1554 Cough Suppressants Expectorants Mucolytics and Nasal Decongestants Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The value of mu- Profile Preparations colytic therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Clobutinol hydrochloride is a centrally acting cough suppressant Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) (COPD—p.1112) is controversial. Two studies have reported for non-productive cough (p.1547) that has been given orally in some improvements in lung function in patients with chronic doses of 40 to 80 mg three times daily; it has also been given by Multi-ingredient: Ital.: Localyn. bronchitis given carbocisteine for up to 6 months,1,2 but it ap- subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection. However, peared to have no effect on the number of acute exacerbations.1 the EMEA has recommended for its withdrawal due to the risk However, later studies3,4 have reported reductions in the number of QT interval prolongation. Cloperastine (rINN) of acute exacerbations; the number of common colds was also Preparations Cloperastina; Clopérastine; Cloperastinum; HT-11. 1-{2-[(p- lower in the carbocisteine group in one of the studies.4 Carbo- Chloro-α-phenylbenzyl)oxy]ethyl}piperidine. cisteine may also produce some beneficial effects on sputum rhe- Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) ology.2,5 Arg.: Proking; Silomat†; Austria: Silomat†; Belg.: Silomat†; Braz.: Silo- Клоперастин mat†; Chile: Broncodual; Calfetos; Clobatos†; Cloval; Pulbronc Simple; Si- C H ClNO = 329.9. 1. Grillage M, Barnard-Jones K. Long-term oral carbocisteine ther- lomat†; Cz.: Silomat†; Fin.: Mixtus; Silomat†; Fr.: Silomat†; Ger.: Husten- 20 24 apy in patients with chronic bronchitis: a double blind trial with stiller†; Nullatuss†; Rofatuss†; Silomat†; stas-Hustenstiller N†; Tussed†; Gr.: CAS — 3703-76-2 (cloperastine); 132301-89-4 (levoclop- placebo control. Br J Clin Pract 1985; 39: 395–8. Silomat†; Ital.: Silomat-Fher†; Malaysia: Silomat†; Port.: Silomat†; Singa- erastine). 2. Aylward M, et al. Clinical evaluation of carbocisteine (Mucolex) pore: Silomat†; Thai.: Silomat†; Venez.: Silomat†. ATC — R05DB21. in the treatment of patients with chronic bronchitis: a double- ATC Vet — QR05DB21. blind trial with placebo control. Clin Trials J 1985; 22: 36–44. Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Bronquisedan; Bronquisedan Mucolitico; Braz.: Hytos Plus; Silomat Plus†; Chile: Broncodual Compuesto; Cloval Com- 3. Allegra L, et al. Prevention of acute exacerbations of chronic puesto; Pulbronc; Solvanol; Tusabron; Vapoflu; Fr.: Silomat†; Indon.: Silo- obstructive bronchitis with carbocysteine lysine salt monohy- mat Compositum; S.Afr.: Silomat DA†; UAE: Orcinol; Venez.: Silomat drate: a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Res- Compositum†. piration 1996; 63: 174–80. N 4. Yasuda H, et al. Carbocisteine reduces frequency of common colds and exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pul- O monary disease. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006; 54: 378–80. Clofedanol Hydrochloride (BANM, rINNM) 5. Braga PC, et al. Identification of subpopulations of bronchitic patients for suitable therapy by a dynamic rheological test. Int J Chlophedianol Hydrochloride (USAN); Clofédanol, Chlorhydrate Clin Pharmacol Res 1989; IX: 175–82. de; Clofedanoli Hydrochloridum; Hidrocloruro de clofedanol; Preparations SL-501. 