_man In the local contest, with high manj* topped Ceithaml by swinging, bitter affair ^ 145-votes. • _. ,er In. GOP Retains Catapano polllng_3263. Only three -charges and counter charges- SprlngfleU as_w.ell as the rest votes ben-ing was Smith with a WINNING BY SUCH a. close beinghqrtedby over-enthusiastic of Uftlom County was again—In— total .of 3260 while- Ceithaml was vote was~not a resounding or party workers rather than by the evidence- Tuesday, when she Control In— "breathing right down the neck spectacular- victory for the candidates themselves. polled a total d 4025- the highest— of the front runners with 3169. G.O.P. administration forces-in- -: Mayor Del Vecchio and Cata- in the TowJIship. A-dded to these voting machine Sprlngfleld but it gives Mayor p'anoJheldjheir ownjn what have Township totals are the following absentee ~DeT"~VecclTfcr greater -depth—in- "usually been strong~Democratic Senator -elect Nelson F.Stam- ballots; Del "Vecchlo:..25 which control since he now has. 4 and districts^ in past elections such ler, -Republican candidate-foMfiat ._Spr.lngfield Republicans re- •gives him a total of 3334. ~Tedge giving him that extra vote as the tenth, eleventh and twelfth. Union1 County .office,'again dis- tained control of ,iherTowTTShip Catapano- received a total of on the Township Committee for But, as usual, the Republicans played fits strength in the Town- Committee with Mayor Philip 27 absentee ballots, making his passing—necessary legislation. ship with 3762 votes." • ".-1-1__ Del Vecchio and Carmen S. .ran wild in the fourth and sixth total -VQie._a2»U. There was no dancing in the districts. ""Mike" Catapano winning from -Smith was given 22 absentee •streets by the Democrats but_ Sheriff Ralph Oriscello was Howard S, Smith and Louis votes which brings his total _to the fact that the election was The third district,.where the high main on the Democratic Ceithaml, the Democratic cand- 3282, just 8 votes short' of practically a "photofinish" with Democrats have had some family ticket in Springfield, next to the idates, ""in a thrilling stretch beco'ming one of the victors. both Smith and Cetthaml almost Troubles, came through for Mayor local caluLidatesj- rolling, up a.. "in"Tuesday's general elec- —Ceithaml received—20_absentee making it, has already inspired Der"Vecchlo and Catapano with- vote'of282«. tlon. ~~— -ballots for a total vote of 3189. the losers to unite and shout, totals of 283 and 285, respec- SpringiLeld vetert also turned —The final count.in the voting Ihfiae_total figures-show, that "wait til next year." tively, as compared with 18,6 for down the public question on.in— machines gav~e Mayor", Del. -Smith was defeated by only eight The Springfield campaign, In Smith and.17.CUor Ceithaml. creasin;g thejenm of sheriff s-by- Vecchio a total of _3.309, high votes while Mayor Del Vecchio, the final weeks, became a-wild- —The vote gettlng-power. of Con- a vote of 232: to 1101. WE WONII Gaiety" prevailedat Legion Hall Tuesday evening as news was received.of a GOP victory f < in Sprlngfield^yWhooping it up, Mt LQ_right,_are Carmen 'Mike' Catapano winning candidate, Bill Coonz, i_MEMBER OF THE"WA"TCHCN "G"'"WEEKLIES NEWSPAPER CHAIN COP campaign manager, ^snd-Mayer Philip Del Vecchio who was elected to another term. (Dick-Schwartz) VOL, 33 NO. 4 SPRINGFIELD. N.J. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER?,. 1962 Barriers Ladies Of Unico r Cut Accidents SPRINGFIELD ELECTIONRETURJVS •Injuries caused by vehicles Plan Gala Affair —runningJnto _the_centei arc-a of HOUSE OF ' DISTRICTS talented dance artist Miss Bunny Route 22" dropped 75 per cent The Crystal Charity Ball is 9 1CT" 11 12 ~ 1$ > of-Springfield. REPRESENTATIVES -1 2 > . after installation of a center 'shaping up as one of the holiday Preceding the Ball; there will" •9 barrier, aciording to a special ^jesson's.-. gayer, events, as be .many cocktail parties given by 156 172 124 97 125 " 142 157 study by the New Jersey High- revealed 'by ..Mrs.—Fredrick" Lillan-W^Egolf 220 . 150 -.272-. 309 -262 . J33 2320 committee members. They, will • y/ayr^ Department's". Bureau of_ _Puorro, President of -rite-SpFing- Florence P. 'Dwyer 277 249 ' 331 " 41.8 387 ' 507 \ 237 " 208 309' ' 316" 265 3S4~*>—208^— -4025 ' l-start with a bangupparty at the Planning, and Traffic. field Ladies of • Unico. The 'ele- Arch in Short Hills on November The study covered 1,274 re- gant Apollo Ballroom of theHotel 13th, after whieh-.the committee . ported accidents in Route -22 Suburban in Summit on Saturday STATE SENATE- will travel to the—Paper Mill five-year pen _4&_|_evening November 24thr'wTir~l5e over a Playhouse to witness a perfor- months before : and 42 months the scene of the gala benefit. - H. Roy Wheeler 211 188 147- 116 152 188 -226 173 295 321 300 2640 —Geek-tails'" and hot hors mance of the popular musical -m- afterafter installation of a cen- Nelson F. Stamler 228 242 408 358 467 223 _2U~~- - 283 299 271 3762 —ter barrier. d'oeuvres will be- serred-fr< •_?, then dancing to the music Chairman of_the~Ba"ll is Mrs. .