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I et* 000.0 rre sgrso sorea upe-og eta *004000-a5 6e4, atts....v..t.%) 4ffJpeaG43. 2.050561 266600662 iiko&,•64"1e.3.2.5663106:, 6110&&eD6lbo& 4446 040.6 r00 6:6y4.60 8coaD2026 06250 &D. a 06/0001-300 OAF httaltivent.mateecommerce.comor gate 066 1065008,4 32 10.08.2029, oidafoo 11:00 halo Saia 221 *OD rkao SS& 3420566. 4. %too cant a aS6,tvo85 actSanc: 2004540 5'64 6010132 www.iba0Lin, www.maticecommercearn. Irtemileprocure499v.Inktoublish/ aop & viww.onbIndlain. Ser&ame. :5066.56.). do : 93.07.2020 a 4102.0. i00 : Zane:are 6 alai TITF1•1,11,119IRV FIRV VLL meeting prescribed QUALIFYING CRITERIA for the work of "REPAIR ernment to estab- banks, which can collect plasma & RESTORATION WORK OF OVERHEAD RCC WATER TANK (02 cated Covid plasma from Covid survivors. Some of NOS) AT TERRACE LEVEL OF G+9 STORIED S. N. BOSE BHAVAN in every district. these banks, both under private WITHIN THE PREMISES / CAMPUS OF INDIAN STATISTICAL letter addressed to and public control, must be des- INSTITUTE (155, KOLKATA." Minister YS Jagan ignated as COVID plasma banks. Interested Bidder(s) will have to be enrolled & registered with the El Reddy, the TDP They can be stocked with the Government e-Procurement System; through logging on to ting some reports, plasma collected from recovered https://eprocure.gov.in. bed the plasma COVID-19 patients. This would Addendum I Corrigendum, If any, shall be hosted in Company's reatment as one of be crucial in aiding the recovery website: www.bridgeroof.co.in and CPP portal : https://eprocure.gov.in the most effective of current and potential patients only. and affordable with breathing issues," he said. THE LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF OFFER(S) : ON OR BEFORE 06.08.2020. tnam Branch: LIC BUILDING, VISAKHAPATNAM Visakha Pa o II pumab national bank ANDHRA PRADESH 530004, PH. 0891.2563216, 0891-2752001, _Me name you can !BANK upon! Uil il E-mail: [email protected] (A Government Of India Undertaking) SALE NOTICE FOR SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets end E-Auction 8 (61 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules 2002. • Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 read with proviso to Rule Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower (s) and Guarantor (s) that the below described immovable property mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the constructive/physical/ symbolic possession of which has been taken by the and "Whatever there is" Basis on the date Authorized Officer of the Bank/ Secured Creditor, will be sold on "As is where ie, "As is what is", as mentioned in the table herein below, for recovery of its dues due to the Bank/ Secured Creditor from the respective borrower (s) and guarantor (s).
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