Public Document Pack Town Hall Royal Tunbridge Wells Monday, 7 April 2014 To the Members of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council I request your attendance at a meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to be held at the Council Chamber, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1RS, on Wednesday, 16 April 2014, at 6.30 pm, when the following business is proposed to be transacted. 1 Apologies for absence 2 Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest by Members in items on the agenda. For any advice on declarations of interest, please contact the Monitoring Officer. 3 Announcements To receive announcements from the Mayor, the Leader of the Council, members of the Cabinet and the Chief Executive. 4 The minutes of the previous meeting dated 26 February 2014 (Pages 1 - 16) The minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 February 2014 to be approved as a correct record. 5 Questions from members of the public To receive questions from members of the public, of which due notice has been given, pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 8, to be submitted and answered. 6 Questions from members of the Council To receive questions from members of the Council, of which due notice has been given, pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10, to be submitted and answered. 7 Our five year plan 2014 -2019 (Pages 17 - 84) 8 Appointment of Mayor and Deputy Mayor Elect 2014/15 (Pages 85 - 88) 9 To record the Council's appreciation for the Mayor To record the Borough Council’s appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the Mayor and the assistance given to him by the Mayoress during his period of office. 10 Urgent Business To discuss any business the Mayor has decided is urgent. 11 Comm on Seal of the Council To authorise the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any contract, minute, notice or other document arising out of the minutes, or pursuant to any delegation, authority or power conferred by the Council. William Benson Chief Executive Agenda Item 4 TUNBRIDGE WELLS BOROUGH COUNCIL MINUTES of a meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, duly convened and held at the Council Chamber, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1RS, at 6.30 pm on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 PRESENT: The Mayor Councillor Dr Ronen Basu (Chairman) Councillors Backhouse, Barrington-King, Bulman, Chapelard, Mrs Cobbold, Mrs Crowhurst, Cunningham, Derrick, Elliott, Dr Hall, Hastie, Hill, Hills, Holden, Horwood, Jukes, Lewis, March, Mrs Mayhew, McDermott, Neve, Noakes, Ms Palmer, Patterson, Poile, Price, Rogers, Rook, Rusbridge, Scholes, Scott, Smith, Mrs Soyke, Stanyer, Mrs Thomas, Tompsett, Wauchope, Ward, Weatherly, Webb, Weeden, Williams and Woodward IN ATTENDANCE: William Benson (Chief Executive), Paul Cummins (Legal Services Manager/Monitoring Officer) and Wendy Newton-May (Democratic Services Officer) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENC E FC46/13 Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bothwell, Hall (G), Lockhart and Waldock. DECLARATIONS OF INTE REST FC47/13 There were no declarations of interest. ANNOUNCEMENTS FC48/13 The Mayor made the following announcements: (a) Since the last Full Council meeting he had attended approximately 40 events, the important ones being: • Speech days at various schools. • The Holocaust Memorial on 27 January 2014, along with the Leader and Councillors Backhouse and Tompsett, as well as Mr and Mrs Wakefield and a few others. • Celebrating the success and enthusiasm of the High Street Traders. • Welcoming the Wiesbaden students and a visit from Italian students. • Welcoming his Excellency the Indian Ambassador who took over in January this year and conveyed greetings from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. • The collection of the Commonwealth Flag from Viscount De L'Isle from Maidstone which will be raised on 10 March 2014 along with all the Councils in Kent – a total of 500 flags throughout the country. The Mayor invited all other members to attend the event if they so wished. • A visit to Mascalls School along with the Mayor of Tonbridge to join a discussion about remembering the 1 st World War. The Mayor advised that a sculpture of a life size statue would be installed in Tonbridge Park and possibly, subject to sufficient fund raising, at Dunorlan Park. Page 1 Agenda Item 4 (b) The Mayor informed members that he had visited Councillor Bothwell in Pembury Hospital, who sent his good wishes to all. The Leader of the Council, Councillor Jukes, had the following announcements to make: (a) He advised that on 10 February 2014 the Council completed the sale of the former council office site in Cranbrook to McCarthy and Stone Ltd. The sale for £2,159,581 brought the total raised from the sale of non-performing, surplus land assets to over £3.57 million. Councillor Jukes re-iterated that his priority was to get the best deal for residents after the