2-Chloro-α-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)benzyl alcohol hy- Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) drochloride. Arg.: Mucolitic; Salvitos; Belg.: Bronchathiol†; Muco Rhinathiol; Mu- Клофеданола Гидрохлорид Cl costeine†; Romilar Mucolyticum; Siroxyl; Soludril Expectorans; Braz.: Car- bocin; Carbofan; Carbotoss; Carboxil†; Certuss; Fluitoss; Fluizan†; Mucocis; C17H20ClNO,HCl = 326.3. Mucocistein; Mucofan; Mucoflux; Mucolab; Mucolisil; Mucolitic; Mucolix; CAS — 791-35-5 (clofedanol); 511-13-7 (clofedanol hy- Mucotoss; Chile: Coldin; Cz.: Fenorin; Mucopront†; Pectodrill; Rhinathiol†; drochloride). Cloperastine Fendizoate (rINNM) Fin.: Reodyn; Toclapekt†; Fr.: Actifed Expectorant†; Bronchathiol; Bron- ATC — R05DB10. chokod; Broncoclar; Broncorinol Expectorant†; Bronkirex†; Codotussyl Ex- Clopérastine, Fendizoate de; Cloperastine Hydroxyphenylben- pectorant; Dimotapp Expectorant†; Drill Expectorant; Ergix; Exotoux; Flu- ATC Vet — QR05DB10. zoyl Benzoic Acid; Cloperastine Phendizoate; Cloperastini Fend- ditec; Fluvic; Humex Expectorant; Muciclar; Pectosan Expectorant; izoas; Fendizoato de cloperastina. Pharmakod expectorant; Rhinathiol; Sirop des Vosges Expectorant†; So- lutricine Expectorant†; Toclase Expectorant†; Tussilene†; Ger.: Muco- Cl Клоперастина Фендизоат CH3 pront†; Sedotussin muco†; Transbronchin; Gr.: Allstam; Bronchiole†; Cefla- C20H24ClNO,C20H14O4 = 648.2. vit†; Chilvax; Divalio†; Duxil; Ectofus; Estival; Mucorem†; Mucothiol; CAS — 85187-37-7 (cloperastine fendizoate); 220329- Pneumol; Pulmoclase; Santamex-Expectorant†; Santamex†; Trusil; Hong N Kong: Fluifort; Mucospect; Purasol; Rhinathiol; Solmux; Hung.: Drill Expec- 19-1 (levocloperastine fendizoate). torant; Fenorin; Mucopront; NeoCitran Expectorant; Rhinathiol; Solucis; In- CH3 ATC — R05DB21. don.: Broncholit; Mucocil; Solmux; Irl.: Benylin Clear Action; Exputex; Mu- OH ATC Vet — QR05DB21. codyne; Mucogen; Mucolex; Pulmoclase; Viscolex; Israel: Mical; Mucolit; Mucomed; Ital.: Broncomucil; Bronx†; Carbocit; Fluifort; Lisomucil; Muco- cis; Mucojet†; Mucolase; Mucostar; Mucotreis; Polifluidil†; Polimucil; Reomu- Cloperastine Hydrochloride (rINNM) cil†; Sinecod Tosse Fluidificante; Solucis; Tossefluid†; Jpn: Mucodyne; Ma- Clopérastine, Chlorhydrate de; Cloperastini Hydrochloridum; laysia: Fluifort; Kastipron; Mucopront†; Pabron Cough; Rhinathiol; SCMC; (clofedanol) Mex.: Arbistin; Mucolin; Neth.: Dampo Solvopect; Mucodyne; Pectocold; Hidrocloruro de cloperastina. Rami Slijmoplossende; Rhinathiol; Philipp.: Abluent; Aflem; Ameustyn; Клоперастина Гидрохлорид Bromycil; Broncocent; Broxytone; Carboflem; Carbosol; Cysdexpel; Emux- Pharmacopoeias. In Jpn. el; Esboxyl; Fayerex; Fluralex; Genecar; Lofenin; Loviscol; Mediphlegm; Per- C20H24ClNO,HCl = 366.3. tussin; Phlegmol; Solmux; Solplem; Trimulex; Westcarbox; Zylotin; Zymelyt- Profile CAS — 14984-68-0. ic; Pol.: Mukolina; PectoDrill; Port.: Drill Mucolitico; Finatux; Mucolex; Clofedanol hydrochloride is a centrally acting cough suppressant ATC — R05DB21. Mucorespiral; Mucorhinathiol Infantil; Mucorhinathiol Mucoral; Pulmiben; for