National Science question is on the motion offered by the gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. the middle of the pack to the top in the next Foundation for its dedication to high-quality decade, and to expand STEM education and education for the children of our nation. FUDGE) that the House suspend the career opportunities for underrepresented In addition, Mr. Speaker, the National rules and agree to the resolution, H. groups, including women and girls; Science Foundation had made many signifi- Res. 1307. Whereas National Lab Day is a nationwide cant contributions to our collective standard of The question was taken. initiative to foster community-based col- living and economy. By creating opportunities The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the laborations between educators and STEM opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being professionals and other volunteers across the for research and innovation in new areas, our country to support high-quality, hands-on, nation has benefited from cutting-edge med- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, on that I discovery-based laboratory experiences for ical tools, safer cars and transportation sys- demand the yeas and nays. students; tems as well as defense innovations that have The yeas and nays were ordered. Whereas more than 200 business, science helped to protect the American people from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and technology, and education organizations have declared their support for National Lab those that would seek to do us harm. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Through its research capacities, the Na- Day; and Chair’s prior announcement, further tional Science Foundation supports a network Whereas schools and educators across the proceedings on this motion will be of 200,000 individuals each year, including sci- country will celebrate the first National Lab postponed. Day during the first week of May at a time entists, engineers, students, and educators at f of their own choosing: Now, therefore, be it over 2,000 colleges and universities, schools, Resolved, That the House of Representa- nonprofit organizations, science centers and SUPPORTING THE IDEALS OF tives— museums, and small businesses throughout NATIONAL LAB DAY (1) supports the ideals of National Lab our Nation. The National Science Foundation Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I move to Day; (2) calls upon the Office of Science and also works with and funds multi-user facilities suspend the rules and agree to the reso- and tools for conducting world-class research Technology Policy and the National Science lution (H. Res. 1213) recognizing the Foundation to continue fostering partner- and training initiatives. need to improve the participation and ships such as those involved in National Lab In addition to these efforts, the National performance of America’s students in Day; and Science Foundation has taken a protective Science, Technology, Engineering, and (3) encourages scientists, volunteers, and stance for our country against the threat of Mathematics (STEM) fields, supporting educators to participate in National Lab earthquakes and other natural and man-made the ideals of National Lab Day, and for Day. disasters. Through its National Hazards Re- other purposes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- duction Program, Network for Earthquake En- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from gineering Simulation, the Approaches to Com- tion. Ohio (Ms. FUDGE) and the gentleman bat Terrorism program, and similar research The text of the resolution is as fol- from Texas (Mr. HALL) each will con- activities the National Science Foundation has lows: trol 20 minutes. contributed to predicting and reducing the risk H. RES. 1213 The Chair recognizes the gentle- of devastation from natural and man-made Whereas in 2005 the National Academy of woman from Ohio. disasters during the past decade. Sciences published a report entitled ‘‘Rising GENERAL LEAVE The National Science Foundation has also Above the Gathering Storm’’, which esti- Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I ask funded quick-response research at the sites of mated that in the United States innovations unanimous consent that all Members unprecedented national and international trag- generated by the Science, Technology, Engi- may have 5 legislative days in which to edies, including the September 11 attacks on neering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields ac- revise and extend their remarks and to the United States, the South Asian earthquake count for nearly half of the growth in gross include extraneous material on H. Res. and tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the Hai- domestic product; 1213. tian earthquake. These response and research Whereas in 2006 only 4.5 percent of college graduates in the United States received a di- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there efforts have helped to contribute to further pre- ploma in engineering, compared with 25.4 objection to the request of the gentle- venting and mitigating the impact of future dis- percent in South Korea, 33.3 percent in woman from Ohio? asters. China, and 39.1 percent in Singapore; There was no objection. I stand today with Representative BART Whereas increasing the number of students Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- GORDON and other members of Congress in pursuing careers in STEM fields is vital to self such time as I may consume. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:51 Sep 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H04MY0.REC H04MY0 mmaher on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H3088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 4, 2010 Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 1213 recognizes technology, engineering, and math Mr. Speaker, we can’t build rockets the need to improve the performance of fields, or STEM fields. In order for without rocket scientists, and other American students in the science, tech- America to continue its competitive countries know that. The United nology, engineering, and mathematics edge in technology and innovation, a States graduates about 70,000 engineers fields. This resolution support the solid foundation in STEM education for annually, a meager 15 percent.
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