84th Year, Number 15 Watervliet, Michigan 49098, Berrien County, Thursday, March 23, 1967 10 Cents a Copy Debbie Sprague Chosen Miss Watervliet of 1967 Tears of joy filled Ihe eyes of She was an audience favorite blossomland theme of Around Deborah Sprague as Charlene from the beginning of the eve- the World, which country would Camp, Miss Watervliet of 1938, ning and they registered over- you like to visit most, and crowned her "Miss Watervliet of whelming approval when she why?" Debbie's answer was, "I 1967" in Tuesday nights queen was named Miss Watervliet. would like to visit France tha contest held in the Watervliet Gowned in an empire styling very most because I have taken gym. of white chiffon over chiffon French for two years and I have Beautiful brown haired, green with a full length skirt falling in seen movies and read a lot about eyed Debbie captured the hearts soft folds and sleeveless. The the country. Thank you." of everyone watching, and just bodice was white with embroid- Debbie is a busy girl as she couldn't believe it was happen- ered yellow flowers and em- works part lime in her fathers ing to her. broidered olive green trim with grocery store and is a student In an interview over WHFB- an olive green bow accenting the teacher for the Vi Shaffer School FM radio immediately following empire styling, with long olive of Dance, where she has been a the contest, Debbie stated she green streamers down the front, student herself for the past ten entered "because everyone who with a flowing panel in the back years. Among other things she ran for Miss Watervliet always of white chiffon. sings in the Petite Chorale and looked like they were having Still in dream-land Wednesday her church choir. fun, and I wanted to be a part morning, Debbie had to check to Runnersup were Connie Biev- of it." She also said "I can see if her crown was still beside ins, daughter of Mr. Raymond hardly believe this is happening her bed where she had put it Bievins and Mrs. Edith Green, to me. it is like a dream come the night before. She carried on and Susan Day, daughter of Mr. true." her regular duties by attending and Mrs. Carl E. Day. TTie trio Poised and charming, Debbie Watervliet High school and her made a lovely looking sight, and radiated sparkling personality regular classes. is no wonder why the judges had and excitement throughout the After all the eliminations were a hard time making a decision, evening. She is the daughter of made and the three final girls standing side by side on the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sprague, and stood before the audience each Arabian setting stage entitled "A 'Miss Watervliet of 1967" — Deborah Sprague a junior in the local high school. was asked the same question, Night in Arabia." which was "in keeping with the Blonde haired, blue eyed Con- nie Bievins, first runnerup, is a senior in WftTWvliet High school and is eighteen years of age. EASTER EGG HONT TO She was gowned in pink chiffon formal with a pink lace bodice over chiffon and she wore long BE HELD SATURDAY elbow length white gloves. The thirty-second annual Second runnerup Miss Susan Easter Egg hunt for children of Day was gowned in a yellow the area will be held in Water- chiffon formal with a yellow lace vliet on Saturday afternoon, bodice over chiffon. She wore March 25, at Hays Park field matching yellow shoes and white from 2 to 3 p.m. elbow length gloves. Susan is a Dozens of eggs and the usual senior in the local high school cash prizes. Don't forget to pass and has lovely brown hair and the word along to the "small hazel eyes. egg hunters". Voted by the contestants them- In ease of incumbent weather selves for "Miss Congeniality" the egg hunt will set over to was Lorraine Pater, daughter of Easter Sunday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pater. She same time. is a student of the St. Joseph The hunt Is sponsored by the Catholic school in St. Joseph Social Aciivities Committee of where she is a senior. the Watervliet Paper Company. The contest was held on the stage of Wateniiet High school which was decorated in an Ara- Watervliet faculty bian Theme with light blue and nips Coloma, 68-66 white background with twinkling stars and scenes of camels The Watervliet faculty kept (Cent, on Page 16, Col. 3) their hex intact over their Co- loma counterparts Monday eve- ning with a thrilling overtime Western Michigan Male win,, 68-66. Chorus To Present Concert Casey Clark led Coloma with The Wateniiet High school 32 points, while Wallmon for French