-- The Bureau of Planning an of the Suburbanites—wj-11 follow. Joseph PrinclpTof Mountainside. SHERIFF --^- Traffic' commented in it's re- In THe featured spotlight "at this- Mrs.- Vinceat_J3onadles is her rt, _"these__siudie5Jmdicated co-chairman, Mrs. Azeglio Pan- •fal-1 fete will Jae a bright, sparkl- that to. reduce aeeidems and cut cani Jr. Is in charge of patrons. -207 118 155 177 185 274 192 ing review by the "STAR OF Ralph Oriscello 340 Tsr "321 fatalities, .it is desirable that "-She—will be""assisted by Mrs. •TOMORROW.-- • The "STAR- Edwin A. Baldwin 221 206 303' ; 788 348" 451 199 143 251 233 203 3333 fourlane_road.ways have a cen- WilliamDoland and Mrs. Joseph" ter island of some type. - 1 in an-exciting and colorful J^jn£L.l -Where right-of-way width is. FREEHOLDERS JllPari'sian Can"Can", a myster- by Mrs. Charles Rapif-and Mrs. -r-estricted, . the_Jsland ."should ious "-funrfp RhapcnHy" anrf.ih. Vincent Scalara. Mrs. Fred take the farm of "a barrier curb famous. '-ffoxy Bouncing Ball", Puorro with Mrs, Canio Casale ,191 201 143 182 172 269 185 339 to reduce head on collisions." John C. Demos 349 311 2750 plus a few audience participation will arange—for theorizes. Mrs. Barriers have been installed Samuel Davidson 188- -148 188 1-70- =279 190 -"348 -35S:'_ "319 numbers. A group called the Anthony ZarreHoT-Mrs.Domlnick : 2798 on__m_any other highways but "Old_Timers" wiirbring-back- La Morgese, Mrs. Nicholas Mon- Richard J. Barrett 198 202 150 182. 175 272 188 345 351 312 2798 .have not been in tanlno, Jr., ;Mrs. -Nicholas the g-ooa o\6_ days in music-and " J. Andrew Stemmer 226 202 '356' 441 ^307 ' 144 :23i 203 230 3362 ..lenough _tp pefrmit glance and travel down memory- Dr Giorgio -and—Mrs.- William" 'Statistical comparisons. --p _ Mary C. KaanKananee 239 A- 203- "353 441 ^- 201 145 249 230 199 225 lane.~The choreographe Is t-he- Royal will act as floaters, Hostesses _toc ihe~evening will Raymond Moore — —22!^—198 353 445 2Q5_ 145 J255 224 197 226 .... However.. ~ the- appreciatipn of .be Mrs. Robert Pellegrino, Mrs. motorists and civic groups is hil Statile, Mrs. Joseph _GOfiONER =—evjfjent in the many requests, for Church 235 Parillo, Mrs.—Salvatore\In|ate, Thstallatpnl.oLthe safety devices Mrs. Joseph Di Palhra-and-Mrs-. o —en-mult-i-land highways-which are 204" "109 -336 n Yrs. Old Sun. "Frank Deflno.. • Publicity and Samuel P. DeMartino 198 149__rT73 5- 165 271 188_ 347 314_ 171 ' 276 still without ' them. Lalnment is Jiandled by-Mrs. '"J37JA~:fac"t"or7which must be_con- The — Springfield -—Methodise ;JohnCJ,- ..freemaa- 195 _178.~"r_J74 274_ I_185 - - ' 337 r : _ 343 318 , Hi 2768 sidered in all", comparison of RurctL "St Main Strppr ami _John Gi^Blewett ~ i_?3 173 - .172 "273 T83—~332" 333 313 -./—W.* 2738^ Academy -Green, will observed traffic Accidents is the steadily Anna M. Mu-rray=- 218 ' 198 ~ 137-.. 246 "-228 201 - • 219 " LS2""" 3262 ' mounting volume i ravel. - -its—135th Anniversary Sunday-, Galdwell jJ.-Mark Haddock 2I8 N November. 11 at 10:45 A.M. "and ""TuesdayrNovember 13p .1902 at 198 136" 242 Z_ ' 229 196 " -214 ~.1-$S 3262"^ ' at 3:00 P-.Mr ~ ' 8:15-pTm. James Caldwell School . Dolores. H. Johnson 218 439 196 139— -245 230 _203 217 J5-5 4251. == ?rt-the-i:morning Worships" Ser- will hold its annual card party Rabbi-Levins vice which begins" at-10:45 Rev. and dessert bridge. "Harry W. Goodrich, District There will-also 'beCtrfashioi ,. Superintendent' of the Southern •show by-the Babs Shop of Summit. iOMMITT-EE Appointed District of the Newark Annual Many table and door_prizes will Conference will be the speaker.. be raffelecLoff. — Howard S. Smith . 256 There will be—special- music Everyone is urged to attend ana To Committee by the^ choir under leadership have a_yer"y good r|mp _Louis F. CeithamW_253 1 Mrs. Th.elma Sahdmeler, Prifi- of Norman Simons, organist_and- bring your own.cards. Philip Del Vecchio 205 J-i-=1eipar-of Gaudineer~Tunio/~High dlr.ector of music. • , " ",' Carmen S. Catapano^ 198 Scfiool ana Chairman of the In- the afternoon at 3 o'clock Juvenile-Conference Committee there will be a joyful meeting Russillo in Springfield, recently announc- in .the sanctuary with an.old- "ABSENTEE BALLOTS^Del Vecchio, 25; Total - 3,334,-Gfitapano. 27; Total - 3,290. ed the appointment by "jtklge-R-v- fashioned Hymn sing led-by the- - • . Smith.
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