non-productive cough (p.1547) that has been given in oral ATC Vet — QR05DB21. Pulmoclase†; Rus.: Bronchobos (Бронхобос); Fluditec (Флюдитек); Flui- fort (Флуифорт); Mucodin (Мукодин); S.Afr.: Acuphlem; Betaphlem; doses of 25 mg three or four times daily. For children’s doses, see Pharmacopoeias. In Jpn. Bronchette; Co-Flem; Flemex; Flemgo; Flemlite; Lessmusec; Medphlem; Administration in Children, below. Mucocaps†; Mucoflem; Mucoless; Mucolinct; Mucosirop†; Mucospect; Sin- Profile gapore: Mucopront†; Rhinathiol; SCMC; Spain: Actithiol; Anatac; Fluidin Administration in children. The following oral doses of Cloperastine is primarily a centrally acting cough suppressant Mucolitico; Iniston Mucolitico; Mucovital; Pectodrill; Pectox; Viscoteina; clofedanol hydrochloride have been recommended for children: used for non-productive cough (p.1547). It also has some antihis- Switz.: Mephathiol; Mucogeran†; Mucoseptal†; Pectox; Rhinathiol; Tus- • 2 to 6 years: 12.5 mg 3 or 4 times daily santiol; Thai.: Amicof; Bocytin; Carbocter; Carbomed; Cisteine†; Exflem; taminic action. The hydrochloride has been given orally as tab- Flemex; Fluifort; I-Cof; Mucolex; Mucomex; Mucopront†; Muflex; Murhinal; • 6 to 12 years: 12.5 to 25 mg 3 or 4 times daily lets in usual doses of 10 to 20 mg three times daily. Cloperastine Rhinathiol; Rhinex; Siflex; Solmux; Throatsil-CBS; Turk.: Mucocis; Mukoliz; fendizoate is used in oral liquid preparations in equivalent doses. Mukotik; UK: Mucodyne; Venez.: Broxolflem; Cisteinol†; Gulaper; Loganil; Preparations Cloperastine fendizoate 17.7 mg is equivalent to about 10 mg of Loviscol; Mucofar; Mucopront. Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) cloperastine hydrochloride. Levocloperastine fendizoate has Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Mucolitic Antitusivo†; Polimucil†; Fr.: Rhinathiol Canad.: Ulone; Hong Kong: Coldrin†; Singapore: Coldrin†; Spain: been used similarly. Promethazine; Gr.: Carbozor; Flemagon; Grupozil; Gutman; Mucostein; Gentos†. Pneumol Plus; Polimucil; Respinorm; Sevlenyl; Sobrein; Sorbexyl; Vanesin; ◊ References. Hong Kong: Mucosin; Rhinathiol Promethazine; India: Caceff; Carbomox; Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Bronco Biotaer†; Causalon Bronquial; Cofron; Gentiabron†; Neo-Tosel†; Notozen; Pectoral Hebert; Selectus FN; Torfan 1. Aliprandi P, et al. Levocloperastine in the treatment of chronic Moxycarb-DT†; Ital.: Broncofluid; Keraflex; Libexin Mucolitico; Malaysia: nonproductive cough: comparative efficacy versus standard an- Mucoease Plus; Rhinathiol Promethazine; SCMC Promethazine†; Mex.: H†; Toxam†; Toxambay; Chile: Bauxol; Brontal; Cofron†; Diadicon; Kolibel; Mucolin A; Philipp.: Solmux-Broncho (Reformulated); Port.: Bronquial; Mucobrol. titussive agents. Drugs Exp Clin Res 2004; 30: 133–41. Niflux; Singapore: Rhinathiol Promethazine; Spain: Actithiol Antihist; Preparations Bronquicisteina; Eduprim Mucolitico; Switz.: Rhinathiol Promethazine; Tri- ofan. Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) Clonazoline Hydrochloride (rINNM) ⊗ Belg.: Lysotossil; Novotossil†; Sekin; Braz.: Seki; Hong Kong: Uncough; Ital.: Cloel; Clofend; Mitituss; Nitossil; Politosse; Privituss;
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