Club will present the Watervliet got 20 points. • Western Michigan Male Chorus The game was a benefit for in concert on Tuesday. April 6th the Ciib Scouts, but the crowd at 8 o'clock in the high school was smalt because the game gym. bad not been publicized before. The proceeds are to go toward the expenses of .he students traveling and studying in France Spring Vacation Begins On this summer. Friday For City Schools Tickets are being sold by members of the French Club Connie Bievins, 1st Runnerup; Queen Debbie; Susan Day, 2nd Runnerup - Norman Photos St. Joseph Catholic school will and also at the door. Donations stait their spring vacation at are $1.00 for adults and .50c for the end of the class day Thurs- students. day, March 23. and resume at Several Races In Spring Election April 3rd the regular time Monday morn- w 1111 tn i! n. i ing. April 3. WHAT IS IT? What looked like a routine candidates will be. present Commissioner for a one year The Watervliet Public school election has turned into some- Mayor, Robert Flaherty and his term is unopposed Richard W. spring vacation will begin on We've got a real toughle for what of a spirited campaign. At opponent Frank Pflugradt. Sr. Fox. Commissioners for a two Friday noon, March 24. Elemen- our guesscrs this week. It will the last minute different candid- Treasurer candidate William year term, for which they need tary schools will be dismissed be found on page 14. ?,J) calls ates turned in their pelitions and Paul Jones is unopposed this three, are Clare E. Shepard, at 11:30 and high school at 11:40 will be accepted until after 1 entered the race. year, the same with Thomas P. Elliott B. Spreen, Richard a.m. There will be no kindergar- p. m. on Thursday. The first Elections will be held Monday, Yore, who is candidate for as- Bridges, Lester J. Mundt, How- ten classes either morning or five people with the correct sessor. April 3, and will be held in City ard Null and Milton Lamplot. afternoon on the 24th. answers will receive free tick» Supervisor candidates a r • Kail. Everyone Ib urged to get Bartley C. Rose is unopposed Regular schedules will resume eta to the Loma Theatre. out and vote for their candidate. Richard H. Woodruff and Stan- as constable as is Arvid Frazier for all classes on Monday, April For the position of Mayor, ley F. Monroe. for Board of Review. S. Page TWO The Watervliet Record, Watervliet, Michigan, Thursday, March 23, 1967 lows: "Bounding east by street 1/5 acre, opposite J. W. Red- The WatervHet Record, Watervliet, Michigan, ThunJay, March 23, 1967 Page THREE which faces the saw mill, north ding's store." It was valued at WATERVLIET by land owned by J. Kellogg, $100. be more than 10 percent when A dependent parent who died on Where the dependent lives in hia west by street which faces the This house, now vacant, was multiple support elections apply. January 1, 1966, likewise would own home, the fair rental value Reminiscing With church lot and south by lot in for many years the home of the RECORD Except for non-resident Cana- entitle the taxpayer to a full is deemed contributed by him to possession of William H. Os- late Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Becraft, dian chizens, most non-resident $600 exemption for 1966. his own support. Gordon E. Banaslk, Publisher born," its valuation was placed and the late Mrs. Leora Moody aliens do not qualify as depend- In addition to close relatives, Carol J. Banaslk, Editor Costs of education are part of at $450. Geisler was born there 77 years ents even if they meet the four the law provides that a taxpayer support. This includes tuitioo, Pearl Playford Description of J. W. Redding's ago. The last owner of the prop- $3.00 a year In Advance testr previously stated. More- may claim as a dependent an board and uniforms. Private property reads like this: "'Lot erty was the late Dr. J. W. and for Berrien and Van Buren 1 over, a taxpayer is allowed only individual who has as his princ- school tuition is included even in Watervliet, Section 23. Bound- Mrs. Gunn. Counties. one exemption for a dependent ipal place of residence the home though free public schools art Juno 8, 1961 William R. Stickney, Austin Bea- ed by Main street, north by lot Dr. Tucker, aside from being $3.50 Elsewhere. even if that dependent is blind of the taxpayer and who is a avalable. Scholarship paymenU man, J. Cargill, A. Pitcher, J. L. owned by J. Warman and east a physician of medicine, was Dial IN 3-3461 or over 65 years of age.
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