&& tfaa Hews 'at BED BANK Told Fearlessly nnd Without Bias, Issued Weekly, Entered, es Seeond-Clsss Matter at the Post* Subucriptlon Pricei One Tear $1.50 VOLUME LVI, NO. 3. oKka at Ikd Bank. H> 3,, under tlio Act et March 8, 1E7S. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY. 12,1933. Six Months 31,00, Single Cop? 4c. PAGES 1 TO 8. BOYS IN CAMP, To Confer About WRITTEN ON COFFEB. Red Bank Boys Enjoying Vacation A Letter from Montana on a. Thin * In Her 92d Year In Pennsylvania, «dge Sheet of Metal. Several Red Bank boys are en- On exhibition In the display window Old Landmark in the Village joying part of their summer vacation Seabright Officials Want Part at The Public Invited to Attend of Tho Register office ia a letter writ- George Antonides Elected Coun- Depoeitorg of the Mechasts Trust Miss Sara M. Willett for Sixty at Camp Llndcnmcre, Wolmenadorf, ten with ink on a copper sheet which Years Waa a School Teacher Center Torn Down end the Pennsylvania, which is under the di- Highland Beach Left Standing Ceremonies to be Held at was received by Mrs. J, A. Van- cilor of Onward Council, Jun- Company Will Get P«ynttnt« • in This Part of Monmouth Lumber to be Used to Build a rection of Georgo Strauss of the Red for Use of Fire Apparatus— Camp Happiness at Leonardo Scholck of Newman Springs road. ior Order United American July 30 Instead of Septcftsfef* County—Varied Experiences. Bank high school faculty. Among Conference This Week. Friday Afternoon. Tho copper i3 not much thicker than Mechanics Monday Night. 30 aa Agreed Upon. Bungalow. the boya now at camp ore Joseph paper and it is almost as flexible. It Misa Sara M. Willett of Red Bank, The anciont wheelwright shop on Eschelbach, Barnard Taylor, Paul At a meeting of tho Scabrlght Camp Happiness at Leonardo, the wa3 sent to Mrs. VanSchoie.lt by her George H. Antonides was elected "Duo to our very satisfactory cash whoso 02d birthday will occur Fri- the main road at Holmdel la no Robert do la Reuosille and Frederick mayor and council Friday night, Ed- summer vacation home of the New brother, Herman Pagcnkopf of councilor of Onward council, Junior position the board of directors of day, September 20, la now boarding Anaconda, Montana. In the letter „.» «„„„„ more. It has been torn down and Williamson, who arc serving as Jun- ward W. Wise, borough attorney, Jersey Blind Men's club, will bo the Order United American Mechanics, The Merchants Trust company ban at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo ior councilors; Henry Hagerman, stated that he had made arrange- scene Friday afternoon of tho un- Mr. Pagenkopf Invites his sister to at the annual meeting of that organ- She = 1'- >»»*' <• *•»"? «».* J*. <^" ordered that the payment due to de- Fields of WWallace Jones of Keyport to build a bunga- Richard Weir, John Davis, Robert ments with Harold I* Jones, a mem- veiling, of a tablet in honor of Mrs. visit him this summer and 5ee how ization Monday night In tho lodge positors on September 30, 1033 be ad- there last week alter having mado Davis, Elmer VanBrunt, Donald ber of the state board of commerce Harry B. Epstein and Mrs. William the copper js made. rooms on Broad street. Along with anced and paid July 30, 1033." hor homo a number of ycara with low for his own use in the Montroso section of Atlantic township, near MacConnell, Leonard Sachs, Mar- and navigation, to bo in Seabright 13. Lehman, the founders of the tho other officers elected that night, This statement has been authorised Mr, and Mra. George Walls-of Maple chall Algor and Robert McKee. next week to confer with tho mayor camp. The post band of Fort Han- the new councilor vras Installed by o be published by Kenneth H. Mc» avenue. With her at her now home Colt's Neck. Mr, Jones, who is a George T. Riker, state council Inside carpenter recently bought two acres and council regarding the old bridge cock will provide; music and the new- Queen, the president of Tho Mer- la hor nleco, Mrs. Bertha Folhcmuo, at Highland Beach. This structure ly organized glee club of the Blind Chicken Supper,' sentinel, who was assisted by Ray- chants Trust company bank. A re- formerly of Scobeyvlllo. of Montroso land from Mrs. William mond K, Oonklln, marshal of the lo- Mack. Is to bo torn "down after tho new Men'3 club will sin?. Among those ort, aa to the condition of tho banls Asldo from hor snow white hair bridge is opened and the Seabright scheduled to speak aie Governor A. cal lodge. and a Blight deafness, Misa WlHett Tho wheelwright shop waa owned Carnival, Dance 13 published elsewhere In The Reg- by Chrlney Holmes, It adjoined the officials