'ODOR tutored by tubas dge, will he held Set it beggar on horseback Put not your trust I 1, he 10 a. m. at the Ind put your money In and he will ride a gallop. e on Main street, trust. is the chairman —110111E1{1' turturi.s —OLIVER W. ii01.MEN 131 OW on sale for of the Indian NIDCVIER odge, which will CWNSik4AN VOLUME 62 NUMBER 6 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 25, 1948 December sat PRICE, 5 CENTS rs the lodge roots, the catered sup- s by December 3. charge of Mrs. VIEWS and Miss Doris VETERANS' HOUSING ALLOYED $560,000 Ill be an early OF at 5:30, the THE Christmas Sum Allows tow. gentlemen, I your memory. Clubs Total Completion i audience—Good NEWS n ome to that? Ity 1,E0NARIP F. It:31 $236,738 Of 56 Units be us he author of ti recent hook oa This Sum Distributed Local Authority Also ro DATE to 1,11 policy remarks that Atner-; ULAR PIANO should realize that world' By 'Iwo Local Banks 'ro Allowed 41/2 Acres Of ag &rancid Students tilt is the most fascinating of tern Harmony 3661 Club Members Land For The Project iuu rests. That may be true, bull banks Race just dis The Anaover Housing Author ay has been allowed $560,000 for Og SLOCOMB sometimes the fascinottlon must; ributed the sum of $236,738 to te, 2037- MK seem to resemble that of it rabbit' heir Christmas club members. the erection of 56 dwelling 11101, for lo weasel—an inability to Che..ks for this amount have for veterans. A "dwelling unit" la- !note from impending disaster.' ,een mailed t. those systematic takes care of one family. n- at only the The State Housing Authority In The citizen looking e.'s who lope been Mak in:2 .n- r ISION acting upon the application of the front page of one newspaper, seek ly deposits during the pas n; st. in open-eyed bewilderment local board, has oils. allowed the pt. ear toward the big Christmas he al Hie headlines. and in sheer des- acquisition of four and one-half Ot- peration probably seeks sanity in acres upon which theme dwellings At the Andover National hallk ft the sports page. Apart from the are to be built. er TER'S domestic mess of the longshore- ,be sum of $138.075 was sent ou Chairman Frederic S. O'Brien to 1981 accounts, and at the An men's strike, he remit; that Arab- of the Andover board said that oat Your Favorite Israeli peace talks collapse, the lover Savings hank $98.663 went the dwelling units approved for 168(1 acc(lunts. ro- United States strengthens its the town would vary front three to tat Marine force in China. Chiang This is a total of 3661 checks six rooms and would be attractive I or DRINK hoot have been received by Christ- rt- Kai-Shek wants more aid. Forres- struetureot of two-story, multi- Jic tal praises Western union on the mas club depositors of the local family type known as garden hanks, a slightly greater number k Street one hand while Charles de Gaulle apartments. en damns Western union, the Mar- than were distributed a year a ;ti Architect Clinton Goodwin of New Christmas clubs star,e1 in by Haverhill who has dime eonsider- en- (Continued on Page Eight) nith banks this week. At the 'Al- ab!e work for the town, has been lover Savings bank it was re :PAIR engaged by the board and IS al- en ported that almost all of the mem- ready at work on the plans bers normally start right in again to 111111 this sum approved the 3T- making new deposits toward the local board has completed part check for next year. Group of Watchf ul High S1•11001 girls ivIto were ushers at the .%mititiver Col tttttt stilly 0,111,4. l'1111- one of the program. 'rhe original At the Andover National bank cert. Front ruts, left to right: Bessie ('bristle, Betty (dgas, Betty %Vi.soit and Arvilla Prescott; amount sought for Andover woos le a new hi-weekly plan was put into E S rear row: Marion %%like, Laura Thompson, Nancy .tdants, Sully Bassett, Judy :11oreland, June Whit- in excess of $600,000. An increase Ia effect. Members deposit once tyortli, Jane (.;alley and Jane Voting. (Look Photo In the amount approved by the TEL. 1176 every two weeks. At the bank it ANDOVER ORCHESTRA state may be made at a later date. was stated that this plan has been although it is not certain. as the PRESENTS ENOYABLE favorably received by the public Punchard, Johnson Friskin Concert actual IllIrOher of homes to be con- in other places and is being offered . FALL YOUTH CONCERT strowted depends upon further Ia here as the newest plan of sys- I n Turkey Day Tilt 1 A large and enthusiastic audi- Sunday Evening analysis of the needs of the vet- tematic savings for Christmas. ence assembled in the Memorial erans. 