collapse of the Regeneration Company and he expressed his delight that this had been achieved. He advised that planning permission had been granted for McCarthy and Stone Ltd to build a 26 unit assisted living complex on the High Street site and work on this was expected to begin later this year. (b) Councillor Jukes informed members that the draft Vision for the town of Tunbridge Wells and the wider borough had been published on 14 February 2014 for a six week public consultation. The document set out what the Leader wanted the Council to achieve in the next five years to ensure Tunbridge Wells remained a prosperous, green and confident borough. Councillor Jukes pointed out that the graphics used in the document were for illustration purposes only and not what the end product would look like. The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Health, Wellbeing and Rural Communities, Councillor Cunningham, encouraged members to attend a charity Frog Race on 15 March 2014 at the New Swan Pub in Sandhurst at 7.30pm. The Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Leisure and Economic Development, Councillor March, reminded members of the Birdsong production currently at the Assembly Hall Theatre until the 1 March 2014, which marked the 100 th anniversary of the start of the First World War. Councillor Horwood spoke of a charity golf day on 26 March 2014 organised by Tunbridge Wells Mental Health Resource, of which he was Chairman. He invited members to enter as they were currently short of teams. Councillor Holden congratulated the Leader on the sale of the former council office site in Cranbrook was very good news for the town. THE MINUTES OF THE P REVIOUS MEETING DATE D 11 DECEMBER 2013 FC49/13 The minutes of the meeting dated 11 December 2013 were presented for approval. Councillor Bulman referred to a typographical error in minute reference FC43/13 where the word ‘weary’ appeared instead of ‘wary’. RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting dated 11 December 2013 be approved as a correct record, subject to the above typographical error being amended. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBE RS OF THE PUBLIC FC50/13 There were no question from members of the public. Page 2 Agenda Item 4 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBE RS OF THE COUNCIL FC51/13 Question 1 from Councillor Patterson (read out by Councillor Neve) Is the Leader of the Council satisfied with the quality of the out of hours emergency contact service used by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council? If not, what is being done to improve it? Response from Councillor March, Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Leisure and Economic Development On 1 October 2013 we transferred our out of hours call handling to Medway CCTV Control Centre as a result of our previous provider, KCC, having withdrawn the service at end September. We have been working very closely with Medway since the start of the new contract to ensure as smooth a transition as possible and they have responded positively and quickly to any concerns we have raised. As with any new service there will always be a period of bedding in and adjustment and Medway have demonstrated a willingness to resolve issues as they arise. Medway also provide an out of hours service for Swale and Maidstone and during the recent period of extreme weather they had to cope with a sudden significant increase in the number of emergency calls. When the Council became aware of this it immediately opened its own emergency centre. We are now reviewing arrangements with Medway however in the event of major emergency situations arising out of hours the Council will always have staff on standby ready to invoke our own local arrangements. I am satisfied that everything is being done to remedy the problems and I am confident that Medway have the ability to provide the service to the standard we require. There was no supplementary question. Question 2 from Councillor Backhouse What support will Tunbridge Wells Borough Council be giving to Sherwood's Jobs Fair on Friday 21 March 2014? Response from Councillor Jukes, Leader of the Councillor I am fully supportive of the Jobs Fair that is being organised in Sherwood at the TN2 centre and the support being given by the Sherwood Councillors. The Borough Council via the Sherwood project is providing support. Initiated by Greg Clark and the Job Centre Plus, other Stakeholders are now fully engaged. Six or seven companies have already agreed to attend the event and all job seekers and NEETs (not in education, employment or training) in Sherwood will be required to attend the Jobs Fair on the 21 March which is excellent news. With taster sessions from Adult Education, CV support and money advice the event is about preparing for work as well as getting work. In the week running up to the event all local partners will be handing out leaflets proactively to clients and at key venues.
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