want a short section left Harry Moore, Mayor Meyer Ellen- Mr. Antonides succeeds Dr. E. A. ister. It Indicates that The Mer- Klves little indication of her advanced standing on the Highland Beach side stein of Newark, Commissioner Wil- ycaro. She has the full UBO of all blacksmith shop which Is rented by Annual St. Gabriel's Church Af- chants Trust company is la n. very faculties except that of hearing and Robert. Sutphln from Mr. Holmes. for the use of fire apparatus to pump liam J. Ellis of the state department prosperous condition. thero ia nothing about hor appear- Tho timbers and many other things water from the river In case of fire. of institutions and agencies, Miss L. fair to be Held on Church jand installed Monday night follow: Before the bank waa re-organteod ance to lead Dno to believe that sho about tho old building which has Cainpaign Under Way to Make Tho commissioners assert that the Y. Hayes of the state commission for Grounds at Bradevelt Tuesday Vice councilor—RuaBcil K. Scott. last March the depositors signed an $2,500 for Fitkin Memorial section would not be an obstruction the blind, former State Senator J. RecordinK nccretary—P. J. Gieicaon. haa reached the ago of four ecore just been razed Indicate that it must Night, July 25. ARfiintant recording eecretnry—E. R. agreement whereby their money was and twelve. bo almost aa old BB Holmdel Itself. Hospital by Selling 25,000 to navigation, but would insure ade- Henry Harrison of Essex county, Mitchell. to be paid back to them over a per- quate protection against fire to build- David I. Kelley, secretary of the Es- The annual chicken supper and Financial secretary—W. C. Dennis. Miss WiHctt haa a wonderful mem- The beams and flooring wero hewed Jig-Saw Puzzles in the County. Treasurer—A. E. Baker. iod of 42 months In semi-annual In- with an adz. Tho flooring ia of white ings in the Highland Beach area. sex county park commission and Wil- carnival of St. Gabriel's church at stallments of ten and fifteen pev ory. For sixty years oho was a pub- liam J. Adlckcs of the Blind Men's Conductor—Stanley PatterBon. lic school teachor, nerving In this ca- oak l'/j Inches thick. Not compris- Tho Fitkin Memorial hospital ex- Councilman Michael Devereaux, Bradevelt will be held on the church Warden—Everett V, Anderson. cent. On the day the bank rc-opened who is the leading musician of the club. The public is invited to attend. grounds Tuesday night, July 25. Sup- Innide ucntinel—Harry Archer. pacity at varloua little "old rodochool- ing part of tho building but stored! ecutive committee has bought 25,000 Outside nentlncl—Itichard A. Kirhy. each depositor was entitled to with- on tho second floor evidently for use ' council, Dtatod that the band will give "Camp Happiness was opened at per will be served at half-past five draw ten per cent of his or her 4©" housea" In thte part of Monmouth jig-saw puzzles from tho Smack Atlantic Highlands In 1927. In 1930 Samuel E. Clark waa elected a county. She waa also principal of the In wheolwrlghting waa one huge puzzle manufacturing company of concerts on tho playground probably o'clock. Music for dancing will he posit. Under the terms of the agree- beam of whlto oak sixteen feet long, once a week. He also said the band the club built a two-story house, supplied by Glvena's orchestra. trustee for a period .of three years. ment, a withdrawal of fifteen par Oakland street school at Red Bank, Highlands to bo sold In conjunction 30x60 feet, at Leonardo which accom- Raymond K, Conklln was named for holding this position when oho re- eighteen inches wide at one end, with tho hospital's drive for funds is rehearsing for the new bridge A chest of silver will bo disposed cent could bo made six months later tired from active work 85 years ago. fourteen Inches wide at tho other end opening celebration and that the modates 25 men. During the warm two years. Harry Archer was elect- on September 30. for tho care of charity patients. weather months contingents of blind of on the co-operative plan. Outside ed trustee for the one-year term. J. and 3% Inches thick. •> Young women in nurses' uniforms Soabright band will bo the first to of ordinary channels the carnival fa The Willett family wero among pass over tho bridge when it 13 men spend vacations of two months Edgier Bray was elected chaplain. Things have gone no well with fch® the -early- settlers- of America; Immi- - Mr. Jones found a number of cur- will visit tho various communities in the church's largest source of an- bank that Instead of having to wait, - opened.
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