3r By JACK McCARTHY Miss Kate Friskin's piano recital auditorium Sunday afternoon to The sum allowed the local ar- previously announced for Satur- • Thanksgiving mooning at 10:15 hear the Andover Community Or- botto is at the rate of $10,000 3n, day evening, Nov. 27, will take Tebbetts Scores o'clock on the Andover Playstead, chestra successfully present its per unit and out of this must be Ion place Sunday evening, Nov. 28, at WHEN Punchard High football team will annual fall Youth concert. Paid all development costs in con- all 8 o'clock in Davis hall. The pub- With Service Club play its most important game of the Listeners of all ages were pres- nection with the work. Dill YOU CHOOSE CANDY lie is cordially invited to attend. A record gathering of Andover season, when it clashes with its ent. from surrounding towns and Part two of the program con- er- There is no admission charge. Choose it Wisely Service Club members and their arch rival Johnson. cities and thoroughly enjoyed the sists of submission of a complete guests crowded the Andover Inn The piano concerts annually Get This "Turkey Day Tilt" will de- diversified program presented. The lay-out of the area with surveys 'er last Thursday night when George cide the "Little Three" champion- orchestra under the direction of presented by Miss skin are of the land and drawings of the "Birdie" Tebbetts, Red Sox ship of Greater Lawrence, and it George Brown of Melrose, drew numbered among the highlights of houses. \\lien this is approved by catcher, appeared as guest speaker. will also be the last game of the many rounds of applause through- the town's musical events and the state authorities, the local aid The Nashua, N. H.. insurance season for these two clubs. out the program, and the soloist, always attract an appreciative board will be ready to let contracts wit at Our Store! man related a number of stories. The Blue and Gold, which has Charles Castleman, seven-year-old audience. For her Sunday pro- and to put the first shovel into er, mostly humorous, about some of compiled a record of six wins and violinist of Quincy, was recalled gram Miss Friskin will play works the ground. Illfl EVERY BOX YOU BUY HERE of Scarlatti. Bach, Cesar Franck. the current stars of the game and two defeats compared with John- for an encore after his concerto. With Chairman O'Brien on the rat IS GUARANTEED FRESH Chopin and Debussy. discussed a few of the controver- son's record of four triumphs and The musicians are a truly com- Andover Housing Authority are: rat That's because in our sial issues concerning the Boston live setbacks, seems to have the munity group, one-third of them Atty. Charles G. Hatch. Winthrop club. Newcomb, Ernest N. Hall and MEE Whitman's Refrigerated edge, but in a contest such as this from Andover, another third from Legion To Entertain Candy Department every box Introduced by Harold W. Wen- all records can he thrown out the the rest of Greater Lawrence, and Stanley Swanton, the latter ap- of these delicious confections nik, the speaker launched into window. the rest from Haverhill and as far P.H.S. Football Team pointed by the state. keps its richness and tastiness the choice of Gatehouse as pitcher the way you want them—the The Andover boys, under the lead- away as Plaistow, N. H.. Danvers Punchard High school's football in the play-off game with Cleve- way you expect them from ership of Coach Walter Roberts and and Belmont. The explanatory team will be guests of Andover post, PIANO TUNING Ile land that decided the pennant. Whitman's! Donald Dunn, will be out to avenge remarks by Mr. Brown aided the t. Reminding his audience that he, 8, American Legion, Thursday eve. ALFRED H. PETTINELLY last year's defeat, while Johnson audience of young and old to more fling, December 2. Tebbetts, had a $6,000 stake in MEMBER guided by Coach George Lee and thoroughly enjoy the program. A fine program has been arranged American ., Tichmcian that game, he went on to say that Amscan Society Piono r Phillip Miller, hopes to continue its All these people. the audience by Commander Kenneth L. Sher- Lawrence Mcii. DALTON considering all circumstances, 5 Berkely St. No and members of the orchestra, man anti his committee. Principal Gatehouse was the correct choice winning streak. Telephone, Low. 29518 UlOS The following are the probable combined to make a real contri- Eugene V.
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